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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 65

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “Don’t tell me what to do, slut,” he took my hands and swiftly pinned them above my hand. “Keep them up here...or I’ll stop.”

  “O-okay...” I whimpered, helpless but to obey his command.

  He smirked, “That’s a good girl.”

  I nodded, relishing in my new submissive role, and watched as he finally moved to my breasts. My body went alive as though I’d been struck by lightning, and I gasped as his lips found purchase on my nipple and he began to run his tongue over the sensitive bud. As he did this, his other hand began to play with my other breast, his fingers tugging and rubbing the other nipple as he continued to lick and suck my nipple. Though it was the same thing Brent had been doing when he’d caught us, it was somehow so different—somehow so much better—with Kade doing it. I cried out in pleasure as he continued to play with my breasts. After a moment, he moved up and twisted me around, yanking my pajamas off as he did and pressing my face into my pillow as he pressed his erection against my ass.

  “I-is that...?” I gasped.

  “It sure is, sis,” he teased. “You didn’t think I was in here just to kiss your tits, did you?” He chuckled, “You’d let me do anything to you right now, wouldn’t you?” he growled in my ear. “Spread your legs for me! Show me everything!”

  I gasped as my body immediately did what it was told and I shivered in pleasure. It was like my body was no longer mine to control, and that was exactly what I wanted. I was exposed and vulnerable, and yet every part of my body tingled with a strange sense of empowerment as I handed complete control to Kade. Opening myself to him, I trembled with the excitement at what he would do next.

  “Do you want me to touch your pretty little pussy? Tell me or I wont!” he commanded.

  “Ah! Yes, Kade!” I blushed.

  “Yes, what?” his voice caused even more shivers to run down my back.

  “Yes! Touch my pussy, please!” I cried out.

  His hold gentled slightly as he moved down my body, and I cried out as he slid a finger deep into my heated walls. He groaned, pushing harder and faster, the sounds of my sex created an even more erotic sensation for me as he continued to finger me. I felt my release already growing and I cried out, beginning to climax around his finger.

  “Already? Jeez! You little slut! I didn’t tell you you could come!” he taunted as he slipped his finger slip out of me. “You came so easily! I mean, I barely even touched you!”

  “Pl-please! Don’t stop!” I bit my lip, still quaking from the tremors echoing from my pussy. But it still wasn’t enough.

  “I’ll do as I please,” he growled, nipping at my neck.

  I heard him begin to pull his pants off and I glanced back, getting a glimpse of his cock. Though I wasn’t terribly experienced, I’d thought I’d gotten a decent idea of what men were packing, but this... this scared me. I watched as he pulled out a condom with “XXL” printed on the shiny black wrapper.

  “It... it’s so big!” I whimpered.

  “Oh? Is my little slut getting scared? You want me to stop?” he smirked, tearing open the wrapper without waiting for an answer and beginning to slip the condom on. “Now’s your chance, sis: you can tell me to stop now...” he chuckled, pressing the tip to my sopping entrance, “or tell me how bad my slutty stepsister wants this dick!”

  “OH!” I cried out, a small orgasm tearing through my body at the promise of him. There was no denying him at that point, and I buried my face into the pillow and wagged my ass in an invitation as I chanted: “I want your cock inside me, Kade! Give it to me, please!”

  With that, he shoved his cock deep inside me, beginning to thrust hard. I cried out at the rough way he fucked me, his cock slamming deep in my walls. While I knew I shouldn't have enjoyed my stepbrother using me as his personal plaything, I couldn't help the desire that flooded me as he fucked me.

  “Come for me,” he growled, pounding deeper inside me. “We both know how easy it is for you! So let me see you come on my dick!”

  He moved his hand around to cover my mouth as I arched my head back, crying out in pleasure as I began to come. His control coiled around my body as it betrayed me, coming instantly from a simple command. As he continued to piston inside me, I felt another release explode through me as he found his own release, his hand winding through my hair and pressing my face into the pillow as he grunted; his throbbing mass flexing over and over inside me like an enraged animal. After a moment of him holding me in position, he settled—his hold on me lifting and allowing me to turn around—and he peeled the used condom from his glistening length and dropped it on my belly.

  “Thanks for the pussy, slut,” he smirked, pulling his pants back up and I blushed with the realization that he hadn’t even fully undressed.

  The sheer embarrassment that flooded me was too much and I fell back against the bed, not even looking as he left the room.

  What had I become?

  Part Two

  It had been a week since the incident with Kade and the beginning of his avoidance of me. I sighed, testing my healed ankle as I stepped downstairs to get something to snack on. Though there was still some soreness, it didn’t bother me too much. The bedrest had done a lot of good, not only for the ankle but also for giving me an excuse to not face Kade. That was for the better, I supposed, since I didn’t know how to react to what had happened anyway.

  I bit my lip as I heard the doorbell ring. Looking around, I noticed my parents still hadn’t gotten home from work and, from the looks of things, Kade wasn’t around either. I stepped over and opened the door, finding myself greeted by Brent and a GET WELL SOON balloon. I chuckled at the gift and grinned at him.

  “You got this at the perfect moment,” I gave a pose to emphasize me standing upright before offering my ankle a wiggle for emphasis.

  It took all my control to hide the wince from the lingering pain, though I was certain he caught sight of it still.

  “Well, at least you’re better,” he said with a smile as he handed me the balloon. “That’s the important thing.”

  “I’m actually glad you’re here,” I bit my lip, turning the conversation serious. “I needed to talk to you...”

  Noticing the shift, his shoulders slumped and he took a small step away from the threshold of the door. I watched as a wave of sadness took hold of his smile, though he somehow maintained it, and he gave me a knowing nod.

  “You’re breaking up with me, right?” he sighed. “I knew something like this was going to happen.”

  “Brent, I’m sorry. I... I just think it’s just better that we stay friends,” I said, reminding myself again that I was not doing this just because of Kade.

  Brent was a good guy, but he just wasn't the right one for me. While the situation with Kade was completely separate from this and I’d deal with him when the time came, Brent deserved someone better.

  Brent turned to me and forced a smile, nodding. “Of course. You’re not going to lose me as a friend,” he said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Though I should probably go.”

  “You don’t have to...” I frowned.

  “Come on. At least give me a moment to get over this and collect myself, okay?” he chuckled weakly and smiled back at me. “I’ll come around soon. Promise.”

  I could only nod as he turned to leave.

  After closing the door, I turned to start for the kitchen again, my rumbling stomach reminding me that I hadn’t eaten, before Kade stepped in front of me. His eyes were just as cold and he slammed me into the wall near the entrance.

  “Why would you break up with him?” my stepbrother narrowed his eyes. “Is this some sort of fucked-up attempt to get with me?”

  “Is that what you think?” I glared back, “Look, Kade, you caught me before. I get that I have an attraction to you that needs to be remedied, but don’t flatter yourself any more than you already have. What I feel for you is wrong, but I was already planning to break it off with him.”

  “You want me to believe that? T
he way your body is leaning to me even now?” he scoffed and grinned at me. “You can’t get enough of me, can you, slut?”

  “What do you want, hmm?” I demanded. “One minute you insult me for being attracted to you and then the next you seem to be reveling in it! Does confusing me get you off or something!”

  “You don’t know a thing about confusion,” he grabbed my wrists and forced my arms over my head, “or about what gets me off!”

  “K-Kade! Stop! You’re hurting me!” I cried out, feeling the arousal betray my words even then.

  “My, my. You are perverted, aren’t you, Mina! You really do enjoy this sort of treatment, don’t you?” he chuckled. “You some kind of sadist; do you crave this sort of treatment?”

  He leaned in and slammed his lips against mine, his body pressing my back to the wall as he tightened his grip on my wrists as I struggled to free them and wrap my arms around him. I moaned against his mouth, kissing him back, helpless to say a word or even pretend to struggle. After a moment of letting me push back against him and mewl like some kind of sex-starved nympho, he moved to free one of his hands—pinning both of my wrists against the wall with his palm—and reached under my shirt. The feel of his fingers as they grazed my navel and worked their way upward were like tiny shocks of electricity. Then he found my nipple...

  The feeling of his rough twisting scorched my insides, and I had to fight to hold back the moan that threatened to slip past my lips. My breasts felt suddenly heavy under the assault, each one desperately wanting his assault on my nipples to relieve the burden and give me more of the tight knots that the pain tied in my stomach.

  I don’t want to like his touch.

  I shouldn't like his touch.

  But his touch scalds me so right.

  Then, walking his fingers down my belly, he worked his hand past the waistband of my pants and worked ever downward until his electrifying touch found my clit. I gasped at the contact, every nerve in my body burning electric as he rolled his fingers roughly against me. My breathless murmurs and occasional shrill whimpers became an all-out howl as he slipped three fingers inside me. He worked my insides for a moment, making sure we both knew how much I was loving it and bringing me right to the edge before he pulled away and sneered; his eyes suddenly filled with hatred.

  “Just some abuse-loving slut! I knew it, and there’s no denying it now!” he growled. “You make me sick!”

  I froze, biting my lip. Embarrassment of another sort, a sort that didn’t have me swooning or wanting more, assaulted my senses and made me want to throw up. Hurrying out of the room, I threw on my shoes before rushing out of the house, not even sure where I planned to go. The only place I could think of going was Jace’s and even then, I wasn't sure how he’d react with me showing up. As rain began to pelt down on my body, I realized there was no other choice.

  THERE WASN’T A DRY spot on me by the time I made it to Jace’s. Reaching his door, I could feel my body weakening from the walk and the chilled air... and the fear of what would happen next. I pressed my hand to the door, holding it there for a moment before I finally knocked twice.

  Damn... I could still feel the orgasm Kade had nearly given me lingering.

  “Coming!” I could hear Jace’s voice on the other side of the door.

  I could hear him unlocking the door and, after a moment, he opened it and gasped as I fell against him. Shivering, I tried to steady myself, realizing (too late) how numb I was from the cold. Then I fell to my knees, stammering. Kneeling down, he quickly scooped me up and brought me inside.

  “Mina? Jesus H. Christ, what happened to you?” he frowned. “You couldn’t have brought an umbrella or something?”

  “I... I d-d-don't want... t-to go home...” I whimpered, struggling to talk around numbed lips and looking up into his caring green eyes—so different from his brother’s. “Can... can I stay with you... please?”

  “Of course you can. Now come on, let’s get you dry and then we can talk about whatever’s happened to put you in this state,” he said, finally setting me down beside the bathroom and moving to work the shower and a cloud of steam began to fill the small room.

  From my angle, I could see that Jace really did resemble Kade, but while Kade was covered in tattoos and seemed to carry a scowl on his entire body, Jace had none of that. Well, none that I could see, anyway, though the hardened contours will still there. Jace’s hair was shorter than Kade’s and cropped closer to his scalp, which gave him a much older appearance than his twin. I bit my lip, wishing that, of my two stepbrothers, he was the one I was living with and having this awkward attraction with.

  At least Jace would’ve been kind and finished...

  I stopped myself when I realized how bad that sounded... even in my own head.

  “I really don’t think I can go home again,” I confessed, looking down.

  “So what happened? Did Kade do something? Did he hurt you?” he turned back and I could feel his gaze on me.

  Not enough, the thought jumped into my head before I could tell myself not to go there, and, looking up, found myself trapped by his eyes.

  I couldn’t break the gaze, and I realized (too late... again) that my body had betrayed me once more. I couldn’t tell if it was the lingering traces of want that Kade had left in me or if Jace was stirring up all new feelings of want, but, as he leaned forward to help me towards the shower, I found myself leaning forward as well for a totally different reason. I knew he meant well—I knew he just wanted to help me into the bathroom so he could leave me to warm up alone—but I suddenly needed to feel his lips against mine. As our faces neared to mere inches apart, Jace quickly turned away to finish setting up my bath.

  “You can go ahead and take your bath. I’ll get some dry clothes for you, though they might be a bit baggy on you,” he offered. Then, without even a sparing glance, he stepped out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

  Great, I thought. Come here to get over an ‘unwanted’ sexual advance just to extend one of my own. Talk about adding insult to injury...

  I really was in a fucked up situation.

  I sighed, stripping my wet clothes off and moved into the bath, wincing at the feel of the hot water against my freezing body. What was once too scalding and painful, however, turned into something I felt like I couldn’t live without (story of my life), and I lowered myself into the water with a satisfied groan. Leaning my head back I tried to make sense of my emotions...and only ended up more confused.

  What was I going to do? I was attracted to BOTH brothers and for completely different reasons. Kade was power, raw and uncaged, and he dominated me in ways I never knew I wanted; touched me in ways I never knew I wanted. Jace, however, seemed so reserved and docile, and I realized as my fantasies ran rampant that I wanted to dominate him; I’d be in power, and the idea of having power and seeing Jace writhe beneath me...

  I trembled and suddenly realized that I was touching myself. My left hand was squeezing my breast—tugging and twisting on my nipple—with the same ferocity that Kade had shown earlier as I delved my fingers inside of myself, seeking out the orgasm I’d been refused. Pulling away and scolding myself, I tried to occupy my mind with cleaning my body to ignore my dirty mind. After I was done, I drained the tub and stepped out right as Jace, wearing only a pair of silk pajama bottoms, was setting some fresh clothes and towels at the door.

  “Ah! Sorry!” Jace blushed and turned away.

  Jace was fresh from military school, and it showed from the sheer size of his body. Kade’s physique came from playing basketball and working on his motorcycle and having lots and lots of sex. Jace’s body, however, was the product of actual work. He was so hardened by training and conditioning, but his reaction to me—to my naked body just then—made me wonder if he’d ever seen a naked woman before.

  Was it possible he was a virgin?

  “What did you say?” he frowned.

  “Di-did I just say that out loud?” I gasped. “J-Jace... I’m s
o sorry!”

  “It’s... okay” he sighed. “I guess that reaction was sort of childish... And, if it’s so important for you to know... yes, I am.”

  “Really? How? I mean... but you are so good looking!” I bit my lip again.

  Dammit! I couldn’t get anything out right.

  “I just put all my attention into my career,” he shrugged, holding out one of the towels. I took it and, after letting me wrap myself up, he turned to face me. “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I’ve been preoccupied since getting back. I haven’t had a chance to meet anybody yet.”

  The way his eyes met mine caused an increasingly expected reaction inside of me; deep, deep inside of me. His eyes seemed to be searching for something, and I desperately wanted to be that something. Then, as though I’d been hit by lightning, I suddenly knew the answer. I may not have had any control with Kade, but I could have the control here, and it seemed like what we both needed at that moment. I could take control and dominate Jace and give him what he wanted. Even if he didn’t know yet that it was what he wanted.

  Was this how Kade felt?

  Moving my arms, I let the towel fall and, before Jace could turn away again, I grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to watch me. He stared for a moment, confusion masking his expression as his eyes danced across my body, and then I watched a fire grow in his gaze. Then I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him, and I was willing to give him everything. He was so different from Kade, someone I should want. Someone I should desire... and dammit, I did desire him!

  “Can I touch you?” I asked him, my voice a husky murmur.

  He paused for a moment and I waited anxiously for his answer, the pause creating a nervousness inside me that started to shatter my fantasy of dominating him. Kade never asked, never waited or gazed longingly; he simply took what he wanted and left me feeling like a willing pet panting over a bone.

  So I’d play it Kade’s way.

  I smirked, not waiting for an answer, and stepped forward, pressing my naked, wet body against his chiseled, bare chest. He started to stammer, and I leaned up to silence any protests with a kiss so powerful it surprised even me.


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