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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 118

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “Of course you don’t want me to stop,” he said as he liked my wounds clean. “The bite of a vampire is addictive.”

  “Mmm... please...” I was so far gone. Horny, high on the venom he injected me with to keep me compliant, and more than a little drunk. Oh, and in love. I was so, so in love. And so fucked because I was in love with them – my bullies. Well, no. I wasn’t fucked yet. I hoped I would be by the end of the night. “Please, bite me again.” I reached back and undid the zipper of my dress. Once loosened, the material pooled around my generous hips. I was standing in front of Ivor, only in my bra. I pushed my breasts forward. “Here. Bite me here.”

  The vampire snarled at me. His eyes went down to my exposed cleavage. I could tell he was struggling to resist me. He’d taken enough blood. With trembling hands, he pulled down the cups of my lace bra, and exposed my big, round breasts. My nipples were as hard as pebbles. He took one nipple between his fingers and twisted it just barely. I threw my head back and moaned shamelessly. My panties were so soaked that I wanted to get rid of them. Wet as they were, they were beyond uncomfortable.

  “Yes, bite it,” I pleaded. “Suck it.”

  Jace let out a whimper. Entranced by the erotic show we were putting on for him, he’d completely forgotten he was a goddamn mage who could’ve freed himself if he wanted to. I turned to him, and the look on his face was priceless. Seeing how Ivor wasn’t going to fulfill my request, I climbed on Jace’s lap, and pushed my breasts in his face. He didn’t need more than that. His lips wrapped around one nipple, and he sucked gently, his eyes fixed on my face. I grinded against his crotch. He squirmed uncomfortably, and I knew what I had to do. My hands went to work on his belt and zipper. The second they were out of the way, I grabbed his cock and pulled it out. He released my nipple and dragged in a sharp breath. I stroked him slowly, loving how his cock throbbed in my hand, how drops of pre-cum leaked down the engorged head...

  “You know what would make me really, really horny?”

  “What?” Jace was breathless.

  “To see you and Ivor kiss.”

  He seemed confused for a second, then he stole a glance at the vampire. I watched the them both like an eagle. Ivor was looking at Jace lustfully. The bulge in his jeans was proof that he was doing everything in his power to contain himself, when all he wanted was to ravage the mage. And then ravage me. Jace smirked at him.

  “Is that what you want?” he asked Ivor. The vampire nodded. “All this time?”

  “All this time.”

  There was a moment of silence. I was afraid this whole game would go all wrong, but I was still stroking Jace’s cock, and he was as hard as ever.

  “Come here,” he whispered, and Ivor complied in an instant.

  I pulled away, although I was still sitting on Jace’s lap. Ivor came between us, and before I knew it, the two boys were kissing like there was no tomorrow. Jace’s cock released more pre-cum, and that was when I knew... He wanted Ivor just as much as Ivor wanted him.

  Chapter Ten

  Ivor almost pushed me off Jace. I wasn’t going to have it. I grabbed the vampire by the shoulder and separated him from the mage. Ivor turned to me then, and we kissed feverishly. He dragged me to my feet, and I started pulling at his clothes.

  “Hey! Can I untie myself now?”

  I was working on getting Ivor’s pants undone.

  “Do what you want,” I told Jace, “as long as you behave.”

  He smirked. Within seconds, the ropes keeping him strapped to the chair were gone. He didn’t stand up, though. He removed his shirt, pulling it over his head and ruffling those wild, curly locks of his. He made himself comfortable and started stroking his cock languidly as he watched me and Ivor pulling at each other’s clothes.

  I managed to free Ivor’s cock. He hissed when I wrapped my fingers around it, and locked eyes with Jace as I touched him tentatively. Briefly, I wondered whether I was just the third wheel when these two couldn’t wait to fuck each other. But then, Ivor slapped my hand away and knelt before me. In a swift motion, he had my dress removed. My black lace panties were the only piece of garment I still had on. The vampire traced the inside of my thighs with the tips of his fingers.

  “What do you want, Hayley?”

  I dragged in a breath. What did I want? Oh, I wanted so many things. It was impossible to have them all in just one night.

  “Tell me, and I’ll give it to you.”


  His fingers reached between my legs. He stroked my clit through the soaked panties, and I impatiently spread my thighs wider. What did I want? I couldn’t think... I wanted whatever he had in mind for me.

  “Come on, Hayley... This is your chance,” Jace encouraged me.

  I bit my lower lip. Ivor rolled my panties down my legs. For the first time in my life, I was naked before two men. His fingers found my clit again. He rubbed and pressed until I was too weak from pleasure to be able to stand on my own. I grabbed his shoulders and leaned on him. Soon, his face was between my legs, and his tongue darted out to lick my wet core.

  “I could...” he whispered as he pushed his tongue between my folds. “Or I could...” His finger found its way inside my pussy.

  “Oh, God. Both. Do both.”

  I hooked a leg over his shoulder, and as he worked on my clit and pussy with his mouth and fingers, I turned to look at Jace. He was stroking himself faster now, the head of his cock glistening with juices. I licked my lips. I was so close...

  “Yes, right there. Oh!”

  Ivor added a second finger, stretching me slightly, preparing me for what was to come. He swirled his tongue around my sensitive nub. Once, twice... and I was coming apart. I let out a long, loud moan, and pushed his head against my pussy, locking him between my thighs. He licked me eagerly, and I rode out one of the most satisfying orgasms of my life. When I was done, all I wanted was more.

  “Fuck me,” I said. “I want Jace to watch.”

  Ivor pulled himself to his feet. He grinned at me, then grabbed me harshly and spun me around. He pushed me over Jace’s chair and placed my hands on the armrests. Naked as I was, my big breasts hung over the mage’s cock. Jace immediately took hold of them and started kneading and squeezing as he pumped his cock harder. The engorged head rubbed against my nipple, and I couldn’t believe how much that turned me on.

  Behind me, Ivor spread my legs and positioned his cock at the entrance of my pussy. He took his time to rub himself against me, push the head of his shaft between my folds, then slowly and tentatively inside my tight passage. I hadn’t had sex in too long. I wasn’t a virgin, but when it came to sex with supernaturals, well... I kind of was. As Ivor penetrated me inch by inch, Jace grabbed both my breasts and pushed his cock between them.

  “Don’t worry, love,” he said breathlessly. “I won’t come yet.” He looked over my head, and I could guess he locked eyes with Ivor when he added: “I’ll save it for this one.”

  I could feel the vampire’s fingers dig into my skin. He held on to me for dear life, pulled out, and finally slammed back in. I thrust my hips against him, wanting him to go faster and harder. They’d teased me long enough. They’d fucked with me, pulled the nastiest pranks on me, made me cry... It was time for them to make me scream, cum, and scream some more.

  As Ivor picked up the pace, Jace grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me in for a long, passionate kiss. He swallowed my moans and bit my tongue until I couldn’t take it anymore. My arms were getting tired, and my knees were starting to give in. I was close, but not quite there. Ivor’s cock filled me perfectly, and the faster he fucked me, the deeper he went, hitting that delicious spot inside me.

  “I need to... I want...” I couldn’t form one coherent sentence.

  Jace laughed and reached between my legs. I heard Ivor groan behind me as the mage touched his balls. But this wasn’t about Ivor. He was about to come, I could feel it. His cock grew harder and thicker inside me, and he’d started moving erratical
ly. Jace found my clit and started rubbing it in quick, wide motions. I closed my eyes and let out a cry as I came over his hand and over Ivor’s cock, my walls clenching and unclenching, milking Ivor, urging him to give me all he had. With a grunt, the vampire spilled his seed inside me. And it was then that I realized how crazy I was for having unprotected sex with my bullies. But my head was filled with lust, and I was still a little drunk. Also, Ivor’s cum felt so nice coating my pussy that I didn’t regret it for one second. I’d just have to stop by the Infirmary in the morning...

  Ivor stayed like that for a few more minutes, his cock buried deep inside me. But Jace was growing impatient. He stood up and approached the vampire slowly, a grin playing on his perfect lips. I finally collapsed on the chair. Ivor’s cock slipped out of me, and with it, his hot cum dripped down my thighs. I was covered in a sheen of sweat. It was so warm in the room that I could barely breathe. I lounged in the chair and watched with increasing interest as Jace and Ivor kissed. When Ivor’s hand went to the mage’s cock, my own hand traveled down my body, to my soaked pussy, one finger slipping inside me. This was too hot to resist.

  The boys looked into each other’s eyes. Jace placed his hand on Ivor’s shoulder and pushed him down to his knees. The vampire complied. Facing the mage’s engorged cock, he took his time running his fingers up and down the shaft, playing with the round, heavy balls, and spreading the liquid that had gathered at the tip. He dived in and sucked Jace’s balls into his mouth, determined to tease him first. The mage dragged in a breath. His hands sank into Ivor’s blond hair, pulling rather harshly. Ivor chuckled and looked up at him.

  “Stop teasing,” Jace hissed, “or I’ll push you down and fuck you right here, on the floor.”

  My fingers moved faster over my wet folds and hard clit. Oh, I would’ve loved to see that.

  “You’re not man enough to do it,” Ivor challenged him. And I knew: I was going to get one hell of a show.

  Jace grabbed the base of his cock with one hand, and with the other, he opened Ivor’s mouth forcefully by slipping his fingers between his lips. “I’ll show you.” He pushed his cock inside the vampire’s mouth, and for a second I thought of warning him. After all, Ivor did have fangs. But then Ivor started sucking eagerly, like this wasn’t the first time he was giving a blowjob, and my worries flew out the window. The vampire was deepthroating Jace like a pro, and my hands just couldn’t move fast enough. I wanted to come when Jace came. But Jace had other things in mind.

  He let Ivor suck his cock for a few minutes, then pushed him away. Ivor landed on his back, and in an instant, the mage was on top of him, between his legs. Ivor smiled up at him and allowed Jace to sink a finger into his ass. I couldn’t see much from where I was sitting. I straightened my back and leaned slightly forward. Oh, a dildo or a vibrator would have been great right now. Ivor was hard again, so Jace stroked his cock with one hand while he was preparing his hole with the other.

  “It’s not your first time,” he said.

  Ivor shook his head. “No.”

  “Well, it’s my first time fucking a guy.”

  “You’re doing great.”

  Just going by Ivor’s gasps, one could tell that he was.

  “Enough of that,” said the vampire. He turned around and positioned himself on his hands and knees before the mage. Oh, now I was getting just the perfect view. My heartbeat picked up.

  For a second, Jace seemed lost. He looked at the puckered entrance, stroking his cock, and I could tell he was about to come. I’d teased him with my breasts, Ivor had teased him with his mouth... and now he was going to have sex with another guy for the first time in his life. The idea alone gave me a tiny orgasm, and I moaned sharply as it took over me. That distracted Jace. He looked up at me, and I couldn’t take it anymore. He was being too slow. I slipped off the chair and crawled to him and Ivor. Smiling mischievously, I pressed one hand on Ivor’s lower back, and pushed him down until he pressed his chest to the floor. With his ass in the air and legs apart, he was perfectly exposed.

  “Come on,” I whispered. I wrapped my fingers around Jace’s cock, and he allowed me. “This is taking too long. I want to see you fuck him.” I guided the head of his cock to Ivor’s tight hole. Jace let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. When the tip penetrated the first ring of muscles, it was like a fire lip up inside him. He grabbed Ivor’s hips and pushed himself all the way in. He let out a shameless moan when he was buried inside his friend’s ass to the hilt. I moved aside, stretched my arms over my head lazily, then lied down on the floor to enjoy my show.

  Jace pulled out until just the tip was in, then slipped back in slowly. Ivor thrust his hips back to meet him.

  “Just stop thinking about it and let go,” he said. “I can take it.”

  That was all Jace needed. He started moving faster, pushing his cock deeper every time. Ivor was a vampire. There was no way he could hurt him. Soon, the room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking. Skin slapped against skin, and they both moaned and grunted as they neared release.

  “Should I pull out when...”

  “Come inside,” Ivor said breathlessly. “Harder.”

  I rubbed my clit, although it was so sensitive now that the pleasure was combined with pain. As I watched Jace’s cock move in and out of Ivor’s ass, I wondered whether either of them would have enough stamina left later to fuck me again. My pussy had recovered and wanted the treatment Ivor was currently getting. I moved onto my knees and spread my legs. As one hand worked my pussy, I touched my breasts with the other. Ivor saw me, and smirked.

  “Come here,” he motioned. He pulled himself up, and that gave Jace the opportunity to grab onto his shoulder.

  I lay on my back before Ivor, my legs apart, and he pushed two fingers inside my pussy. I closed my eyes and moaned loudly but snapped them back open the next second. I didn’t want to miss a thing.

  “I’m coming,” Jace grunted. “Oh God, I’m coming so hard...” A drop of sweat tumbled down his temple.

  “Me too,” whispered Ivor.

  He pumped his cock as he fingered me, and when Jace let out a scream and buried himself deep inside him, Ivor spilled all over my breasts and belly. String after string of cum, and it was all so hot that I came again, my pussy throbbing around the vampire’s fingers.

  “God,” I breathed. “I never thought...” I swallowed heavily, my lips parched, and my body still trembling with the thrills of my last orgasm. “I never thought sex could be so good.”

  Ivor laughed. He collapsed on top of me. We were both covered in cum. It was such a mess, that I was sure Jace and his magic skills were our only hope to get out of this room clean and presentable. Speaking of Jace, once his cock was free of his friend’s tight passage, he let himself fall on his back beside us.

  “You got that right,” he said, exhausted.

  We stayed like that for a long while. Half an hour must have gone by when Ivor finally whispered, sleepily: “Now what?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “What happens when the year’s over and you have to go back to your home dimension?”

  I didn’t really have an answer for him. “I talked to Hayley about it. The other Hayley, I mean.”

  “And?” Jace asked.

  I shrugged. “We don’t know yet, but we’ll figure it out.”

  Ivor sighed. After a few more minutes of silence, Jace rolled on his side and looked up at us.

  “I’ll tell you what next. We fuck every day and every night, like the end is coming.”

  I laughed. “The end isn’t coming. I told you. We’ll figure it out.”

  “Still. My plan is better than yours.”

  Well, with that... I couldn’t argue.


  Enjoyed this story? Then you have to check out Grim Reaper Academy – a complete series you can get for free with Kindle Unlimited! Grim Reaper Academy tells the story of Mila Morningstar. Yolanda’s story starts with Year One:
Dreamers, which is currently on pre-order.

  About the Author

  Cara Wylde loves to write about strong, feisty women and their hot Alphas who will do anything to make them happy. Her books are filled with romance and just a dash of mystery, suspense, and that eerie atmosphere she fell in love with reading too many gothic novels. With a master's degree in Comparative Literature, she can't help but play with tropes and themes from various genres, trying to come up with fresh perspectives on the paranormal characters her readers love so much. Vampires, shapeshifters, demons, witches... Cara will always make sure they get their own twists.

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  Read more of Cara’s books:

  Sold to the Alpha

  The Hanged Maiden

  Lure Academy

  Their Winter Miracle

  Accidental Slave to the Aliens


  Sheena Austin

  Chapter 1


  Staring at the dormitory’s blank walls leaves me with a sense of loneliness. My life was already bleak, but the white bare walls only echo that sentiment. I should be used to this since I’ve jumped from foster home to foster home. But you never really shake that feeling of being alone when you have no family to call your own or any friends.

  How I got into this fancy academy is beyond me. It requires payment of high tuition, which I don’t have. But someone is my guardian angel and wants me to have a good life.

  It took someone long enough to notice me. I thought I was a blemish on the face of humanity, and nobody noticed me.

  “That’s a pretty gross comparison,” a voice says from behind me.

  I spin around to face a girl with silver hair. Blushing, I cough. “Oh, you heard that?”


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