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Falling For Rome

Page 11

by Edwina Fort

I could feel the muscles in his arms flexing as he lifted me higher so that he could get better access to the flesh he sought. Closing my eyes, I gave myself up to him.

  There was no use of me pretending I didn’t want him. Everything about him called to me. I wanted to experience his intensity.

  However, the sound of his phone ringing from his pocket brought me back to reality. When he felt me stiffen in his arms, he tried to kiss my lips again, but I turned my head. I couldn’t do this!

  Everything inside me warned that if I allowed Rome to make love to me, I will be lost. I will start to second guess things. And that was dangerous. I needed to be able to pull this mission off without second guessing anything.

  He leaned his forehead against mine for just a moment as he got himself together. The kiss had affected him just as much as it had me; the evidence of that was pressing against my leg.

  “Damn, shorty, what am I going to do with you?”

  “You can let me go.” I whispered.

  Please let me go…

  He gently placed me down on the bed, his amber gaze had grown cold. “Naw, that ain’t an option. We’re going to have to find another way.” And then he turned and headed toward the bathroom.

  Damn that…I will get out!

  “What about the bracelets? Are you going to force me to stay in this bed?” I called after him.

  He paused for just a moment, when he turned to look at me, his golden gaze was so intense it stole my breath.

  “You don’t know how much I would love to force you to stay in my bed. Then I can do all the freaky sh*t to you I’d imagine doing this morning as I watched you sleep. I would keep you there for days and f*** you till I got you out of my system, and I no longer hungered for your taste.” He grabbed the bulge in the front of his shorts adjusting himself, not even trying to hide his erection from me.



  “But as much as I would love it, now is not the time. I’ve programmed the cuffs to allow you the run of the loft. If you set one foot outside this door, or window, or that duct in the bathroom you came in, you will lose it.”

  I lifted an eyebrow at him. “That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”

  This made him laugh. “Are you kidding me? This coming from the same woman who single handedly beat up thirty plus men.” He threw his towel over his shoulder as he headed into the bathroom.

  When he got to the door, he turned to look back at me. “I don’t think so.” And then he was gone, a few minutes later, I heard the shower turn on.

  I had to sit there for a minute and process all that had just transpired. The doctor had been right about Rome. He is an enigma. Inside one man is a genius, a thug, a rascal that liked to rub his sweat on a screeching girl, a freaky nasty person that didn’t mind sharing his thoughts in a form of dirty talk that had the ability to cause extreme wetness.

  How can a human woman not fall for someone like that? I never imagined that I would meet somebody like him. For my own safety, I had to complete my mission and get as far away from here as I can.

  The good news is he was leaving town for a few days. By the time he got back, I will be in the wind.

  Very carefully I put my foot over the side of the bed, bracing myself for an explosion. I know Rome is a genius and all, but even geniuses made mistakes. Maybe he thinks he’s programmed the bracelets to allow me to move out the bed, but he really hasn’t.

  Sweat puddled on my head as I put one toe on the ground. Holding my breath, I waited to hear a bang and feel the pain of my foot blowing off my body.

  When nothing happened after a few seconds, I eased the other foot out the bed. By the time I made it to a standing position, Rome was coming out the bathroom with only a towel around his waist.


  When he saw me taking each step with caution, he held his head back and laughed as he headed into his closet.

  “It’s not funny!” I called. “Can you remove these so that I can shower?” I held my breath hoping that he would.

  “No worries, they’re waterproof!” He called back.

  Damn! There goes that hope.

  Eventually I made my way to the bathroom. There was a new toothbrush and a few essentials waiting for me when I got there.

  Another thing I’m learning about Rome, he moves several steps ahead of normal people. I’ll tell you what I mean. This morning when I woke up, there were pain meds, water and hot coffee waiting for me.

  Hot coffee…


  Which means he timed my waking up perfectly. And he knew I was going to wake up in pain and had the meds waiting and water to take them with.

  I know you say, what’s the big deal?

  Well believe it or not, most people in this day and age are too self-centered to think that far in advance for the well-being of another person. If you who’s reading this are one of those people that does…then take a bow, you’re a rarity.

  I eyeballed that tub, wanting badly to run a bath. I know he said the cuffs are waterproof, but I was too afraid to take the chance, so I turned on the shower instead. Inside the shower was a new bottle of women’s shampoo, conditioner and body wash.

  I opened the bottle of shampoo and was surprised at how amazing it smelt and even more surprised at how good it made my hair feel. After I finished in the shower, I opened a brand-new bottle of women’s body lotion and moisturized my skin. Like the body wash and shampoo, it smelt delicious.

  I wondered when he had time to acquire these things. Knowing him, he’d probably gotten them when he first made up his mind to set me up and feed information to my bugs.

  After I finished, I combed the kinks out of my hair and just let it fall down my back to air dry. Standing with the towel around me I stared helplessly down at my dirty clothes.

  I didn’t have anything clean to put on.

  Nossa…I was going to have to go out there and ask him for clothes with nothing but a towel wrapped around me.

  My heartbeat increased to a dangerous level…And I honestly didn’t know if it was from fear or anticipation.

  I put my hand on the door knob and had to build up my courage to open it. When I came out, Rome stood shirtless at the stove cooking something. The designer jeans he wore hung low on his tapered hips, showing the top of designer black boxer briefs. On his feet were what looked like a brand-new pair of designer gym shoes.

  He glanced my way before turning back to the stove. It must have taken him a second to process that I stood here in only a towel, because his head whipped back around and his eyes devoured me.

  Now because I was beginning to understand him a little better, I knew that it was always his plan for me to walk out like this. Someone that was always several steps ahead of the next man would have left me something to wear in the bathroom.

  I clutched the towel closed at my breasts so tightly my knuckles turned white.

  “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  He had now turned to face me fully. Whatever he was cooking that was smelling really good by the way, was forgotten as he unashamedly took me in.

  He grabbed the front of his jeans, once again adjusting himself. “Damn, shorty, you so f***ing sexy!”

  I had to bite my lip to keep from cheesing. That thing that he does where he grabs himself is so vulgar…


  It never failed to cause an answering reaction in my center. I had to avert my eyes from his manhood and squeeze my thighs together to quiet my womanhood.

  When I got myself together, I nodded toward the smoke rising out the skillet behind him.

  “Sh*t!” He said turning to remove the skillet from the fire. “You got me f***ing sh*t up!”

  I held my head back and laughed at him. “That’s your own lust getting the better of you.”

  When he got the burning skillet under control, he grinned at me as he slowly approached me. “Let me help you find something to wear.” />
  Every cell in my body screamed for me to run, they were telling me that if I let him get too close, it was over.

  “Do you know how surprised I was to find out you had a sleeve of ink underneath that prim and proper suit you wore here yesterday morning?”

  Nossa! He wasn’t walking toward his closet, he was coming towards me. I took a step back and then another. Oh God, give me strength. I can’t sleep with this man.

  “You had that proper a** bun in your hair…and the only thing I could imagine is what it would look like after hours of lovemaking.”

  I took another step back…trying to ignore how good he looked without a shirt.

  “Where are you going? You said you were going to help me find something to wear. Your closet is that way.” My voice sounded desperate.

  I felt like a doe being stalked by a golden-eyed lion. When my back came up against the wall, my breath sucked in sharply.

  “Relax, Minha Anjo…” he said taking my free hand into his bigger one, bringing it to his mouth where he kissed it gently before he began to lead me towards his closet.

  I exhaled a breath that I wasn’t even aware I was holding. I wish I can describe to you guys just how it felt to have that gorgeous specimen stalking me. He is so unapologetically a thug…

  It was something that was so much a part of him, it was in his swagger. In the way that he grabbed his manhood. In the way that he grinned. In the way that he dressed. In the way that he drank a bottle of water.

  Yet, he was built like a UFC fighter… And although he had a thug swagger, there was also a lightness in his step that spoke of his skill level. Anybody that was a true fighter would recognize it instantly, and if they’re smart, proceed with caution.

  His eyes were sharp and missed nothing. There was so much wisdom in his gaze. His mind was brilliant, and it showed in everything that he did and said. His brother told me that Rome was a human lie detector, and I believed it. The doctor said he was a phenomenon, and you know what? I believe him.

  However, none of those things I just mentioned to you is what frighten me the most about him. It was that side of him that had me clutching this towel in front of me for dear life.

  It was the look he got in his eyes when he licked those beautiful lips. It was those unguarded looks of his, where I would catch him staring at me as if I am truly a wonder to him. How can I be a wonder to someone like him?

  It was the hunger that came into his amber eyes as he studied me. I know that I am an attractive woman. Men have checked me out before I was old enough to understand why.

  But when I tell you I have never had a man look at me like Romeo, I’m not lying. And not only that, I have never had a man to make me feel the things he makes me feel. He makes me feel…special.

  Like to him, I’m somebody. Like to him, I’m worth more than my ability to kill. Nobody has ever looked past that. Nobody has ever wanted to see past that and look at the real me. I’ve never meant that much to anybody.

  And although I know it’s impossible and just the devil playing tricks on my mind because it’s my last mission and I’m almost free…, it feels as if Rome can see the real me, and he likes what he sees.

  My thoughts came to a halt when he flicked on the light in his closet.

  It was huge and very well organized. So organized I think it was safe to say Romeo may have a slight case of OCD, which would explain so much.

  I took my time and explored it, you can learn a lot about a person by studying their closet.

  Everything was sectioned off. His jeans were all pressed, color coded and hanging together. Next to them were his t-shirts, that too were pressed, color coded and all together.

  Would you guys believe that even his wifebeaters were on hangers, pressed, color coded…blacks on one side, whites the other, and greys in the middle?

  However, what did surprise me was the number of suits hanging in the closet. He didn’t take me for a suit wearer.

  I looked back at him over my shoulder. He had silently followed me, watching me take in his clothes. He knew that I was profiling him, and he waited to hear my thoughts.

  Instead I took down one of his expensive white button up shirts that had been pressed perfectly. And while keeping my back to him, slid my arms into it. The shirt was so big it nearly fell to my knees.

  I could feel him standing right behind me. Slowly, I let the towel slide to the floor and then stepped away from it. Just like I figured he would, he bent down and picked it up tossing it into the dirty clothes hamper.

  I went to his drawers and searched through them until I found his underwear. I took out a pair of red boxers that were covered in smiley faces. Turning to face him I held them up with a questioning look in my eye.

  He grinned. “On everything, I ain’t never wore em’.”

  “Why not?” I asked as I slid them on. “I think they’re sexy.”

  “They are…on you.” He muttered as his gaze took its time raking over my body.

  “If you don’t like them, why did you buy them?”

  “I didn’t buy them. They were a gift.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “A gift from who?”

  “Why? Are you jealous?”

  “Not at all, just wanted to know whose gift I’m wearing.”

  He reached out wrapping one of his arms around my waist pulling me close.

  Nossa! My breath sucked in sharply at the feel of his big hard chest pressed against my soft breasts.

  “When I get back, we can go shopping for you some clothes.”

  Nodding, I licked my lips nervously. He groaned, looking down at my mouth with hungry eyes.

  “Of course, you can always give Milo the keys to your place and he can pick something up for you.”

  Ha! Nice try…

  “Is Milo the guy I—”

  “Threw across the room with your legs…” He nodded. “Yeah, that’s him.”

  I patted his chest…mmmmm, what a nice chest.

  “I think I’ll just wait till you get back.” I muttered, sounding breathy to even my own ears.

  He chuckled. “I figured you were going to say that.”

  He leaned in pressing his face gently against my neck. “You smell so good, Minha Anjo.”

  Be strong, Nak…You can fight this. Just push him away.

  He lifted his head and looked into my eyes. “My plane leaves in a few hours. Are you going to miss me?”

  I bit my lip to keep from grinning. Rascal Rome was back.

  “Why would I miss you? You’re holding me prisoner.”

  “In a golden cage, baby.” His words were quiet.

  Oh y’all, I was drowning in his gaze. Lifting my hand, I gently buried my fingers in his full beard; I wanted to see if it was as soft as it looked.

  It was softer… “A golden cage is still a cage, Mue Rei.”

  His body stiffened and my eyes widened in horror.

  Oh God! Please let him not have understood what I just called him.

  I couldn’t believe I’d let those words slip from between my lips.

  He grinned at me. “Is that how you really feel?”

  I shook my head frowning, in full damage control. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

  I tried to step out of his arms, but he only pulled me closer, this time wrapping both of his arms around my waist.

  “You called me your King. Is that how you feel?”

  Chapter 8

  I’m Broken


  “You speak Portuguese?” I shouldn’t be surprised. With a mind like his, he probably learned it one day when he was bored.

  “And you’re deflecting.”

  I tried to push out of his arms again, but he wouldn’t let me go. My eyes came back to his.

  “Romeo, you have to let me go.”

  The grin left his face and a frown replaced it. “Why?”

  I looked away from him, not able to take the intens
ity of his gaze. “Because, I—I…”

  I’m no good for somebody like you. You’re looking at my pretty face but don’t know I’m ugly on the inside. I will damage someone as beautiful as you. I am not good enough…

  I’m broken…

  He shook me causing my eyes to come back to his. The frown that was now on his face was chilling.

  “Tell me why.” He hissed through clenched teeth.

  I shook my head. “I’m not what you think I am.”

  Why was I telling him that? I was blowing my mission. I never blew my mission.

  Oh God! I had to get away from this man!

  “Then tell me who you are.”

  I tried to push out of his arms again, this time by trying an evasive maneuver. But he was waiting for me and braced himself solidifying his hold. I ended up with my back against the wall and his big body holding me there.

  “Romeo, let me go!” I yelled in his face, now good and angry. He was forcing me to feel things I could not afford to feel at this point in my life.

  “Not till you tell me why.”

  “Because, I’m not good for you! I’m broken!” I yelled.

  The shock that came over his face was real. “What?”

  “You heard me. I was not born for love.” I hardened my heart and my gaze. I was not the type to feel sorry for myself. It is what it is…

  “That’s bullsh*t!”

  I shook my head. “You don’t know everything. And you don’t know me…So just let it drop. I know men like you. You want sex, right? I can give you sex, but then you must let me go. Promise you won’t try and hold me. I will only hurt you. I’m so f*** up on the inside, it’s not even funny.”

  He let me go so suddenly that I almost fell.

  “That’s bullsh*t! It’s easier for you to tell yourself that rather than face yourself. And I’m going to prove it to you. Come, eat…your breakfast is getting cold.”

  I stared at his retreating back for a moment. What the hell did he mean he was going to prove it to me? Eventually I followed him out the closet to the table. He was still very angry with me and didn’t even look at me as we sat.

  I shrugged. I didn’t come here to please him anyway.


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