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Awakened Animals (A Shifter Novel Book 15)

Page 6

by Jaden Sinclair

  “How about you tell me what the hell is going on with Kaley?” He saw it then. Pain in the woman’s eyes. “What is going on with her? Why is she so damn wild?”

  “Because she’s hurting.” She came back over and sat down again, taking his hand once more. “After you left, Mr. Wisemyer just wasn’t himself anymore. He lost his wife and oldest child, then you.”

  “But he still had Kaley.”

  “He pushed that child away. Closed himself off to everyone, especially her. It was like he didn’t see that she also was hurting over the loss. Anyway,”—she waved her hand up in the air—“Kaley tried to do what she could, poor thing. Everyone it seemed was just shoving her to the side. The oil company kept going, life kept going, but he stopped and soon she just gave up trying. Started hanging with the wrong group. I mean, Mika, they were so wrong. She started drinking, spending money, having these parties. I’m so afraid of what else they may have gotten her to do, these animals she’s been spending so much time with.” Margret shivered and shook her head.

  “Who is the leader of this little group?”

  “Stockton. Kurt Stockton.”

  “Jim Stockton’s boy?”

  “That is the one, and rotten to the core. He’s been sniffing around here like a bitch in heat.”

  “Most of them are. Doesn’t he have another son?”

  “Yes, but he seemed to just disappear right after you left. No one has heard from him in years. Now I’m sure that rotten one is just after one thing.” She wiggled her finger at Mika, eyes narrowed. “And I’ll shoot him before he gets it.”

  “How do you know he hasn’t already?”

  “Mika! I’m shocked.”

  “Margret, you don’t hang with the rough crowd for free.”

  “I know my Kaley. She might be hurting and looking for something, but she isn’t that stupid to be giving herself away like that. So you get that right out of your head.”

  “Fine.” He rolled his eyes and got slapped on the arm for it.

  “You need to go talk to her.”

  “And say what?”

  “How about start with stop all this crap she’s doing. Get her back in the house where she belongs and stop going to all these parties.” She stood up and smiled at him.

  “Wait, what? Ge her back into the main house? When did she move out?”

  “She moved into the pool house when her father got sick. He didn’t stop her.”

  “Boy, you’re not going to make any of this easy on me, are you?”

  “You are now the man of this house. It’s your job to fix things.” She patted his hands with a grin.

  “I can’t fix everything, Margret. Not a miracle worker here. Besides, she didn’t say shit to me for half the ride here, and then when she did, she ripped me a new one. Man, she has a mouth on her.”

  “My girl has gotten very wild, Mika, very wild.”

  “Margret,” he groaned, slumping in the sofa and covering his face with both hands. “I’m not the one who can handle this. Brian made a mistake by putting me in charge here.”

  “I think he did the right thing.”

  Mika dropped his hands and looked at Margret, saying nothing for a long moment. “Okay. Where does she hang out? I need to know every place she goes and how much she’s spending.”

  “Why do you need to know about the spending?”

  “Well, for one, if this Stockton shit is coming around, I’ll bet that Kaley foots the bill for everything. Guess you can say the first thing I’m going to do is cut him off.”

  “No, that would be the second,” she said. Mika raised an eyebrow. “First is get her back in this house where she belongs. End of that story.”

  Mika grinned. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll get right on it.”

  “Good, and I’ll get started on a nice welcome home dinner for you. Ham still your favorite?”

  “Second to steak, you know that.”

  “Steak tomorrow. Need to go to the store for that one.” Margret patted his hands again and got up. Mika said nothing until she was almost out of the room.

  “Oh, Margret, I almost forgot. You remember Stray, my cousin?”

  “I remember him.”

  “He’s going to be staying with us, if that’s all right with you?”

  “Mika, you are head of this family now. If you wish your cousin to come and be part of it then it is done. Besides, I always liked him.”

  “Yeah, well, he’s had a rough time of things. Not the same guy.”

  “Honey, none of us are the same anymore. I’ll have the guest room made up for them.” She gave him a wink. “Maybe later on we can talk about getting the staff back now that you are home again.”

  “Why did they leave?”

  “Payment. You’ll see when you go through the books. It’s a mess in there, Mika. I wish you luck.”

  “Shit.” Mika shook his head. “Already I can feel the headache starting.”

  “Oh, almost forgot. Mr. Wisemyer did make a request, before his death of course.”

  “Which is what?”

  “You are to have the master bedroom. It already has been cleaned out, new mattress, and the few things you left behind are now in there.

  “Just full of surprises,” he grumbled again, walking toward the back to head outside.

  “Oh. My. God!” Vesper leaned forward in her seat in the truck, staring up at the house as Stray slowly drove down the long driveway. “Is that where we are staying?”

  “Yep.” Stray smiled at her and watched her bite her lower lip. She looked at him, then back up at the house. “Man, I haven’t been back here in years. Place hasn’t changed one bit.”

  “It’s amazing,” Vesper breathed out.

  “Yeah, I thought so the first time I saw it.”

  “Why did you leave?”

  “Heard trouble was brewing at home. Been a while since I saw my mother and wanted to make sure things were okay. I was too late. They were already dead.”

  “And you never came back here?”

  Stray shook his head. “Mika had his own kind of loss to deal with. Besides,” he reached for her hand and Vesper gave it to him. “Not long after that I found you and my own hell started.”

  “So what are we getting into?”


  She nodded toward the house. “Mika seemed distant at the police station. What’s going on? I mean, I get this vibe like he doesn’t want to be back here.”

  “Because he doesn’t. No one wants to go back to a place that hurts you.”

  “What happened here? Or is it another one of those long stories?” Stray looked at her again as he put the truck in park.

  “Her name was Lora. Mika planned on mating her. The family loved the idea. All, that is, but Kaley.”

  “Why didn’t she like the idea?”

  “Well, let’s just say that raw need or desire we get when we first meet our mate was never there for Mika in the beginning. I never picked it up from him; Kaley didn’t either. We used to talk about it at night, how Lora was so wrong for him. But Mika had tunnel vision about it. That is the girl he wanted and that was the girl he was going to get.”

  “Didn’t he notice that this need wasn’t there?”

  “If he did he ignored the hell out of it.

  “So you can tell, then, when someone is right for another of your kind? Like Mika, that is?”

  “Sometimes, if you’re close to that male.”

  “And you two are close.” He looked at her again. “I can see that.”

  “Yeah, we’re close.” Stray smiled, then brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

  “You have this lost look in your eyes.”

  He looked at her as he rounded the drive and parked at the side of the house, next to a blue sports car. “Not as lost as I once was. You ready?”

  “Are we safe?”

  “Very.” Stray gave her hand another kiss, then let it go and got out of the truck. As he walked around, Vesper looked once mo
re up at the large house.

  She’d only seen houses this big from afar. Her brother hated the rich. Hated how poor they were growing up. It’s what started his stealing. And thinking about it now, Vesper figured doing well herself is what turned his hatred toward her. She was fine in his eyes as long as she was poor and needed him, but once she started to stand on her own two feet, Hayden couldn’t handle that. Just like their father couldn’t handle the day their mother stood up to him. It had cost her life.

  “You okay?” Stray’s voice snapped her back.

  She smiled. “Yeah. Past ghosts coming back.”

  He pulled her from the truck, kept hold of her hand, and together they walked up to the front door. Before he could knock, the door opened and a kind-looking, plump woman stood in the doorway with a big smile on her face.

  “Stray!” She grabbed hold of Stray and pulled him into a big hug. He was much larger than her, but she seemed to tower over him in that hold. “It has been too long.”

  “Margret, how have you been?” Stray pulled out of her arms but kept his hands on her shoulders.

  “I’m doing much better now that you boys are back home where you belong. Come in!” She stood back to let him in.

  Taking her hand again, Stray still had that big smile on his face. “Margret, this is my mate, Vesper.”

  “Vesper?” Margret looked Vesper up and down. “What an unusual name for such a pretty thing.”

  Vesper felt her face heat up. “Thank you.”

  Vesper walked into the house and looked up at a huge chandelier. Still staring upward, she walked further in, eyes glued to a banister that seemed to go all the way around the top floor. To the right, a living room, the left a large formal dining room.

  “Wow!” Vesper breathed out low.

  “That is what I thought the first time I came here,” Stray said.

  “It’s just a house,” Margret said. “And with you boys back, I’m hoping a home once more.” She leaned into Stray, hugging him again. “Go show her around. I’ve got to get that ham in or we won’t be having a thing for dinner.”

  Stray pulled her down a foyer. He pointed at two closed doors; one a small bathroom, another a closet. Further down, he took her into a den that had a more lived-in feeling than the living room. The furnishings were in leather, and the hardwood flooring was covered with a huge area rug in the middle. Next to the den, an office then another great room. And there were two different hallways. One when you first came in, and another that had the stairs hidden from view. The second hallway also led to a very large kitchen with an eat-in area as well as a sunroom off to the other side. The kitchen came complete with a walk-in pantry and connected to a very large garage and laundry room. There was also a spiral staircase going up to the second floor.

  “There are four bedrooms, if I remember right,” Stray said, walking up the spiral stairs. She followed him. “And each one has its personal bathroom. Third floor has two more I think.”

  “Which one will we be staying in?”

  “The pool house.”

  Vesper almost cried out but held it back. Mika stood waiting for them it seemed. “Thought you two might like some privacy.”

  “Trying to get rid of us already?” Stray asked.

  “You don’t want to be alone?” Mika asked, one eyebrow going up. “Figured you might like some privacy.”

  “I sort of figured you might need some help with Kaley,” Stray said. “Can’t see her welcoming you with open arms.”

  “She didn’t.”

  “How bad did she rip you a new one then?” Stray snickered.

  “Let me just say the girl has a mouth on her like you wouldn’t believe. But I think I can handle her,” Mika said.

  “Doubt it,” Stray said.

  “So, um, when do I get to meet her?” Vesper asked, feeling the tension rise between the two men.

  “Sure you want to?” Mika asked. He didn’t smile. In fact, he looked like he might be dreading something.

  “Okay, what is the big mystery?” Stray crossed his arms over his chest, staring right at Mika. The intense manner of it had Vesper feeling uncomfortable.

  “Should I, um, should I go?” Vesper asked.

  “No.” Mika finally softened some when he looked at her. “You’re family now.” He looked back at Stray. “Brian Wisemyer has made me guardian to Kaley and the estate.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Stray gasped. “No wonder she’s pissed then.”

  “Oh, that’s just a topping to this cake.” Mika sighed, leaning to the side, arms crossing over his chest. “We have a male sniffing around where he doesn’t belong, and she’s been partying like nothing you could believe. Drinking and driving I’m told is just the icing here.”

  “So Kaley has gotten a bit wild and you’re to be the tamer. Interesting.”

  “You make it sound so cold, Stray,” Vesper said. “Can’t you just talk to her?” she asked Mika

  “Tried that and got my head bit off,” Mika answered her. He turned his attention back to Stray. “Our little Kaley has a mouth that could make a sailor blush.”

  “Oh, come on,” Stray groaned. “She can’t be that bad now.”

  “Trust me. She has gotten that bad.”

  “So what is the plan then?” Stray asked. “You going to lock her up in her room without supper?” Mika opened his mouth, only Stray cut him off. “She’s hurting. Mika, she’s lost her whole damn family. And now you’ve been dragged in, made in charge of everything. I’m sure that pain has only gotten worse. I mean, fuck.” He looked at Vesper. “Sorry.”

  “I’ve heard worse.” She smiled.

  “Sure you have,” Stray said with a heavy-sounding sigh. “Mika, I think you need to step back here and take it easy on her.”

  “Stray, she’s drinking and driving. This wasn’t the first time she’s been arrested for it. And on top of everything else, it’s Kurt fucking Stockton that’s sniffing around. We both know what kind of trouble that shit can cause.” Stray opened his mouth and this time Mika cut him off. “I know just what that dickhead is up to, and I’m going to be cutting it off first thing in the morning.”

  “I really think I should let you two talk about this alone,” Vesper said. “I think I’ll go back downstairs and maybe see if Margret would like some help.”

  Neither one said to not go or to stay, so she went.

  Vesper went back a different way then she came up with Stray. Which had her standing in the kitchen. She also came face-to-face with a young woman that no doubt had to be Kaley.

  The young lady was leaning against a counter, an apple in hand. She wore jean shorts, baggy shirt, no shoes, and her hair was loose down her back. Not too long, not short either. It was also a strange kind of brown, with some reddish highlights. She wasn’t a tall girl. In fact, Vesper sized her up some and knew she was a touch shorter than herself.

  “Hi,” Vesper said with as much of a smile as she could muster. “I’m Vesper.” She didn’t respond, only took a bite from the apple. The crunch sounded loud.

  “Girl, where are your manners?” Margret came into the kitchen, and Vesper was glad about it. The girl didn’t take her eyes off Vesper, just went on eating that apple as loudly as she could. Margret cleared her throat.

  The girl rolled her eyes. “Kaley.” Her dark brown eyes went up and down on Vesper. “So who do you belong to?”

  “Kaley!” Margret gasped. “Have some manners.”

  “It’s okay,” Vesper said. “Stray. I’m still trying to process it all really.”

  “What’s to process?” Kaley asked. “He’s a hunk. Jump on that shit and ride it into the sunset.”

  “Kaley!” Margret gasped again. “What has gotten into you?”

  “Oh God, Margret, chill. I’m just screwing with her.”

  “What you need to be doing is talk to Mika,” Margret said to Kaley. “You two need to get along, not start a war around here.”

  “No, thanks.” Kaley pushed off the counte
r and tossed the half-eaten apple into the trash. “I’d rather scratch my eyes out.” She went to the fridge and opened it.

  “Not this time,” Margret said. She walked over to the refrigerator and closed the door. “You’re going to sit down with them for dinner.”

  “The hell I am!”

  “Girl, don’t make me put you over my knee.” Margret pointed her finger right at Kaley’s face. “I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. So dress decently and be at that table six sharp. End of story. He’s now the head of the family. You show him some respect.”

  “Margret, there is no head of this family. Hell, there isn’t even a family anymore. Just me,” she finished with a snide-looking smile. “And I’m doing just fine without him.”

  “Oh yes, so fine. Going to all these parties, spending money…”

  Not wanting to hear any more, Vesper started to walk away, and thankfully neither seemed to mind. She started walking and found herself in the great room. Feeling slightly drained, but not understanding why, she dropped down on the large U-shaped leather sofa and closed her eyes. And it wasn’t long before she felt someone had joined her. Opening her eyes, she saw Stray sitting in a chair just looking at her.

  “You look tired,” he said.

  “I am.” She smiled as she stretched. “Didn’t think I would wear out so fast.”

  “Margret said you met Kaley.” Vesper nodded. “And what do you think?”

  “I don’t know. Do they hate each other?” she asked.


  “Mika and Kaley?”

  “You heard the term, ‘opposites attract,’ right?” She nodded. “Well, in my option, I think that is just what those two are. But hey, let’s not talk about that now. I’ve decided that you’re going to stay in the house and I’m going to move into the pool house.”

  “Why…I mean, why alone? Thought we were to, um…”

  “I think you might need time,” Stray cut her off.

  “Is this really for me, or for you?” He opened his mouth and she cut him off this time. “I don’t want to stay here without you.”

  Stray looked around, then got up. “Wanna go for a walk?”


  She got up and followed him to a back door that led outside to grounds that were impressive. The grass was cut to perfection. She saw a large pool with its own pool house. Vesper knew she would feel comfortable and safe outside. And she did. She also felt a little out of place.


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