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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 79

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Is that all she’s got? I would have eaten this chick alive back at Luther.

  “Are you sure about the not?” a familiar male voice interrupted. “Frankie, Minnie, we have two extra seats at our table.”

  I met Howler’s gaze and he smirked knowingly. “If want to join us, of course.”

  Minnie’s mouth dropped, forming an O. I was glad we weren’t outside. She’d be swallowing flies.

  “Are you sure Joey is cool with us invading his space? I’m not his favorite person,” I challenged Howler’s offer, unwilling to trust any of them that easily.

  Lacey made a show of pushing out her purchased tits. “It’s Phantom, and we were going to —”

  “Sit somewhere else,” Howler finished for her. She gaped. But he stared at me, waiting for an answer.

  “No, it’s fine. We wouldn’t want to mix up the seating arrangements, right, Minnie?” Please take the bait, I silently pleaded with my eyes.

  “Frankie’s right. Thanks for the offer but the sun calls.”

  I would have skipped the whole thank you part. But otherwise my roommate pulled off the perfect rejection.

  “See ya.” I smiled brightly and tugged Minnie’s arm. She was still staring at Howler. I was afraid she might drool if we didn’t make our exit.

  “Later, for sure.” He stalked off leaving Lacey looking lost.

  I didn’t wait to see if she followed Howler, and I fought the urge to look back at Joey. I couldn’t imagine him approving of Howler’s invite.

  And the gesture didn’t fool me. They were up to something. I needed to find out what and why.


  “Luna, up girl.” I knew she didn’t need to go outside yet, but I was curious. Frankie was an anomaly.

  She’d refused Howler’s offer, an offer that would have given her a chance to be at the top of Randall’s food chain, not an easy position for a new student to reach.

  “Already?” Phantom questioned. He knew my dog’s schedule almost as well as I did.

  “She’s been drinking more water.” I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to lie, but I didn’t want anyone tagging along. “And the stench is getting to me.”

  He grunted and continued eating.

  Lacey and her over-perfumed friends had ended up at our table as usual, eager to be seen with us. I couldn’t figure out why the other guys put up with their shallow bullshit. I couldn’t handle their competing fragrances.

  “Come on, girl.” Luna shook her whole body like she’d been under water before standing at attention.

  “You want some company?” Celeste, Lacey’s most dedicated follower, started to rise.

  Just because I’d letter her suck my cock one night at a party, she thought I wanted more. Blowjobs were one thing. I didn’t put my dick where everyone else had been. “I’m good.”

  I didn’t need to see to imagine the disappointment reflected on Celeste’s face.

  Luna growled, somehow aware of my disdain. She led me through the crowded lunchroom without incident. Not that anyone would dare get in my way even if she wasn’t performing her job.

  We jogged down the steps together. There were seven. I’d memorized the entrance architecture on my first visit.

  The sun on my face felt good. Sun in Oregon wasn’t guaranteed. Rain was. Thankfully, the summer temperatures were lingering, a reminder of how much I missed Upolu. As Samoan and French, I always drew attention. My heritage was important and I loved my island, but I couldn’t return home, not yet.

  Besides, I had a great thing going with Shane. Writing songs and creating art for him was a gig I enjoyed. One more year of this fucking academy and we could make our move to LA.

  “Hi, Roman!” I recognized Frankie’s voice after just one conversation. “And hello, Luna. Oh crap. She’s working.”

  I could tell exactly where they were sitting. There was a bench just below the stairs, to the right. I’d chilled in the same spot a time or two.

  “She is working, but I’m not as firm as I should be. And you never got to pet her. Are you still interested?” What was it about this girl that made me want to please her? She’d been in our world a day and was already turning everything upside down.

  For some reason, Phantom’s biker brethren had him stalking her. And all I knew was what Howler had said, which wasn’t a whole lot. She’d pissed off the wrong people and had to pay. That could mean any number of things. What people? How far would Phantom go? Those questions hadn’t been answered to my satisfaction.

  I was usually up for whatever the guys had going, but destroying a girl’s life without knowing why wasn’t my thing.

  I felt her approach. “Will she let me touch her?”

  “Luna will do what I ask. Sit,” I commanded. She obeyed, tail wagging. “Frankie’s gonna pet you.”

  “Now?” she asked.

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  The air shifted and Luna’s tail wagged even harder.

  “I’m petting a wolf,” she whisper-squealed, her excitement obvious.

  “You are.”

  “Can I?” Minnie, who rarely spoke, found her voice.

  “Go on,” I chuckled.

  “Why are you so nice and your friends are such assholes?” Frankie asked, catching me off guard.

  “Who says I’m nice?” I wasn’t a nice guy. I wasn’t even allowed on my island. But she didn’t know that.

  She inhaled. “I’m a good judge of character. We all do stupid shit, sometimes bad shit. But you’re good people. I know it.”

  I hoped whatever Phantom was up to wouldn’t force me to change her opinion. Knowing Francesca Allen thought I was a good guy made me feel like maybe I could be.


  Mr. Michaels droned on about the central nervous system and brain functions while I struggled to keep my eyes off Francesca Allen.

  Frankie. I preferred the nickname.

  Something about the new girl Phantom wanted to raze had me hooked. And I didn’t get hooked. Not on girls,, maybe. But despite my disinterest in random hookups, women of all ages had been chasing me hard since my first song charted.

  My personal assistant managed my social media accounts, so I avoided a lot of crazy online shit. But, on occasion, I’d visit my sites, for the hell of it. The pictures and sexual offers I received were un-fucking-believable. Fame makes females go crazy. Give them a famous and halfway decent looking guy and they turned feral, eager to sink their teeth in.

  I wasn’t opposed to a night of sexual debauchery, but I was selective, unlike Howler, who dropped his pants for any girl ready to suck him off. The biker lifestyle had given both him and Phantom ample opportunities to get laid often.

  Their MC owned some high-class strip club and BDSM dungeon. And from what they’d shared, the club’s compound had parties with women prepared to do anything on demand. Club whores, Phantom called them, comparing them to groupies hot for bikers. He’d been enjoying the club benefits, including the women, since he was fifteen; Howler, too.

  I’d been to one of their parties, but the members kicked us out before things heated up. I’d seen the women waiting in the wings, though.

  “Mr. Williams, are you writing songs back there?”

  I blinked rapidly and met my teacher’s glare. “Uh, sorry. No. I was thinking about brains. How interesting human brains are.”

  A few girls giggled.

  “I see. Would you care to elaborate?”

  “No. Not really. My thoughts are too profound and deep.” I kept my expression serious. I always played the clown when called out on my wandering attention span.

  Writing music and video games were the only things I could stay focused on. Otherwise, I zoned out. Without Minnie Michaels’ willingness to share her father’s exam questions in advance, I’d be screwed.

  The biology guru scowled but didn’t engage with me. “Moving on. You’ll break into teams of two for this first project.”

  I half listened as he assigned partne
rs and everyone shuffled seats. A new song idea had decided to pop into my head when he’d mentioned me writing music. I couldn’t wait to get Roman onboard.

  “Francesca Allen and Shane Williams.” I shook my head and looked up, the song temporarily forgotten.

  It hit me then I was alone at my table and Frankie was already moving my direction. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her legs. The fishnet stockings hugged her thighs, making me wonder what she was hiding under her pleated skirt. Did she shave completely or have a tidy landing strip? My tongue wanted to know...wanted to taste.

  “Hey,” she said, drawing my gaze up. “I guess we’re partners.”

  “Yeah, cool. Have a seat.” She didn’t hesitate, and her sweet smell was enough to make my dick wake up even more. I closed my eyes and inhaled. I needed a cold shower.

  “Are you going to be an asshole, too?”

  It took me a second to realize she was referring to Phantom. “Wasn’t planning on it.”

  “That’s a relief. I’ve had enough asshole attitudes for one day.” She turned to study my face, her gaze sliding over my tattoos and piercings.

  “I’m not a gang member.” I was always being judged for my facial tattoo, an extension of the artwork that started at my ankle and ran the length of my body, up my neck and cheek, ending behind my ear.

  She shot me a puzzled look. “Where did you get gang member? You’re a musician, right?”

  “Never mind.” I glanced at our handout, suddenly uncomfortable. What the hell was it about this girl? My defenses were up along with my dick.

  “I thought you said you weren’t an asshole.”

  I forced my gaze to meet hers and found myself drowning in twin seas of blue. Her eyes were the brightest I’d ever seen. She didn’t look away, but trembled slightly before composing herself and giving me a smug little grin that had my cock straining against the zipper.

  What the fuck?

  My loyalty was to Phantom. I would always support my brothers first. But damn if Francesca Allen wasn’t going to test that loyalty.


  I stared at the ceiling and ignored Minnie’s off-tune shower rendition of Beyonce’s Single Ladies. My roommate was such a geek, but she was my geek.

  Replaying my first day at Randall, I considered what I’d learned. I’d been right about the four kings. They ruled the school with Reggie’s group as backup. I couldn’t figure out what kept Reggie from challenging their reign, considering he was an alpha himself.

  I’d find out, though. Knowledge was power, and I intended to learn as much as I could.

  Lacey and her bitch squad were the queens, and they wore their crowns with pride. Like I’d been at Luther, Lacey was unrelenting in her need to stay on top. I wondered exactly how far she’d go to keep that crown in place. From what I’d seen, under her bitch exterior, she was a scared little girl, hungry for attention.

  What does that make you? my annoying inner voice chimed in.

  Maybe I had been scared...maybe I still was. Regardless, getting through this final school year and graduating, while proving my parents wrong, would happen scared or not. I’d have to be creative. I couldn’t resurrect the slap-down, not if I wanted to meet those goals.

  I’d just need to fly under the radar. Keep my head down and study hard. It wasn’t going to be easy with Phantom and Lacey both gunning for my failure.

  Lacey, I understood. She was just an insecure bitch. Phantom and his guys were anything but insecure. Why they had it out for me was a mystery to be solved.

  Roman and Shane had been okay, flirty even. Howler was Phantom’s bestfriend. And Minnie was panting for him. We’d have to talk about loyalty. As it stood, if that boy asked for something, she’d hand it to him on a silver platter, maybe even my head if he asked nicely.

  “You asleep?”

  I hadn’t heard the shower turn off or the singing stop. “Wide awake. Just reviewing our first day. Planning for tomorrow.”

  “Oh. My. God! Over all, I think today was a success,” she chattered excitedly. “Other than you refusing to sit with the guys. But I understand why you said no. Actually, I don’t understand. Why didn’t you accept Howler’s invitation? That would have kept any bullies off our backs.”

  If she only knew the worst bully of them all was lounged on the bed beside her... How would she feel then?

  I pushed that thought away and answered her question. “You’re too innocent. They’re for sure up to something. Joey...I mean, Phantom, has an agenda. He wants me out of here and I have no clue why. We need to find out his motive before we start hanging out with his friends.”

  “How does he even know you? I don’t understand.” She plopped on her bed and pulled out a brush, going to work on her hair.

  “I don’t either. That’s why we’re in the research and recon stage. No matter how hot those boys are, they’re trouble. We can’t trust them. It’s us before them. Can you stick to that?” I pushed up and plumped my pillows behind me. I needed to see her face as much as hear her answer.

  “So, if Howler asks me out, I have to say no?”

  “Not exactly. You should go, but don’t say a word about me or our plans to find out what they’re up to. Use the opportunity and see what you can find out. Play detective.” I had to spell it out precisely. Minnie was far too naive for her own good and definitely for mine.

  “I’m a spy. Got it. The hottest guys in the school cannot be trusted.”

  I laughed. “That’s about it. Hungry?” I was dreading another trip to the cafeteria.

  “I have access to my dad’s car if you want to eat dinner off campus.”

  “You didn’t tell me about the car.” My new friend was full of surprises. I’d falsely believed we were trapped. “So, your dad lets you use it whenever?”

  “Of course! I’m his little angel.” She winked at me. “But I have a feeling hanging around you will lead to wing loss.”

  “I promise you can keep your wings.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. “Do you have the key?”

  “My own set.” She dug in her purse and flashed a glittery ring with multiple keys attached.

  “How well do you know Portland?” Our school was about thirty miles east from the city and I’d only visited once as a child. I hoped Minnie could navigate.

  “I thought we’d go into Cherry Creek tonight. It’s closer. Portland is more a weekend trip. Curfew creeps up fast.”

  I’d forgotten about curfew and the fact some students weren’t allowed to leave campus at all. Thankfully, I’d somehow avoided that restriction. My parents assumed no car would keep me stranded. They should have remembered how resourceful I could be.

  “You’re the driver. Just feed me!” I was already pulling my hair into a ponytail. I’d been too nervous and distracted to eat at lunch. I intended to make up for that skipped meal now.

  Chapter Five

  Phantom (Joey)

  Why couldn’t Howler take things seriously? I watched as he dipped a fry into his shake, a habit he’d hung onto since we were kids. He slanted his eyes to check out our waitress, a cute girl with nice tits.

  “You’re not giving up any details?” Roman pressed. “Seriously, man. Why are you after Frankie? She was a bully and got expelled. So fucking what? There are other students who’ve done far worse to earn their place at Randall.”

  I slammed my beer down. The Cherry Creek diner served beer and wine, and they never carded us. Our classmates didn’t receive the same treatment. Something I’d never really questioned. I was used to getting what I wanted. And right now I wanted my brothers to get on track with my plan to take down Francesca Allen.

  It was like she’d bewitched them all, even Roman. After one day they were questioning my authority. Not that they hadn’t done so in the past, but this was different. This was my most important job for the club. I wanted my fucking patch.

  Shane finished his beer and gave me a hard stare. “She’s my biology partner. She told me she was sick of

  Howler chuckled. “She’s different. I like her. I’m gonna fuck her friend, by the way. I hope she’s not off limits.”

  Old-fashioned bells announced the door opening and admitting a new wave of customers, stopping my scathing reply.

  Holy fuck. Even in yoga pants, an oversized t-shirt, hair up, and wearing those damn combat boots, Francesca Allen stole my sanity.

  She sauntered in like she owned the place, laughing at something Minnie said. “This reminds me of a diner back home,” she said, taking in the décor. “Everyone was too stuck up and too hung up on health food to eat there.”

  “Why are you slumming then?” I growled mostly to myself.

  “Excuse me?” she snipped, turning her attention to our table. “What is your problem?”

  “Minnie, order your food and sit down. Francesca Allen, outside. Let’s talk.”

  She raised a sculpted brow. The other patrons had stopped eating to watch our exchange. I didn’t blame them. I’d be watching, too.

  “I think I’ll pass. I’m hungry and grouchy. And, I don’t like you.” She reached for a menu.

  Shane had the nerve to laugh. I glared in his direction before standing. I didn’t give anyone time to react, stomping over to my mouthy target’s side and grabbing her arm.

  Leaning down, I hissed, “Outside. Now. Unless you want Minnie and everyone in this restaurant to know about your past crimes.” Like Roman had pointed out, her bullying wasn’t that shocking, not really. But it was enough to earn her pariah status at school. No one liked a bully.

  She glared at me and tossed the menu on the counter. “Five minutes.” She turned back to Minnie. “If I’m not back in five minutes, call the police.”

  I pushed through door and didn’t look back, trusting she’d be right behind me.


  Along with the country décor, I’d noticed the royal foursome the minute we’d walked inside the quaint diner.

  Phantom presiding over his subjects was not a sight anyone would miss. Four hotter than Hades bad boys in all their masculine glory had that panty melting effect, making any female in their vicinity vulnerable.


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