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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 121

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “Yes,” I say.

  “Fine,” he began. “My mother blames the fae for her inability to rule over Camelot. After I was born, I refused to kill Arthur and take over the throne. Once I took over the throne, she wanted me to abdicate and announce her Queen along with her consort, Lancelot.”

  My mouth falls to the floor. “Wait, hold up, that is nothing like the legend at all.”

  “Are you going to continue interrupting me?”

  “No, proceed,” I say, waving my hand.

  “The fae took me in as their own. Merlin introduced me to that world, and I felt safe. I found out that I was part fae and that my grandmother Igraine was fae as well.

  If truth be told, my mother is angry that my grandfather died at the hands of Uther. Legend says that Merlin enchanted Uther to look like my grandfather, but in reality, Igraine charmed Uther to get past the guards without a second look or to bat an eye to have their illustrious affair.

  When my grandfather arrived home, he found them in bed together and Uther with my grandmother’s magic defeated him. That is why my mother hates the fae. And I am going to stop her from killing us off.”

  I’m shook to my core. For thousands of years, the stories got it wrong. And I stand before Mordred the son of Arthur and Morgana, and he isn’t the villain. His mother is.

  “Tell me how I can help,” I whisper softly, trying to calm myself down before I cry. It was a tragic story; far more tragic than the stories I’ve read.

  “You can start by taming your emotions,” he says.

  “I’m cool,” I reply.

  “No, you’re not. You’re sad and when you’re sad the temperature drops,” he said pointing to an icicle hanging from the ceiling.

  “Excuse me that was sad, and I want to help any way I can.”

  “As I said, tame your feelings. Your powers will come into full once you turn eighteen.”

  “Dude, that’s two days away. How am I supposed to turn my emotions off?” I say freaking out.

  “There is a way,” he said.

  “How?” I ask.

  He snapped his fingers and a goblet appeared, hovering in front of me. “Drink from the holy grail, and it will help you,” he said.

  “Isn’t that supposed to heal the dying and stuff?”

  “Yes, but it can also help calm down teen angst,” he said.

  I take the holy grail, and as my fingers touch the wood, it shatters into splinters.

  Mordred’s eyes widen and I think he’s about to yell at me. Instead, he stands there silent.

  “I am so sorry,” I apologize profusely.

  He puts up his hand. “Stop. There is another way.” He snaps his fingers and an emerald green amulet appears.

  “I don’t want to touch it,” I reply. “I’m afraid of smashing it into smithereens.”

  He grabs it from the air, and motions that I spin around. He clasps the amulet around my neck, and I feel at peace. Like a wave of serenity washes over me.

  “Better?” he asks.

  “Much,” I say.

  “Good, now let’s test it,” he says and goes over to open a door that wasn’t there before. “Come let us go.”

  We step through the door and we’re back inside the Academy. I look around and we’re in the cafeteria. I see Lance, Nick, Peter, and Katie sitting and talking. Mordred nudges me to go forward. “This is where I leave you. I’ll be hidden from sight.”

  I start to protest but I’m being pulled by the tether Nick has on me. I plaster on a fake smile and I hear barking noises.

  “Woof, woof, woof,” Peter starts howling at me. I take a deep breath and the necklace sends a sensation through me, relaxing me and calming me down.

  I ignore Peter and sit next to Lance, which is the real test. He full-on ignores me, but Katie saddles up to me.

  “Hey, Genna. Where did you go last night? Did you and Nick end up making out all night? I saw you leave with him.”

  I could feel the heat rising between me and Lance. He wasn’t happy. “No, I actually spent the night in the student lounge. I asked Nick where it was, and he helped me find it.”

  I heard Nick whisper inaudibly, “Good girl.” My flesh was bombarded by goose pimples.

  I needed to get away. For as far as I was concerned, I passed the test. I needed food.

  Before I got up, Lance placed his hand on my arm. “Hey, nice necklace, where did you get it?”

  I placed my hand over the necklace. “Oh, this old thing? It was my grandmother’s.” I smile and remove his hand from my arm, walking away to get some food.

  Chapter 8


  “You guys go spy on her,” I say after Genna leaves. I need to talk to Katie alone.

  They both salute and go after her.

  I turn to Katie. “I need you to remove that necklace from her and replace it with another,” I hand her the box with the duplicate amulet.

  “Why can’t we break her necklace with magic and say we’ll fix it for her and return it with this one?”

  “That’s brilliant.”

  “That’s why you keep me around,” she winks and kissed my cheek.

  I want to wipe off my cheek and get rid of her. She’s a pain but she had an excellent point.

  I get up from the table and get closer to Genna and the boys. I mumble a hex on Genna’s necklace. But nothing happens. No magic comes out and my hex backfires on me. A giant fireball engulfs the kitchen area and before I go down, I see Genna being whisked away by a mist of some sort.

  The sprinklers kick in, drenching me. I curse my luck and trudge to see Morgana once more. This isn’t going to be easy.

  I find a secret passageway in the kitchen and I’m instantly greeted by Morgana.

  “It failed didn’t it?”

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  “I heard the fire alarm,” she says. “Take this ring instead.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to work. She has an amulet just like the one you gave me that is charmed.”

  “This will counteract the magic that’s protecting her,” she says.

  I held the sapphire ring in my hand, twirling it between my fingers. I felt a surge of happiness that this could work. Morgana never let me down before. She knew what she was doing, and I would follow her to the ends of the world to protect her. She might have been over a thousand years old but so was I, at least my soul was. I’ve been reincarnated over the centuries. When she found me I was lost, and she opened up my eyes to what I truly was— Sir Lancelot and I was hers.

  Genna was Guinevere soul reincarnated and her power was going to be unleashed in two days. I cannot allow her to ruin Morgana again. Genna may be playing stupid, I don’t know but her awakening needs to be stopped before there is war.

  “Thank you for your aid, Morgana,” I say, kissing her hand.

  “No, thank you, my pet,” she coos. “Now go take care of Guinevere,” she growls and spins around to walk down the staircase.

  Chapter 9


  I huddle in a secret passageway with Nick and Peter. “What just happened?”

  “It was an attack on you, my Queen,” Peter says, panting. Who's the dog now? Huh?

  My ears perk up. “Did you say Queen?” Forget the fire, but I don’t think I was hallucinating.

  “I think it’s time we tell her, so she knows what she’s up against,” Nick says. “And cut the douchebag act too, Peter.”

  “Yeah bout that, it’s not an act. It’s like I have a flip being switched on and off when I’m nice and I’m a dick. I’m sorry, my Queen.”

  “Okay, stop it with the queen shit please,” I say. “This makes no sense at all.”

  “You are a reincarnation of Guinevere. Mordred has confirmed this, and it would seem Morgana is aware of this. We believe she has cast a spell upon students to stop at nothing to harm you. We also believe Lance is under her spell.”

  My jaw drops. “So, the fire?”

  “Lance was trying to
destroy your necklace. He was given a duplicate to replace to drain your powers.”

  “How do you know all of this?” I ask.

  “I hear and see things.”


  “Supersonic hearing is the best way I can explain it. It’s also possible that I’ve gotten caught up in the crossfire of Morgana’s spell. My emotions are like Jekyll and Hyde.”

  “Fan-fucking-tastic,” I groan. “How do I stop all of this?”

  “By claiming your rightful place as Queen and claiming your full powers.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “Evie will help you on Monday.”

  “The dorm leader?”

  “She’s not just the dorm leader. She’s the Lady of the Lake,” Nick says.

  “Woah, woah, woah. Hold up. She’s the fucking Lady of the Lake? Why isn’t she here now?”

  “She’s being extra cautious because of the situation and casting spells and brewing potions to bring you on Monday.”

  “Oh, that makes perfect sense,” I drone. “Also, can we get out of this passageway? It’s getting cramped.” If truth be told, Nick’s aftershave was driving my hormones insane and Peter’s Australian accent wasn’t helping at all.

  “Where can we take her that’s safe?” Nick asked Peter.

  “Merlin’s sanctuary should be here somewhere,” Peter replied.

  “You mean you don’t know where it is?” I ask.

  “It moves when danger is near,” Peter told me.

  Then I heard a slight humming noise and the sound of a waterfall. I attempted to tune out Nick and Peter. It got to the point where I couldn’t stand it any longer. “You both need to shut up and follow me.”

  “What do you hear Genna?”

  “Yeah, a waterfall and humming,” I say.

  “Bingo, that would be it,” Nick says and pulls me in for a kiss. A nice peck on the lips turns me into putty.

  I pout wanting it to last longer. He takes my hand and smiles. “Lead the way, Oh fearless leader.”

  As we descend further down the passageway, I gag on the staleness. Also, I’m claustrophobic so I’m really wishing we’d get there asap. I honestly don’t know where I’m going but I follow the sound of the humming and waterfall. With what seems like an eternity, we made it to an opening in the passageway. I proceed to step into the opening because the sounds are getting clearer.

  The breath is knocked out of my lungs. It’s a massive library and there is a person literally humming, and oblivious to our intrusion. Yes, there is even a waterfall cascading down the bookcases. How they aren’t ruined is beyond me.

  Nick and Peter are silent. Then I feel a pull at my belly button. It’s Nick racing over to the person. I don’t know whether it’s male or female because of the cloak they are wearing.

  “Evie!” Nick exclaims.

  Eve spins around and smiles. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “What are you doing here?” Nick asks. “I thought you were away protecting the castle.”

  “What better way to protect the castle than from the inside?” She smiles. Then she begins to approach me. “Oh my Queen,” she says and takes my hand. “It is an honor to finally meet you in this reincarnation of yourself.”

  I blush. I’m not sure how to take in all of this. I awkwardly patted her hand. “The pleasure is all mine,” I say with a crack in my voice.

  “She found you,” Peter piped up.

  “Oh, your powers are growing. How exciting,” Eve says.

  Maybe for you, I thought to myself.

  “Such negativity will not give you a victory,” Eve grimaces.

  “Woah, you can read my thoughts?” I ask in shock. “I thought only Katie could.”

  “She gets it from me and her father, unfortunately.”

  “Hold up, she’s your daughter? Who’s her father?” I ask, freaking out.

  “Mordred,” Eve says.

  “Seriously? So what’s her deal?”

  “She is under Morgana’s spell as well as Lancelot,” Eve replies.

  “Does that make Lance your son? Since you’re the Lady of the Lake.”

  “No. I’m one of the Ladies of the Lake. Not the lady of the Lake. The honor was passed down to me after Lancelot’s mother died after the fall of Camelot and Arthur. Lancelot fell for Morgana’s spell before and I’m afraid each reincarnation is weaker than the last and is able to fall for her all over again,” Eve says with what I can assume as sadness in her voice.

  My head and heart hurt. I didn’t sign up for any of this. My life was normal. Well as normal as it could be.

  “You are to break the curse, Genna, and reclaim your destiny,” Eve says.

  The tone of her voice seems so familiar. Then before my very eyes, Eve transforms into the woman from my vision. I fall back and trip, and a pair of strong arms catch me.

  I look up to see Nick smiling at me. Eve approaches me and touches my face gently.

  “Do not fear, my child. You will overcome the evil that lurks in this world and then you will reclaim your throne along with a husband.”

  “If I’m Guinevere who is Arthur? Should I not marry him?” I ask, stalling and trying to ground myself before I freak out.

  “He did not reincarnate into another. His duty was done.”

  “So, why did I reincarnate?”

  “You have much to do. You have Arthur’s legacy to uphold.”

  I internally groan, or so I thought.

  “Fear not. Peter and I will protect you,” Nick says confidently.

  I don’t feel confident at all. “Peter can snap any minute,” I say.

  “Yes, about that,” Eve starts to say, and turns to Peter. She takes her hand and places it over his heart and examines him. “He is cursed by Morgana. His past self was of allegiance to her, and he’s trying to redeem himself in this lifetime.”

  “Who am I?” Peter asks.

  “You were Sir Galahad.”

  “But why did he have allegiance to Galahad?”

  “Once Arthur died, you all were vulnerable, even you, Nick. But you have redeemed yourself in your past life.”

  “Who am I, then?” Nick asks.

  “The brave Percival.”

  I’m getting a little antsy and frustrated at all of this nonsense. I need to know what I need to do to break the spell and bring down Morgana.

  “Oh little one, calm down. There is no need for hostility. Once you accept the fact you are Guinevere, it will all go smoother for you.”

  “Yeah, that’s great and all, but what is my training? School starts tomorrow and I’m not even prepared.”

  “You will know when the time comes, but you must calm your feelings. Your feelings rule over your powers. Have you noticed that when you get angry you black out?”

  I nod slowly. She continues, “That is because you cause elemental havoc on those who anger you.”

  “Yeah, the other night you caused a pretty nasty thunderstorm.”

  I can feel my face flush. I’m embarrassed.

  “You’re an emotional fairy and understanding what angers you and how to handle that will help you with the upper hand in any fight,” Eve says.

  “What other powers do I have?” I ask, “Besides causing thunderstorms?”

  “In the past, you have caused earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards, and great hurricanes. You were never able to control your emotions again after Arthur died.”

  “Yikes, I’m a hormonal fairy. Is this why I keep getting reincarnated?”

  “Yes, and also because no one has defeated Morgana yet. You die each time, my Queen.”

  “When was the last time I tried?”

  “It was a hundred years ago. You were not an orphan then. You went by the name of Lily,” Eve begins to reminisce. “But that is neither here nor there. What matters now is the present.”

  “Okay, I promise no more walking down memory lane, but how did Guinevere—” I begin. And Eve clears her throat, clearly agitated. “I mean I, become a fairy

  “King Leodegrance, your father, was enchanted by a fairy and thus you were born.”

  My interest is piqued. I tread a little less gently. “Why does Morgana want me dead?”

  “You were a strong alliance for Arthur when you wed. You were a threat then and you are a threat now.”

  “Talk about having some unresolved issues. This is the 21st century. Can’t she get over it? What does she have to be worried about from me?”

  “You keep the fairies alive with the moonstone.”

  “Moonstone? What moonstone? I don’t have anything like that at all.”

  She touches my arm and pulls up my sleeve and touches my birthmark. “That is where the moonstone resides.”

  “That’s crazy. It’s a birthmark—” I begin and then it all hits me like a ton of bricks. Every time I’m in danger, such as being beaten by foster parents, my birthmark burns and when they lay a hand on me they’re writhing in pain.

  “See, it’s more than just a birthmark. It’s the moonstone protecting you.”

  I start poking my birthmark, but I don’t feel a lump.

  “No, silly girl. It’s not an actual stone, it’s particles that were spread upon you while you were christened.”

  I should be freaking out, but I see images flickering in my mind. It hits me like a tidal wave, and I rock back, and I feel as if I’m falling. Thankfully Nick never let me go.

  I feel a warmth spread throughout my body as if I’m a phoenix rising from the ashes. Memories that aren’t mine, but are, come flooding back. I opened my eyes and I see a bright light surrounding me.

  “Well, that was easy. Looks like you activated her, Evie,” Nick laughs.

  I’m not amused. I remove myself from his arms, but I find myself floating above them.

  “What is going on?” I freak out.

  “You’ve realized who you are finally. It was never this easy before,” Eve says.

  “Okay, but I thought this was going to happen on my birthday? And since I’m in glowing girl mode, can I just go find Morgana and Lancelot and kick their butts?”

  “No, it would seem that on this occasion you were transformed before your birthday. Now come down and regroup. I need to lay low on Monday until we’re certain she’s going to attack.”

  I close my eyes again and think of calming thoughts and Lance’s face pops into my mind, which causes me to fall onto the ground with a thud. I rub my butt because it stings from the cold stone floor.


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