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Forever Ventured

Page 17

by Kathleen Brooks

  Camila and Blythe watched as the photographer began, but something kept bothering her. When she turned around she found Marco walking toward her with his cousin Leo.

  “What’s going on?” Leo asked as they watched Mike being put on Daisy’s back in an elegant gown. The layers of tulle blew elegantly in the breeze, while her riding boots were exposed underneath it.

  “Michaela’s is being interviewed for a magazine. How’s your claim horse doing?” she asked Leo.

  “Racing him tomorrow in one of the throwaway races after the Capitol Stakes. He’s the longest shot on the track so I’m not hoping for much. But he has potential. I’ve been talking to Arnold about him, and if he has a good show in the race, he might take him on,” Leo told her as Mike and Daisy posed.

  Camila looked around and saw Arnold back at Carter’s part of the barn, talking to the men she’d seen him with earlier. Arnold didn’t look happy. Neither did the men.

  “I still think you should have Camila train for you,” Marco said, drawing her attention away from Arnold.

  “She might be too big for a little fish like me,” Leo teased.

  Suddenly Marco went rigid next to her. “Papa?”

  Camila saw an older man in his late fifties or early sixties walking toward them in a very expensive suit. His black hair was sprinkled with gray and his olive skin looked to have the help of some injections to keep it tight with very few wrinkles. What also stuck out to Camila was his total lack of fun. No brightly colored tie, no jaunty hat, and he certainly would never be caught dead in pink like so many of the guys there that day.

  Mr. Strinati was every inch the tough father Marco had described.

  “Marco. Why are you not at your barn?”

  Mr. Strinati ignored Camila, and she was fine with that. He seemed completely opposite from his friendly son. Even Leo, who was more reserved than Marco, seemed like an outgoing guy next to Mr. Strinati.

  “We were just talking to our friends, Papa. This is C.C. Callahan, she’s the trainer for Wyatt Farm. And this is Blythe. She’s the owner of the horse being photographed. Ladies, may I present my father, Joseph Strinati?”

  Mr. Strinati bowed his head in a quick acknowledgment but then turned to his son. “I have come to see how you are running my investment, but then I find you here instead of looking over our own. Come, we have much to discuss.”

  Poor Marco looked horribly embarrassed, and Leo looked chastised as Mr. Strinati pulled Leo ahead and began walking to their barn.

  “Please excuse my father’s rude behavior. He’s used to running things. You should see him when he’s the chef in a kitchen.” Marco forced a smile and then cast a glance at Daisy. “Congratulations today and best of luck tomorrow.”

  “That was strange,” Blythe said as they stood watching the men walk around the barn.

  “I thought my dad was tough,” Camila said with a shake of her head. “Wyatt!” Her whole face lit up at seeing him walk in with his cousin.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said, giving her a kiss. Camila sighed and her whole body relaxed as Wyatt rested his hand on the small of her back. “Wow. This is going to be an amazing spread for Wyatt Farm and Michaela.”

  “Excuse me, are you the owner of Wyatt Farm?” the assistant asked.

  “I am.”

  “Could you sign this release?”

  “Of course.” Wyatt signed the paperwork and answered a few questions for the article. Then Bud helped Mike from Daisy’s back. The photographer packed up as Sydney and Mike disappeared and Blythe helped Bud put Daisy away.

  “I have great news,” Wyatt whispered as he pulled her against his side.

  “What’s that?” Camila asked as she rested her head against his chest.

  “The racing commission and the track have agreed to let Piper secretly test everyone tomorrow for Popular. Even Kyle won’t know about it.”

  “That’s great. If we can catch who is using it we can trace it back to where it’s coming from.”

  “That’s what we’re hoping.” Wyatt kissed the top of her head and Camila snuggled closer.

  “We’re done for the day. Are we going back to Keeneston?”

  “I thought we could stay in town tonight since tomorrow will be a big day,” Wyatt told her as he waved to Bud.

  “I’ll stay here tonight, boss,” Bud called out.

  “Reporting for duty. Where do you want me?” Luke Tanner, the newest Keeneston deputy, asked.

  “Can you stay with Bud and Timothy tonight? I’ll be with Camila all night,” Wyatt told him.

  “Sure thing.”

  “Make sure no one, even someone you might know, touches anything or gets anywhere near the horses. Only you and Bud can touch them, feed them, and so on. I want everyone else far away. Especially after someone tried to hit Daisy today with Popular. Or at least that’s our guess.”

  “We’ll keep it locked down tight.” Luke smiled at them and then headed off to see Bud.

  Wyatt turned to Blythe and asked her to stay with Mike tonight. He swore he’d take care of Camila, but he was now worried about Mike. Blythe reluctantly agreed and made him promise to check in with her later.

  Camila and Wyatt said their goodbyes to everyone and got into his truck. Blythe slipped quietly into her SUV and followed them at a discreet distance as they left the track.

  “Wait,” Camila said suddenly as she realized Wyatt was heading the wrong way. “The motel is this way.”

  “We’re not staying at the motel tonight.”

  Camila’s lips tilted into a grin. “Did you plan something?”

  “A gentleman never tells.”

  Camila sat back and waited to see what Wyatt had planned. They drove through the small downtown and then toward the Kentucky River that ran through Frankfort. In ten minutes, they were outside the city and Wyatt was pulling up to a beautiful old house that was perched on top of a hill overlooking the river.

  As Wyatt walked around the truck to open her door, the thick wooden door of the two-story square brick house opened. An elderly couple stood side by side with large smiles on their faces. Wyatt held the door for Camila before reaching into the backseat and pulling out two suitcases she hadn’t noticed before.

  “Oh, Wyatt. Look at how you’ve grown!” the woman said as she turned to her husband. “I swear he wasn’t knee-high to a grasshopper the last time we saw him with Ruth and Beauford.”

  Wyatt held out his hand and Camila took it as they walked up the limestone steps to the front door. “Mr. and Mrs. Brown, it is so wonderful seeing you again.”

  Camila watched as Wyatt kissed Mrs. Brown on the cheek and shook hands with Mr. Brown—both of whom looked to be well into their eighties.

  “I’m so glad you called us. Welcome to Brown Manor,” Mrs. Brown said before hugging Camila after Wyatt introduced them.

  “We operate a bed and breakfast during race season. But I have to admit, as technology came and we didn’t join it, we haven’t had many young people stay with us. Most of our clientele are our age,” Mr. Brown told her as he escorted her inside.

  The house was beautiful. Old photographs of racehorses mixed with oil paintings of an era long gone. Camila took a deep breath and smelled the scent of lemon wax mixed with fresh flowers. Vases full of flowers filled every room.

  They walked down the hall, past two sitting rooms, and toward the large staircase in the middle of the grand entryway. One flight was straight up the middle and then two sets of stairs broke off—one going to the right and the other to the left.

  Mrs. and Mr. Brown stopped at the bottom of the stairs and handed Wyatt a key. “It’s exactly what you asked for. Room Four. We will see you both in the morning for breakfast at six.”

  “You don’t have to get up that early for us,” Camila told the sweet woman.

  “It’s no trouble. Besides, you aren’t the only horse people here. My granddaughter will be here then to help with hair and makeup for some of our other clients. You can grab her first if you
need. She’s not scheduled to start until seven-thirty on Mrs. Kranski.”

  Next to her Wyatt suddenly smiled. “June and Julius are here?”

  “They are. They came to see their horse run in the stakes race tomorrow. You’ll see them at breakfast,” Mr. Brown told them. “Goodnight. The house is yours, so if you need anything, feel free to head into the kitchen or out into the gardens.”

  “Thank you. Goodnight, Mr. Brown. Mrs. Brown.” Wyatt gave Mrs. Brown a gentle hug and shook Mr. Brown’s hand as Camila said her good-nights.

  “Who are June and Julius?” Camila asked as they headed up the stairs.

  “Very old friends of the family. They were friends of my great-grandparents and are also very close with the Ashtons. They like to claim responsibility for getting Kenna and Will together.”

  Small side tables were placed between each door with a vase of flowers on them. The fourth room was in the back corner away from the other rooms. Camila smelled the food before they even made it into the room. Wyatt opened the door and the scent of fresh cornbread washed over her.

  The room was beautiful. There was a king-sized poster bed that was turned down with little chocolates on each pillow. There was a thick oriental carpet at the foot of the bed and floor-to-ceiling French doors on both corner walls. One set of doors was open and framed in the door was a small table with two chairs. The table held a single red rose in the middle with two covered plates and two wine glasses. On the table under the television were more covered plates.

  “What is this?” Camila asked in wonder as Wyatt placed their bags on the floor and moved to pull out a chair for her.

  “I wanted to celebrate with you tonight.” He grinned, but he also looked nervous. What was going on?

  Camila sat down and Wyatt took the cover of a plate off to find pesto risotto topped with grilled shrimp. Wyatt brought over one of the other plates and put the cornbread in the middle of the table before pouring the white wine.

  Camila looked beyond the small balcony at a fragrant garden below. “This is so you, Wyatt.” She took a deep breath as Wyatt lifted his wine glass.

  “To the best thing to have ever walked into my life. Even if I was wearing lipstick at the time.”

  Camila relaxed as she laughed and clinked glasses together. The meal was lovely as they ate and talked. When it was complete and Camila sat back looking out over the garden, Wyatt lifted the table and set it in the corner of the small balcony before moving his chair next to hers. They sat in silence overlooking the garden where a family of deer walked through the far side.

  “Camila, there is something I have been trying to find a way to say.”

  “Are you firing me?” Camila asked, suddenly worried.

  “What?” Wyatt asked with a laugh. “Why on earth would you think I would fire you?”

  “It sounds serious,” Camila said with a hint of nervousness to her voice.

  “It is, but not in the way you’re thinking. You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me. Not your superior training skills for the farm, but you.” Wyatt took her hand in his and turned toward her. “Camila, I am madly in love with you. I want to offer you the world, but for now all I have to offer is my heart.”

  Camila had taken a deep breath in but now realized she was still holding it. Her heart thumped so loud she was sure Wyatt heard it. A rush of adrenaline surged through her as she finally let out her breath and squeezed his hand. “M’fhíorghrá, my true love. I love you, too,” Camila said, no longer able to sit still. She was in his lap and kissing him before he could say another word.

  Camila wrapped her arms around his neck and braced her knees on either side of his thighs as she kissed him deeply. Wyatt’s hands were pulling up her dress that was already bunched across her thighs. His hands grabbed her arse and squeezed before she felt him pushing her dress up higher, exposing her breasts.

  “Take this off,” he ordered in a gravelly voice as he bent his head and began placing hot kisses across the top of her breasts. Camila yanked the dress over her head and arched her back, giving Wyatt full access to her chest. And he didn’t disappoint. Her bra was quickly removed and dropped to the balcony floor. The warm night air blew over her body as Wyatt worshiped it with his mouth.

  In one quick move, Wyatt stood, holding her half-naked body in his arms. “Let me show you how I love you.”

  Camila didn’t need to speak. She ground against him and kissed his neck as he carried her into the bedroom. Wyatt laid her on the bed and slowly peeled her panties from her body. As they moved together, Wyatt whispered the depths of his love for her into her ear, sending rushes of pleasure through her heart and body.


  Wyatt woke with Camila in his arms while the sky was still dark. She loved him. Wyatt smiled and kissed the top of her sleeping head. Camila moved her hand over his chest as she snuggled closer to him. This had to be the best feeling in the world. Not even winning the stakes race would compare to how he felt.

  “What time is it?” Camila grumbled against his chest.


  Camila stretched and tilted her face up toward his. “We should shower before breakfast. We’ll need to leave by seven-thirty.”


  Camila grinned mischievously. “Yes, and if we don’t hurry we’ll be late for breakfast.”

  Camila sprang from bed and walked backward to the bathroom as she crooked her finger at him to follow.

  Well, what the lady wanted, the lady would get.

  * * *

  “Bless my soul! It’s Wyatt Davies,” an elegant older woman cried out as Wyatt and Camila entered the dining room for breakfast fifteen minutes late, but with wide smiles on their faces.

  She looked to be in her late seventies or early eighties. Her husband looked a little older. Both were dressed in jeans and blazers. She had on giant pearl earrings and pink lipstick.

  “June! Julius! It’s so great to see you again. It’s been ages.” Wyatt leaned down and kissed June’s cheek and then shook Julius’s hand. He might be older, but like Wyatt’s Grandpa Jake, he was a farmer at heart and farmers always had a strong handshake.

  “It’s been since Carter’s wedding. And who is this?” June asked, not bothering to hide her curiosity.

  “This is my girlfriend, Camila Callahan. Camila, this is June and Julius Kranski.” It felt great calling Camila his girlfriend. Wyatt found himself feeling very proud as she shook hands with his family friends.

  “Are you Sean’s daughter?” Julius asked.

  “I am. Do you know my da?”

  “When you’ve been in horses as long as I have, you come across everyone at some point. We saw him at Ascot this past year. He said he was coming to Kentucky in May.”

  “He has a horse that is sure to win the European entry for the Derby,” Camila said nicely, but Wyatt picked up on the tension in her body.

  “June, Julius, I have a favor to ask,” Wyatt said, drawing their attention from Camila.

  “Anything, what is it?” June asked sweetly.

  “Camila is also my trainer, C.C. Callahan.” Wyatt felt Camila go rigid under his hand.

  “I figured that out, dear. What’s the favor?” June asked again.

  “Her father doesn’t believe she should be a trainer. He thinks women don’t have the knowledge to do it in the big leagues. Camila doesn’t want her father to know she’s training my horses. She plans on showing him what she’s accomplished in May.”

  June and Julius were quiet for a moment and then June broke out in elegant laughter. “Serves him right. I love it, dear.” June reached out and took Camila’s hand. “I will be right there cheering you on.”

  “Here, here!” Julius said, lifting his coffee to her in salute.

  “Thank you both so much,” Camila said as she placed her hand over her heart.

  “Come and join us. I want to hear all about how you met.” June patted the chair next to her. Wyatt pulled out the chair, and before long June a
nd Camila were laughing away as he and Julius talked about the horses racing in the Capitol Stakes.

  Wyatt left Blythe, Bud, Camila, Luke, and Cody at the barns and quietly excused himself. He made sure he wasn’t followed as he headed to the racetrack offices. He walked up the stairs, past security, and into the conference room where he’d met with them the day before.

  “Good morning, Wyatt.” Piper smiled from the table that was entirely covered with lab equipment.

  “You’re here early,” Wyatt said, looking down the table and nodding at the lab techs all lined up.

  “We wanted to be ready to run these tests. Our goal is to have Kyle pull all the blood immediately after the race and collect them. The commissioner told him that one of his men would help collect and store them until they could be run after the race day,” Piper explained.

  “Which, of course, is not true.”

  “Of course not,” Piper said deviously. “I’ll run them immediately. We hope to have the results before the next race goes off. That’s why some of my lab team is here today.”

  “Dr. Davies,” the commissioner said as he and the president walked in. “Your cousin is something else. She has her plan, and it’s already in action. Kyle will collect blood with the help of one of our own vets so we can get it done quickly.”

  “We’ll know what we know by the end of the day,” the president said with his hands in his suit pockets. He looked dignified, yet very nervous. Wyatt didn’t blame him. This would look bad for his racetrack. But by being proactive, it would ultimately show they want a clean sport. It certainly helped that the commission was on board.

  “Is there anything you need of me?” Wyatt asked. He’d been nervous since he arrived at the track that morning. The night before had been a perfect escape from the pressure of the track. But as soon as he arrived that morning, his stomach had knotted in anticipation of something happening.

  “You’ve been a great help,” the commissioner told him. “I couldn’t get you more boxes. But to say thank you for helping us with this, I reserved the box next to Ashton Farm for Wyatt Farm and a large section of the grandstand for your friends and family directly behind the Keeneston boxes. Dr. Creed told me to expect a crowd. Have them go to ‘will call’ and tell them they’re with Wyatt Farm.” The president held out his hand and Wyatt shook it.


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