One Summer Night

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One Summer Night Page 8

by Gerri Hill

  her bed flashed in front of her eyes as if it had only happened yesterday.

  On the last Saturday of the month, Jo was sitting on her deck, reading and sipping iced tea when the phone rang. She considered letting the machine pick up, but she hurried inside anyway.

  "What are you doing?” It was Betsy.


  "Don't you ever get tired of that?"

  Predictable. Boring. Yes, she was tired of that. "It's a hobby," she offered.

  "It's all you do."

  "Is not."

  "Yeah? Well, good. Tonight you can go out with us."

  "Out? Where?"

  "Lakers. The team's going out. It's Sharon's birthday.

  Some of them are going out to eat first, I think, but Janis and I are just going to meet them there. We'll pick you up at eight," she declared.

  "No. I'm not going to the bar. I told you, I don't. . . ."

  ". . . like to go out during the semester," Betsy mimicked her. "I know. But can't you break your rule for once? It's a birthday party," she pleaded.

  Jo thought about spending another Saturday night alone or with Harry, who was beginning to wonder about her always hanging out with him, and decided to break her own rule. It might be fun. She refused to even consider that she was going because she hoped Kelly might be there.

  "Okay. But I'll take my own car."

  "Great. Come by the house and you can follow us."

  Johanna dressed with care that evening, though she adamantly refused to think of any particular reason why. She ironed dark slacks until they were crisp and tucked in a loose-fitting pale green blouse. She applied her makeup with 85

  care and lightly sprayed perfume, all the while avoiding meeting her own eyes in the mirror.

  It was a pleasantly cool evening and that, alone, put her in a better mood. Gone, or so it seemed, were the scorching days of summer. She tapped on their door and waited patiently until Janis let her in.

  "It's nice that you're going with us, Jo.” Janis motioned her in, and Betsy handed her a glass of wine.

  "We were just going to sit on the patio for a minute,"

  she explained, and they sat in lawn chairs, sipped their wine, and caught up on each other’s lives.

  "I'm glad you decided to go," Betsy said.

  "I felt like a night out," she said defensively. Jo wondered just how much they suspected about her and Kelly. She should have told them but frankly, she was too embarrassed.

  “Can you believe Sharon is only thirty?” Janis asked.

  Jo grinned and squeezed Janis’s arm. “Speaking of birthdays, I believe yours is just around the corner,” Jo teased.

  “Two weeks. And Betsy is threatening to have a party,”

  she groaned. “Like I want everyone to know I’m forty.”

  “Who doesn’t know you’re going to be forty?” Jo asked mischievously. “I think a party is a great idea.”

  “Nothing big, honey,” Betsy assured her. “Just a handful of friends.”

  They got to the bar before nine, and it was not crowded.

  Deb was already there, as were Sharon and Mattie, sitting together and talking quietly. They had shoved two tables together and had chairs enough for twelve.

  Jo grabbed Betsy's arm and whispered to her. "Are Sharon and Mattie seeing each other?"

  "We think so, but they haven't said anything and we haven't asked."

  "They make a cute couple."


  "Happy birthday, Sharon!" they chorused, as they walked up.


  "Are you finally thirty?"


  "Yeah. Now you're officially a part of the older crowd,"

  Betsy said.

  "I'm not sure I like that," Sharon retorted with a good-natured laugh.

  "Hey, you don't have a choice. The years just keep on coming," Janis said.

  Jo's eyes scanned the room and the dance floor, and she didn't even pretend that she wasn't looking for Kelly. She apparently had not gotten there yet. Jo relaxed. Going to the bar, Jo bought drinks for Betsy, Janis and herself, and then sat stiffly, trying not to stare at the door.

  When Deb asked her to dance, Jo hoped her surprise wasn’t evident. She and Deb had never danced before.

  “You haven’t been to a game in awhile,” Deb accused.

  Jo tried to pull back from her too-tight embrace. “I’ve been busy at the college,” Jo replied. And it was true. Mostly.

  “Maybe you could spare an evening next week. We’ll go see a movie or something,” Deb suggested.

  “Okay. Call me,” Jo agreed, although she was already planning an excuse. For some reason, she did not want to go out with Deb. Their disastrous dinner date earlier in the summer had been enough to convince Jo that she and Deb had grown too far apart in the last seven years.

  Deb nodded and pulled Jo close to her again. Deb danced well but Jo couldn’t help but compare her to Kelly.

  Through no fault of her own, Deb just didn’t measure up.

  Jo felt stifled being held so tightly. There were none of the tingly feelings that she got from Kelly’s touch. Her heart beat its same, even rhythm.


  “We should dance more often,” Deb said.

  “I don’t know that we’ve ever danced before,” Jo reminded her.

  Deb pulled her closer still, and Jo found her breasts smashed against Deb’s much larger ones. She had to force herself not to pull away.

  “You feel good in my arms,” Deb whispered softly, and Jo was certain she had misunderstood. She hoped she had misunderstood.

  The song ended, thankfully, and saved Jo from answering. Deb led her back to the table, still grasping her hand until Jo politely pulled it away. Jo suddenly was overcome with a case of nervousness, a tightening in her stomach and a hammering pulse. She knew instinctively that Kelly was there, close by, and she cursed her body’s reaction. Still standing, she looked around, spotting Kelly coming back from the bar with a drink. She looked beautiful, wearing tan slacks and a navy blouse. Jo found herself staring. Kelly stopped and looked up, as if she knew Jo was watching. Her eyes met Jo’s from across the crowded room. They held each other’s gaze for a moment, and Jo shuddered when Kelly's glance dropped to her lips briefly. Then she smiled, the genuine smile that Jo had not seen in forever. Kelly came toward the table and Jo, her knees weak, sat down, picking up her drink with trembling fingers.

  It really wasn’t fair, she thought again. Kelly was just another woman. A very attractive woman, to be honest, but still, it didn’t warrant Jo’s body turning to jelly at the mere sight of her. She’s just a runaround, she reminded herself.

  Another Nancy. And she refused to consider, even for a second, that Kelly was any different.

  They didn't speak, but each time Jo looked up, Kelly's eyes were on her. Johanna danced with Deb again, and when she got back, Kelly met her with questioning, raised eye-88

  brows. But Jo had no interest in Deb, other than as a friend, and she hoped Deb felt the same. They had known each other too long for anything else. But still, the way Deb was dancing, the way Deb held her, all led Jo to believe that Deb had suddenly developed an attraction to her. . . and was acting on that attraction. But there could never be anything there for Jo. Deb did nothing for her libido. Unlike . . . no, she wouldn’t allow herself to think about it again!

  Jo knew full well she would decline if Kelly asked her to dance, but was surprised that she didn’t. Not wanting to hurt her feelings by refusing, she was thankful she didn’t have to. Kelly never asked, not once. Instead, she danced with nearly everyone else at the table, paying Lucy, who was sitting next to her, special attention. Jo was forced to watch them across the table as they talked and laughed quietly together, as if they were good friends. Or something else.

  Jo didn’t want to think about the something else. . .

  Later, when Trisha Yearwood's soft, slow ballad came on, Jo's eyes raised automatically to Kelly's. It was the same
song they had danced to in June, and Kelly's eyes peered into hers for an eternity.

  "Dance with me, please," Kelly pleaded softly.

  Jo shook her head, no, but Kelly was already standing, reaching for her. Jo stood on shaky legs and took the hand Kelly offered, icy fingers wrapping around Kelly’s warm ones. Jo moved into Kelly’s arms with an ease that surprised her, and Kelly held her lightly. Jo rested her hand on Kelly's shoulder. Their eyes met as Kelly moved with her on the floor, legs brushing together as they danced. Jo pushed all her thoughts aside when Kelly pulled her close, letting out her breath slowly, trying in vain to still her racing heart.

  The song ended much too quickly, and they pulled apart, their eyes lingering.


  "Thank you," Kelly said, without any hint of teasing.

  "You're welcome," Jo answered softly.

  They sat at the table and ignored one another again, both pretending interest in the conversation taking place around them. A few songs later, Kelly again asked Johanna to dance, and she didn't even try to resist this time. It was futile, really. Her body had a mind of its own. She could not stop the desire that was building inside of her.

  Jo walked into Kelly's arms. Kelly held her closer than before. Jo moved her hand along Kelly's shoulder, brushing her hair. She tipped her head back and their eyes collided.

  There was no teasing or amusement there, only a hint of desire that Jo was sure Kelly was trying to hide. Jo pulled her eyes away, trying to veil her own desire.

  Kelly's warm hand moved lower on her back, pressing Jo closer still as their breasts touched lightly. Jo felt the heat rush through her body and knew she had lost control. They danced slowly, feet barely keeping time with the music, but Jo didn't care. Faces pressed together, Jo inhaled deeply, smelling Kelly's sweet scent, the scent she remembered, the scent of summer.

  When the song ended, Kelly didn't immediately release her, and Jo held her near for countless seconds. She was on fire, and she no longer cared who was watching them. She felt Kelly's lips brush her ear, and Jo let out her breath, unaware she had been holding it.

  Kelly held her hand as they walked to the table, her thumb lightly caressing Jo's palm. Even though Jo knew she should pull away, she couldn't. She had been craving these feelings Kelly stirred in her. She did not want a repeat of that June night, but she couldn't deny herself this small pleasure that Kelly gave her.

  When she and Betsy went to the ladies' room, Jo refused to meet her questioning eyes.


  "Are you having a good time?" Betsy asked.

  "Yes," Jo said, nervously running a hand through her hair, refusing to meet her own eyes in the mirror.

  They stopped at the bar and got fresh drinks, then rejoined the others. The bar was crowded, as was their table.

  Smoke rose, a light cloud hovering against the ceiling, talk and laughter all around them. Jo sat down and sipped her drink, her eyes following Kelly as she took Lucy out on the dance floor. Jo remembered them driving off together after the softball game. She assumed that Lucy must have been going to all the games. She was young, single and attractive.

  Kelly danced close with her, too. The pang of jealousy that hit Jo was so unexpected, it startled her. Lord, she certainly had no reason to be jealous. She and Kelly were nothing to each other. She certainly had no hold on Kelly. She didn't want one, for that matter. Why on earth should she be jealous? But as she watched them, the feeling was undeniable. Was Lucy experiencing the same feelings that Jo had, being held so close by Kelly? Having those warm hands caress her back? Were they dating? Jo pulled her eyes away from them and swallowed her jealousy, feeling very alone.

  Later, the disc jockey's voice spoke softly over the speakers. "For all you lovers out there, let's get dark and slow.” Cheers went up and the lights dimmed. "Here's three in a row for some slow dancing."

  The dance floor went dark, and Betsy took Janis's hand and pulled her up.

  "Let's dance, honey," she said.

  Sharon and Mattie did the same, as did most of their table. Kelly didn't ask Lucy, thankfully. Lucy went to the floor with someone Jo didn't know. Jo lowered her eyes then, afraid that Deb would ask her to dance, but someone else claimed her. Jo let out her breath slowly. It wasn't Deb she wanted to dance with.


  Kelly and Jo were left alone at the table. Jo looked up, her gaze finding Kelly. Kelly smiled softly, and Jo answered it.

  "Come on," Kelly whispered.

  "I don't know. . . " Jo hesitated.

  "Come on," Kelly said again, reaching for her hand, and Jo knew it was pointless to resist.

  Kelly led her to the dark floor, now very crowded, and they squeezed in among the other couples. It was too dark to see well and Jo was thankful. She didn't want to see Kelly's eyes, didn't want Kelly to see what her own might reveal.

  But she didn't hesitate as she moved close, into Kelly’s waiting arms. Jo circled her back, holding her tightly as she felt Kelly's warm hand burning into her flesh, searing her back. They held each other, bodies caressing, legs touching, thighs brushing, hips straining to meet. Their breasts were pressed tightly together. Jo squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself not to remember what it was like to lay naked with Kelly, to make love to her, but she remembered. She remembered every detail of Kelly’s body, how soft it was, how lean and strong it was, how warm it was. She remembered Kelly's lips on her, her tongue on her, and she trembled in her arms. Jo just wanted to be held and caressed like that again, to feel her touch again.

  Kelly brought her left hand close to her body and danced that way, cradling Jo's hand to her chest. Jo's other hand had a life of its own, her fingers moving in Kelly's hair at her neck. They barely moved, bumped by other couples who were in much more of a hurry. They continued their slow pace around the floor, both savoring this brief, unexpected time together.

  When the first song ended and faded into the second, they didn't miss a step. Kelly released Jo’s hand and slid both arms around her, blending Jo into her body, both hands now 92

  caressing her back. Jo's freed hand slid slowly up Kelly's shoulder, and she touched her face, her fingers lightly tracing Kelly's cheek, thumb touching Kelly’s lips. Oh, how she ached to kiss those lips.

  They said nothing. Not one word. Jo knew that if they had, she would have been able to resist. She would have remembered Sherry, the beautiful blonde. She would have remembered Christy's words about Kelly's list of girlfriends.

  She would have remembered Deb’s warnings. She would have thought of Lucy. But they didn’t speak. There was no need. Their bodies spoke for them.

  When Kelly turned her head, Jo was waiting, and their lips met, softly, gently, and Jo opened under her, accepting her tongue, meeting it with her own. How she wanted this woman! Kelly moved her away from the dancers, and Jo felt the wall behind her. She reached blindly for Kelly. They took what they both needed, what they both wanted, up against the same wall as before. Pent up desire, now released, stormed through them. They had been so hungry all these months, and now they could feast. Jo forgot about the others in the room. It was just the two of them, as their lips moved together eagerly.

  The third song began softly, and Kelly moved her hands between them, her back shielding Jo from the other dancers, caressing Jo’s breasts. Jo cried out, and Kelly's mouth was there, covering hers as her fingers traced Jo’s swollen nipples through her shirt. Jo's hands, on either side of Kelly's face, held her near. Her mouth couldn't get enough of Kelly.

  Their kisses were hot, wet and hard. Her own hands moved down, yearning to touch Kelly. They settled on her full breasts, cupping them intimately.

  "Do you remember?" Kelly demanded. “Do you remember how it felt when I touched you? When I was inside you?”

  Jo groaned and pulled Kelly hard against her. Her legs 93

  opened and Kelly pressed her thigh there, causing Jo to cry out again.

  “I remember your hands on me,” Kelly whispered. “I remember your mouth
on me, your tongue inside me.”

  Jo felt drugged, and she strained to touch Kelly through her blouse as her mouth opened to Kelly’s insistent tongue.

  "Do you remember every detail of that night?" Kelly demanded.

  "Yes, you know I do," Jo breathed into her mouth.

  Disoriented and confused, Kelly moved her again onto the dance floor. She wasn't ready. She had not had nearly enough of Kelly’s sweet kisses, but seconds later the song ended, and the lights were turned up. She was stunned by the desire she saw in Kelly's eyes, sure that her own revealed as much. She felt captivated by those eyes. She couldn't look away, and she was very sorry that the slow songs had ended.

  The other dancers left the floor, and they soon drew apart, their eyes still glued to one another.

  "You know I want you," Kelly said bluntly.


  "You want me, too," she accused.

  "Yes," Jo admitted. "But I can't."

  "You're a very stubborn woman."

  "I'm sorry," Jo whispered.

  Kelly simply nodded, and they walked back to the table, hands still clutched together. Jo was surprised a short time later when Kelly stood up and said she was leaving. Jo expected, at the very least, another dance with her. She told everyone good-bye and that she would see them at the game next week. Telling Sharon to have a wonderful birthday night, she gave Mattie an exaggerated wink. She looked at Jo for only a second and gave her a quick smile.

  "See you at school.” And she was gone.

  All the joy had gone out of the evening for Johanna, and 94

  she stayed only a little longer, reluctantly dancing with Deb again, feeling smothered by being held so close to her. She didn't want to wonder why Deb’s touch did nothing for her, why her touch could not arouse the same feelings Kelly's had.

  Driving home with the sunroof open and the window rolled down she let the cool breeze blow across her face. She drove slowly on the empty streets, not in a hurry to get to her lonely house.


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