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The Real Housewives of Adverse City

Page 15

by Shelia E. Bell

  “You may be Harper’s son but let’s get something straight. Do not ever come into my house unannounced again. You are a guest here, not a resident, so don’t get it twisted,” she said angrily to Seth.

  Seth looked stunned.

  “Not only should you stay out of our house, especially when Harper isn’t home, but you are never to set foot on the second floor of our home ever again. Do I make myself clear?” Eva’s voice was so stern and mean that it frightened even her.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I was looking for my dad, but you’re right. I had no right to be in there. Will you forgive me?”

  He sounded rather sad and Eva could see the apologetic look on his face. Now she felt bad that she had gone off on the guy.

  “Look, just don’t let it happen again,” she said, still trying to sound like she was mad.

  “I said I was sorry.” Seth stared at his father’s bombshell wife. He knew it was wrong but he couldn’t keep his lustful thoughts at bay. Of course, he really hadn’t meant to barge in on her. He really was looking for his dad and he still had to get used to the fact that things around the house were far different than when he visited before. His father had a new wife now and Seth had to remind himself that there was no more free reign for him. But still, he relished in how beautiful Eva was. She had to have married his father for his coins because a woman like her, well, Seth thought there was no way his father was giving her what she needed in the bedroom.

  Eva turned to leave.

  “You are sexy as hell. But I’m sure my father tells you that all the time.” Seth sounded both sarcastic and sincere at the same time.

  “Go to hell, Seth.”

  He couldn’t help it. Before he knew it, he came at Eva so fast she had no time to move. He pushed her against the wall and his lips devoured hers as he intertwined his hands in hers and penned both of her hands against the wall.

  Eva didn’t know what was happening. Why was her body betraying her? Why was she kissing him back? Certainly this couldn’t be her voice moaning as Seth’s tongue made love to her warm mouth.

  “Stop it, you arrogant prick!” She shoved him back with all of her might then looked at him with disgust before she slapped him and ran out of the guest house as fast as she could.

  Seth rubbed his stinging face and smiled. “Just as I thought. Dad isn’t handling his business.”

  Back inside the house, Eva’s breathing was heavy and her heart was still beating rapidly. She ran upstairs to her bedroom, closed the door, and leaned against it. Rubbing her lips, she could still feel his passion and the heat between them. What had just happened and why had she allowed it? “God, forgive me,” she said aloud. “I don’t know what that was about.” She shook her head like that would make the past moment disappear. She walked over to the bed and stood there replaying what had just happened. She picked up the laced lime-colored Victoria’s Secret sheer garter slip off the bed, leaving behind its matching v-string panty. She held the soft material against her skin. “We are going to make a baby tonight, Harper.” Eva smiled devilishly as she carried the lingerie back to her closet. She would use it later tonight, but for now, she pushed Seth’s kiss out of her mind and proceeded to get dressed. Harper would be home any minute.


  Spending the evening with Harper was far better than she could ever dream. She forgot all about the kiss she and Seth shared and instead concentrated on the man holding her in his arms as they danced to Tamar Braxton’s song Prettiest Girl. It reminded her of when she and Harper first met. The long talks, the intimate dinners, him wining and dining her. This was what she had missed, being out with Harper. She convinced herself that the feelings emanating from her when Seth kissed her was only because she missed her husband, missed the feel of his lips pressed against hers and the hardness of his body pressed against her intimate spaces.

  “You like this?” Harper seductively whispered while kissing her on the side of her neck as they slow danced. He had to admit that he missed spending time with Eva, but by the same token, he had an obligation to his profession. As much as he loved his wife, his true passion, his lifelong dream was that of being a physician. He couldn’t see himself doing anything different. The fact that he was Chief Medical Director at Adverse General was a huge and unexpected blessing in his life. No way could he allow anything to get in the way of his career – not even his young, sexy, beautiful wife. But this evening, unbeknownst to Eva, he had reserved on his calendar to spend time with her. He had to pacify her every now and then if he wanted to keep his marriage intact. That didn’t mean that he was ready to give in to her desire to have a baby because he wasn’t. Harper wasn’t ready to start all over being a father. He made that clear when they first met and started dating. Somewhere along the way, she must have forgotten or pushed it aside, but he hadn’t changed his mind. A child meant nothing but responsibility, time and dedication, none of which he was ready to give. His baby was his career.

  “I love you so much.” Eva looked up at her husband, smiled, and then laid her head against his chest.

  Harper kissed the top of her head. “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  The song ended and they returned to their table. Harper ordered more wine for the two of them. After they danced to a few more songs, they left.

  Eva sat close to him in the car as they drove home. She prayed to herself that the rest of the night would be just as magical and perfect as it already had been.

  Chapter 32

  “Sometimes people are capable of things we never imagined.” Unknown.

  “I don’t know what’s up with your girls,” Avery said to Eva as both women dined on a salad of mushrooms with fresh herbs and ginger at Zuma’s, a high-end Japanese restaurant in Miami. “I’ve been calling Meesha for the past three days. No answer. When I texted her, it still took forever before she texted back.”

  “I haven’t talked to her either. What did she say when she texted you?”

  “She said she and one of the boys were fighting off a cold, and she hadn’t felt like talking. Anyway, she said she wouldn’t be here today. Said she would fill me in later on some other stuff that was going on.”

  Eva added, “She’s probably still trying to deal with the fact that Carlton wants out of his marriage. I don’t know what’s up with that man, but I’m telling you, he’s a fool. I bet he’s messing off with one of those skanks at church who flaunt themselves around the man every chance they get. I’ve seen how they do. Meesha doesn’t want to face the truth.”

  “I wonder what’s going on with Peyton. When I called her, she sounded like she had been on a drinking binge. I could hardly decipher a word she was saying.’

  Eva hunched her shoulders and took a bite of her food. “I don’t know, but that’s her life.”

  “That’s true,” Avery cosigned. “Let’s change the subject. Is Harper’s son still here?”

  “Yeah, but he’s supposed to be leaving the first of next week. To be honest, I can’t wait for him to go, Avery.”

  “Why? You must think you’re not going to be able to control yourself around him much longer.” Avery teased. “I have to admit, that boy is a real cutie pie.” Avery laughed, picked up her glass of white wine, and took a sip.

  Almost immediately, Eva’s complexion turned from tan to bright red. It was obvious that she was embarrassed.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hit a nerve?”

  “No, it’s not that, but I do have something I want to tell you. You’re the only one I can trust to not say a word.”

  Avery leaned in closer, curious about what Eva had to say. “What is it?” She placed a forkful of her food inside of her mouth.

  “Seth kissed me.”

  As quickly as Avery inserted her food, just as quickly, she almost expelled it. She put her hand up to her mouth, as her tight eyes suddenly grew large. “He what?”

  “You heard me correctly. He kissed me.”

  “Tell me the details, girl,” Avery urged.

�It happened the other day. I was about to get ready for my date with Harper.”

  Avery’s palm halted Eva’s words. “Hold up. A date with Harper? I can’t believe I miss a couple of days talking to you and all of this happens. I knew Harper would make things right with you. The man loves you, Eva. But anyway, forget that for now. Keep talking.”

  Eva told Avery everything about how it all went down. “I feel so guilty, Avery. I love Harper so why didn’t I stop Seth? What’s wrong with me?”

  Avery was sympathetic to her friend. “Let’s examine the situation. First of all, you’re human. Seth is a good-looking man. You two are almost the same age. Harper is never around. You’ve been lonely for a long time. And let’s not talk about the fact that you’ve told me numerous of times that you and Harper rarely make love. It’s no wonder that you enjoyed the touch of a man.”

  “But he’s Harper’s son. I feel horrible.”

  “You shouldn’t. I’m not condoning what he did because he was out of line. But then again, you’re a beautiful woman, Eva. The man isn’t blind, for goodness sakes. You know the deal. You’re not green.”

  Eva looked down and away from Avery. Sighing, she bit lightly on her lip before looking up again. “It’s just that I can’t believe that I actually enjoyed his kiss, that I didn’t push him off.”

  “Get over it. Anyway, you just said he’ll be leaving in a few days. Let it go. Now tell me about you and Harper.”

  “Honeee, if that man didn’t make up for all the nights he’s left me to share our bed all by my lonesome. I’m telling you, he made me feel some type of way. We went to dinner, dancing, and then when we got home we danced between the sheets all night. It was everything I could imagine, girl.” Eva had a broad smile spread across her face as she talked. “I hope we made a baby. I pray that we did.”

  Avery pushed her plate back, picked up her table napkin, and gently wiped her mouth.

  Eva basically followed suit and did the same when the server approached their table. “Check please,” Eva told the young male server.

  After he turned around and left, Avery spoke up. “What do you think Harper is going to say, or should I say, do, if you are pregnant?”

  “I don’t know, but like you told me, he’ll get over it. We love each other. And he knows how badly I want a child.”

  “I agree. He’ll give you the cold shoulder for a minute and then when that precious little child enters into this world, all will be forgiven.” Avery shrugged her shoulders. “But, hey, if he chooses his career over his family, then that will be his loss, not yours.”

  Eva looked at Avery with admiration. “You are such a good friend. Thank you, Avery, but believe me, I can handle Harper Stenberg.”

  The ladies paid their checks, got up, and left the restaurant to go shopping. While shopping, Avery’s phone rang.

  “Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to meet me downtown for lunch in about an hour.”

  Avery looked over at Eva. She put her phone on Mute. “It’s Ryker. He wants to meet for lunch.”

  “Tell him that you’ll meet him.”


  “But nothing. Tell him, yes.”

  She unmuted the phone and replied, “Uh, sure.”

  “Did you have other plans? You sound apprehensive,” he said.

  “Uh, no. But I guess you can say that I am surprised, but it’s a pleasant surprise. Anyway, I’ll see you soon.

  “Cool, meet me at Jaya.”

  “Jaya? The new restaurant inside The Setai Hotel?”

  “You got it.”

  “My, my my. That sounds great.”

  “Good. See you in a little bit.”

  “Okay. Buh-bye.” Avery pushed the End button and turned to look at Eva who was grinning. “You’re laughing? I can’t believe you. I’m stuffed. How am I going to eat again?”

  “Easy, just get something light. You can work the extra calories off in no time. The important thing is for you to get out of here and go meet your husband. It sounds like he’s trying to bring the spark back into your marriage.”

  “I think it might be too late for that. There was a time, and not long ago either, when I prayed that things would work out. But to be honest, now I don’t know if I even want this relationship anymore.”

  “I think you still love him. It’s just that you’ve been hurt. But you should at least give him credit for trying to make things right, and why wouldn’t he? He’s the one who committed adultery.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Avery said, sounding disinterested and detached.

  Eva and Avery walked in silence to the parking garage and found their respective cars.

  “Have fun,” Eva told Avery as she walked off, leaving Avery with butterflies forming in her belly at the thought that she was having lunch with the man of her dreams.

  Avery had been praying for a change in her life. Every Sunday that she sat in church listening to Carlton talk about God’s unconditional love, little by little she began to forgive herself for the mistakes of her past. She had carried guilt around long enough. If she was ever going to make her life better and be the kind of mother her girls deserved, she had to get herself together. She prayed and asked God to change her mindset. Slowly things seemed to get somewhat better. She and Ryker weren’t exactly lovey-dovey toward each other, but they were getting along far better than they had in a long time. Avery felt that it was because she no longer cared whether things worked out between them or not. She no longer cared about him making her his wife either now that she’d found love in the arms of another.

  Avery had Carlton to thank for her change of heart. He may have had his own issues, but when he stood in the pulpit of Perfecting Your Faith and delivered the Word of God, lives were changed and souls were saved. He had a way of speaking faith into people, of renewing their hope with his powerful messages. It took some time, but Avery decided that she was no longer going to allow her past to dictate her future. For the first time in her life, she began to believe that God really did love her, something she hadn’t always believed.

  Ryker loved his girls but did he love Avery? He’d asked himself that question over and over again. Especially since he’d never wifed her, and he didn’t know if he ever would. What he did know was that he didn’t want his girls growing up without both parents. He’d seen more than his share of failed relationships. He believed that once two people married, it should be for a lifetime, through thick and thin, better or worse. He was unsure if he wanted to go there with Avery. His mother and father would be married forty-seven years in a couple of months. They were still just as much in love now as they were when they first met. The same wasn’t true for him and Avery. How much of the love he once felt for her could be salvaged, Ryker didn’t know, but what he did know was that he was going to try to make things better between him and Avery. They certainly had their share of life’s ups and downs. Through it all they had been blessed with Lexie and Heather. They had no financial concerns and Ryker remained determined to provide the best of everything for his daughters. Maybe, just maybe, he could make her his wife, but he still needed a little more time.


  Arriving at the hotel restaurant, Avery cautiously looked around as she walked inside. “Hi,” Avery said, walking up to the table located in a private dining section of the restaurant.

  Carlton pushed back from the table, stood up, and kissed her on the cheek. “Hi,” he said.

  Avery blushed.

  Carlton pulled out a chair for her and waited until she sat down before he helped bring her in closer to the table.

  Avery understood that in a sense she was doing to Meesha what Olivia had done to her, but sleeping with Carlton wasn’t something she’d set out to do, it just happened. Yet, at this point, Avery didn’t care. After being unhappy with Ryker for quite a while, Carlton made her happy, and it was a good feeling. When Carlton told her that he was in love with her and was going to divorce Meesha, initially Avery tried to talk him out of it, but he
refused to change his mind. Avery didn’t want to see Meesha hurt, and she felt bad for her, but there was no way she was going to give up the love that she and Carlton had found in one another.

  As for Ryker, Avery once loved him with all of her heart and soul, but now that love was gone. And if he loved her so much, he would have married her by now and he definitely wouldn’t have cheated. But all of that was in the past because her heart belonged to none other than Carlton Porter.

  When Avery and Ryker first met, he was attentive, romantic, and considerate. He wined and dined her and presented her with lavish gifts. When they consummated their relationship, she found him to be a skilled lover, which made her fall more deeply in love with him. In less than two years, they were engaged and he had put a rock on her finger that sparkled like the sunlight. Yet, he never married her and every time she talked about it, he found some excuse as to why the time wasn’t right. She blamed herself for being absorbed with her own life and being way too insecure. She was a nagger too because she hated that his law practice took up so much of his time. The more she hounded him, the further he withdrew. But it seemed like the mistakes they both made in their relationship were behind them now and Ryker was ready to make things better, but Avery wasn’t.

  “You look lovely,” Carlton told her, smiling at Avery and reaching across the table to caress her fingertips.

  She blushed again. “Thank you.” She took the white cloth napkin, unfolded it, and placed it on her lap.

  The server appeared and Carlton ordered coffee for himself and for Avery, he ordered one of her favorites, a blend of strawberry, peach, and citrus tea.

  “How was your morning?” she asked him as the server returned with a cup of hot brewed tea and Carlton’s coffee.

  The server took their orders, and they resumed their conversation after he left.


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