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Finding Anna (Hidden Duet Book 1)

Page 17

by LM Terry

  Liam climbs up beside me. “It is peaceful here, I like it,” he says scanning the area.

  “Me too.” I pull my legs up and hug myself. I close my eyes listening to the sound of the stream and the birds, breathing in the fresh scent of pine.

  He takes off his shoes and folds up the bottoms of his jeans. “Come on, let’s explore.”

  “No, thank you. You go ahead, I’ll watch from the sideline,” I say.

  He scrambles down off the rock. “Have it your way, but if you change your mind…” He jumps into the stream and makes a loud splash, it only comes up a little over his ankles. He stands there wiggling his eyebrows at me trying to entice me to join him.

  I laugh. “Okay, okay you win.” I pull my shoes off and cuff my jeans, going to the edge. He reaches his hand out to help steady me. The water is cold making me screech. Once I adjust, I watch it swirl around my ankles. The rocks are so smooth under my feet, the water has worn them down over many years.

  Liam releases my hand and walks a little way down from me, reaching every so often to pick up different rocks, showing me his newfound treasures. I follow his lead as my eye catches something shiny. It is the ring that Oliver gave me. I tossed it in the other day. I hope it is not a bad omen that I stumbled across it in the stream. I kick a rock over the top of it. Not today Oliver, not today. Liam comes over and hands me a stone shaped like a heart. “Here you go Anna, it’s a sign.”

  “What does it mean though?” I chuckle and turn it over in my palm noticing the still visible scar on my hand from the rope I used to kill Oliver’s guard.

  “It’s a sign that love is in the air.” We both look up as we hear a loud noise at the same time. “That sounds like a helicopter.” He pulls me into his arms and I tremble as we both stare at the sky. He notices my fear. “Hey, it’s okay. I doubt someone sneaking up on us would do so in something so rude.” I watch his face as he searches for the source of the commotion.

  I see his reaction when he spots the chopper. He gazes down and smiles at me. “Anna, your surprise has arrived.” He gives me a peck on the cheek and pulls me out of the stream. “We need to get up to the house, Dylan is back.”

  “Dylan? Dylan is in that helicopter? How do you know? I don’t know Liam, we should hang here,” I say.

  He tosses me my shoes. “I’m sure. Come on, if we make him wait he will be pissed.”

  I unroll my jeans and pull on my shoes. As soon as I get the last one on he drags me to the clearing.

  “Dylan will be worried when we aren’t at the cabin. I don’t want him to worry,” he says slowing down a little to let me catch my breath.

  When we reach the clearance, there it is, a helicopter, a fucking helicopter. I pause and yank my hand out of Liam’s grip. He stops a few feet ahead of me. “Don’t be scared.”

  I watch as the blades slow down and come to a stop, then the door opens, Dylan jumps out. He looks out across the grass his gaze lazering in on me. I clutch the rock in my hand tightly. It’s him, my pulse speeds up at the sight of him. I’m so happy to see him. When I am near him, my world stops spinning, he grounds me like nothing I have ever known.

  I watch as he smiles and saunters towards me. Our eyes never break contact. I hear Liam stifle a laugh. “I guess I was right, love is in the air.” He doubles over laughing at his own joke. He slaps Dylan on the back as he makes his way past him.

  When Dylan reaches me, he picks me up in a hug lifting my feet off the ground and kisses my forehead. “Miss me baby?”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and cling to him…my rock.

  Chapter Twenty-Four



  God my girl is beautiful. I could see the confusion on her face when I spotted her and Liam walking back to the cabin. Confused or concerned I’m not sure which but when I set her down on her feet, she punches me right square in the chest.

  “What the fuck?” I say rubbing my hand over my chest.

  “You can’t just run off like that Dylan. Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” She crosses her arms across her rib cage, a pouty expression forms on her face.

  I worried her. I forget that everyone she has ever known has abandoned her. I need to keep this in mind. She will forgive me once she sees where we are going.

  I pull her into my embrace and pull out the charm. “I’m sorry baby, you are right I should have told you, but I wanted it to be a surprise.” She can’t resist me. She lays her head down on my chest wrapping her arms around my waist.

  “I was scared,” she whispers and peeks up at me through those long lashes.

  “Scared of what? Did you worry I wasn’t coming back?”

  She looks down to avoid my question. I tug on her hair gently to force her face up.

  “Yes, and no. My head doesn’t always think logically,” she says.

  I release her and run my hand down her back giving her a light squeeze. I forget how much she has been through sometimes. All I can do is reassure her. “You are stuck with me Anna. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She grips me around the waist a little tighter. I glance down and catch her smile at my words.

  “Dylan, did you fly that helicopter here or is there someone with you?”

  I take her hand as we walk towards the cabin. “I flew it, one of my many talents,” I say winking at her. She giggles at this and blushes. I am sure she recalls some of my more recent show of skills in the bedroom.

  When we get to the porch, I turn her to face me. “Anna, I want you to go upstairs and pack a bag, enough for two or three days. I will be up to collect a few things myself. I need to talk to Liam for a minute. Understand?”

  She shifts her weight from foot to foot and stares at the ground. I know she is hesitant to trust me especially since she has no idea where I am taking her or what is going on. I let her take all the time she needs as she mulls over her thoughts. Finally, she straightens her posture and lifts her head looking directly at me. “Yes, sir.”

  Fuck, I reach down to adjust myself, instant hard on hearing her call me that. She smiles shyly, she knows what this does to me. “Change of plans baby, go upstairs pack a few things. Then I want you to wait for me naked, kneeling, facing the long mirror in the bedroom.”

  She scurries away quickly leaving me to stand on the front porch with a raging hard on. Oh, the possibilities with this one. When I get inside Liam is sitting on the couch with a big shit-eating grin on his face.

  “She looks happy your back.” He laughs and props his feet up on the coffee table. “She seems to be in a hurry for something.”

  “Fuck you,” I say plopping down beside him. “I’m going to take her away for a few days, do you want to go along, or hang out here?”

  “I’ll stay here, I like it here. So, where are you traveling for your little rendezvous?”

  “San Diego, I’m taking her to my beach house. She wants to see the ocean and I want to show her. We might spend tonight in town, so I can take her on a real date. I doubt she has ever been on one and she deserves it,” I say.

  “San Diego? Are you sure man that is awfully close to the border?”

  “I know but nobody knows she is going there. How could they? I’ve chartered a private plane out of Denver to fly us straight there. I didn’t want to waste time driving there, hence the helicopter.”

  Liam laughs. “The full wow factor huh?”

  “It worked didn’t it?” I glance towards the stairs and wonder what kind of state Anna is in right now.

  “She was worried while you were gone, I eventually got her to eat and then we went for a walk. She is sweet Dylan I can see why you like her.”

  I stand, I think I have given her plenty of time to imagine all the things I might do to her.

  “Dylan I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Can it wait until we get back?” I rub my hand over my jeans, my cock painfully begging for release.

  He laughs again and shakes his head. “Yah, man it can w
ait. Go get your girl.”



  I ran all the way upstairs. I love to poke at the beast in Dylan. It doesn’t take much. His eyes noticeably dilate when I call him sir. He likes it, which scares me and excites me. All my earlier worries of the day have vanished, replaced with a surging burst of excitement. I am sure he has something wonderful planned. I don’t know if I have ever been more eager for anything in my whole life.

  I threw everything in a bag as quickly as I could, splashed cold water over my face and ran the brush through my hair to make it extra shinny. I kneel and look at myself in the full-length mirror. I can see the door to the bedroom behind me, I watch it patiently waiting for Dylan to enter.

  I gaze at my reflection. Blushing, I realize I have never really looked at myself naked in the mirror. I look sexy. The red lash marks still visible on my body, my dark hair spilling down my back and around my shoulders. I guess I understand why he likes me to sit like this for him.

  I study the blue eyes staring back at me in the mirror. I am sitting back on my heels. I part my legs slightly so that when he walks in, he will be able to not only see my backside, but all of me. I bite my bottom lip. I don’t know, maybe I’m being too brazen.

  I hear the door click. I peek up as he comes in. I take a deep breath to prepare myself for the onslaught that is Dylan. He steps in his eyes instantly glued to mine in the mirror. He runs his eyes down, a smile forming on his face. I lower my head suddenly embarrassed.

  He crouches down behind me and reaches around grabbing my chin to force my face upward, compelling my eyes to meet his. “Don’t be shy, you look sexy as hell,” he whispers in my ear.

  I offer him a small smile and watch as his other hand runs down along my side then dips between my legs, cupping me. I close my eyes enjoying the heat of his palm on me. He is so warm.

  “Open your eyes, baby. Don’t take them off me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” I say breathlessly.

  He pushes me over, so I am on all fours our eyes still locked. I watch as he pulls his belt out and unzips his pants. He pushes them down and rubs himself across my bottom.

  “We are on a tight schedule today Anna. So, I am going to take you hard and fast. Don’t close your eyes, keep them on me.”

  He swats my ass as he thrusts all the way, only stopping when he can go no further. He reaches down and draws his finger along my clit trailing it through the moisture building there. He pauses over my ass and looks intently at me. “Hold still.”

  I am about to protest as his finger slips inside me. I hiss at the intrusion unable to move. His cock pulses as he gently coaxes me. He leans over my back and bites me lightly on the shoulder. “What’s your safe word?”

  Shit, I forgot I had one. I should have used it before he pushed inside my bottom but now that he’s there it really isn’t that bad. “Water,” I say as I suck my bottom lip in between my teeth.

  “Good girl.” He tenderly strokes me. I push back against him wanting more. He doesn’t disappoint as he slips in a second finger drawing a loud moan from somewhere deep inside me.

  He smacks my ass again, making me tighten my muscles hard around his cock and fingers. He groans as he reaches over to pinch my clit lightly as he picks up his pace. “Anna, when I come I want you right behind me.”

  I shake my head yes, I can’t speak, I can’t move, all I can think about is how full I am. He is everywhere inside me, but mostly he is in my mind, filling the emptiness I have suffered for so long. He pumps harder and faster. I am building, needing to release. He told me to wait for him…oh god…I can’t…I can’t and then I hear him moan my name loudly as he shoves all the way inside me, his cock spasms deep…I close my eyes…falling…trusting…flying…unquestioning while Dylan holds me tight.

  When I finally regain my senses, he is staring at me in the mirror. Our eyes lock. He rubs his hands down my back, over my ass, and looks at me with smoldering intensity. My legs tremble, he sits back and pulls me into his lap, kissing my temple. He never takes his eyes off me.

  “That was beautiful,” he whispers.

  I break eye contact with him and coil into his chest curling up as close as I can get. In a matter of days Dylan is slowly shifting into my entire world. I am exposing myself to him, allowing him to take me in the most intimate of ways. I worry, am I letting him see too much of Anna? What must he think of me? Everything is happening too fast. He is suddenly my oxygen, if he leaves I may forget how to breathe.

  He holds me for a long time running his hands up and down along my arms, my legs and over my back. “Anna, hey talk to me.”

  “I’m okay, I’m just shy I guess.”

  “I don’t want you to feel that way around me. I want to see you, the real you. You make me happy Anna. I like that you are trusting me.” He tickles me making me squirm on his lap. “Ah, I better stop. You will make my dick hard again and then we will be late.”

  “Late for what? Where are you taking me?” I ask as I remember the helicopter still outside.

  He pulls back and looks at me. “Oh no you don’t, you will see, patience Anna.” He brushes his lips across mine. “In due time baby, all in due time.”

  He pulls me to my feet and swats my butt. “Wash off and meet me downstairs in ten.” He tosses his things in a bag. I hurry and close the door behind me.

  I don’t know where we are going but I am giddy with excitement. I quickly throw my hair up and step into the shower to rinse myself off. I have never ridden in a helicopter before, my body is tingling, endorphins surging happily through my veins.

  After I get dressed, I grab my cell off the end stand and glance at it hastily. My heart stops. A text from an unknown number…three words…where are you? Shit, I should tell Dylan and Liam. I hug the phone to my chest. I don’t want to spoil Dylan’s surprise. I have been putting off life hiding for the last nine years. I open the text and type Texas but then I delete that. Dylan might be taking me there. I’m not sure where we are traveling. I’m just not going to reply, I don’t owe Oliver anything, let alone a response.

  I delete the text from him and shove my phone in my back-pocket, hurrying downstairs. Dylan is waiting at the bottom of the stairs, he taps his finger on his watch giving me a stern look. I stop mid step to observe him. “Ten Anna, ten, not fifteen.” He clicks his tongue. “I will have to spank you for this little incident later.”

  I attempt to appear unaffected by his words. I brush past him and run my fingers lightly over his groin as I pass by. He growls behind me. I turn to give him the sweetest of smiles. “I’m sorry sir, I shouldn’t have been such a bad girl.” I spin heading out the door bumping into Liam on the way out.

  He grabs my arms to steady me. “Slow down lady, it’s okay, where’s the fire?”

  Dylan comes out and laughs. “Ya baby, where’s the fire.” He winks at me slapping my butt and drags me away from Liam. “We will back in a few days, call me if anything comes up.”

  I turn to look at Liam as Dylan ushers me to the helicopter. He waves. “Have fun Anna, don’t worry you are in good hands.”

  I smile at him. He is right. I am in good hands.

  Chapter Twenty-Five



  I am so excited. We took the helicopter to Denver and then we hopped on another plane, a private jet. Evidently Dylan has made a life for himself, able to afford all of this. It was incredibly sexy watching him pilot the chopper. It was hard to peel my eyes away from him to scan the scenery below.

  Once we landed he couldn’t hide our destination from me any longer. We are in San Diego, palm trees, warm temperatures and the ocean. I realize that is why we are here. I haven’t seen it yet, but I know. When he told me where we were I thought my chest would burst. I can’t remember anyone ever doing something like this for me. He truly listened to me.

  “Are you excited baby?” Dylan’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “Yes, yes, I am,”
I say to him grinning from ear to ear.

  “Good, we are almost to the hotel. Today will be a little different. I need you to trust me.”

  “Um, okay,” I reply nervously.

  He leans over and kisses me. “Don’t worry, it’s not what you think. I’m leaving you to get a few things set up for our mini getaway. You are going to go do some shopping and let me pamper you. One of my security guys will be your chaperone for the day. I don’t want you to be afraid of him, okay? I trust him, you can too.” He takes my hand in his, placing a kiss on my knuckles.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “How long will you be gone?”

  “A couple of hours. My guy’s name is Anthony. He also worked for your father, so I know he’ll take good care of you. You listen to him, he knows where to go and when. Everything is set up, no thinking on your part. I mean it Anna, just enjoy today. Meet me at the bar in the hotel at exactly six tonight…don’t make me wait like earlier or you will earn double the punishment.”

  I turn to the window to hide my blush, I cross my legs to curb the fire he ignited with his threat. “Yes, sir.” He leans over the seat and tugs the back of my hair forcefully, bringing his face up beside my ear.

  “If we weren’t on such a tight schedule today, I would take you up to that motel room and give you your punishment right now.”

  I lean into him as the car slows. We have arrived at our destination. He let’s go of me and slides back to his seat. I turn to study him. There is an undercurrent of arousal swimming in his eyes. My door opens, and our driver politely reaches inside and offers me his hand.

  The resort is amazing, there are hundreds of different colored flowers everywhere, they stand out against the stark white of the hotel. It is so beautiful. I wonder how near we are to the ocean. I am impatient now that I know we are so close.

  I don’t dare ask Dylan. He planned this trip all for me, I’m not going to question him. He is running the show. I’m a little surprised at how much I like that. I guess I am tired of hiding in my bed. I want to see the world. I have always been too afraid to do that. With him by my side I could try anything at least once, the possibilities seem endless when he is with me, I feel safe.


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