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The Sins of the Cities of the Plain

Page 8

by Jack Saul

  How she winced as she first felt the hot head charging the tight little brown hole! but putting one hand behind her with a little cold cream on one finger, she greased the end of Mr. Pego; then, taking him in hand herself, directed my engine of love to the wrinkled entrance.

  How bravely she met my attack; but it was soon effectual, and I glided into Paradise—such a warm, tight, juicy sheath throbbed upon and held my delighted prick! I was going to enjoy the sense of possession for a few moments, but was startled by a smart attack on my own sore bum; the cheeks were pulled apart, and I felt the head of Mr. Carton's affair battering for admission; then one hand was passed round to my front, where it groped to feel how I was getting on in his lovely sister.

  This made me look round, and I then saw that Lady Eliza had fitted on a dildoe, and was just ready to get into her brother's bottom. What a luscious scene that was; and how lovely the two aristocratic young ladies looked!

  He was into me in less time than I can write it, and the exciting effects of the previous flagellation made me almost beside myself. Each shove I gave into the bottom of the lovely Lady Emma I had a corresponding one from her handsome brother, who was pushed on to do his best by Lady Eliza behind.

  A very few of these thrilling motions brought us all to a crisis. I felt his warm sperm shooting up to my very soul, just as my own spendings did the same for his sister, and we kept the same position till we all came together again.

  After this luscious bout the two sisters sucked our pricks till we were as stiff as ever, then each of us fitted on a dildoe, and had them so in both holes at once, but I had the Lady Eliza for a change. Giving full scope to my imagination in this conjunction, I fully realized all the delights of which Mr. Carton had spoken at my first interview with him. It was indeed delicious to feel, as it were, two pricks rubbing against each other inside the dear girl, with only the thin membrane between them.

  After this we made the two sisters lean forward and present their posteriors over the edge of the bed; then we made both of them feel a little of the realities of birching, till they fairly cried for mercy, and begged us once more to let them have our dear pricks in their bottoms.

  That is how we passed the first night, and ever since I have been quite a favourite with them and their brother.



  Since Nero had his mother, and Caligula fucked his horse, I believe that incest, sodomy, and bestiality have been fashionable vices.

  I know one man, a Q.C., who regularly keeps a goat, which he prefers to either man or woman.

  Another, a young nobleman of twenty, acts the part of Œdipus, and is passionately in love with, and fucks his own mother. Still, no doubt sodomy bears away the palm over all other vices.

  I know a recent case in which a widow, keeping a small shop near Leicester Square, had a lodger who occupied her first floor for the last three years. Recently one evening after shutting up, she fancied she heard a noise in the front passage, but could see nothing, so as the man who usually put up the shutters for her had not gone, she asked him to wait a little while in the kitchen and listen. After about half-an-hour he fancied that he heard shuffling and whispering in the passage, so taking off his boots, he crept softly upstairs, and suddenly striking a match, saw Mr. Parsons, the first floor lodger, in the very act of getting into the bottom of a soldier, who had his breeches down and at once bolted out of the door without waiting to put himself in decent order. The lodger slunk upstairs, and took his leave next day.

  Just as this is going to press there is a case in the London Daily Telegraph of July 9, 1881, in which a corporal of the Scots Guards is caught in the act of committing an unnatural offence at a coffee house in Lower Sloane Street. He gets committed for trial, whilst his companion, who has the luck to be Secretary to the German Embassy in London, is claimed to be dealt with by the German Government, and sent home to Vaterland, which is no doubt all that will happen to him.

  The prevalence of sodomy amongst schoolboys is little suspected of being so general as it really is. Only lately a medical man of large practice was called in to consult with the master of a large academy, where it appears the scholars had learnt something much more interesting than Latin or Greek. His tale is given just as he related it to the doctor.

  "A day or two ago, sir, my suspicions were aroused as to something highly improper going on in the sleeping rooms at night, so I determined to find out all the facts by ocular demonstration. Having several vacancies in the school, there happened to be a small room of three beds quite empty.

  "This I availed myself of, and on Wednesday afternoon, when all were out in the cricket-field, I made some peepholes, so that they gave me a full view into two rooms on either side.

  "The little room was supposed to be locked up, and also the master (myself) was thought not to be at home; so I slipped upstairs a couple of hours before bedtime, and locked myself in.

  "By-and-bye they all came laughing upstairs, accompanied by two young ushers, one of whom slept in each room to keep order.

  "By standing on the beds I had a full view of everything going on.

  "'Now, Mr. Smith, let's see if your prick is sore after having three of us last night!' I heard one of the biggest boys say, and looking into the room, there was a rare romp going on. Four boys had thrown Smith on a bed, and were trying to unbutton his trousers, and at last got out his cock—it was a good size, and stiff as possible. I then saw Charley Johnson, a boy of fifteen, take it in his mouth and suck it, whilst another boy did the same with his pego, and so on till every one but the usher had a prick in his mouth.

  "I was too spellbound by the sight to make a noise or interfere. The fact is, doctor, I couldn't help frigging myself; and we all seemed to come at the same time.

  "After this they began to quietly undress, so I took a peep into the other room, and there, by God, sir, the boys were fucking each other's arses! It drove me nearly wild. If I don't stop it they will draw me into their practices, and I can't resist the temptation my peepholes afford; so what is to be done I don't know. Besides, my school would be ruined if it were found out."

  The doctor advised the schoolmaster to have every one, ushers as well as pupils, medically examined one by one, and then he (the doctor), would pretend to find out from appearances all they had been doing, and try to frighten them out of doing it again by describing all the awful effects of pederasty.

  Wouldn't many of our readers have liked the doctor's job?


  Sodomy appears to have been one of the most important of the Roman vices and amusements; it was not by any means considered improper. We are speaking of sodomy with males, for we do not find anything much said about sodomy with women in the literature of the Roman day.

  We say now a woman is all cunt, and the Marquis de Sade says that he must be a beginner indeed who has not had a boy, or made a boy his mistress. Martial treats sodomy with women good naturedly, and no doubt the Romans practised it. Many moderns are given to having women in the bottom, and most men who have gone in for anything like dissipation have done it now and then, and we sometimes hear of marriages being made unhappy from that unfortunate taste in the husband; but we think that with modern Europeans (except in Turkey, Greece, and part of Italy) it is quite the exception to find a man wedded to that practice; but with the ancient Romans it must have been a vice too common to be even alluded to.

  If women are all cunt now what must they have been then?

  Sodomy with males, with the above exceptions, is still rarer in the present day, and although we have made the most careful research, we do not know of many professional male sodomites in London; and when we were boys we remember a gentleman who kept a tall young fellow, a Creole, near Leicester Square. Our criminal reports show that such things do take place, and it is not long since that I was in court and heard a gipsy found guilty, first of all of having his own donkey, and afterwards a neighbour's little boy.

  The offence is common in France. Ambrose Tardieu speaks of having investigated two hundred and seventeen cases of passive sodomy—not always cases of French subjects—and speaks of the extraordinary enlargement of the sphincter ani arising therefrom. The vice is evidently attractive, from the number of things different admirers of it have inserted in their anus, in default of something better, such as knitting-needles, bottles and glasses; and he especially speaks of bottles of Hungary waters and eau de Cologne being inserted in the bottom-hole, also pieces of wood, and he mentions that in the latter case the whole fist of the surgeon could be introduced into the anus.

  Another person, for a bet, put a tumbler up his bottom; and two children, the brother five years old and the sister seven, were caught one day putting spoons, carrots, and potatoes up each other's bottoms; and he mentions that the anus of the little girl was so dilated that it was nearly confounded with her vagina.

  These facts give us some idea of the enlargement of the anus that may arise from sodomy, and help to explain some of Martial's epigrams.

  There have also been some interesting remarks privately published by a recent traveller through the realms of the King of Bokhara.

  He speaks of that monarch having two wings to his harem, one for boys and one for girls. When the King would have connexion with one of his boys, the latter is well purged and brought to the King fasting, scents and oil being injected up his bottom. Then the boy has his dinner to give him courage and spirits to amuse the King, after which his Majesty has the boy in the presence generally of two or three of the royal wives. This traveller speaks of the salacious ways of these boys, the enlargement of their bottom-holes, and growths around the orifice, which made it appear very like the private parts of a woman.

  Tardieu speaks of this growth too, but he also speaks of other developments, as well as the consequences of passive sodomy, such as piles and various disagreeable matters. We think, too, that the King of Bokhara's habit of purging his boys before having connexion with them corroborates Tardieu's statement and the observations of many others, that the effect of being continually buggered (and Tardieu suggests as well the use of laxative ointments), is to so relax the sphincter ani that it will not retain the faeces.

  In the most civilized places of the present day sodomy with males is rarely practised—with females it is practised oftener; but in Rome it was the habit, the recognized habit, and it only became hateful when the man always received the attention and never gave. In those days men loved a lusty fellow as much as women do now, and the lusty fellow could give as much pleasure to a man as he could to a woman, and be thought none the worse for it.

  The vice was so general and fashionable that the chastest of the Cæsars, Augustus, was charged by many mouths with practising it; but Suetonius says, excepting his weakness for deflowering little girls, all the charges brought against him were calumnies.

  Tiberius revelled in sodomy, and was surrounded by lusty Catamites, and rendered his name imperishable by indelibly connecting it with the Spintriæ. At this chaste court Vitellus was apprenticed, and soon acquired the name of Spintria, raising his family by his prostitution, and showing when he in his time came to the throne, what a long train of evil one bad man in power can lay.

  Caligula's mutual prostitutions with his pantomimic friend were well known, as was also his connexion with certain hostages; and the state of Roman decency may be presumed when we are told that V. Catullus, a young man of consular family, bawled out publicly that he had been having the Emperor until his back ached.

  Cladius stuck to women, although he saw no harm in boys being debauched. Even his own son-in-law (to show the prevalence of the vice), we may observe, was stabbed and murdered while in the act of having his favourite boy.

  Nero, of course, is not behindhand, and shows himself a true Roman Emperor by having the young Aulus Plautius by force, and then having him executed—the terrible result of worn-out desires, the irresistible impulse to remove from the face of the earth the man or woman you have satiated yourself with.

  Our old friend Vitellus, when he came to the throne, managed the state entirely by the advice of the lowest classes, at the head of whom was the freedman Asiaticus, and his cabinet council was nothing but a series of mutual and unnatural pollutions.

  Leaving Titus and the Eunuch, and Catamites, we will say one word on Galba, who bears the palm of Roman sodomites. He had no taste for women, nor had many a better man. He liked males, which was nothing uncommon; but he only fancied them when they were past their prime, and there he stood alone in his sodomy—he had not even the excuse of saying that the plump hips and smooth face of the boy resembled a girl. As another celebrated piece of royalty was fond of bad oysters, his taste was for old men—for men who had lived too long to enjoy pleasure or to give pleasure to anyone. But Galba, even when old Icelas brought the news of Nero's death, as he was sitting surrounded by friends, rose, kissed the old gentleman, and requesting him to make "a clear coast," led him into a private room, and had him. We can only say it would have been much more like Galba, if he had had the old gentlemen there and then before all the company.


  Dogging the heels of sodomy walks tribadism, a vice which every man in his heart looks on with kindly eyes. This sister vice appears to have existed from all ages. It is at least as old as sodomy, and still lives, aye, flourishes amongst the supposed modest maidens of our day. In all civilized Europe it exists among single women who have been debarred from men, generally in a narrowed sense, rarely taking other form than mutual frigging. But amongst some prostitutes of the upper class, and a few matrons of educated vicious tastes, it flourishes, the Frenchwomen bearing the palm. In the latter case gamahuching comes into free play; one woman loves another as jealously as ever a man could, and we have known instances in England of great unhappiness ensuing from one tribade giving up her inamorata for another man or woman; and in one memorable instance the forlorn one taking a revenge that very nearly involved the ruin of both.

  The Count de Grammont mentions an instance in his memoirs of Miss Hobart, a maid of honour at the court of Charles the Second, being forbidden the royal presence for endeavouring to violate another maid of honour.

  It is not clear how she was doing it, and it certainly is a mystery why that debauched monarch should have been so severe upon her.

  No one can read Juvenal without being convinced that in Martial's time tribadism flourished in Rome. His descriptions of the feasts of the Bona Dea leave no doubt of it.

  If he did leave any doubt Martial clears it up by the pointedness of some of his epigrams. It flourished even to women with enlarged clitorises (hermaphrodites) having boys.

  This is perfectly rational. Sodomy and tribadism go hand in hand. Where one reigns the other flourishes, and in their development they are nearly identical vices. Boys debarred from women frig themselves, frig each other, and then have each other, and are fortunate if they do not grow up to be sodomites. Girls debarred from men do the same with their own sex, and bloom into perfect tribades by a gamahuche.

  This is one end of the stick; the other is as when a man, having plunged into all the possible debauchery with females, at last resorts to sodomy, or where a woman, say a prostitute of good position with many friends, gets satiated and tired when she has exhausted every letch of the male fancy; then she turns to her own sex for a new and piquant pleasure.

  It is not long since we were sitting in a café in the Haymarket when a Frenchwoman of about thirty walked across the room to a young English girl and offered her ten shillings to be allowed to kiss her cunt.

  © 2018 Jack Saul

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  ISBN: 9783748100386

  Herstellung und Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand, Norderstedt



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