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Realm of Fate

Page 26

by Kelly N. Jane

  Selby slapped Ingrid’s hand away and let her own fingers trail over the ragged line. “I know, but I kind of like it. Besides, Bremen says it makes me look more like a warrior.” She wiggled her brows with a grin. “His people will give me more respect because of it, too, I guess.”

  After the wedding, Selby, Bremen, and Galwain would return to Midgard. They would go to Ireland and marry according to Celtic tradition. Selby would be a princess. It made Ingrid smile and wonder how that would work. It would be an adventure and one her friend deserved after all she’d been through.

  “Are you two going to lounge around all day? I thought Ingrid was eager to get to the village?” Caelya asked as she and Galwain entered the room.

  Ingrid scooted off the bed, dragging Selby with her. Her strength still surprised her. It would take time to adjust to her new status as an immortal.

  A cool breeze wafted into the room. Selby shivered and moved slightly behind Ingrid’s shoulder. Aguane entered, carrying a gown over her arms.

  “Let’s start with a bath,” Galwain said, and all the women headed off to ready Ingrid for her big day.



  A large platform had been erected in the center of the village. It was meant for Thelonius to preside over the festivities and revel with the crowds. Instead, it had pillars wrapped in ivy at each corner, flowers and plants growing from pots set in groups along the edges, and too many candles to count.

  It was early evening, and the brightest light of the day had given way to the purple hues of twilight. In the distance, Vimala stood shining on a grassy hilltop as Thelonius and Eir waited in the center of the platform, facing the stairs where Ingrid approached. Caelya and Selby were to the right, Bremen and Plintze to the left. Ingrid, however, only had eyes for Jorg, who stood waiting for her at the top of the stairs.

  Aguane had dressed her in a light teal gown made from a fabric that shimmered in the low light. Her hair cascaded in curls down her back, and a small silver diadem encircled her forehead. She epitomized her new status as a goddess.

  Jorg wore a deep blue tunic over black trousers. A sword hung from his waist with a golden hilt encrusted with rubies and sapphires. His hair was pulled away from his face, and his ears stood tall and proud. It made him even more handsome, and Ingrid held her breath as he took her hand. She giggled as the dimple in his cheek burrowed deeply as he smiled.

  A crown of silver in the same leaf and ivy pattern as Thelonius and Caelya’s sat on Jorg’s brow. He’d accepted his position as a prince of Alfheim, somewhat begrudgingly, but it suited him.

  They stood together as Thelonius and Eir took turns saying words, wound a cloth around their entwined hands, and made them repeat their vows. Ingrid hoped she’d remember it all later, but at that moment, she was too happy to think about anything other than Jorg.

  When he bent to kiss her, a shock wave jolted through them both. It was the bond locking into place. More than a simple agreement to love each other, their souls connected and wove together—inseparable for eternity. They smiled at each other and kissed once more to the cheers of the crowd.

  Music and laughter filled the village. A constant stream of well-wishers approached Ingrid and Jorg. Others bowing to them took them a while to accept.

  They’d danced when they could, ate from platters spilling over with food, and soaked in the joy. Several times, someone asked them about where they’d live or what they planned for the future. Ingrid didn’t care about any of that. She knew there were details to work out, and they had responsibilities to fulfill, but they’d think about it later.

  In a rare moment, when the couple had only a few others around them, Plintze caught Ingrid’s attention. He stood off to the side and nodded to her. He held his staff and appeared to be going somewhere.

  Ingrid squeezed Jorg’s hand, and he followed her gaze. Together, they strode over to the dwarf.

  “You aren’t thinking of leaving?” Jorg asked.

  “Ach, it’s time,” Plintze said. “I need to go.”

  “Why? Where will you go? Can’t you stay with us?” Ingrid heard the desperation in her voice, but she couldn’t help it. The thought of Plintze going away pained her. Since the moment the cranky dwarf had sauntered into her life back on the moors, he’d grown into one of her dearest friends.

  Plintze stared at the ground, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

  Don’t push him to stay, Hjarta. If he wants to leave, we need to respect that.

  I’ll miss him too much.

  Jorg pulled Ingrid close and kissed the top of her head. She huffed a wry laugh to herself. With all her new power and abilities, she had grown no taller.

  She reached out and took hold of Plintze’s hand. “Wherever you go, will you send word, so I know you’re safe?”

  “Humph.” Plintze eyed her sidelong with a grin.

  Ingrid’s cheeks pushed into her eyes as she smiled back. “How am I supposed to live without you?”

  “Lazuli is alive. Eir told me, and I need to find her.”

  “What?” Ingrid and Jorg said together.

  “How is that possible?” Jorg asked. “You searched for her before we left and never found her.”

  “She hid from me,” Plintze said. “Eir found her and healed the injuries on her shoulders where the wings used to be. Now she’s living alone, embarrassed to show herself to anyone.”

  The thought of the mischievous sprite as a recluse broke Ingrid’s heart. “Will you go back to the home where you lived when we met?” Ingrid asked, hoping it was true. Then she’d know where she could visit them.


  “I can’t imagine anyone better to care for her,” Jorg said and squeezed Plintze’s shoulder.

  Ingrid wrapped herself around the dwarf in a strong hug. It hurt to let him go, but he deserved happiness—even though thoughts of he and Lazuli bickering and pestering each other made her wonder if happiness was what he’d have. Then she realized they’d care for each other, and in their own way, it would be more than happiness. It would be love.

  They watched him walk away through watery eyes. Eir tipped her chin to them as she took his hand, and they disappeared.

  When they turned back to the revelry, Ingrid tugged at Jorg’s sleeve. He stopped and gazed at her, a question creasing his brow.

  In the distance, Selby’s laughter rang out. She and Bremen danced happily. It seemed so long ago she and her friend had sat on a barrel, watching the other girls practice while hoping to become shieldmaidens. They’d wanted grand adventures and glory.

  Ingrid shook her head with a grin and focused on Jorg. “I think we deserve time alone now, don’t you?” she asked.

  “It’s all I’ve wanted for hours.” His voice rasped as he stepped closer. “For years, actually,” he whispered against her ear as he kissed her neck.

  Ingrid leaned into him, and Jorg fell backward, landing on a soft mound of grass. She’d opened a portal behind him and taken them to a hidden valley Caelya had told her about.

  “I like your new talents,” Jorg said with a laugh as he sat up.

  She snuggled herself onto his lap as they scanned the area. Just as Caelya had described, a small cottage sat in the distance, nestled among the trees. Nearby, a waterfall created a private swimming hole. Bushes laden with blue and red berries sweetened the air. It was a private hide-away all to themselves.

  “How long do you think it will take the others to notice we left?” Ingrid asked.

  Jorg brushed his fingers through her hair and held her gaze. “I don’t care, but they won’t be seeing us for a long time.” He kissed her, and she melted into his arms.

  They had forever, and she’d treasure every minute.

  Thank you for following along on Ingrid’s journey with me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! A review is the life-blood of an author. If you would be so kind as to write a few words about my book, here’s a link to make it easy, I would be so grateful.

  Also by Kelly N. Jane

  The wait for a new set of characters and adventures is not long!

  The Portal Sagas begin this year, starting with the first season: Valkyrie’s Gift.

  In the realms of Valhalla and Breasal time does not exist. When forces from Apollyon threaten to alter the human world in order to claim it for their own, it will take a coordinated effort between the realms of gods to stop the chaos. CLICK HERE to be notified first about this new action-packed, adventure-filled series!

  Also coming in 2019

  Thieves & Monsters (exclusively in The Kingdom of Mirrors & Roses: Multi-Author Box Set)

  The Druid’s Choice (exclusively in Realms of Magic: Spellcasters Story Collection)

  About the Author

  Kelly N. Jane is the author of fantasy novels with spunky young women who challenge the rules, defy convention, and set an example for any era. Click HERE to view a full list of Kelly’s novels.

  She spent her early life racing go-karts, riding motorcycles, and caring for a dizzying number of animals. Nowadays there is always a chihuahua on her lap and a Manx cat sleeping nearby.

  Some of her favorite things are: her faith, her family, traveling, dessert, coffee until wine, and fiber art. One day she hopes to knit a shawl from her own alpaca.

  To get a free book, exclusive content, and up to date information about new releases visit Kelly’s website at and subscribe to her newsletter right away!

  Realm of Fate

  Copyright © 2019 by Kelly N. Jane

  Published by 18th Avenue Press

  Cover design by Alfred Obare Designs

  Editing by Candy Crum at Valkyrie Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN (Ebook) 978-1-947695-08-5




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