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Awakened Animals (A Shifter Novel Book 15)

Page 14

by Jaden Sinclair

  She slowly sat back up, then stood. With shaking hands Kaley reached for the knot of her robe. Not once did she look away from him. The tension between them rose, as did the heat that came off her body. She couldn’t stop shaking as she pulled, releasing it. It opened and very slowly parted. A slight twist of the shoulders and it slid from her arms, down to the floor.

  Mika’s eyes followed it, looking down her body. She shivered at the raw sensations of his stare as well as the heat that kept building up.

  “God, Kaley.” Her name rumbled from his lips and she shivered. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “I’ve never seen anything in my life as beautiful as what I’m looking at now.”

  Tears filled up in her eyes and fell. Mika looked up at her, reached out and brushed one away. Then he grabbed her, his hand cupping the back of the head, and jerked her close, kissed her deep, hard, forcing her to take his tongue. She jumped up, wrapping herself around his hard body, kissing him back.

  Skin on skin eased the pain, but did nothing for the hunger. It only fueled it, had her wanting more, needing more. Mika wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her up, and together they fell down onto the bed, kissing each other as if to do so meant their lives.

  For Kaley, it meant much, much more.


  Mika rubbed his body against hers as they kissed, tongues fighting a battle for dominance. He moaned, as did she, and Kaley scraped her nails down his back, digging them into his ass. That got a low rumbling growl from him, and he didn’t stop her either.

  The feel of him eased so much pain, yet it also built up the hunger deep inside her. She didn’t understand it, didn’t give a damn either. All she wanted was for it to last.

  When he started to pull back she whimpered, not ready yet to let him go. But far he didn’t go. His hands went to her back and as he pulled up onto his knees he took her with him, but had her so that she was arched backward with her chest up.

  Mika licked her between the breasts and it stole Kaley’s breath. Again, she whimpered as he touched her with his tongue only. And it felt so good. When it reached a nipple, she rose up and fisted her hands in his hair, holding him against her chest. He in turn sucked a nipple into his mouth, pulling on it hard, causing her to shiver in his arms.

  It took a lot of willpower and strength to take the lead, and somehow Kaley did. She got him to stop and was able to touch him, rub her face on his chest, and take his male scent deep into her lungs.

  He began to rub her back. She bent over and took hold of his hard cock and sucked it into her mouth, moaning at the taste and the power she felt. She didn’t know what the hell she might be doing, only going on instinct, and the way Mika began to pant said it all.

  Instinct took over and inexperience went out the door. Mika moaned, his body arched, and reaching forward both hands fisted into her hair. She sucked him, pulled at his flesh like a starved woman, but it wasn’t enough. On fire, Kaley pulled back and dropped herself back on the bed, slowly spreading her legs, opening herself up for him.

  His eyes shifted red, looking her up and down, then stopping right at her core. She shivered in anticipation again, her hungry body screaming for something. And something she got.

  Mika dropped to his stomach and went right in, his hands touched the inside of her thighs, opening her up even more, and then his hot breath touched her very wet pussy.

  Kaley had dreamed that the first time with Mika would be sweet and romantic. Thanks to the need and heat in her body, she wanted anything but sweet and romantic. What she needed and wanted was his animal. And he must’ve sensed it.

  Mika’s mouth closed on her heat and she cried out. The contact of his mouth upon her had one hell of a climax hitting her, but it did nothing to still the building need inside her. In fact, it increased it.

  Mika growled against her and devoured her body. He sucked, licked, and pushed his tongue as far into her as he could, fucking her with it.

  Giving into her needs, she fisted her hands into his hair this time, urging him on. Mika moaned against her and she climaxed from it.

  His tongue pressed between the lips of her pussy sent all new sensations racing throughout her whole body. Every nerve ending screamed out and her flesh felt as if tiny fingertips were touching her all over.

  Her breasts felt heavy, nipples so hard they ached. She wanted to feel his hands over them, feel him squeeze the mounds and pinch her nipples. But she couldn’t express it to him now with the way his mouth worked between her legs.

  Then he stopped and gave a nip to the inside of her thigh.

  “You taste so good,” he said with a low rumble to his voice as he slid up, covering her body with his own. “I could drown in your taste.” She couldn’t stop herself from squirming under him. When she felt his cock touch her heated pussy she whimpered. “I’m going to fuck you hard, Kaley. I’m going to fuck your heat and my heat right out of us. Are you ready for that? Think you can handle it?”

  “Can…can you?” she panted. “This—this is just…just basic need.”

  “No, Kaley.” He reached down between them, rubbing his cock between the swollen lips of her pussy. She moaned then stilled when she felt the heat of his cock push just a little into her. “This is a claiming.”

  He surged hard into her and she cried out, climaxing right on the spot. With her body in the cycle, the need, the lust, all built up to such a high that she felt no pain from the act. What she did feel was the wanting of more. She needed the pain of his thrust to counter the pain of the cycle.

  And Mika delivered.

  He fucked her hard and fast, slamming into her body with a force that stole her breath. Her body hummed with new life. She fisted both hands into the pillow overhead, trying to hold on for dear life as he took her hard like he said.

  His hands dug into her ass, gripping and squeezing. Head tucked into her neck, tongue touching her shoulder. The friction of his body rubbing against hers drove her nuts. It eased and heated the flesh.

  When one powerful orgasm hit, Kaley lost her control and ended up scraping her nails hard down Mika’s back and she screamed. He in turned yelled, stilled, and grabbed both wrists, pinning them down, looking her in the eye. Both were breathing hard and fast.

  “That wasn’t nice,” he panted out low.

  “I’m sorry,” she rushed out, moving her hips as much as she could, trying to get some relief to her throbbing clit. “Don’t stop. Please.”

  Mika grinned and very slowly lowered his chest back to hers and captured her lips with his own. An easy kiss that quickly heated up and deepened. And as they kissed he rotated his hips, grinding against her clit, but not thrusting or doing any other kind of movements.

  Again, Kaley whimpered into the kiss, struggling to get her wrists free. Mika didn’t release them. Instead he linked his fingers with hers, still kissing her, still just grinding against her clit until she climaxed again.

  “Feels right, Kaley,” he breathed out. “God fucking help me, but you feel so right.”

  “More,” she groaned. “I need more.”

  Mika let her hands go, reached up, and grabbed onto the headboard under the pillows. He kissed her again, then started to move. It wasn’t an easy sweet motion. No, Mika withdrew and surged hard into her, and Kaley cried out. She grabbed onto him, legs going higher, hands gripping his sides. She even licked and kissed at his chest as he once more started to take her hard.

  “I’m…I’m going to…take it… all!” Mika shouted.

  “Not yet.”

  Kaley managed to flip Mika over onto his back. He didn’t stop her or help her, so she took complete charge and went with what her body demanded of her. Reaching between them, she took his cock, posed it and sank herself down. Chills of pleasure raced down her spine as he filled her up.

  She took what he gave and rode him just as hard as he had done to her. Back and forth, then up and down. Kaley couldn’t get a motion that worked best for her and yet hungered for more. Her body still
burned and before she could even control herself or give it much thought, she lowered herself down to him. Still moving her hips in a fast motion, Kaley bit Mika hard on the chest, right over his left breast. He yelled and bucked under her, both hands coming down hard on her ass like a slap. She felt him come inside her and it eased some of the burn, but not all of it. And once more, right before she was about to come again, he got the upper hand and she found herself down on her hands and knees.

  Mika grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head back. “That was dirty,” he hissed low with a deep growl in his voice.

  “More,” she panted. “It still burns.”

  “Oh, I’m going to give you more. More than you could ever think you’d get.” He thrust hard, filling her back up, and thankfully she came hard once more. “My turn to burn.”

  She didn’t know what he was talking about. All she could focus on was this damn need, and the pounding he was giving her to ease it. Another powerful orgasm and she was finally starting to feel the cycle ending. She half expected him to also slow down, but something whispered in the back of her mind that round two was starting up. That Mika might’ve been pushed into his heat early by this unexpected cycle of hers.

  And sure enough, when she heard a loud howl from him, followed by him stilling deep inside her, she knew it was. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold the position on her hands and knees.

  “Now, the final,” he said with a strained sound to his voice.

  Kaley didn’t have a damn clue what he meant, until he showed her.

  Pulling out, she just about dropped to the bed with exhaustion, but he held her up, his strong hands on her ass as he parted her cheeks. When the head of his cock touched her anus, she stiffened and tried to get away.

  “No,” he snapped. “Don’t move. Just accept.”

  “Mika…I-I can’t do that.”

  “Yes, you can, and you will. Relax.”

  Relax, yeah right! Kaley held her breath and waited to be torn apart. He pushed against her, but it felt like it just wasn’t going to work. Then he pushed harder and the muscle gave way for him. She screamed as he forced himself into her ass, burning and stretching her. Then that pain mixed with the last stage of her cycle, came together.

  “Yessssssss,” Mika hissed behind her, giving a short thrust.

  Kaley shivered under him and cried out again when he started to move. The pain diminished somewhat as she grew used to his invasion, yet she welcomed him finishing. But then she wondered if he was just getting started or coming close to his end also, since his heat had been pushed forward early.

  A hand went between her legs and fingers started a fast circle rub on her clit. Within moments, Kaley cried out again, one more orgasm hitting. As she was riding out that pleasure, Mika jerked her up on her knees by the hair and she felt a bite to her shoulder as she felt him swell inside her ass. She didn’t think she had anymore to give, yet somehow, he managed to pull one more climax from her before it was lights out.

  Kaley didn’t feel him leave her body. Didn’t notice if he cleaned her up or not. She felt him position her on the bed and cover her with a sheet, but that was about it. Her cycle ended, his heat over, and now it was time to just rest and cool down. Later, when she awakened, they’d deal with what had happened, but for now it was sleep that she needed.

  Mika woke to a ringing in his head. As he worked to clear his brain he also reached to his right for Kaley, only to feel nothing but a cool sheet. Opening his eyes, turning his head and sitting up with a hint of fear to his gut, he didn’t see her, but a note on the pillow.

  There is something I need to do. Talk when I get back. Kaley.

  Fisting the note, Mike looked at the clock on the nightstand. Seven p.m. The claiming went on for hours, then they must’ve slept the rest of the day away since it was now evening. He rolled from the bed and walked naked toward the bathroom for a fast shower. But he stopped when that damn ringing started up again.

  He didn’t even bother looking at the number. “Yeah.”

  “Mika! Jesus, I’ve been trying to call you for hours.”


  “What the hell have you been doing?”

  “Um…” Mika looked around the room, not sure how to answer that.

  “Never mind. I found Margret.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “No. They went to the next county to do some shopping. Stuff for Kaley’s birthday. Guess they decided to have a fucking party.”


  “Mika, he found her.”

  Mika didn’t need to ask who the he is. He knew. “How?”

  “I don’t know, but he put Margret in the hospital. She’s still in the other county, but she said that Hayden told her to tell me to meet him back at the house where we found Vesper.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Mika turned completely around, looking for his clothes. The damn things were scattered all over the room. “Shit.”

  “No, you stay with Kaley,” Stray said.

  “Wait, No!” Mika yelled stilling. “You need backup. You can’t just go in there. That fucker will have something waiting for you.”

  “I’m not stupid.”

  “You are if you go in there alone.”

  “This is my mate. It’s my job to protect her.”

  “Stray, you can’t do this alone!” A beeping rang in his ear. “Hold on, and don’t you hang up. That might be Kaley calling me.”

  “Kaley? Why would she…”

  Mika cut him off and flipped the line over. “Yeah?”

  “Mika, Sheriff Maddock here.”

  “Do not tell me you are calling me to tell me she’s in more trouble.” Mika stilled.

  “No, not that kind of trouble, son. You need to come out here to the hospital. Kaley’s been hurt and she’s not talking as to who did it.”

  Mika’s gut dropped. “Hurt? What do you mean she’s hurt? How?

  “Someone’s beat her up pretty bad.”

  “I’ll be there in twenty.” Mika switched back to Stray. “Stray?”


  “Kaley’s been hurt. I have to go to the hospital.”

  “What?” Stray yelled, which caused Mika to pull the phone away from his ear. “Was it Hayden?”

  “No, this has nothing to do with Hayden.”

  “Stockton then?”

  “I’ll put money on it.” Mika sighed, rubbed his face and felt his temper rise. “Fuck! Look, clearly we are being pulled in different directions. I need to go and take care of this and her. But man, watch your ass, please. That brother of hers is out for your blood. You need to go in there ready to kill. Can you do that?”

  “I’d kill for my mate. Wouldn’t you?”

  “In a fucking second. Oh, Stray?”


  “You were right.”

  “About what?”

  “Kaley. She is my mate and I’ve been so fucking blind to see it.”

  “Take care of her, Mika.”

  “I plan on it, and cuz, you call me once this shit with that prick is over.”

  “You got it.”

  The line went dead. Mika fisted his hand with the phone, growled low then went into the bathroom for a fast shower. So much shit going on at once. He wanted to be there for Stray. Felt like he should be his backup, but his mate needed him and that’s always number one for all shifters.

  His mate. Wow!

  Turning the water on, he stopped before stepping into the shower to look at himself in the mirror. His eyes went to the mark upon his chest. He touched it. A tender bite mark. Given to me by Kaley. He wondered if she remembered doing it. He doubted it. When in the heat, no matter if it’s male or female, things like a bite mark happen without anyone knowing they’re doing it. Had him wondering if by chance he put one on her as well and thinking hard about it he knew he did. They’d claimed each other, which explained that feeling he had when he put her to bed last night.

  “Wow. This changes every
thing, that’s for sure,” he said to no one as he stepped into the shower.

  The hospital was a bit of a drive. It normally took about twenty minutes to get there. Mika made it in ten. He parked at the emergency entrance and jumped out, not giving a damn at the moment about where he parked.

  Mika walked fast down the hallways, looking everywhere. When he came up on the emergency double doors he didn’t bother with the nurse, just pushed his way in, ignoring her protests. When he saw Maddock, he went right up to him.

  “What happened?” Mika demanded.

  Maddock stopped what he was doing, which was talking to a doctor, and looked up at Mika. “Mika.”

  Mika looked at the doctor and waited, but waiting just didn’t seem like his thing. So he gave the doctor a dirty look, hoping to scare him into telling what the hell happened.

  “I was just telling the sheriff here,” the doctor said, clearing his throat. “That Ms. Wisemyer has suffered a very bad beating. It should have killed her to be honest, and I’m not sure why it didn’t.”

  Mika saw red. “What happened?” he asked low and slow.

  “She has two cracked ribs and one broken,” the doctor went on, starting to look a bit uncomfortable. “Busted blood vessels in her left eye as well as bone bruising in the face. The nurse is finishing up some stitches now on her forehead. She also had some on her jaw. Ms. Wisemyer also suffered a severe third-degree sprain to her left ankle that will be splinted in a boot. There are other bruises over her body, but the ribs are my main concern. That one break is mere inches from puncturing a lung.”

  “Who did it?” Mika asked.

  “She’s not talking,” Maddock said.

  “Was…was…” Mika couldn’t ask the question that was on the tip of his tongue, and thankfully the doctor seemed to know what he was thinking.

  “No,” the doctor answered. “She was not raped, only beaten.”


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