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The Raven Queen

Page 12

by Emma Jayne Mills

  “It was, but Lykos doesn’t know that,” Caspian answered, hastily.

  “It could work, but if it doesn’t, we run the risk of letting him know we’re planning to go in for a rescue,” Brone put in.

  “He’ll be expecting that anyway,” Zane pointed out. He’d clued in his team about his history with Lykos but had no intention of revealing the information to Connell and his pack. Lykos and Zane had once been on the same team, before Jax and the others came along. Lykos had been too much of a maverick, however. He was far from the team player needed to get on in their line of work. Still, he knew his stuff and would anticipate their next move. “There’s no way he won’t be prepared for it after what he’s pulled.”

  “He’s arrogant, but he’s not stupid,” Connell agreed.

  “Right, so we assume he’ll be expecting us regardless. Which means it doesn’t matter whether we have the kid on the inside or not. The likelihood is Lykos will see through it anyway,” Zane told the group.

  “And if Rory sees Caspian, she will lose her shit. No doubt about it.” Jax smiled at the thought.

  Marco nodded. “Agreed. There’s no way she’ll go along with anything he tells her. She won’t believe he’s working with us. She won’t trust him. So, we don’t need him. Now, can I kill him?”

  “I’m thinking we let Rory at him when we get her back,” Jax’s smile became a grin.

  “That’s a plan I can get on board with,” Marco returned the grin.

  “Can we please stop plotting your brother’s demise and get back to getting my daughter home? As far as I can tell, Caspian’s is the only plan we have so, unless you have something better, I’m going to allow him to reach out to Lykos.” Connell spoke with the authority of the alpha he was. His own men, of course, all agreed with him. The team, however, only answered to Zane and would wait for his take on the situation.

  “Either way, he’s expecting some form of attack. What we must do is make sure it’s on our terms. I have no problem with sending Caspian in. However, once he delivers the information we need, anything further is kept from him completely. That way he can’t double cross us and he gets himself out of there afterwards. We’re going in for Aurora and Aurora only, I won’t have my men put in further danger because of him.” Zane made it clear he had authority over the team, to avoid any confusion between him and Connell.

  “I can go along with that,” Connell nodded at Zane.

  “So basically, if I do this, I’m on my own?” Caspian looked around the room.

  “Do you deserve anything less, son?” his father asked, not even looking him in the eye. Sean was ashamed of his youngest son’s behaviour.

  “I’ll do whatever I have to.” Caspian fished his mobile phone out of his pocket and moved to leave the room.

  “Stop!” Jax snapped. “Make the call here. On speaker. Silence, everyone else.”

  Lykos picked up after two rings. “Caspian, I thought I’d heard the last of you.”

  “Lykos, how are you?”

  “Get to it, boy. My mate is waiting for me.” Caspian’s eyes went to Jax at Lykos’s words. His brother didn’t react, despite his urge to break something.

  “Is she okay?” Caspian asked.

  “Now, you care about her wellbeing? You didn’t seem to be in the habit of making her a priority when she was with you. Aurora is fine, Caspian, I told you I would care for her. What is the purpose of this call?” Lykos sounded bored.

  “I still have something you want.”

  “Ah, still trying to get the power in your hands, I see.”

  “Do you want the book or not, Lykos?”

  “Do not disrespect me, pup. I already have the raven queen, although I would like the book, I do not need it. My patience with you wears thin, make your offer and leave me in peace,” Lykos snapped.

  “I’ll bring you the book, in return for a place in your pack.”

  “I already have a beta. You are not needed.”

  “Your beta is wild and unpredictable, even you must see that. I can be the beta your pack deserves.”

  “You honestly expect me to replace my current beta with a man who is in love with my queen? What exactly do you take me for?”

  “I have no interest in Aurora. I seek only a position of authority within your pack.”

  Lykos sighed heavily on the other end of the phone. “For reasons I’m not prepared to discuss, I will humour you, Caspian. Give me twenty-four hours to think about your offer and discuss it with my queen.”

  “You’re going to talk to Aurora about it?”

  “My pack has accepted her as my mate, she is an alpha too, making her my equal when it comes to this pack. Do you think you could take orders from her if you were to come to us?”

  “It is what I was born to do,” Caspian admitted.

  “Yes. Yes, it is. Twenty-four hours.” Lykos hung up.

  “We’re fucked. She’ll never agree to him taking Caspian on as beta.” Finn spoke for the first time.

  “Actually, she might,” Caspian said and Jax frowned at him, willing him to explain further. “Axel, their current beta, is a monster. He treats his mate like shit, she wants to break the bond but he won’t agree to it. He’s also the one who knocked Aurora out and took her. If Lykos is giving her that much power so soon, I’m willing to bet she’ll want rid of Axel the second the opportunity presents itself.”

  “Well, I’m willing to bet the only thing on Aurora’s mind is getting the fuck out of there, not getting her feet under the table.” Darius spoke with anger and disgust in his tone, aimed quite openly at Caspian. “She’ll be taking note of everything around her. Looking for something she can use to her advantage. It’s what we’ve been working on in her training recently. She may not have been there long, but I can guarantee she will already have a list as long as your arm of ways to get herself out of there. She won’t be waiting for a rescue. Aurora rescues herself.”

  The thought that this man knew his mate so well bothered Jax, he knew he couldn’t exactly react to it when he’d walked away from her but the instinct to put Darius straight was still there. He ignored it. It was only natural she would replace him, forming relationships with other members of the pack. At least he knew Darius and Finn had been real friends to her and not back-stabbing little shits, like his brother.

  “So, we wait. Unless further information becomes known, we reconvene in twenty-four hours. I have pack business,” Connell said, moving towards the door.

  “You can wait. We will wait and plan. If we hear nothing by this time tomorrow night, we go in with what we have.” Zane looked at each member of his team in turn, gaining a nod of affirmation from each of them.

  It wouldn’t be the first time they had carried out a mission with little to no information, Zane had confidence in them as a team. The issue with the missing book was something they would have to look into further. Caspian had noticeably been aware of something Aurora hadn’t when they went after the rogue in Dublin. Connell was quite obviously hiding something too. Aurora’s rescue had to be their priority, but with the obvious scheming going on within the Shadow Pack, they couldn’t afford to take their eye off the ball.

  Leo restlessly paced the floor of his chamber with a nagging feeling in his gut. It wasn’t a feeling he was used to and he couldn’t pinpoint what had caused it. He paused to look over at his most recent bedmate. The witch lay naked and comatose, legs tangled in the the blood drenched sheets, with the black wings discarded on the floor. She had been a willing participant in his game earlier in the evening. Sadly, that was when the fun had stopped for him. A struggle always made things much more entertaining. He anticipated a struggle when the time came with the raven queen. Her predecessor had struggled before her end came. The shrill bell of the phone diverted his attention and he moved to snatch it from its cradle.

  “Yes?” he snapped into the receiver.

  “The messenger awaits you in your office, my lord,” his assistant’s voice filtered down the line.<
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  “I’ll be right there.” Leo lowered the reciever before changing his mind and holding it back up to his ear. “Send someone to take care of the witch in my bed.”

  “Yes, my lord.” The line went dead and Leo replaced the reciever.

  It had been several days since he’d heard from the messenger and Leo’s dead heart danced with the thought. Waiting for the raven queen to reach her full potential was testing his patience and his craving for her power intensified by the day. Even the slightest news brought him a feeling of happiness that had long ago become alien to him. Her life’s blood would give him the guarantee he needed, but only once she was in possession of all her gifts. He had wanted to bring her to him early, so he could track her progress himself. The wolf had forced him to change his plans, which he wasn’t particularly pleased about.

  Breakfast was, much to Aurora’s relief, a quieter affair than the feasting that had taken place the previous night. Lykos had cooked, which she found confusingly endearing. He woke her with a gentle kiss to her forehead, no longer in wolf form. However, he quickly reverted to type by imparting upon her his usual sleaze, throwing in the words Koraki and agapi as often as he could, then told her breakfast would be waiting when she was ready. Venturing into the kitchen, she found a table set for two, laden with fresh fruit, Greek yoghurt, honey, and eggs with what looked like clotted cream on them, as well as a plate of small, delicious smelling, pies.

  “You did this?” She lost herself momentarily, as she took in the abundance of food on the table.

  “Kalimera, koraki, good morning. I thought a traditional Greek breakfast was fitting for our first morning together.” He stared out of the window for a moment, a faraway look in his eyes. “I hope you will travel with me to Crete one day, there is much I wish to show you.”

  “What’s in the pies?” Ignoring his planning, she sat down, realising she was suddenly famished.

  “We call them epirot, these ones have cheese and spinach. My Grandmother’s recipe,” he proudly announced and took the seat opposite her.

  “You did not bake these yourself.” She took a mouthful of one of the pies. “Oh, my, wow! These are fecking amazing!”

  “I’m not the caveman you believe me to be. I have many hidden talents, as you will come to know.” He watched as she ate, satisfied that he had impressed her.

  Aurora found herself meeting his eyes easily, momentarily forgetting she was his prisoner and relaxing. Feeling the beginnings of a smile, she resisted and averted her eyes. A knock at the door saved her from the awkwardness of what he obviously thought had been a moment between them. Lykos, not taking his eyes from Aurora, called for the visitor to enter and Melaina came into the room, followed by Axel.

  “Kalimera, Mel, Axel, help yourselves to breakfast.” Lykos greeted them with a brief glance before his eyes moved back to Aurora. “Axel and I have business to discuss, I thought Mel could give you a tour of your new home while we are busy. Later, there is something you and I must discuss, regarding your previous romantic situation, but it is not urgent.”

  “Caspian?” Aurora questioned with narrowed eyes. He nodded while he began to eat his own food. “There is nothing I need to know about him.”

  “I believe this may be of interest,” Lykos said, dismissively and finally looked at Melaina. He frowned. “Were we not clear last night, Mel?”

  “Sorry?” Melaina didn’t look up from the cup of coffee she had poured herself, allowing her hair to cover her face.

  “Melaina, look at me,” Aurora commanded.

  Melaina lifted her head slowly. Axel let out a low growl from behind her, her hair fell away from her face to reveal a bruised and swollen eye. Lykos stood abruptly, pushing his chair back with his legs so that it clattered to the floor behind him.

  “Axel, you will explain this!” He took a domineering stance over his beta.

  “An accident, boss, you have my word I meant no harm. Horseplay got a little out of control.” Axel formed the lie quickly.

  “Is that what happened, Melaina?” Aurora wanted to know. She didn’t believe Axel for a second, but Melaina nodded. “I want the truth. If he hurt you deliberately, I will personally see to it that he is incapable of taking a piss without assistance for the rest of his life.”

  Lykos stifled a laugh but composed himself quickly. He couldn’t be seen to be taking second place to his mate. As entertaining as Aurora’s idea sounded, it was important for pack dynamics that he deal with Axel himself. “Koraki, there will be no need for such drastic measures. Axel is my beta, I will deal with him accordingly if he laid hands on his mate. Mel?”

  “It was an accident, boss.” Melaina’s eyes strayed to Aurora’s and she silently pleaded with her to let it go.

  “Very well. Please exercise more restraint and a little discretion, in future, Axel. I realise certain types of bruises have a place in a relationship, but it need not be flaunted for the rest of the pack. Wait in my office while I finish breakfast with my mate,” Lykos told Axel.

  “Yes, boss,” the beast conceded and turned towards the office.

  “I will be with you shortly,” Lykos told him, stooping to pick up his chair before sitting back down and acting as though nothing had happened.

  “That’s it?” Aurora demanded, watching Axel leave the room. Shoving the chair next to her out with her foot and indicating for Melaina to sit.


  “He gave her a fucking black eye and that’s all he gets?”

  “Aurora...” Melaina began only to be interrupted by Lykos.

  “Mel has told me it was accidental, without any further say from her, what else would you have me do?”

  “She’s obviously afraid to say anything else,” Aurora stated.

  “Mel?” he turned his attention to her.

  “An accident,” she remained adamant.

  “How is anyone meant to help you when you refuse to help yourself?” Aurora hissed at the female.

  “A moment alone, Koraki, before you and Mel leave?” Lykos stood and gestured towards the bedroom. Aurora swore under her breath and got to her feet.

  The second the door clicked shut, Lykos grabbed her by the arm. Turning her to face him, he spoke in low, muted tones.

  “Axel is in the office. I shouldn’t need to remind you that he will be listening with wolf ears to our conversations. If he hears you undermining me it will go straight to the rest of the pack. Need I also remind you that your safety is at stake here?” He leaned in closer and inhaled her scent. No fear, he noted. “Unlike other alphas who would seek to control you, I enjoy your fire and wilful personality. I will back you on most things, but I cannot have you publicly stand against me. I am aware of the situation with Mel and Axel and am managing it as best I can. I would appreciate your co-operation with this, Aurora.”

  “What did you mean by certain bruises?”

  “Pardon?” He dropped her arm.

  “You heard me.” She folded her arms across her chest and stepped away, waiting for his answer.

  “Aurora,” he closed the gap between them, pushing the length of his body against her, his hands coming up to rest on her hips. “I suppose it would be unrealistic of me to hope you are pure?”

  “Pure?” She laid her hands on his chest to keep him from getting closer.

  “Yes, innocent, a virgin.” He smiled and lowered his gaze to her chest and back up again.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Anger flashed in her eyes and he continued to provoke her, enjoying the game.

  “No, if I were Caspian, I would have taken you at every opportunity you gave me.” He ran a finger along the edge of her neckline, pausing at the point between her breasts to watch her chest rise and fall with each breath. His body was hard against hers. Shifter senses weren’t necessary to scent his arousal, she could feel it pressed against her abdomen.

  “Don’t push your luck, old man. I’ve tolerated a lot from you so far, I haven’t even begun to fight you. You do
n’t want that to change, trust me.” She lowered a hand and brushed it lightly over his bulging crotch, laying her palm flat against him. His eyes darkened, her boldness exciting him. She squeezed, hard, to drive her point home. “I may not be able to shift, but I’m still stronger than most.”

  “Koraki,” he ground out, resting his forehead against hers and closing his eyes, as the pain she inflicted grew. Releasing her hips, he reached out to the wall behind them, backing her up a pace and placing his hands there, either side of her head. She twisted her grip, pulling another groan from him. “…bruises and marks on shifters are generally the enjoyable kind. Shifter sex, as you well know, can be animalistic, rougher, less… human. We mark each other out of lust, love, and ownership. Do you like it rough, Aurora?”

  “Wouldn’t you just love to know?” She freed him of her grip, their exchange having sparked an idea in her mind. She stepped out from under his arms, leaving him leaning heavily against the wall. “A black eye isn’t a bruise acquired during sex and if it is, then that’s not any kind of consensual sex I’ve heard of.”

  “Again, what would you have me do?” Lykos pushed against the wall, standing upright, and turning to face her.

  “Let her go.”

  Lykos watched her, taking a moment to calm his breathing and his body’s uncontrollable reaction to her. No female had ever affected him in the way she did. Her scent told him she was as drawn to him as he was to her, he just had to get her to stop denying it. He would investigate her other mate bond, the scent of the other wolf lingered on her skin, faint, but still there. Whereas Caspian’s scent had, curiously, never covered her. Regardless, he wanted it gone, he was certain their bond could be broken. Perhaps getting the book from Caspian could give him the answers he sought. He wasn’t particularly enthused about bringing an obvious traitor into his pack, though he had faith that, if she agreed, Aurora was more than capable of keeping Caspian under control.

  “You’re going to have to give me more than that, Aurora.”

  “Let Melaina go, so she can break the bond. I’ll remain here in her place and let you try and convince me to become your mate. I’ll stop looking for escape routes and planning ways to kill you in your sleep and I’ll stay. Of my own free will.” Aurora laid out her bargain hastily, the web of a plan threading together in her mind as she spoke.


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