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by Sterling, S. L.



  Her response was quick and short, which meant she was waiting for me to get her more information. I pulled up the app and blinked hard at what I was seeing. That couldn't be right. The location had her marked at being at our apartment, and I knew she had left with her phone because we had messaged shortly before I had gotten into the ring. I quickly texted the address over to Mollie and asked her to tell the officer I was on my way.

  My phone let out a shrill ring, and as soon as I picked it up, I heard Mollie on the other end. "Derrick, he says to wait. The officers want you to wait for them to arrive," she pleaded into the phone.

  I hung up without answering. I wasn't waiting. This was Katy, my girl, and I wasn't going to let her face Jonas alone.

  I flew through red lights and rushed to the extended-stay. There were no police there yet when I arrived. I didn't wait; I couldn't. I jumped out of the car, ran to our room, and with my keycard in hand, I slid it into the slot and was about to touch the handle to open the door when I heard Katy shout, "No!"

  I paused, unsure what I should do. Then I heard a sound I would know anywhere: the sound of her being hit, the connecting of skin and her cries of pain. I opened the door with a kick, quickly dropping beside the building. Who the hell knew if the psycho had a gun or something else. I glanced around the corner and quickly realized that he had rigged the handle. He had a battery in there with jumper cables. I could've been killed had I touched the handle, but thanks to Katy's warning, I wasn't.

  I scrambled to my feet. The guy wasn't a fair fighter. I gathered that from the target he had chosen. Katy was too kind, too nice, and probably too quick to give him any more chances. I'd never need more than one chance with her, because I certainly wasn't going to blow it.

  She was seated in a chair at the farthest point across the room. He stood behind her, his hands around her throat. "Come any closer and I will make sure she doesn't take another breath," he sneered.

  "Get away from her," I growled.

  "Why should I?" He began tightening his hands around her throat. She began to claw and grasp at hands while trying to gasp for breath. In a matter of seconds, she was already turning color. "If I can't have one will."

  I wasn't sure if he could choke her out before I got to her, or if he planned to snap her neck in one quick motion if I got too close. Either way, I wasn't going to allow it. I glared the guy down, adrenaline racing through me. I prayed the police showed up soon because when I got my hands on him, I had no idea what I would be capable of.

  I could see his knuckles whitening now, and Katy was blue, her eyes starting to bulge and go red. There wasn't going to be much time; I couldn't wait. I immediately launched myself toward the guy. He was startled enough that he released her, and to ensure her safety, I pushed her chair out of the way with my body, knocking her roughly to the side.

  "Sorry..." I yelled as Jonas came at me. I grabbed him and began grappling with the guy. He was a dirty fighter and his shots were cheap but not unlike some of the fighters I faced in the ring. I planned to get him subdued and restrained before the police arrived, but I was too late. Before I could get my arms around him, two officers charged into the room. I was too involved in dealing with Jonas but was sure Katy would tell them I was the good guy. I was finally on top of him and winning when an officer came at me. I was grateful for the extra hand, but instead, he raised his taser before I could say anything. He touched the taser to my back, and I stiffened, rolling off Jonas and onto the floor. Jonas jumped up and attacked the officer who had tased me in an effort to get back to Katy; however, the second officer tased him before he got any farther. Within seconds, they cuffed him, picked him up, and carried him downstairs. Seconds later, I too felt the cold metal connecting with the skin around my wrists.

  "No, not him. He was trying to save me," I heard Katy's breathless, scratchy voice call out.

  My head dropped to the floor. He had finally been caught, and I could hear my girl’s voice. She was okay. The cuffs came off, and as I lay there trying to catch my breath, I tried to get over my anger at the police. I rolled onto my back and felt the sting of the spot where the probes were still attached to me from the taser. More than likely I would have to go to the hospital to have them removed.

  I sat up. I wanted to make sure Katy was safe, and I watched as the officers helped her. As soon as she was able to, she rushed into my arms, straddling my lap, crying. I held her tight to me, trying to warm her cold body. She had gone into a little bit of shock after the ordeal with Jonas and was freezing. "Are you okay?" she murmured into my neck.

  My girl had been taken from me and tied to a chair, almost choked out, and here she was asking me if I was okay. "I'm fine, Katy, barely a scratch," I said, running my hand through her hair and down her cheek, cupping it. I kissed her softly, and soon we were being escorted out of the room. Minutes later, we were both seated in the back of an ambulance being checked over. I insisted they check over Katy numerous times before they even touched me, and once they had deemed her to be fine, she sat between my legs, my arms wrapped around her, while the paramedic removed the taser probes from my back.

  Now alone in the ambulance, Katy turned her tiny body so her chest was facing mine and rested her head on my shoulder, my arms wrapped around her. We stayed that way until we heard a throat clear and Katy's name called. We both looked up to see an officer standing before us.

  "Katy, we would like to ask you a few questions," the officer said, pulling a notepad from his back pocket.

  She looked to me, fear in her eyes. "It's okay, breathe," I urged, rubbing her back. "You got this, and I have you," I reminded her, pressing my lips to her temple.

  "Even after all of this?" she whispered, her face a picture of shock and wonder.

  "Especially after all this."

  She sat between my legs, while the officer questioned her. Her mind was a jumble and she struggled to answer the questions that were being asked. Every once in a while I would feel her body stiffen, and I would gently rub her arm and rest my hand on her waist, letting her know I was still there and that it was okay for her to take her time. Her body shook as she recounted some of the things she told the officer, her voice strong, but then the tears would fall. But she was as strong as I knew she could be with me behind her.

  When all the questions had been asked, we watched the cruisers drive away, Jonas looking out from the window of the back seat. Katy turned and buried her face in my neck; she didn't want to see him.

  "And you, sir, we are just going to take you into the hospital. I couldn't get one of the probes out. Plus, we want a thorough check over on Katy."

  Katy looked up at him. "Is he okay?" she asked, her voice hoarse as she stepped out of the way so the paramedic could strap me in. She was more concerned about me than herself.

  "Yes, but that other probe needs to be removed. You can come along for the ride if you like, or you can ride in the other ambulance."

  "I'll stay here." She sat across from me, a small smirk coming to her lips.

  I looked over at her and smiled. "I told you I would meet you at the hospital."

  Chapter 21


  The police followed behind us to the hospital where they finished taking my statement and asking any other questions they needed answers to.

  "Everything go okay?" Derrick asked as I walked through the curtain to his room.

  "Yes. They said they would call if they had any more questions," I said, going over and standing beside him. I hadn't wanted to leave Derrick's side while he had the probes removed, but I had to. He wrapped his arm around me while the nurse continued to try to remove the last probe.

  As he sat there wincing, he looked just as grumpy as he had the night I met him, only this time I wasn't intimidated by him; I was completely h
ead-over-heels in love with him. I let out a small laugh as he grumbled at the nurse again as she ran an alcohol swab over the area after she had finally removed the probe and quickly bandaged it.

  She rolled her eyes at me. "I'll be right back. I need to get the doctor."

  "Be nice," I whispered to Derrick as soon as she had left the room. "You have that look again."

  "What? What look?" He looked at me, feigning innocence. "I didn't do anything."

  "You, sir, are cranky," I said, pushing my way between his legs to kiss his lips.

  "That's because it fucking hurts," he said, smiling against my mouth, kissing me.

  "Katy! My God, there you are!" Mollie said, rushing into the room. "They told me you were on your way in. Are you all right?" she cried out, rushing over and hugging me.

  "Hey, Mollie. Yeah, I'm good," I answered, putting on a brave face when all I really wanted to do was fall apart.

  "Why didn't you say anything, that you were in trouble? I would have helped you," she said as she let go of me and I returned to Derrick's side, his arm slipping back around me.

  I didn't really have an answer to that, except that I didn't trust many people. She was about to say something else when the doctor came rushing into the room. "Katy, we are so glad you are all right. You ready for your CT scan? They have an empty room now just for you."

  I nodded. "I'm ready. I guess." Dr. Evans wanted me to have this CT scan only because I had lost consciousness when Jonas had attacked me in the parking lot and again when he had choked me.

  "I can take her down, doc," Mollie said, stepping up beside me.

  "I'm not an invalid. I do remember where imaging is," I said, each and every one of them laughing.

  Mollie looked at me and smiled. "I think she's fine," she told Dr. Evans, who handed Mollie my chart. "Still better to be safe than sorry." She grabbed a wheelchair and patted the seat for me.

  I rolled my eyes and hopped into the wheelchair just to make Mollie happy, and she started taking me from the room. "Just one minute, Mollie," I said, turning back to Derrick. "Come with me?" I asked.

  He jumped up off the chair and walked beside me, holding my hand the entire way. When we finally arrived outside of the area and Mollie had left to go speak with one of the nurses and give them the paperwork, I realized that with everything that had happened tonight, I hadn't asked Derrick about his fight.

  "So, how did it go tonight?" I asked quietly, squeezing his hand.

  "Well, I was afraid I was going to lose you. It wasn't a good feeling." He shook his head and kissed my cheek. I could read the worry and fear in his eyes.

  I groaned. "No, crazy man, I meant the fight."

  He lifted his eyes to meet mine and his face brightened. "Oh, I won that."

  I squealed in delight. "Most important fight of the night and my babe wins!" I murmured, acknowledging that he was really the main event.

  He shook his head. "No, that was the fight with Jonas, and we won that. He can't hurt you anymore, babe." He cupped my face. "You look terrible," he grumbled, looking at my bruises that I was sure were very dark by now. "I'm so sorry I didn't get to him before he laid his hands on you."

  I shook my head slightly. My head, face, and neck hurt. "I should have listened to you. If I'd have stayed in the hospital—"

  He placed his fingers up to my lips, silencing me. "He wasn't going to stop, Katy. He was going to find another way. Even if you had been with me tonight instead of here, he would have found another way." He pressed his forehead against mine while I considered his words.

  "You're probably right. It's over now. What ever will we do with ourselves?"

  "Well, I was going to wait to mention this to you, but since you asked…" He took a deep breath and pressed his forehead to mine again. "I have been offered a chance to sign. We have a choice of three places. Seattle, LA, or Vegas. Where would you like to go?"

  "We?" I grinned.

  "Well, I've already made up my mind and I have decided that I'm not going anywhere without you. So if you say you want to stay here, we will do that." He shrugged. "However, if you want to go, you should know that you're my dream girl, Katy. Fighting is my career, but I want you to be life. I realized that for the first time. I believe I could actually do other things if I have to."

  I could feel tears pricking my eyes at his words. I knew his dream, and I knew what he had given up and what it took for him to make it a reality. I also knew I wasn't going to let him down. "How does Vegas sound?" I whispered.

  "For real?" He brightened.

  "Yes." I nodded as tears trickled down my cheeks.

  "What'll we do in Vegas?" he asked with a grin.

  I shrugged. "You know, the usual. Live, love, and fight." I giggled. "And we can get married by Elvis if we'd like." I let out a little laugh. I was joking, but Derrick’s face grew serious, and I was suddenly afraid that I had divulged too much and had ruined the moment.

  "We're ready for you, Katy." I tore my eyes from Derrick’s and looked towards the tech who was waiting for me in the doorway, then looked back at Derrick.

  "Don't worry, I was just joking," I mumbled, and went to walk behind the curtain.

  "Serious," he responded. "We'll go to Vegas. And one day, we will get married there. It sounds like the perfect life."

  I smiled, even though it hurt my now surely bruised cheek. I walked back over to Derrick and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you, Dagger. Thank you for giving me my life back."

  The Books of Vegas MMA Series

  Thank you for reading the first book in my new series Vegas MMA. The next book in series will be launched in 2021, make sure you add them to your Goodreads to be notified of release.






  A Note from the Author

  Dear Readers,

  I would like to thank you for taking the time to read Dagger. I hope you enjoyed Derrick and Katy’s story. If you did, I would love it if you would drop me a review. Reviews are so important and really help me; I love to hear what my readers think.

  I would really like to thank each of you who have supported me throughout the last couple of years. This journey has been amazing so far, and I look forward to many more years of bringing you stories to get lost in.

  I have many things planned for 2020. I am very excited to see what the next year is going to bring. I will be announcing each project when I am able, but for right now, Malone Brother lovers take a quick peak at what is coming to you May 29th.

  Coming Soon from S.L. Sterling

  Finding Forever with You

  (The Malone Brothers Book 4)

  Release Date: May 29, 2020

  My best friend Sophie was gorgeous, at times uptight and desperate.

  Her biological clock was ticking and after yet another failed relationship she pulled me aside.

  "Listen Chase, you know I adore you and you know I need you. Historically, you always come through for me." She swallowed hard while I listened. "It's no secret that I want a baby, the semi old fashioned way."

  I nodded not really believing what I was hearing.

  "I want you to do it."

  "You want my swimmers?"

  "Yes, through natural injection."

  Sex with my best friend. The best friend I had once upon a time wanted in a bad way.

  "Don't worry, I've got this covered," I assured her. She looked relieved and maybe even a little excited.

  Seven Days, Six nights, and lots of sex. What more could I want?

  Oh right. A way to turn this into forever so I could raise my child too.

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  About the Author

  S.L. Sterling had been an avid reader since she was a child, often found getting lost in books. Today, if she isn’t writing or plotting, she can be found buried in a romance novel. S.L. Sterling lives with her husband and dogs in Northern Ontario.
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  Sterlings Silver Sapphires

  Other Titles by S.L. Sterling

  It Was Always You

  Bad Company

  On A Silent Night

  Back to You this Christmas

  The Malone Brothers

  A Kiss Beneath the Stars (The Malone Brothers 1)

  In Your Arms (The Malone Brothers 2)

  His to Hold (The Malone Brothers 3)




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