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Fanged Love

Page 15

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  The beating sound in my chest is so loud I can hardly hear her words, and the stiffness in my cock is not helping my listening abilities.

  I nod. “Yes. We are from Romania, as is our wine. The vines we grow today are from the same seeds I planted—I mean my great-grandfather-many-times-over planted.”

  “That’s fascinating. And it explains why your wines are so delicious.” She reaches out and sets her hand over mine, her lips dancing with a seductive smile. “Just like the winemaker.”

  A jolt of electricity surges through me, and I jerk my hand away.

  The look of shame on her face is instant. “Oh God. I’m so sorry. It’s just that Neli said—I just thought that—never mind.”

  “No. Please do not misunderstand me.” I lower my voice so only she can hear. “You are a very beautiful woman. But I am a very complicated man with a very complicated life. I do not wish to embroil you in it.”

  Stella gazes down at her nearly empty glass of wine. Why she is drinking the house wine, I do not know. “Allow me to get you another glass of wine, and then I shall see you to your—”

  “No. I’m good.” She smiles, but I see the corners of her lips struggle to remain lifted. She is upset. “I should go.”

  I catch her wrist as she stands, and the electricity that was just now buzzing through me gives her a jolt.

  Her eyes go wide. “Ohmygod, Boz. What was that?”

  My face contorts awkwardly. “Static electricity?”

  I think my secret is out. She knows there is magic between us.



  I stare at the spot on my wrist where Boz is touching me. My entire body hums with an odd current that amplifies right as it passes over my—

  Whoa! I pull my wrist away. Did he just reach all the way down to my magic button? There’s a lingering tingle between my legs and a delicious ache.

  I step back. Was I imagining it? Must be the jet lag and wine or something because his hand never left my wrist. Magical seduction. Probably all in my mind, except I definitely felt…something.

  My mind quickly hops to the conversation I had earlier with Neli. I was looking for dirt and clarification about their romantic status, but what I got was a mile-long list as to why Boz and I would be perfect for each other.

  If that’s not a green light from Neli, I don’t know what is.

  She then assured me that Boz’s attraction was mutual and that all I had to do was make the first move, because his gentlemanly ways would prevent any action on his part until I make the “deepest desires of my timeless soul and fervently beating heart known to him.”

  I swear, sometimes when Neli talks, I feel like I’m listening to an old woman from some classic romance novel. The part of our conversation that stuck with me most, however, was when Neli said, and I quote, “His supernatural gifts of seduction will leave you breathless. You will forget all other men until end of days are upon us.” What a weird thing to say. And how does she know about his “gifts” if they’ve never been together? She says it’s just what she heard, whispers over the years. Either way, I’m intrigued. And now, my entire body is trembling with need. I can’t help wondering if this is what Neli meant. His rep is so well deserved, and I’m dying to experience more.

  “Boz,” I say in my firmest voice, “I know you’re old fashioned about certain things, so what I’m about to say might sound forward, but Neli said I have to make my intentions clear.” I lift my chin. “So that’s what I’m doing. I have intentions. And they are the sort that take place in private.” I swallow hard. “Naked,” I add, in case it wasn’t clear.

  He looks up at me from where he’s still seated, stifling a smile, but the hungry look in his dark seductive eyes tells me Neli was right. He does want me. But then why the speech about him being complicated and pushing my hand away? And that spark when our hands touched? Phew! I always thought that “the spark” thing was a metaphor, not an actual physical reaction. I have to follow through.

  “Are you truly prepared to be naked in my bed?” he asks, his voice gruff and low, for my ears only. At my sharp intake of breath, he continues, “Perhaps you are not ready for this experience.” That last word comes out gravelly, seductive and challenging at the same time.

  My toes curl, and my nipples tingle into sharp points beneath the thin fabric of my pink floral dress. His words are almost as sexual as the sinful tone of his voice. Supernatural gifts of seduction? Yes, please. Ruin me for other men. “I’m ready,” I say.

  He is about to speak, but something in the window behind me catches his attention. A hard, fiercely bitter gleam in his eyes replaces the carnal hunger I saw just a moment ago. I turn my head and catch a glimpse of a man staring at us. He’s in a tan trench coat with a black fedora pulled down low, leaving his face in shadow. Little warm out for a trench coat.

  “Wait. Isn’t that the guy from the restaurant?” I ask.

  “Let me walk you to your room.”

  Um. That wasn’t an answer, and I’m about to say so when Boz stands. He takes my hand and tugs me out of the bar.

  I stumble along, catching glimpses of the other patrons immersed in their conversations.

  “Boz, what’s going on? Who is that guy?”

  “He is—he is an old nemesis.” Boz punches the button for the elevator, keeping his eyes focused directly on the door in front of us. For a moment, I think he’s avoiding eye contact with me, but then I realize he’s looking at the reflection in the shiny stainless steel. He’s watching everything behind us. His shoulders are square, his back is rigid, and he looks like he’s about to rip off someone’s head. A vision of Boz as a warrior flashes through my mind—fierce, strong, victorious.

  “Is he from a rival winery?” I whisper, actually finding this whole thing a little exciting. Or maybe it’s the weird buzzing sensation flowing from our touching hands, into my body. The space between my thighs begins to heat.

  Oh, God. What is that? I squeeze my thighs together, wanting to release the pressure, but it only makes the sensation intensify.

  The elevator chimes, and the doors slide open. Boz quickly shuffles me inside and presses the button for the fourth floor. My floor. My body hums in anticipation until he presses the button for the penthouse. His floor.

  I deflate at the ego punch, disappointment making my limbs heavy.

  I pull my hand away and keep my lips clamped together. I’m confused and hurt, but most of all, I’m angry. It’s not nice to play with a woman’s heart like that, and I expected more from him.

  “I will see you to your room,” he says as we step out, “and please stay there until morning. It is not safe to wander about.”

  I stop and turn to him. “I can see myself to my room. Thanks and good night.” I turn and start walking down the hallway. “Gentleman, my ass,” I huff under my breath.

  “I heard that,” he calls out.

  Supernatural hearing to go with his supernatural gifts of seduction? Isn’t he special? I grind my teeth. Neli was wrong about him, about us. I feel like a fool. I mean, wow. I really put myself out there with the flirting. It’s something I’ve never done for anyone. And won’t do again!

  I continue down the hall, silently seething. Just as I turn the corner, Boz is standing there, and I almost crash into him.

  “Ah! Where’d you come from?”

  He ignores my question and frowns down at me, those dark eyes drilling into my soul. “Do not be upset, my sweet Stella.” He raises his hand and cups my cheek. His skin is cool yet makes the spot warm and tingly. “As I said, I am a complicated man, and I truly believe you deserve better—afternoons of sunshine, beautiful babies with rosy cheeks, scuba diving in turquoise water with colorful fish.”

  Huh? “Scuba diving?”

  “Yes. I saw it in a magazine while on the aeroplane. It is when you strap a large container of oxygen to your back and—”

  “I know what scuba diving is, Boz. I just don’t understand what it has to
do with us or this conversation.”

  A sadness fills his dark eyes. “Because, Stella,” he says is a quiet voice, “it is a life I could never give you.” He brushes his thumb across my lower lip.

  “Why?” I ask breathlessly. He’s so close. Need rushes through me.

  “My work keeps me very busy,” he says brusquely.

  Work? This is about work? What an asshole! Stung, I take a step back. He doesn’t want to sleep with me because he’s a workaholic? It sounds like an excuse.

  He stares deeply into my eyes. I can practically feel the despair. I know I’m missing something. He’s not being honest with me. I can sense it in my gut.

  I go for complete honesty, trying to reach him. “I’m fine without scuba diving, and I don’t need all of your time. I just… I think there’s something here worth exploring. I’m willing to take a chance.” My brows knit. “It’s a little early to talk about kids and all that. Can we just take it one step at a time? I’m fantastic at making plans if we get to that point. Most everything in life can be fixed with a good plan.”

  “My sweet, sweet Stella. If only it were so simple.” He takes my hand, places a kiss on top, letting his lips linger, before he rises to his full height. “But I am afraid that as lucky as I would be to have you, a gentleman must always know right from wrong.” He bows. And I don’t mean like a little head dip. He literally bends his body in half. It’s the move of a courtly gentleman just like Neli said. “Good night, Stella. Sleep well.”

  He turns and leaves me standing there, my head spinning and my body on fire. I have never wanted a man so badly that it hurt. The worst part is that something in his voice sounded so final. Was he saying goodbye just now?

  In shock, I turn and go to my room. Once inside, I plop down on my bed and stare at the cream-colored wall. What just happened? In one fell swoop I was carried away in the hottest moment I’ve ever experienced, only to have it end with a bucket of ice water poured over my head. I know it wasn’t one sided. None of this makes sense. What am I missing?

  I stand, planting my hands on my hips. We’re not done, Boz. I refuse to be shuffled off to my room without an explanation.



  My loins burning with need, I quickly return to my suite on the top floor and begin running the shower. I will have to service myself tonight—something I have not done for, well, I cannot recall. When I have needs, it is never difficult to seduce a woman to my bed. Tonight, however, and possibly for the remainder of my existence, there is only one woman I desire.

  Phew. That was close. There was a moment when I did not believe I could walk away from Stella. Her delicious scent lingers in my lungs and calls to me like none other. And when she looked up at me with pain in her eyes, I wanted only to make it disappear.

  Damn that Neli. I grab the Summoner and tell her to come to my room immediately. She and I need to get on the same page. I cannot be placed in such tempting situations again. Also, we must devise a plan to take care of the hunter.

  I hit send and strip my clothing to prepare for my shower. My cock is so hard, I fear it might never abate. I poke the thing. Like granite.

  I turn to go into the bathroom and hear a light knock on the door. Ah, finally. For once Neli is being the obedient servant. She must know she is in the pigsty. I go to open the door. “Neli, we must talk—”

  Stella is standing there, her eyes wide as she takes in my naked form, my cock jutting out like an arrow directed at her.

  “I-I just came up to…” Her words fade, and she licks her lips while staring directly at my manhood.

  My heart starts to beat once more like a loud drum, demanding action. Take her. Take her. Take her.

  “Fuck it.” I grab her wrist and pull her inside, pressing her firmly to my body.

  She says nothing with her mouth, but the desire in her eyes speaks volumes. I bow my head and press my mouth to her soft lips. The need inside me is overwhelming. But it is not for sex. It is for her blood.

  No. You cannot do this. You will not be able to stop. But my mind is not in control any longer. It is my thirst, begging for one last taste of her virgin blood before I take her.


  The nerves were racing through me as I made my way to the penthouse suite. I knew I could be facing a harsh rejection, but I deserved to know why. I didn’t mistake the desire flowing like an electric current between us, or the pain in his eyes when he turned from me. Whatever the problem is, I want to fix it together.

  Then I knocked on his door to find him naked, fully erect. He pulled me inside and pressed his mouth to mine. Now I can’t remember what I came here to say, but I know it was important.

  I push back and stare up at him. The way he’s looking at me takes my breath away. There are no words. There’s only primal need. I lift my face to his, my heart hammering against my rib cage. His dark silvery eyes smolder into mine for a crackling moment before he dips his head and presses his mouth to mine again. Yes, yes, yes. His hand grips my hair, tugging my head back as he deepens the kiss. I welcome the fiery heat, consumed by it. Desire unfurls within me, and I wrap my arms around his neck, urgently pressing all of my softness against his hard powerful body. I want with an intensity I’ve never felt before. I roam my hands over his broad back, a needy moan escaping.

  He breaks the kiss suddenly, his breath ragged. “Remove your clothes and go lie on the bed.”

  The note of command in his voice excites something deep inside me. I’ve never been with a man who wants to take control like that. I comply, making my way to his bedroom. He follows, and when I reach the large bed, I keep my eyes locked on his, wanting his reaction as I unveil what I know he wants. I reach back and unzip my dress before slowly sliding the cap sleeves off my shoulders. The dress falls to my waist, and I shimmy it down over my hips. It pools at my feet. His dark eyes gleam as I step out of it, wearing only black lace panties and a matching bra I wore just for him. I wanted this moment and now I finally have him.

  “And the rest. Take it off,” he says, barely restrained need in his voice.

  My lips curve up, loving the effect I have on him. I unhook my bra, sliding it off and tossing it carelessly to the side. His hot gaze never leaves my breasts, and my nipples form hard points under his attention.

  “Everything else,” he commands.

  My breath quickens in anticipation. I slide off my heels and push my panties down, stepping out of them and letting them dangle from one finger.

  His gaze is hooded, taking me in from head to toe. My body heats in response, and I drop the panties, my need spiking.

  “Now what?” I ask softly.

  “Lie down in the center of the bed.”

  I pull the covers down and do as he says, letting my legs fall open. He approaches, his gaze eating me up, yet still he holds back. He needs some enticement. I slide my hand between my legs, touching myself. “Is this what you like? You want to see me pleasure myself?” I’ve never done anything like that before, but something about this man makes me want to step outside my comfort zone. Our connection is intense on every level, and I welcome it.

  He doesn’t answer, his hungry gaze glued to my fingers. I like him watching more than I thought I would. His massive erection throbs as I continue, my fingers stroking lazily at first. But then his smoldering eyes meet mine, and my fingers move faster, wanting release, wanting him to see how close he’s brought me just from a look. That’s how powerful this thing is between us.

  My head arches back as my climax hits. Suddenly he’s on me, his powerful naked body covering mine as his teeth clamp on the cord of my neck. I pant as my pleasure builds again. “What are you doing to me? Oh God, it feels so…sooo…good.” I’m dying of pleasure, lost in it.

  My hips rock against his hardness, needing more, and then suddenly I’m there, crashing over the edge. “Yess,” I hiss, rocking helplessly against him.

  A harsh knock sounds at the door. “Boz!” The knocking turns into poun
ding. “Boz!”

  It sounds urgent, but I’m light-headed in the aftermath of the heat of the moment and the most incredible pleasure I’ve ever experienced in my life. I’m having trouble catching my breath.

  Boz releases my neck, lifting his head. “Neli,” he says.

  I close my eyes, so drained I can’t move. Whoa.

  He holds my jaw. “Are you all right?”

  I smile what I’m sure is a goofy smile. “That was amazing. Let’s keep going so you can have your pleasure. I’m ready for more.”

  Neli keeps pounding on the door. “Boz!”

  I sit up, wrapping the blanket around myself. “It sounds urgent. I hope everything’s okay.”

  “Her urgent is not my urgent,” he says, getting out of bed. “I’ll get rid of her.”

  I follow him, grabbing his pants on the way, and hand them to him with a pointed look. I don’t want Neli to see what only I should get to see. I hope this will be an exclusive thing.

  He lets out a manly sigh, pulls them on, and stalks to the door.

  I stick close by, wrapping the blanket tighter around my shoulders, hoping everything is okay with Neli. Especially because I really want to do that again. Boz’s abilities in bed were not exaggerated. And I still ache to feel him inside me. All I got was a love-bite orgasm. What was that?

  Boz yanks the door open. “Neli, you are disturbing my supreme lovemak—”

  Neli’s eyes dart to the side. Suddenly a man jumps out with a wooden stake, screaming, “Die, vampire!”

  It’s that man who keeps following us!

  Boz moves with such speed he’s a blur. Suddenly the man is flat on his back on the floor. Boz pins him there with one hand and bites his neck. Neli’s urgent voice is drowned out by the man screaming.

  My hand flies to my throat, shock rendering me immobile.

  A moment later, the man goes still and deathly silent.

  Boz lifts his head, blood dripping from his mouth. That same mouth that bit my neck. My vision dims at the edges, my heartbeat roaring in my ears. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.


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