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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 97

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Thoughts of the steaks made my mouth water but I had to get out of town as fast as I could before my absence was noted and I was brought back home. Leaning the back of my head against the head rest I closed my eyes just for a moment. Remembering my mother who had died when I was ten in a car accident, a rival gang had pushed her car in front of a train. Dad had kept me close after that, having me homeschooled until it was time for university. But I was only allowed six months of that dream.

  Lifting my head up I stiffened my back and started my car beginning my journey again.

  Exhausted I pulled into some dive motel in a bodunk town that I had never heard of. Twelve plus hours of driving with only stops for potty breaks and meals. I was done. Stick a fork in me done. Throwing the door open I stretched my back as I scanned the empty parking lot with weeds growing in the black driveway. God I wished I could drive one more mile to another town but I couldn’t even drive the forty to the next and this was the only motel in this town.

  Slamming the door shut I clicked the lock and made my way over the the hanging sign that said office. The hanging sign that hung sideways. Glancing around me I frowned biting my lip and thinking maybe I’d be better off spending the night in my car in front of the one cop police station I passed by. At least then I’d know I was safe. Kind of. And who knew what kind of bugs was in those rooms. I shuddered and turned to go back to my car when my bicep was grabbed in a tight hold, “stupid bitch. I’ve been following you since you left your daddy’s place and you never noticed. Puta.”

  I swung my arm around to stab him with my keys and opened my mouth to scream but he shoved a dirty towel or something over my face and breathed in something acrid and chemical. I tried to cough but all there was was the towel. My legs weakened and my sight became dark as he said in my ear his breath wafted across my cheek of onions and garlic, “Carlos will reward me well for bringing you in. I think I’ll demand a million bucks for you.”

  He grabbed at my breast mauling the flesh as he yanked at my nipple in a semblance of trying to get me off. My head fell back as my only thoughts were I hope he doesn’t rape me.

  “BOSS I’VE GOT HER. Who? Your bride to be. I was watchin’ her for you and there was a reason. She tried to skip town. Yup. Snuck out and drove almost out of state but I’ve got her. Yup. Right here. Huh? Really not far from you at all. You know that old cabin off State Route 10? Yeah. That one. Yeah, you took me here one time. No, no. That other guy. The blond that tried to stiff you the money on those guns. Yeah. Marty. I think that was him. Well, anyways I have her here. Gave her some juice so she’d sleep and not me any trouble. Yup. Still asleep. Ah ha. Okay. We’ll wait for you. I’ll see if she’s awake yet. No, no. I’ll leave her alone. Touch your bride to be? Haha. I’d like to keep my dick thanks. Hahaha. See you in a few.”

  The sharp plink of something hitting, maybe a table made me squint an eye open. “F...I don’t need any ass...tellin’ do. If I want a piece of that fine ass I will.” As he got closer his words got clearer.

  I closed my eye again as the heavy tread of his shoes stopped in front of the doorway of the room I was in.

  Breathe in and out. Slow. I commanded myself. Appear asleep. Even breaths.

  His footsteps thudded closer but would stop after a step or two. I continued breathing evenly. Nothing scary. Breathe slow.

  Fingers trailed up my bare leg almost jerking the limb at his sweaty touch. I couldn’t stop myself anymore, my eyes flying open as his hand smoothed up the inside of my thigh. My legs kicked out smacking him in the face with one foot, his head jerking backward. On my hands and knees I scrambled away off the grubby blankets I had been lying on.

  His dark eyes lazered on my face, his lips drawn away from his teeth in a snarl. His hand whipped out to grasp my ankle in a tight hold, his fingers almost crushing the bone.

  My leg kicked out again but this time he was ready dodging his body away yanking me toward him close enough to grab my wrist with his other hand to pull me closer. Flush against his body his fetid breath brushing against my cheek as his mouth sought to meld with mine. Bile rose at the foul odor wafting out and I turned my head away in an effort to evade him.

  Not going to allow that bit of power he loosened his grip on my ankle to grip my chin tightly turning my face to him. I wasn’t the daughter of the Italian Mafia King and future bride of the Mexican Mafia King for nothing, as his mouth sought mine again I opened my mouth and took his bottom lip between my teeth biting down as hard as I could which earned me a hard slap to the side of my head.

  Dizzy, the side of my face continued to blossom with pain as double vision made me hunch over to try and vomit the contents of my empty stomach. Dry heaving I raised up to hands and knees to his screams of pain. Reaching a wall I used the surface to lean against to slowly raise myself up to standing. Although wobbly.

  Bending at the waist I vomited, my whole body gagging at the violence of the urge. My arms outstretched I bumbled on my feet trying to find the door continuing to see two walls and two doors. Which one was the right one? He must have given me a concussion.

  A blow to my back made me plummet face first to the floor my hands barely able to cover my face to keep from eating the dirt.

  Crying at the pain from the side of my head and now the heels of my hands the crashing of splintered wood entered my consciousness as my kidnapper made new cries of pain.



  BOLDLY STRIDING TO the porch steps a cry of pain assailed my ears which made me propel myself through the sturdy front door with enough momentum to crash through. In front of me a pile of limbs thrashed about taking me a minute to sort out which belonged to who.

  Ascertaining which body belonged to Ryan Jennings, the asshole degenerate that worked for me, my hand reached out grabbing him by the hair at the back of his head yanking him off Ginevra and red clouded my vision at the bruises covering the side of her face.

  Dragging him over to me I tugged my pistol from where I had tucked the gun into the special holster I had positioned low on my back. The gun slid easily into my hand that I held against Ryan’s temple. It would be so easy to just pull the trigger and end all of this. End him for touching my female. I had never even met her and I wanted her.

  “So amigo. You touch my woman si?” I slid the barrel of the gun against his temple down to his cheek so he would never forget the cold steel against his face.

  “C..C...Carlos. Buddy. She...she tried to escape and I was trying to stop her. Yes. She attacked me. I was just defending myself. You believe me? Right Boss?” He had really got into this story he told. Almost believed it himself by the way his eyes shone and shifted.

  Ginevra shook her head at me but not saying a word as she placed a hand against the side of her face. Bruising appearing along her shapely shoulder down to her back where if there was any more it was hidden by her clothing. What clothing she had on.

  My hand stroked the barrel of the Beretta down his cheek to his neck where his jugular thrummed with his agitation.

  “Ah amigo. But I don’t believe you. You see this is the scenario I believe. You kidnapped the lovely young lady over there with your own salacious intentions, whether for yourself or to sell her. Am I getting close?” His head jerked and he choked, coughing so violently the gun almost went off.

  “No no Carlos. You have it wrong. I brought her here for you. When I saw here slip out the window I knew I had to keep watch on her. Ya know?” Underneath the ruddy complexion his face had gone pasty pale. He knew he had been caught and like a rat in a trap tried any way he could to escape. But he would not escape whether I killed him or let him go to see what other dealings he was involved in. Hum.

  Narrowing my eyes I studied his shifty expression deciding it might be in my best interests to let him go and have some of my best men watch him and his business investments.

  “Ah I see Ryan. You have my best interests at heart si?” With sudden swiftness I replaced the weapon back into
the harness, pounding on his back in manly togetherness.

  Leaving Ryan I stepped over to Ginevra my fingers gently trailing along her soft shoulder bypassing her neck to stroke along the bruising on her temple. She could have been killed by that blow.

  Yes there wasn’t a more deadly and violent man than me when needed but now was the time for clear headed thinking.

  The door slammed open making Ginevra jerk her head to the left to see Ryan running to his car beside the cabin.

  Her arm flew wide gesturing toward where he left, “he’s running away.”

  “I know I’m letting him get away.” I reached into my back pocket pulling out my phone one number reaching my guards.

  Ginevra stood from her position kneeling on the floor her fingers tangling as she held them in front of her. Where was the strong woman that had escaped from her father’s machination?

  “Come Ginevra. Sit so we can talk.” I motioned with my hand waving toward the small living area in front of the fireplace. I had paid every month for upkeep on this place and from the looks someone had been pocketing the money. Something else to peer into when I got back. But first to take care of my rebellious fiancé.

  She glanced at me as she gingerly walked to where I indicated at sat on the edge of a chair her hands folded primly in her lap.

  “I don’t know what beverages or...” lifting my lip glanced to the kitchen area, “how clean the glasses are. I have fallen down on my expectations on this cabin being kept like I had paid for. We might only have water but I know the water is clear and tastes fresh.”

  “Are...” she cleared her throat and started again, “are we going to stay here?”

  “For now. You don’t want your father to find you I assume and I want to know what Ryan Jennings plans are. I never completely trusted the little weasel but he could be useful at times for my illegal dealings.” As I talked I strode to the kitchen pulling open cabinet doors until I came to the dusty glasses.

  Grabbing them off the shelf I peered around trying to find a cleaning sponge or anything but there was nothing not even dishwashing soap. Disappointed in my ability to care for my guest I grunted as I washed the glasses with my hands but wasn’t satisfied at all with the end result. Not even a fucking paper towel.

  A fine-boned hand took a glass from mine so I slid my eyes to the side to stare at her dark brown eyes. With her hip she bumped mine to tell me to move over. Taking a step to the side I watched her graceful movements as she washed the glass vigorously with hot water on high to hand me one while she cleaned the other.

  Ginevra turned the handle until cold water blasted from the spigot letting it run for a minute until she filled the glasses. After handing me one we walked back to the living area for her to sit on the upholstered chair again and me on the loveseat facing her. Now for the talk. She must not be agreeable to the marriage arrangement. I’d have to talk her into it. War, drugs and gun running were not the way for a family to live and that was what I finally wanted. A family. Someone to leave my empire to one day. Who the wife would be really didn’t matter to me. A strategic wife was as good as any.

  As I sipped I studied her trying to discover her weak points and strong ones. I couldn’t see anything weak about her at all and that made a marriage between us even more advantageous. A strong woman would breed strong children.

  “Let me look to see if there’s any alcohol. I think we could both use it.” I scooted forward until my ass hung on the edge gazing at her expectantly.

  Ginevra blushed as if the idea of alcohol would take her straight to hell but she nodded as if interested.

  Standing I strolled back into the kitchen opening and closing doors and drawers until, hidden in the back of the pantry and dust encrusted bottle of moonshine. My Ginevra wouldn’t need much of this that was sure.

  “Found something. Could you dump the water in the glasses?” I called out.

  “Already on it.” She answered standing by the sink with two empty glasses in her hands a smile of nervous anticipation twisted her lips even as she bit at her bottom lip.

  Not wanting to get her completely sloshed I poured half an inch moonshine in her glass and a little extra into mine. I didn’t want to get drunk either especially since I was waiting for my guards to show up. On that note I pulled out my phone and observed I had a text waiting.

  Be there in a few. Almost done following Ryan. Interesting news for u.

  Now that worried me. What kind of interesting news. But first Ginevra.

  Lifting my eyebrows I waited for her to take her first sip. And she did her eyes widening as the burn hit her stomach into her lungs. But she didn’t cough. She held it in. Good girl. Tough girl. I wasn’t able to remember how old she was but by the looks of it, not very.

  I should get a fire going or start cleaning but there hadn’t been any food so I imagined no cleaning supplies. When the guards got here I’d have to send them for some then send them on their way. I didn’t need guards here only alone time for her.

  Her eyebrows lowered as she continued to gaze at me, dark chocolate brown eyes slitting into a glare the longer she peered at me.

  Someone needed a spanking and I’m the man to administer it. I liked her spunk but she wasn’t going to spend our lives together angry with our situation. Spankings would have to wait until the men left.

  A pounding on the door had me on my feet my gun out pointing forward. With my hand I motioned for her to go behind the bar and hide. Again with the glare but I turned my glare that had stronger men quailing and eager to do my bidding. Ginevra smirked at me. Stubborn.

  Pointing to the breakfast bar again my scowl should have had her quaking but instead she tipped her fingers to her forehead but did as I wanted ducking behind the wall of wood. Good.

  With one hand I flipped the lock and yanked the door open my Beretta pointed at face height tucked under one of my guards chin.

  His smile trembled at the ends unknowing my mood at the moment and what I would possible do to them.

  My hand holding the gun lowered but still pointed at my man’s abdomen. I wasn’t ready to trust him right now even though he worked for me for two years.

  “Boss we never found Ryan. Followed the directions you thought he might go and even went the opposite way but still no Ryan. What next?” Tom took a step back away from my gun knowing the space wouldn’t help his survival but he felt safer. His buddy Sam the same.

  A sigh of frustration left me but I turned away from them scrambling around the bar-top but there wasn’t a single thing that resembled a piece of paper. My phone.

  “Tom I’m going to email you a list of things I’ll need while I’m here. Get it. Bring it back here and then I’ll give you a list of where to look for Ryan. Get more men on it if you need them. I want him found. He’s into worse shit than I am and I don’t want to be associated with it.” I gave him a wad of bills following as he turned to leave with Sam a half-assed salute to his forehead a response to my orders. I had always gotten along well with Tom. We worked well together.

  Tom gave a sharp nod as he turned on point to stalk to the SUV with Sam. I turned on my heel to stare at the bar where Ginevra hid behind.

  We were alone again.



  WE WERE ALONE AGAIN. The two men’s voices clear as Carlos barked orders. Still on my hands and knees I lifted my upper body until I peered over the top of the bar. Like I thought. The two men were gone and Carlos strode over as I planted my legs under me to stand.

  I waited for him to speak to tell me what he planned for me. For us. And I readied myself to fight him every way I could. Carlos Castillo, a hard man that took control and twisted that control into what he could use.

  “We will have a nice vacation here and learn about each other. The wedding has already been arranged but considering circumstances now it is expedite. I had been talking to your father on the way here and he accidentally leaked the information that you were missing. He thought you
had been kidnapped not that you had run away. That thought had never occurred to him.” His lips tipped up at the corners in a small smile but his brown eyes brightened as if what I had done brought him pride.

  Strange that the possibility gave me pride.

  “I think we might make a good team Ginevra. But you need punishment for running away. That you will never do with me. I do not wish a yes wife but you will obey.” I stalked away from the bar to the center of the living area of the cabin my hands on my hips ready to defy him. He had no reason to tell me what I could do and what I couldn’t.

  Carlos’s bulk stepped into my space the heat from his body pressing into mine. Heating me up. “I’m not a virgin.”

  That slight smile again as if he didn’t allow himself time to smile, “I didn’t expect it in this day and age. I am not either.”

  A guffaw pushed its way out at his words. “I didn’t expect it either.”

  Carlos waved his hand to the small dinette set as he said, “let’s sit and you tell me what we need while we are here. I’ll text to Tom as you instruct.”

  That sounded like a great idea to me. I might be an Italian mobster’s daughter but I wasn’t adverse to work. When my mother had been alive she gave me chores to do every day and taught me how to cook. When she died of cancer Dad had gotten more maids and a housekeeper so my cleaning and cooking became limited.

  So we talked about what we would need for a week here in the woods for four. Tom and Sam being included in our eating dilemma. “I’m going to need clothes.”

  Carlos nodded as I spoke his fingers typing furiously at the keys on his phone but stopped abruptly at my final words to glare at me, “I’m not having them buy you clothes or undergarments.”


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