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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

Page 21

by Tiffany Carby

  Beast? He told her I was a beast? Elle’s right, Hal’s an arsehole. He chose to ignore the fact she’d labelled him one as well. Adam picked up his knife and went back to his pumpkins. Focused on his task, Adam lost track of time until a cheer in the distance broke his concentration. He rolled his shoulders to ease the ache and climbed the tree to stare out over the Tracks. Light from the bonfires flickered. The sight brought an ache to his chest. He missed his friends. Right now, they’ll be stuffing their faces with treats and tossing back a drink or two. His belly grumbled on cue.

  Another stomach grumbled. Adam’s eyes flew in direction of the sound. Elle. In the dark, she hunched in an attempt to fight the chill from the night air. Shit, I forgot about her. Which was totally the point, or it was, but leaving her cold and hungry, makes me the arsehole she accused me of being.

  Inside his small hut, Adam warmed the chicken he’d roasted earlier, and a loaf of homemade bread. He placed the pumpkin pie atop the stove to absorb the heat from below. In the past two years, he’d taught himself to cook. Rita, it seemed, had taken his words to heart. Not long after her visit, small tokens arrived. Bags of flour, sugar and salt. Fruit, vegetable seedlings, and even some chickens. In place of the roses, he planted his own vegetable patch, as well as several herbs, courtesy of Gus.

  Then books, paints, and music. Rita’s gifts were meant as a distraction, nothing more, he understood that. Either way, Adam didn’t care, she’d succeeded.

  Driven by the need to chase away the loneliness he filled every spare moment in the pursuit of new skills and ideas. In the process, he’d become a decent cook, enhanced his green thumb, and even taught himself to paint. Once the paper ran out, he’d started on the walls.

  Adam tossed an extra log in the wood stove and headed for Elle. “Hungry?”

  Unshed tears shone in her eyes. Great. Now I really feel like shit. Beast by name, beast by nature. He held out his hand. “Come on. It’s warmer inside.”

  Elle allowed him to lead her inside, and she raced to the stove and held her hands close before she joined him at the table.

  He reached up to untie the bandanna, then froze.

  “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Before he could answer, Elle slipped the mask from her face and pushed off her hood. Underneath, angry red burns marred half of her honey coloured face, and neck. Although she’d done her best to cover it, he noticed patches on the side of her head, where hair no longer grew.

  “What — never mind.”


  His eyes absorbed every detail of her face.

  “You can’t stare if you don’t share.”

  He dipped his head. Moment of truth. Adam untied the bandanna. He drew a deep breath and counted to three before he raised it.

  Elle paused with the fork halfway to her mouth and stared. Adam watched her eyes widen as he slid off his glasses. Here it comes.

  “Man, your eyes are totally freaky. They’re so pale, it’s like they’re not even there.” She scrutinised him a moment longer. “Pass the butter.”

  “Pass the butter? That’s it?”

  She reached for the bread. “What? You want me to start screaming? Little hypocritical, don’t you think?”

  Okay, she has a point. Adam stabbed his dinner and pushed the odd sense of disappointment aside.

  Elle waited until dessert to dig further. “So, what’s your story?”

  Adam cut them each a slice of pie. “Freak of nature.”

  She shook her head. “Uh-uh, you can’t be both a beast and a freak. Freak is my claim to fame.”

  What do I say to that?

  “Did you paint those?” Elle thrust her chin at the walls as she devoured the pie.

  “So, you asked about the decorations earlier — ’

  “Touchy subject?”

  He didn’t respond.

  “Gotcha. Okay, then tell me why your garden looks like a pumpkin and deranged spider got together and did the nasty.” Adam’s eyebrows shot up and she laughed. “What? Am I wrong?”

  He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess I went a little overboard.”

  “Nah. I’m just teasing. It’s — festive. So — ” she shoved the last of the pie in her mouth. “Tell me more.”

  Chapter 6


  Adam inhaled to calm his nerves as he tidied the hut. The soft classical music in the background did nothing to calm him. In less than an hour, the sun would set and the door would appear. At least he hoped it would. Did Hal ever mention how many times it would open? He couldn’t remember.

  The scrape of steel on concrete disrupted his progress. Rita?

  She peeked into the room. Her eyes moved around the room, unable to settle on any particular point when she spied him.

  She waits three years only to show up now? Her timing totally sucks. “Rita, what brings you by?” Arms crossed to hide how his hands shook, he faced her.

  Rita eased into the room. “I — ” She cleared her throat. “I wanted to, um — ” she gasped. “Did you do those?”

  Adam followed her gaze to the paintings. “Does that surprise you? That a beast is capable of beauty?”

  Rita’s exposed skin reddened.

  That’s a yes. “So, I have to ask why? Why the stuff?” He refused to call them gifts. “The plants, paints, and music, why?”

  She fidgeted. “Well — after our last, um — visit — I had some time to think, and I realised it was remiss of me not to have provided you with more to occupy your time. While your, ah — situation, is unfortunate, there is no reason you shouldn’t be allowed to make something of yourself.”

  Something didn’t add up. This wasn’t just about his supposed over-the-wall escapades.

  He glanced at the sky through the window. Gold and orange hues filtered through the window. Sunset was close. He needed Rita to leave. Unfortunately, his paintings had captured her attention.

  “This girl — she looks familiar.”

  Adam clenched his fist. Knew I should have painted over everything. “I copied her from one of my books. She’s nobody.”

  “I’m sure — ” Rita stepped closer.

  Do something. “Well, I’m about to take a bath.” He lifted the hem of his shirt.

  Rita gasped and covered her eyes until her foot caught and she stumbled. Her hands grasped the table to break her fall and saved her from landing face down in his cake.

  “What — what is this?”

  “Gee the candle didn’t give it away? It’s a cake. Birthday cake. Now, do you — ”

  Rita seemed to forget he’d asked her to leave. “Pity it’s orange, I do so despise that colour. Whose birthday?”

  “Whose do you think? Mine.”

  “Yours? But — ”

  “But nothing Rita. Today’s my birthday, and it’s the one day of the year I deign to take a bath. So, if you don’t mind — ” This time he lifted his shirt above his head.

  Rita squealed, and her hand blocked him from view as she scampered for the stairs.

  He lowered his shirt as she snuck through the door, and bolted it behind her. Now I can enjoy my night.

  He paced as the light faded. Why weren’t they here already? He was eager to be beyond the walls, and this time he wouldn’t have to go alone.

  The familiar spot on the wall glowed and the door appeared. Adam yanked it open the second it formed.

  No one stood on the other side.

  He poked his head through the opening.


  Both Hal and Elle leapt at him from either side. Adam stumbled and landed on his butt in the dirt. They howled with laughter as they high-fived each other.

  “Told you it would work, girlie.”

  “Boo-ya. My first Halloween trick.”

  He rose to his feet
and brushed off his clothes. “Yeah, funny haha.”

  “Aw, come on kid. We got you good, admit it.”

  They totally did, but damn if I’ll give them credit. “For a first timer, I suppose.”

  Hal clapped him on the back and wandered into the garden. “Still pulling up those roses I see.”

  “Roses?” Elle cocked her eyebrow.

  Great, thanks, Hal. Not.

  Adam shrugged. “It’s nothing. So, what’s the plan?”

  Hal lifted his hands. “Don’t look at me. This one’s been planning your costumes since last Halloween.”

  Lines creased Adam’s brow.

  “Chill, beast-boy. You can trust me.”

  “Mind who you’re calling a beast, freak.”

  Elle poked out her tongue and laughed.

  The name doesn’t hurt quite so much when she says it. Much.

  “Ugh, all this cuteness is upsetting my stomach. I’ll leave you two lovebirds — ”


  “ — to get ready. You know where to find me when you’re done. But don’t take too long, I’m in the mood for many, many treats.” With a wave, he disappeared through the door.

  Heat warmed Adam’s cheeks. I don’t know what’s worse: being called a beast or being a guy who’s never even kissed a girl, let alone been in love. Both were touchy subjects. He snuck a glimpse in her direction curious about Elle’s reaction. She had her head in a bag. Elle had to have heard what Hal said. Is she not fazed? Or did she just dismiss the idea completely? Both choices bothered him.

  Adam shook away the silly thoughts. He and Elle were friends, nothing more. She was the first person who truly understood him and he wasn’t about to jeopardise that for anything.

  And Izy?

  He stumbled. Over the past year, he’d managed to quash all thoughts of Izy. Not hard with Elle to occupy them instead. So, why am I thinking of Izy now?

  “What do you need me to do?”

  Elle patted a chair in front of the sink. “Sit.”

  After only a slight hesitation he did, but he jumped up as Elle’s hands touched his head. “What are you doing?”

  “What? Hasn’t anyone ever washed your hair before?”

  “Honestly? No.”

  “Yeah, I’d believe that.” She fisted her hands on her hips. “It won’t hurt. Promise.”

  Adam didn’t move.

  “Look, you’re going to have trust someone besides Hal at some point.”

  “Trust Hal?” He snorted. “Keep dreaming.”

  A laugh escaped Elle’s lips. “Good point. But seriously, every minute we waste arguing is a minute we could be trick or treating. Sit.”

  It’s just hair. Get over yourself. He sank into the chair and closed his eyes.


  Elle’s fingers touched his scalp and a shiver rippled through his body. Easier said than done. But as Elle’s hands continued to wash, and massage his scalp, Adam relaxed.

  “So, tell me about the girl.”

  “Hmm? What girl?”

  “The one the roses remind you of.”

  His shoulders tightened. So much for relaxing. “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “Tell me anyway.”

  Adam huffed. “Fine. She said she was different, but in the end, she was just like everybody else. The roses reminded me of her, and I wanted to forget, so I got rid of them. End of story.”

  “Ri — ight.” She rinsed his hair. “So, this girl — the one you’ve forgotten — she the one in all the paintings?”

  Damn it. Tomorrow I’ll paint over every damn one. “I needed something to paint while I was learning and Gus wouldn’t sit still. It doesn’t mean anything.” It didn’t.

  Elle bit back a smile. “Methinks he doth protest too much.”

  The towel engulfed his head and swallowed his protest. Half dried hair hid his face when Elle finished.

  She gripped his chin and turned his head one way, then the other. “How attached are you to all that hair?”

  His eyes grew wide. “Why?”

  “Well, I was just thinking what a pain it has to be. Especially when it’s hot. What if we were to cut it short?”

  “How short?”

  “Like, practically shaved off short.” He prepared to bolt and she threw her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, not that short, but like — short and shaggy. Nothing past the base of your skull?”

  A lump in Adam’s throat threatened to choke him. Without my hair, I’ve nothing left to hide behind.

  “Hey,” she squeezed his shoulder. “It’s just hair. It’ll grow back, but we don’t have — ”

  “Do it.”

  Elle ran her fingers along the scissors. “You sure?”

  Adam nodded. “Yep but do it quick before I change my mind.”

  She ushered him into the garden.

  With each snip, he forced himself to hold still. His lungs burned until he realised he’d forgotten to breathe. His eyes stayed closed, as she stood before him to finish up.

  “There.” She messed it a little as his eyes opened.

  “Do I dare look?”

  Elle chewed her lip.


  “Well, since you’ve come this far… I was thinking we could go one step further.”

  Further? What else was there?

  She produced a cut-throat razor and he shot from the chair. “Whoa.”

  “So, I get it looks dangerous — ”

  “Ya think?”

  “But only if you don’t know what you’re doing. Lucky for you, I do.”

  Adam shook his head. “Na-uh — no way.”

  “Don’t be such a wuss.”

  His eyes narrowed to slits. “This is not about being a wuss, it’s about you — with a weapon in the vicinity of my face.” He crossed his arms. “And why are you so hell-bent on changing how I look? I thought you didn’t care about looks.”

  Elle sighed. “I don’t. Personally, I don’t believe how you look on the outside is any kind of reflection of the person you are inside, but people change how they look every day. Men shave, women put on makeup, and most people wash and cut their hair on a regular basis. Besides a little more work, how is this any different? You’re a man, not an animal. You have hair growing on your body, not fur. Yes, your skin and eyes might be a different colour to everyone else, but even they can be changed. If you don’t want to shave, then don’t, not all men do. If you want to grow your hair long, fine. You’re so caught up in people judging you for how you look. I’m offering to help you change that, even if it’s just for one night.”

  Change how you look. Was that even possible? My whole life I’ve fixated on how different I am, I never even thought of how I might blend in. Perhaps, if I looked less beast and more man — “Okay.”

  Elle led him inside to a chair at the sink and laid a towel over his chest. “I’ll trim it with the scissors first, and then I’ll use the razor. Close your eyes.”

  Determined to relax, Adam exhaled and focused on the music.


  He straightened and Elle handed him a mirror.

  A stranger stared back at him.

  Adam’s hand shook as he touched his bare-skinned face. He traced the outline of his nose, lips, all the parts of himself, he barely recognised.

  Elle chewed a nail. “Is it okay?”

  He twisted his head for a better look. She removed everything save a band that followed his jawline and arched over his lips. The area beneath his mouth was bare, as was his forehead. This was his face. This was what was hidden beneath all the hair. Why didn’t I think to look before now?

  Adam set the mirror on the table and hugged Elle. “Thank you.”

  Chapter 7


m scuffed the ground with his shoe. “But what if he recognises me?”

  Elle huffed. “You didn’t even recognise you, so how the hell is he supposed to?”

  “But he might have — ” Adam stumbled as she stopped.

  “Adam,” she laid her hands on his shoulders. “I get you’re scared, but I will bet you half the treats you get tonight, Hal doesn’t even recognise you. At least not straight away.”

  “But — ”

  “Argh.” She spun on her heel and skipped across the Tracks. “This is my first ever chance to go trick or treating, and I am not wasting another minute. You can join me, or I’ll catch you before the sun comes up. Your choice.”

  Adam paced along the edge of the Tracks and ran a hand through his super short hair. Elle’s right. No way in hell anyone will recognise me.

  Despite her reassurances as to his identity, he’d sagged in relief when she’d pulled a couple of masks from her endless bag of tricks. Okay, so they were half masks, but it bolstered his courage. Elle hadn’t stopped there. Next, she’d slathered her face, neck and arms in some kind of goo that turned her skin dark.

  His eyes all but bugged out of his head. “What are you doing?”

  She fitted a set of plastic fangs to her teeth and gave him a goofy smile. “We’re children of the night. Get it? Dark, like the night.” But her piece de resistance was when she turned her golden eyes into pale blue orbs like his. “There. Now you aren’t the only dark-skinned, pale-eyed trick or treater.”

  Adam gaped. “How?”

  “They’re called contacts.” She blinked several times. “What do you think?”

  Gee let’s see — gob-smacked, stunned, bewildered. Yeah, that about sums it up. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, as she admired her appearance in his tiny mirror. The lengths Elle had gone to make him feel — normal — Heat warmed his body as he recalled the way her eyes had appraised his makeover.

  Yeah, all that effort and you’re wasting it.

  He managed a hesitant step onto the Track, then stilled as Hal approached. Adam held his breath.

  Hal lifted a hand as he walked by. “Happy Halloween.”

  Adam called after him. “Hal.”


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