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Pride of Place (Mitch & Cian Book 3)

Page 2

by Helena Stone

  Mitch’s eyes widened before a frown formed on his forehead. “You too?” He took another sip from his drink. “Let me guess. She thinks we shouldn’t move in together.”

  Cian wanted to be surprised but found he wasn’t shocked at all to discover that his mother and Mitch’s had gotten together and discussed their sons’ futures.

  “I don’t understand why they’re only coming up with this shit now.” Cian voiced the thought that had been bothering him ever since his mother broached the subject. “We’ve been talking about you moving in with me for at least two months.”

  “Me ma said she didn’t want to upset me before the exams.” Mitch’s voice was flat. “I guess that’s fair enough. But she could have waited another few days. I was feeling great until she opened her mouth.”

  Cian shrugged. He could think of one or two reasons why Mitch’s mother had thought the time was right, but lacked any urge to come to her defense. Mitch had just finished three weeks of exams; surely she could have allowed him one night of carefree partying?

  “So, what are we going to do?” Mitch said. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to give in. Not about this. But she’ll be paying my rent. As much as I want to, I can’t ignore her.”

  “We need to find a way of convincing them their idea doesn’t make sense.” Cian spoke slowly as an idea formed in his head. He straightened in his seat. “Actually, postponing the discussion until after the weekend is perfect. That gives us time to come up with proof that accommodation in Dublin is next to impossible to find, mostly substandard, and ridiculously expensive.”

  “It’s not as if they can actually stop us, is it?” Mitch’s wide eyes begged Cian for reassurance, making him look very young. “I could always look for a job and pay for it myself.”

  “They can’t,” Cian admitted. “But do you want to end up arguing with your ma for the foreseeable future or never have a free minute between college and work?”

  Mitch’s almost hopeful expression vanished from his face. “No. I don’t.”

  Cian was struggling but didn’t want Mitch to know as much. He couldn’t wait for the moment Mitch moved in with him, and the urge to make a rash decision and deal with the consequences later was hard to suppress. For both their sakes, he wouldn’t. As upset as Mitch was with his mother right now, it would break his heart if they fell out about where Mitch would live from September. No matter how close they were, Cian wasn’t sure their relationship would survive if it caused a rift between Mitch and his mother.

  “We’ll do nothing for now. We gather information while we’re in Dublin; then we’ll talk to them.” He forced a smile to his face, hoping against hope it would convince Mitch. “In the meantime, we’ll celebrate the start of your holidays and enjoy ourselves.” And each other.

  Mitch nodded, then picked up his pint and drank until it was almost empty.

  “I don’t know about you,” Mitch said, looking at Cian with newfound determination shining from his eyes, “but I’m not going to let our parents spoil the Pride weekend for us.” He finished his pint. “Or ruin this evening, for that matter.” His gaze moved from Cian to the bar, then back to Cian. “It’s early, and it’s a nice day. Feel like going for a walk in the forest?” He wiggled his eyebrows, and if the movement seemed a bit forced, Cian wasn’t going to comment on it.

  They walked in silence from the pub to the gates into the forest, but their lack of conversation no longer felt tense. Cian wasn’t convinced he’d manage to keep his mother’s suggestion out of his thoughts for a full week, but he was going to do his damnest. He’d looked forward to celebrating Pride with Mitch for ages and wasn’t going to allow anything—or anyone—to wreck what promised to be a fabulous weekend.

  They made their way deeper into the forest, still in silence as they encountered other people out for an early evening stroll. A few minutes later, Mitch grabbed Cian’s hand and pulled him off the established path onto a trail Cian hadn’t noticed. They had left the others behind and couldn’t hear their voices anymore.

  “Where are you taking me?” Cian asked, intrigued, as they moved deeper into the forest.

  “Here,” Mitch said as they emerged from among the trees and entered a small clearing.

  Cian inspected the open space. “Nice.” He especially liked the tree trunk in the middle of the glade, which was flat enough to function as a low bench.

  “I found it about a month ago.” Mitch pulled Cian along toward the fallen tree. “I spent a lot of time here. Even brought my notes out to study when I couldn’t bear to be indoors for another minute.” He lowered himself to the trunk and grinned up at Cian as soon as he sat. “In all that time, nobody has ever stumbled across my hideout.”

  Being nobody’s fool, Cian recognized an invitation when he heard one and sat next to Mitch, straddling the trunk so that he faced him. Reaching out, he cupped Mitch’s neck, turned his head, and did what he’d been longing to do ever since he’d seen Mitch walk out of his school, hours earlier.

  He couldn’t imagine ever getting tired of Mitch’s mouth, of the softness of Mitch’s lips against his, or of the soft sounds escaping Mitch as Cian deepened the kiss. I missed this. Three weeks apart had done more to make it crystal clear how important Mitch was in his life than the prior six months of regular contact. When they were together, everything fitted better, as if the jigsaw that was his life was missing pieces when he was alone.

  “God, but I needed that,” Mitch said when they pulled apart for a moment. “Needed you,” he added a moment later, much softer.

  Cian’s heart stuttered, then soared. He couldn’t believe all the feelings Mitch awoke in him. He’d lived the first nineteen years of his life blissfully unaware that he was capable of emotions like those Mitch triggered in him. Is this love? If it was, he’d sign up for a lifetime worth of being in love. He was more when he was with Mitch, better somehow, a brighter and lighter version of the person he’d been since the day he was born.

  “We will find a way to be together next year.” Cian’s lips brushed Mitch’s as he whispered his vow, before his need took over, and he claimed all of Mitch’s mouth again.

  Somehow they ended up on the forest floor together, Mitch on top of Cian, his weight grounding Cian, anchoring him. He slipped his hands between Mitch’s shirt and his back, stroking the soft skin, treasuring the feel of it against his fingertips, and rejoicing when Mitch’s response was to undulate against him, pressing their groins together. Obviously, Cian wasn’t the only one getting increasingly excited.

  Mitch broke their kiss and pulled away, creating enough space between their upper bodies to push Cian’s T-shirt up. Mitch stroking his chest sent the most delicious shivers running up and down Cian’s spine. When his fingertips teasingly brushed across first one nipple, then the other, Cian had to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning out loud.

  “I want more.”

  Mitch gave voice to the words screaming in Cian’s mind. This was why they had to room together. They needed one place where they could really be together, without worrying about passers-by or parents.

  “Me too,” Cian answered, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind. “But here? It’s too risky.”

  As if to reinforce Cian’s words, voices drifted their way. Whoever was out there talking was still a good distance away, but it was a stark reminder that they were in a public space and should behave accordingly.

  Mitch’s dark eyes filled with the same regret Cian experienced. He pressed his lips against Cian’s one more time before rolling to the side, coming to rest on his back next to Cian.

  “I know you just got here,” Mitch said a few minutes later, “but I would really like to go to Dublin tomorrow.”

  Cian turned on his side, resting his chin on his hand. He looked down at Mitch and drank in his features, taking advantage of the fact that Mitch had closed his eyes. With his long dark lashes, his raven black unruly hair, and his lush lips turned up in a small smile, Mitch’s beaut
y took Cian’s breath away.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Cian wondered if Mitch just wanted to get away from his mother or if he, like Cian, couldn’t wait until they were alone together.

  Mitch opened his eyes and gazed at Cian. “I want to be with you.” Mitch carefully enunciated every syllable. “Alone with you.”

  Cian nodded, momentarily lost for words. His heart soared to hear Mitch echo his thoughts. His constant longing for Mitch scared Cian at times. Somehow the idea that Mitch’s need might match his lessened Cian’s fear.

  “We’ll take the evening bus tomorrow,” Cian said once he was sure he had his voice under control. He chuckled. “We’ll look less desperate to get away, and we won’t need to hurry.”

  Mitch’s smile was lazy. “And then we’ll have four days of just the two of us.”

  Cian listened for a moment. He could still hear the voices, but they appeared to be no closer than they’d been before. He leaned forward and kissed Mitch, making the contact tender and lingering.

  It really would be just the two of them. Cian’s housemates were both in Spain for two weeks.

  Chapter Three


  It shouldn’t feel like coming home. After all, he’d only spent nine nights in the apartment over the past three months. But as soon as Cian closed the door behind them and switched on the light in the hall, it was as if a weight lifted of Mitch’s shoulder. He inhaled deeply. Breathing seemed easier here too.

  They both dropped their bags to the floor, and Cian wrapped his arms around Mitch’s middle, resting his chin on his shoulder. “It’s good to have you here again.”

  Mitch expelled the breath and turned in Cian’s arms. “It has been too long. Let’s never do that again.”

  He didn’t realize exactly what he’d said until he encountered Cian’s wide-eyed gaze. Never is a big word. He ignored the thought and shrugged, trying to look casual. “Well, it’s been six weeks. That is a long time.”

  Cian’s eyes shone as he dipped his chin and kissed Mitch.

  “I missed having you here too.”

  If Mitch had wished for a stronger, more emotional, reaction from Cian, he didn’t admit as much to himself. His need for Cian, the joy he experienced when they were together, scared him as much as it delighted him. He had no words for what he felt, no point of reference for the emotions swirling through him, enchanting him at times, and confusing him at least as often.

  Mitch wrapped his arms around Cian’s waist and took a step backward, pulling Cian along. His whole being buzzed. In Dublin, with Cian, Mitch felt more alive and free than he’d ever done at home.

  As he continued his retreat toward the bedroom he knew was less than six steps behind him, Mitch slipped his hands into the back pockets of Cian’s jeans and squeezed. He didn’t have the words to share his thoughts and feelings with Cian, but he could try to show him.

  Excitement buzzed through Mitch at the thought that mere minutes later it would be naked flesh against his fingers.

  Cian’s eyes sparkled as Mitch pulled him along. “In a hurry much?”

  Mitch shrugged; he wasn’t ashamed of what he needed. He didn’t feel shame when he was with Cian, period. For a moment, the thought pulled him up short. Cian, his mother, and, for a few weeks last Christmas, Mr. Nichols, were the only people with whom he’d ever felt comfortable enough to lower the mask, to stop hiding.

  Then Cian reached around him to open the bedroom door. Mitch craned his neck and looked up at Cian as he pushed him over the threshold. The hunger in Cian’s eyes took his breath away.

  “Do you want to shower?”

  Cian’s question wasn’t unreasonable. It had been warm, and the bus journey had been long and sweaty. But as much as Mitch enjoyed showering with Cian, he wanted more now. More importantly, he didn’t want to worry about drowning or choking on water while being intimate.

  “Not right now,” Mitch said. “We’re only going to get sweaty again, aren’t we?”

  A dirty smirk appeared on Cian’s face. “I like the way you think.” Before he realized what was happening, Cian pulled Mitch’s T-shirt over Mitch’s head and pressed his lips to Mitch’s naked shoulder, tracing a line of soft kisses, sensual laps with his tongue, and enticing nibbles toward his sensitive neck.

  Heat coursed through Mitch’s veins as he surrendered to Cian’s onslaught. It was a matter of moments before his jeans were uncomfortably tight and Mitch halfworried it might take no more than getting naked together for him to come.

  It took all Mitch’s willpower to take a step back and put a stop to Cian’s caresses.

  Cian gave him a bewildered look. “Not good for you?”

  “Too good,” Mitch said. He grabbed Cian’s top and tugged at it. “Let’s get naked first.”

  Cian’s earlier surprise morphed into heated appreciation. “Now you’re talking.” Cian’s words were muffled by the shirt moving past his mouth as he pulled it over his head.

  It took less than a minute for both of them to peel off their clothes and drop to the bed, immediately reaching for each other.

  Draping himself across Cian’s naked body finalized the coming home process for Mitch. Everything about the moment felt right. The stress of the past three weeks drained from Mitch’s body to be replaced with peace and a sense of belonging. He undulated against Cian, relishing the still new but already familiar stimulation as their erections connected, sliding against each other.

  “Missed you,” Cian muttered.

  “Missed this,” Mitch said at the same time.

  Mitch took in Cian’s smiling features before pressing his lips against Cian’s slightly opened mouth, taking possession of it, refamiliarizing himself with the taste of Cian, losing himself in the erotic play of their tongues while continuing to move his lower body, chasing the building heat coursing through his system.

  “Too good,” Mitch muttered. He wasn’t going to last. As much as he didn’t want their first coming together in almost a month to be over within minutes, he knew the building release, making his balls heavy and his breathing erratic, wouldn’t be controlled.

  Mitch surrendered. His mind went empty as his body moved of its own accord, chasing pleasure, building heat. Seemingly endless amounts of precum made the contact between their cocks more sensual with every movement of his hips. Cian bucking against Mitch only increased the erotic tension, while their breathing became harsher and their kisses more uncontrolled.


  Cian’s exclamation was all the warning Mitch got before Cian stiffened against him, his warm cum spreading between them and giving Mitch exactly what he needed to follow Cian over the edge.

  Mitch closed his eyes and allowed the mind-blowing pleasure to take over. His orgasm appeared to start in his toes before electrifying the rest of his body, leaving him limp but fulfilled as burst after burst of cum erupted from his apparently bottomless balls.

  When Cian pushed softly against his shoulder, Mitch rolled off Cian, landing on his back, his eyes still shut as pleasure hummed through his body.

  Reaching out, he covered Cian’s hand with his and squeezed, hoping the action would convey his happiness, since words refused to form in his lust-addled brain.

  “Now we shower,” Cian said, and Mitch had no idea whether minutes or hours had passed since their orgasms.

  “Sounds like a plan,” he murmured.

  Mitch wasn’t sure his bones were solid enough for him to move until Cian stood next to the bed, and pulled him up.

  “Welcome home, babe,” Cian said before brushing his lips against Mitch’s.

  Home. The word filled Mitch with warmth. No matter what his mother might think, here was where he belonged, with Cian.

  “Are we watching a movie?”

  “No, not right now.” Cian looked from the laptop to Mitch who’d just returned from the kitchen with two cans of Heineken.

  “Okay,” Mitch said as he lowered himself to the couch next to Cian. “What are we doing, t

  “Gathering evidence.”

  For a moment Mitch had no idea what Cian meant. Then he glanced at the laptop on the coffee table and saw the results of Cian’s Google search.

  “Will you look at the heading for that one: Dublin rooms to share, House Shares and Roommates.” Mitch pointed at the screen in disgust. “They’re not even trying to hide that it’s all but impossible for a single person to rent a room on their own these days. A room!”

  It wasn’t until Cian squeezed his thigh that Mitch realized his voice had been getting steadily louder until he’d been shouting the last two words.

  “Sorry.” He made sure his voice was back to its normal volume.

  “Don’t apologize.” Cian didn’t take his eyes off the screen. “Only a saint wouldn’t get upset about this.”

  Mitch couldn’t disagree with that assessment. The frustrated anger he’d experienced when he saw the headline morphed into something darker as Cian scrolled.

  “Take a screenshot of that one,” he said when he spotted a particularly depressing but all-too-common offer to share a double bed in a small-looking room. “I don’t really want to share a house with people I don’t know. Sharing a room and bed with a stranger…” He couldn’t wrap his head around it. “Why do people pretend this is normal, okay? And look at the prices.” His temper was on the rise again. “Paying six hundred per month for half a bed is criminal.”

  Cian moved on further down the page. “You think that’s bad? Look at this.”

  Fifteen hundred Euro for a room little bigger than Harry Potter’s infamous space under the stairs. Mitch turned to Cian. “Never mind who would want to pay that sort of money. Who are the people able to afford those rents?”

  “People who don’t have a choice, I guess,” Cian said. “I’m so glad house hunting isn’t something I have to worry about. This place isn’t cheap by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s nowhere near as expensive as those. I have my own room and housemates I get along with.” He turned to Mitch. “Although it hopefully won’t be too long before I do get to share.” He winked.


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