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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

Page 7

by Tiffany Carby

  “So you’ll be home for a little while?”

  “Pretty much the whole month of October!” Rory said. “We have to basically learn to run the business and prove ourselves by creating a new recipe or two from start to finish, marketing it, learning how to display, price and do all the things you do in a business. Isn’t that cool?”

  “Have you told Finn or your aunts yet?” Raleigh asked. Rory was adopted by Raleigh’s sisters, whom she referred to as her three aunts, when the local orphanage was overcrowded and couldn’t take on another baby. So they fostered her for a little while and enjoyed having her around so much she never left.

  “Just found out today, actually! I’m going to call him as soon as we hang up,” she said, smiling from ear to ear.

  “I’m sure he’ll tell you I’ve been working him to death, and it’s not far from the truth. We’ve been very busy auditing our procedures lately. Maybe Finn can take a little time off while you are home,” Raleigh suggested.

  “You really are the coolest uncle and the coolest boss too!” Rory hung up with Raleigh and did as she said. After filling Finn in on the newest development of her internship back home. He told her about all the stuff he had been doing for Raleigh and how busy he had been.

  “I wish I could see you more when you’re home, but I’ve been so busy traveling to all of the Griffin Gas Franchise locations, I’ve not even been home much myself,” Finn was very appreciative of the job he got, straight out of college no less, and he was certainly working for every penny. Rory explained that Raleigh was already ahead of him and hoped they could take a little time off together.

  “How’s the studio apartment?” For the first few months that Rory took classes, she commuted the hour between Spring City and Louisville, several times a week.

  “It’s really great, actually,” Rory confessed. “I miss seeing everybody, but I was spending so much time traveling back and forth and doing homework, I wasn’t really seeing anybody anyway. I was exhausted.”

  Rory had been moved in for a little over a week and had just started classes. She committed to taking a larger load so she could finish up faster, and was already on track to complete a Culinary Arts degree ahead of schedule.

  “I’ve got a month of a crazy schedule with classes and labs, then my internship month before coming back for another intense month before Christmas break,” Rory told Finn. “If I take a couple classes over the winter term, I’ll be able to finish by May.”

  “I’m so proud of you Rory!” Finn said with so much love and adoration for his girlfriend. They planned a weekend trip for Finn to come stay with Rory once before she came home for the month. “I’ll also be down next week to meet with the manager of Spring City Confectionary, I have some interesting Halloween treat ideas I want to run by her before I start planning.”

  “Treat ideas?”

  “More like tricks…”


  “The meeting with the bakery went so well; this experience is going to be awesome!” Rory told Finn as she got in her blue Mazda 6 coupe that Raleigh and Dafne had purchased for her birthday the year before.

  “I’m so excited for you, sweetheart,” Finn said. “Do I get the pleasure of your company this evening before you have to head back to Louisville?”

  “Yes, actually! And I don’t have to head back until Monday!”

  “Three whole days with you back in town, what will I do with myself?” Finn teased her.

  “Well…” she paused. “I’m hoping you’ll help taste test some recipes for my internship project!”

  Finn could read Rory like a book. He knew she was smiling from ear to ear and couldn’t wait to spend some quality time with his love. Their relationship may have had a rocky start, but they grew closer as each season passed.

  “I was hoping for a family dinner one night,” she said. “Think your mom would cook if I did desserts?”

  “What do you think?” he chuckled. “Mom is always looking for an excuse to get the family together. Why don’t you give her a call and ask for yourself?”

  “I think I will, actually!”

  A quick call with Dafne and Sunday dinner was planned for the family. Finn and Rory would be there along with her twin brother Mal and his girlfriend Ani. Rory’s three aunts also known as Raleigh’s triplet sisters, Wanda, MaryAnne, and Dora, would be there and of course, their parents, Poppa George and Mamaw Helen Griffin.

  Eleven diners would be perfect for her plan to unveil a dozen of her Tricky Treats that she had planned to create and sell for Halloween.

  “So tomorrow, I’m all yours,” she told Finn, “But on Saturday, I have to plan my ingredients and grocery shop and work on a few desserts in preparation for Sunday’s late lunch.”

  “You’re so professional, it’s quite the turn on,” Finn said, knowing he would make Rory blush over the phone.

  “Did you get dirty at work today?” she asked.

  “Well then, are you trying to get me to come home early?” Finn wondered where she was going with that question.

  “No, I was just curious if you’d have to come home and take a shower before we head out to the tavern for dinner?” Rory was very straight to the point and Finn took her backwards flirting any way he could get it.

  “Of course that’s what you meant,” he said. “No, I’m not dirty today. Wearing a suit and I’ve been inside most of the day, so I’m not too dirty.” He had to refrain from laughing aloud.

  “So I’ll meet you at your apartment and then we’ll head on over to Trixie’s?” she asked.

  “Does that mean you’re staying at my place tonight?” Finn couldn’t help himself.

  After he graduated from the University of Kentucky, Finn moved back to Spring City to work for Raleigh as he had promised he would once he got his degree. After a month at home living once again with his parent’s, he packed up his things and moved to a little townhouse on the outskirts of town. Mal’s girlfriend, Ani, a local teacher lived in an adjoining unit, so it was nice knowing there was a friendly neighbor.

  “I think you know the answer to that, Finley,” Rory responded to his earlier statement. “And I’ve invited Mal and Ani for dinner and drinks at Trixie’s.”

  “Thank goodness we get along now…” Finn said under his breath so Rory didn’t hear…


  “Hey, Sis!” Mal said engulfing Rory in his arms. Fraternal twins, Rory and Mal had similar features but were very much opposite. Mal’s big football player frame suited his new employment as manager of Raleigh’s new ranch. His big shoulders came in handy wrangling cattle and horses and working around the farm. Rory, however, was short and slender. It was no wonder it had taken them 20 years to realize they were related…but that is another story.

  “Hey, big brother! Hey Ani,” Rory said wriggling out of Mal’s grasp to hug the woman in his life. Ani was five years older than their group of three and started her teaching career during their senior year of high school. She taught Geography at Pleasant Valley High School and had each of them in her very first class as a teacher. It was a few years later that Mal and Ani found the spark between them and had since been inseparable.

  “So glad you’re home for a hot minute, Rory! How’s life?” Ani asked. The girls perched around the half-moon booth and their mates sat on the ends. She filled Ani and Mal in on her internship plans and that she would be home for the month of October.

  Tavern owner and well known by everyone Trixie stopped by to say hi to their table.

  “Haven’t seen you in a while, Rory! It’s good to have you home!” Trixie said.

  “It’s good to be home, I’ll be back for a little while I do a month-long internship at Spring City Confections!”

  “That is so exciting!” Trixie scooted into the bar next to Mal. “Are you doing Halloween themed desserts? ‘Cause you know we’re having a town Halloween Bas
h here at the Tavern this year!”

  “Oh my gosh, no I didn’t know that! We so need to talk about desserts!” Rory practically squealed with delight and hopped out of the booth to go over to the counter with Trixie. Their discussion turned into sketches on a notepad that Trixie pulled out from behind the bar. Mal, Ani, and Finn ordered some drinks and appetizers while Rory and Trixie talked shop and she returned to their table.

  “Trixie has some awesome fall inspired drinks on her menu right now, guys!” Rory explained.

  “Yeah, we know…” Ani said, pointing to the Apple Cider Spritzer sitting in front of her as well as one at Rory’s place at the table. They chuckled as Rory realized they had ordered the first round of special drinks for them to try.

  “We told our waitress we’d try the sangria thing next round,” Mal said, holding up his pinky finger acting as if the drink in his hand was too feminine for him.

  “I can’t wait for you to try the desserts I have planned at dinner on Sunday!”

  “Wait, who said anything about Sunday dinner?” Mal asked.


  “Okay, so I have two desserts planned out for Trixie for her to sell to go along with her drink specials for the month,” Rory told Dafne the next morning as they sat around a table at The Wishing Well, Spring City’s coffee shop. “And in addition to those two, I have six others that we can sell at the eight in total.”

  “That’s taking on a lot, Rory; you never cease to amaze me!” Dafne said as she looked over her sketches and recipe notes.

  Dafne and Rory had developed a relationship first among all the Griffins and the two of them worked to reunite Raleigh and his three sisters. They were a good pair and Dafne fully supported both Rory and Mal in all their endeavors.

  “So tell me more and let’s see if we can’t come up with some menu descriptions!” Dafne’s marketing background was certainly useful for this portion of Rory’s internship planning. “How many original desserts were in your class guidelines?”

  “Uh, just two?” Rory chuckled. “I couldn’t help it; I got this idea and just ran with it. Joan and Paul at the bakery have been so supportive too. I hope this helps their sales.”

  “Well, I’d say it will help sales, it’s not like you’ll be making money off of these creations, right?” Dafne asked.

  “No, but I won’t be providing the ingredients either, so I hope I’m suggesting prices that will sell the desserts but also will make a profit too,” Rory said.

  “It all seems reasonable so far,” Dafne told her as she looked over more of Rory’s notes.

  “Here’s what I’ve come up with…” Rory said handing Dafne a handwritten menu. “And for the Halloween bash that Trixie mentioned, she’s willing to purchase all eight desserts and wants something special just for the party, so I technically have an extra one I have to come up with.”

  Dafne began to read over the menu Rory sat before her...

  Trixie’s Sweet & Salty Treats

  Individual fruit tarts will accompany Trixie’s Autumn Sangrias. Luscious buttery crust filled with lemon curd, topped with seasonal fruits to compliment the sweet adult punch. Those who are tricked will receive a salt-laden crust with unsweetened lemon curd topped with sour fruits, still edible, of course, just not nearly as tasty.

  Four-inch single-serve apple pies will make you want to slap your mammy. Apple cider sparklers at Trixie’s Tavern are the perfect drink pairing for such a treat. Beware though, if you receive a tricky pie, baked beans will be your filling!

  Tricky Treats by Spring City Confectionary

  A baker’s dozen of Sticky & Tricky Caramel Apples will satisfy the ultimate sweet tooth. Twelve Macintosh apples will be covered with homemade caramel and allowed to set so they can be wrapped and handed out individually. One “apple” will trick one unlucky recipient when they bite into the homemade caramel covering and find an onion instead of an apple!

  Chocolate covered pretzel sticks are doused in melted chocolates, sprinkles and colorful sugars. Each batch will trick the unlucky recipient into finding a chocolate covered nightcrawler instead of a chocolate covered pretzel. Hey, worms are protein, right?

  Classic sugar cookies in the shape of bats and pumpkins will liven up any party! One cookie in each batch will surprise its recipient since it will be made with salt instead of sugar!

  Dutch chocolate cupcakes swirled with buttercream icing and decorated in spooky, Halloween-themed sugar molds will be a delight for any fall occasion! In the baker’s dozen assortment, one unlucky cupcake will be made with only cocoa instead of sugar and the buttercream will be extra salty!

  “So there are your six desserts!” Dafne applauded Rory. “The concept is great! I love the trick each batch will have...the pranks are perfect for Halloween!”

  “Now I just have to come up with that extra dessert for the Halloween Bash…”


  Dafne planned a light lunch of salads and sandwiches on Sunday since their group would be the taste testers for Rory’s seven desserts.

  “I decided to go for a classic Halloween treat with a trick that won’t quickly be forgotten…” Rory’s tiny evil laugh made the whole crowd giggle. “But, as you all know, today’s desserts are only the treats. I didn’t bring anything for any of you to sample that would fall into the tricks category.”

  “Oh thank goodness,” Mal said, eyeing the desserts bar. “Can we get this show on the road?”

  “First, let me say that I’ve made plenty of everything, so there will be some for you to take home, and if you want to share some of these so you get a taste of everything after dinner, I completely understand that too.”

  “Hey, I might want one of everything,” Mal said. “I’ll workout later, don’t you worry.”

  Poppa George slapped him on the back with an “atta boy” and everybody praised Mal for his enthusiasm.

  As each dessert passed across the players at the table, everyone filled their plates and Rory explained each one in detail.

  “This might be the best sugar cookie that I’ve ever eaten, Rory,” Mamaw Helen said chiming into the conversation.

  “And this chocolate cupcake is divine!” Dafne said.

  “Where’s dessert number seven?” Mal asked with a mouthful of apple pie.

  “Right here,” she said turning and grabbing a fall colored basket. “Classic popcorn balls!”

  “What a good idea,” Finn said taking the basket from her and passing it around so everyone could get one.

  “I’m sure you’ll want to save those for later,” Rory said, watching Mal open his and taking a big bite in front of everyone. “Except my big brother, of course.”

  “So what will the trick be on this one?” Dafne asked.

  “One of the 13 popcorn balls in each batch will be drizzled in ghost pepper oil!”

  “Whoa! That’s most definitely a trick!” Ani said.

  “And everything will come with a warning, a disclaimer and a note that says to purchase and eat at your own risk, with a ‘may contain’ statement so no one buys anything that they might be allergic to,” she clarified.

  “You really have thought of everything!”


  Late October

  Rory had been home for a couple weeks and was fully enveloped in her internship with the Spring City Confectionary. She had gotten to know the owners, Joan and Paul, very well and they were passing along valuable knowledge to her that she was already incorporating into her baking. The Halloween recipes were incredibly popular and the youngsters of Spring City especially liked the tricks.

  The bakery set up a booth at the local fall festival and sold three times as many baked goods than they had in year’s past. All this work made Rory want a bakery of her own.

  “Rory, I don’t know how you’ve managed to do it, but you’re helping our business tremen
dously!” Paul told her after the festival. “I sure hope after you finish your schooling, you’ll think about coming back here and working for us.”

  “That would be amazing, sir,” Rory could not contain her excitement. “I love this little town and would love to be able to start a career here!” Agreeing they would talk more after she finished her degree, Rory felt like she suddenly had a purpose in the world, a feeling she hadn’t felt before Raleigh encouraged her to go to college, and helped pay for it.

  Dafne came in the bakery that afternoon and ordered some scones for the workers of Griffin Gas. Every so often, she liked to treat the guys by bringing sweets from the bakery and sodas from the drug store next door. Spring City’s drug store and soda fountain, The Tonic Shoppe, was the place to go for an old-fashioned soda or float. The placement of the bakery next door surely helped both businesses with sales.

  “I’ve got your order all ready,” Rory said as she checked Dafne out at the cash register.

  “Everything looks great!” Dafne said. “Are you all ready for the Halloween Bash this weekend?”

  “Yep!” Rory said then immediately retracted her statement. “I mean yes, in theory, but there will be a lot of last minute baking to do so everything is fresh.”

  “I know it’s going to be a success and I can’t wait to see how everything looks on the dessert table at Trixie’s!” Dafne handed her some cash, telling her to keep the change. “Oh and Rory?”


  “If you get a little extra time after your internship is over before you have to head back to Louisville, let me know and I’ll make sure Finn has a couple days off too,” Dafne winked as she went out the glass door of the bakery.

  “That would be nice…” Rory said aloud with no one else around to hear her…


  The morning of the Halloween Bash

  “The cookies are all done and the icing on top is setting...another hour and we can box them up,” Rory said to Joan as she and Paul came in early to help with the orders.


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