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Falling For Rome

Page 16

by Edwina Fort

  “When you say my name, the house dials my phone.”

  “Wow! That is so cool…” I cooed, praying my voice wasn’t laden with my lust.

  “What are you doing? Is that water I hear?”

  “Mmmmhhhmmm…I’m taking a bath.”

  “Whaaaat? You thought about a brotha in your bath. Oh sh*t…”

  I held back my head and laughed at his silliness. “And here I thought you could see me as well.”

  Oh my God! Why did I just say that?

  There was a long pause on the other end before he spoke. “Do you want me to see you, Nak?”

  I bit my lip. “I think I do…”

  “Gentlemen, will you excuse me for a moment, I have to take this call in the other room.”

  Oh Damn! He was in the middle of a meeting. I slid down in the tub submerging my head embarrassed. Great! I am now officially a cougar, purring for a man that was nearly five years younger than me.

  “Where are you, baby?” I heard him call.

  “Here.” I gasped, coming back up out the water.

  He chuckled again. “Why are you hiding from me?”

  The lighting in the bathroom suddenly dimmed in a way that made it feel like a spa, then the sound of smooth jazz came from the speakers overhead, the combination made me feel more relaxed. It’s amazing how he can adjust the settings in his loft from where ever he is.

  “Can you really see me?” I asked looking around for the camera. I didn’t see one anywhere. Didn’t even see where one could be hiding.

  “Turn your head and look out the bathroom door.”

  I did as he said and sure enough, there was a small camera directly across from the bathroom above the huge windows. I was a little relieved it was not in the bathroom. That would be a little creepy.

  I waved at the camera.

  “Hello, beautiful.” His soothing voice came from the loud speakers.

  I bit my lip again to try and control my grin. This man was breaking me down. Since knowing him, I’ve blushed more than I ever did in my whole life.

  “How is your meeting?”

  He exhaled. “Long, I’m ready to be home with you.”

  Home? With me? That felt way too good.

  Dear God!

  I was falling for Rome…

  I cleared my throat. “Thank you for the clothes and things you sent this morning, although you didn’t have to send so much.”

  “You’re mine, I’ll spoil you if I want.” He paused for a moment and let me absorb that. I chose to ignore how good it made me feel, just like I did when he said he wanted to be home with me.

  “How do you like them?”

  “Surprisingly… I love them. How did you know my style?”

  It’s true, when I went through the items of clothing, I was surprised to see that they were my style. More cargo pants, shorts…tanks, a few pairs of jeans and t’s. A brand-new pair of combat boots…a few pairs of name brand gym shoes.

  When I took them into the closet, I was secretly thrilled to see that Rome and I had a couple of pairs that were alike. Rob had teased me holding up one of Rome’s baby blue Jordan’s and a smaller version of them that belonged to me.

  “I figured you were a bit of a tomboy.” Rome’s deep voice came from the speaker seeming to vibrate through the bathwater to my heat. “Although I do have you a few dresses coming, knowing you, you probably hate wearing them, but you look too sexy in them not to own at least one.”

  Laughing, I told him he figured right. He and I chatted for a little while longer before he had to get back to his meeting. But before he got off the phone, he said something that nearly made me come apart in the tub.

  “I can see your need in your eyes. It’s driving me mad with want. I’m hard as a f***ing rock. I swear when I get a hold of you, I’m going to make you come so many times you’re going to beg me to let you rest.”




  When I got out of the bath, I took my time and moisturized my skin. I wanted my brown to glow perfectly. I left some of the conditioner in my hair so that it curled tightly, and then rolled it up in a messy bun, letting a few tendrils hang down my neck and face. This style made me look soft and feminine.

  There was a box of perfume, I couldn’t tell what it was because it was wrapped in golden paper. I unwrapped it and nearly dropped it.

  Nossa! Channel No. 5 Grand Extract

  I loooooovve this fragrance. But never bought it because I couldn’t freaking afford to spend $5,000 on a bottle of perfume.

  The first time I’d smelt it had been when Jo’s mom had sailed past me in all of her pomp-ass glory. When I’d asked her what she was wearing she did that phony little chuckle the very rich do when they are talking to common folk.

  “Oh dear, this is Channel No. 5 Grand Extract. I assure you they don’t sell it at Walmart.” And then she turned and glided off.

  Old Albert had to hold me back, I was literally going to stick my foot out and trip her.

  Anyway, she was right. When I finally found a bottle, my eyes bugged out my head at the price. The sales lady in the fancy French boutique wouldn’t even give me a little squirt of it on sample paper, telling me that a squirt of it was worth a hundred dollars.

  My hands shook with excitement as I gently sprayed a few puffs on my skin.

  “Awww, this smells so good.”

  How in the world did he know this was my favorite? I shook my head as I headed into the closet to choose an outfit, knowing Rome, there was no telling. He’d probably got a hold of the store footage of me begging the woman for a sample.

  The underwear Rome’s shopper had gotten me ranged from mildly sexy to very sexy, and then there was a purple panty and bra set that was extremely sexy. I chose it. Needless to say, there will be no panty lines in my outfit today.

  It took me a while to choose said outfit, because I had a lot to choose from. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many clothes. I ended up settling on a cute pair of jean shorts that were kind of short, but not ridiculously so and a light pink loose-fitting tank top that will complement my bra that will show a little under the arm perfectly.

  To finish off my look, I slid my feet in my brand-new combat boots. I didn’t bother to tie them, opting to wear them in a loose fit.

  When I was done, I stood looking in the mirror very satisfied with my reflection.

  It wasn’t too long after that Happy knocked on the door. She surprised me when I opened it by throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me. I stiffened, not knowing what to do, but after I realized she wasn’t attacking me managed to hug her back.

  You see what I mean? Damaged!

  “Mmm, you smell good.” She muttered as she bustled in and got busy.

  Like yesterday I helped her clean up, although she didn’t have much to clean. And just like yesterday Rob joined us, but this time he brought drinks. I don’t know if I’ve told you guys, but Rob was the man. I grabbed us two cups while he opened the brand-new bottle of Hennessey.

  He told me that a few of Rome’s buddies were probably going to come through and have a drink with him, which is something they always did when he came back into town after being gone a couple of days.

  When Happy was finished and was about to go home, I talked her into staying for a little while, not wanting her to go home to that bastard just yet.

  “Girl, sit down and chat with me for a minute. Here, I think Rome has apple juice in the fridge.”

  A look of doubt and yearning crossed her beautiful face. “Maybe I can stay for just a little while longer.”

  “Yeah, just a little while.” I told her as I took a sip from the rocks glass.

  She was having such a good time, the little while turned into seven hours later. Rob on weed and liquor was too much. He had both Happy and I dying laughing. And when poor Milo and Hannibal joined us, he really turned into a nut, asking Milo about the
knot in the back of his head.

  I had to apologize to the man just so that he could stop moping. And surprisingly when I did, his spirits picked right up. It was either that or the Hennessy he was drinking. He and Hannibal brought another bottle with them.

  Milo didn’t smoke weed, but Hannibal did and in the space of a few hours, he and Rob must have smoked four blunts.

  Nossa! I didn’t know how they did it. Rob offered me a pull several times and I told him no. The last time I’d smoked I ended up smashing all the car windows out of a man’s car who thought it was funny to speed through a school zone while little kids were present, nearly hitting a child and the crossing guard.

  Yeah, I got arrested, and yeah, Old Albert had to come and bail me out. When Jo found out I’d smoked weed with my condition he hit the roof and threatened to fire me for the hundredth time. Apparently, it was not a very good idea for someone with Impulse Control Disorder to do drugs.

  Anyway, enough about that, several more people showed up, including a big giant of a man named Hitter.

  Now let me pause for just a moment and tell y’all a few things about Hitter. He made me regret the fact that I didn’t have my piece on me.

  No, he didn’t do anything to threaten me physically. His presence was threatening enough. Everything about him screamed violence, and that coming from me said a lot. He was at least 6’5… and was all muscle. There wasn’t an inch of fat on him.

  He had big massive hands that had so many scars on the knuckles that it didn’t take a rocket scientist to tell you what he’s done with them.

  And as if to confirm my thoughts, Rob told me that Hitter used to be a professional boxer, but had to retire due to terrible migraines that the doctors told him came from his chosen profession. So now he ran the biggest underground boxing arena in Chicago. Apparently, he is Rome’s best friends. He didn’t speak much, in fact, he wasn’t very sociable at all.

  But it seemed as if everybody was used to him, because they went on drinking and laughing as if a very violent man was not in the room. The only one he talked to was Rob, who he treated like a little brother, grabbing him and roughing him up a bit. I think that was the only time something that resembled a smile appeared on his face.

  Even the few women that had shown up with some more of Rome’s men gave him his space, although they shot fishing glances his way. Out of the men here at the moment, he was clearly the alpha male, but he wasn’t taking any of their bait.

  He wasn’t a bad looking man, in fact, he was quite handsome, but his fierce scowl made him feel very unapproachable. I asked Rob if he was angry or something and he told me that was his permanent look. He said I didn’t want to see an angry Hitter. And I believed him. He was the kind of brotha you had to shoot. Damn trying to fight him.

  Happy told me he wasn’t paying any of these women any attention because he was obsessed with the Tea Maker.

  “Tea maker?” I’d asked. She nodded sipping on her apple juice.

  “Yeah, she’s a cute little thing that just opened a Tea Shop in Oak Park. Her and her brother stay in an apartment not too far from Hitter’s gym. Rome say Hitter is obsessed with her, but she won’t give him the time of day. She ain’t into brutish men or thugs, and Hitter is both.”

  I was going to ask her another question, but right then Rome walked through the door holding a golden bag flanked by two more of his men.

  I don’t know if it was the Hennessy or the fact that I’d been purring for him all day. But everything else seemed to fade to black. Happy was saying something to me, but I couldn’t tell you what. I placed my hand on the sink behind me to brace myself as I took him in.

  I’m going to try and describe how good he looked, but I know I’m not going to do him any justice. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans that fell perfectly on his bow legs. He’d partnered the jeans with a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of brown Timberlands.

  Around his neck was a gold chain and charm that wasn’t too blingy, but did have enough ice to catch the soft lighting in the loft. That coupled with his gold watch and the diamond stud in his ear was just enough jewelry to not to appear as if he was trying too hard. He topped it all off with a New York Yankees baseball cap.

  His beard game was killing it. It looked as if he was fresh from the barbershop, the lining so tight it looked as if it had been drawn on.

  Damn! This brotha looked good in dark blue. His clothes fit on his tall, lean, muscled, bow legged body like he’d been paid to model the outfit.

  Several of his men came to him to do that hand clasp slash one arm hug that men do, but his hungry gaze never left me. The whole time I was taking him in, he was doing the same to me.

  My breath got caught somewhere in my throat and my stomach when I realized he was walking straight for me. He never stopped, if someone managed to get a hand clasp in, they were good. It was clear to all watching that Rome had tunnel vision.

  When he got to the kitchen where I was, he gently put the bag in his hand on the table and turned his hat to the back without stopping his trek to me.

  I opened my mouth to say something… I don’t know, maybe hi. But never got a chance because he was there in front of me, blocking the rest of the loft from my few with his big body, taking my lips in a kiss that caused my knees to buckle.

  I kid you not, he had to wrap one of his arms around me to hold me up.

  He kissed me like a man starved. I had never been kissed this way, I felt it all the way down to my core. Forgetting we wasn’t alone I wrapped my arms around his neck when he deepened the kiss.

  Good God!

  The smell of his expensive cologne, the feel of his strong arms wrapped around me, and his hungry perfect mouth pulling from mine, it was too much. He lifted me bringing my mouth closer to his and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “Damn, Bo! If you put yo’ tongue any further down her throat you gon’ choke the po’ girl!”

  Rome lips lifted in a smile before he turned his head to take in his friend.

  “Hitta!” He let my feet slide to the floor, but took my hand as he used his other to embrace his friend.

  “If you come around that must mean you have a fight set up for me.”

  Hitter chuckled. If that could even be considered a chuckle. “Come on, man, I don’t just come and see you when I need you to fight.”

  Rome gave him a skeptical look. Hitter hit his shoulder. “Aight! Maybe I do…But you my champion. Everybody want to fight the champion. And that do’work two ways, Bo. The only reason you come around the gym these days is to blow off steam.”

  Hitter’s English was so broken he almost sounded like he was from the islands. I was having a hard time understanding him. This must have been why he didn’t speak much.

  “You still stalking the Tea Maker?” Rome asked.

  Hitter chuckled shaking his head a bit. “Y’all laughing…But I’m gon’ get her a**. Watch, she gon’ be mine.”

  I shivered. I don’t know who this mystery woman was, but I almost felt sorry for her. Hitter was the very definition of a brute… thug edition. I didn’t follow boxing, but Happy said he used to be really famous before his injury. She said he was the reigning champion for several years.

  Rome excused himself from his friend, telling him he’ll be back to talk to him about the fight. With my hand still in his he took the big gold bag off the table and guided me to the other side of the loft that was fairly empty.

  “I have a gift for you.” He said pulling me over by the huge window that looked out over the ghetto.

  I threw my head back and whined…“Oh no, Romeo! You’ve already given me so much. I don’t need anything else.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.” He said pushing the gold bag in my hand. I sat it on the windowsill and reached down inside the tissue paper. My hands closed on what felt like a big bag. But it was a lot heavier than a bag should be. I pulled it out and my gaze flew to Rome’s.

  “Is thi
s real?”

  He gave me a look that told me not to insult him. “Of course it’s real.”

  “Rome, Louis Vuitton only made 24 of these.”

  He nodded. “And you are now the owner of one of them.”

  I didn’t think I could close my mouth if I tried. I was not a big purse person, but I loved this bag. I loved it because it was so different from all the bags that were being designed. It’s from their patchwork line. Some people thought the bags were too big and ugly, but I loved them. They only made 24 and they are deathly expensive. I saw Beyoncé with this bag in a magazine once and thought, now that is a bag I would carry.

  But how in the world did Rome know that? And even more importantly, how in the world did he get a hold of one of the bags?

  Something suddenly moved inside it, I screeched dropping it. Chuckling Rome reached out and caught it before it hit the floor.

  “What the hell?” I asked.

  Grinning he handed it back to me. “Look inside.”

  I opened the bag and this time when I screeched, it drew everybody’s attention in the loft, but I didn’t care. Throwing my arms around Rome’s neck I planted about a hundred kisses on his handsome face, and the whole time he was trying to catch my lips with his.

  Out of all the gifts he got me, this was by far the best one, because it was something I always wanted since I was a little girl. It was a Miniature Poodle inside looking up at me with the most beautiful puppy dog eyes. As I lifted him out, he yelped wagging his little tail excitedly.

  “He’s so tiny!” I cried bringing him close to my chest.

  “He won’t get much bigger than that.” Rome said using his index finger to rub his little head.

  Oh my goodness, guys, I was in love with Rome and the puppy. He was so tiny I could hold him in the palm of my hands.

  “I’m going to call you Giant.”

  Rome frowned. “Giant?”

  I nodded. “Mmmmhhhmmm, ‘cause I bet you have a giant personality.” I told the little fella hugging him close.

  I was in love…Dear God help me, I had fallen for Rome.


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