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An Incubus Only Calls Your Name Once

Page 27

by A M Boone

  He sighed. “I hate this.”

  “I know.”

  “He tricked you.”

  “He didn’t.” I sighed again. “Did you know he’s royalty?”


  “Yup. Crown prince of the cubi. I wouldn’t try to kill him, if I were you. Could piss Mother off, start a supernatural war, something like that.”

  He swore loudly enough that Momma reprimanded him. I glanced over my shoulder. Vincent was giving us the most shit eating of shit eating grins. I lowered my head and downed my glass of brandy, while Daddy nearly cracked his shot glass. This was going to be a long ass day.

  Usually, holidays at my parents’ house were a pleasant affair. Before we got married, it’d be Tony and I, or Santi, Tony and I, all meeting up with my parents and siblings. It was lovely. But now it felt so far away that it was like a dream.

  Vincent sat down next to me, and said, “Lovely place you’ve got here, Mr. Delacroix. It’s very homey.”

  “Thank you,” he said, shaking. Five bucks said he wanted to spell circle him out a window. Wouldn’t do much since it was a one story house, but it was the principle of the thing.

  “And your wife is such a good cook and a delightful woman—”

  “If you even think about laying a finger on her, I’ll—”

  “I didn’t mean it in that way. She’s just a lovely person. I can tell where Miss Delacroix got her manners from.” He gave him a small smile showing off way too many sharp teeth.

  Yeah. Long ass day.

  I sighed and poured myself another glass. Could I go one day without Vincent antagonizing everyone he met? One day? If it wasn’t him killing people, it was just him being an ass to everyone.

  I choked. Killing people. I had no room to talk about that. I’d killed someone—an innocent Shade—two nights prior. Shot him to death.

  I sat my glass on the table, trembling slightly.

  “Ana?” Daddy asked, then gave Vincent a look that could revive a corpse. “Are you all right?”

  “F-fine. Just gonna go to the bathroom for a little bit.”

  I stumbled to the half-bath, and ran some water in the sink, staring at myself in the mirror. God, I looked so much older. What was wrong with me? I took off my sunglasses and squinted at myself in the mirror. Was it Vincent’s eldritch blood coursing through my veins via his mark making me like this? Was it just the stress of balancing my human and supernatural lives? Was it just knowing I was more ruthless? More corrupted? I didn’t know. Hell, I didn’t want to know.

  I splashed my face with water and scrubbed it with the pads of my fingers. I had to at least pretend I wasn’t having a mental breakdown.

  A sob welled up within me, and I shivered. All the emotion from the past two months was expanding in my chest, and… I stumbled, my vision dimming and that arcane tingling coming back.

  No! I couldn’t do this here. Not at my parents’ house. Not where everyone loved me. If I blew them all to Kingdom Come, I’d never forgive myself. Well… There wouldn’t be enough of me left to forgive since Gloria said all that’d be left was some teeth.

  I swallowed, then sank to the floor, weeping. There was nothing here for me. Nothing left of my old life.

  “Anthony…” I choked out. “I’m sorry. God, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have…” Piping hot tears streamed down my face as I curled into a ball and cried as quietly as I could. No one needed to know.

  Someone knocked on the door. “Hey, Ana? Are you okay? Daddy sent me to go check on you?”


  I wiped my tears away and said, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little sick.”

  I had to pick myself up and deal with this in a mature, adult way.

  Or not. Maybe I could cry a little. Maybe it was okay to be weak. Maybe I didn’t have to be strong all the time.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “I’m sure.” I pulled myself back up, and splashed more water on my face. “I’ll be out in a bit.”

  I splashed my face one last time, mopped at my face with a towel, then went out, plastering a smile on my face.

  “Miss Delacroix,” Vincent said quietly. “Are you all right?”

  Just seeing him like this, being actually kind and caring, made bile creep up my throat. Maybe I could vomit all over his shoes.

  Daddy eyed him again, but as per usual, said nothing.

  “Can we speak outside?” he asked.


  “I’m coming with you,” Daddy cut in.

  “No, you’re not. This is something between Miss Delacroix and I.”

  “Why can’t you call her by her name?”

  “Last time I checked, her last name is Delacroix, correct? She kept her maiden name?”

  Daddy seethed. “Right.”

  “Anyway. Come with me.”

  * * *

  He took my hand and led me outside. My heart slowed, and that explode-y, tingly feeling faded. I took a deep breath, letting the cool winter air wash over me.

  “Answer my question truthfully,” he said. “Are you all right?”

  “No. I just… What is this turning me into? Did this happen to Daniel? Did this—”

  He put a finger to my lips. “I’ll admit that Daniel did become more ruthless. He was able and willing to kill.”

  “And you gave him a gun.”

  “A knife. It was magically charmed to his soul so he could throw it and it’d return to him, and like your gun, it could turn into a piece of jewelry.”

  I sighed. So I wasn’t the only one. I wasn’t becoming a monster.

  “I don’t think you could become a monster if you tried.”

  I gave him a dirty look, and he chuckled, sticking his hands in his pockets.

  “I wouldn’t worry too much. Just try to relax and live your life the way you’d want it.”

  He swept me into a deep kiss, but it was different than the others. It didn’t burn or touch my soul, my inner self… It was just a kiss between lovers. He was stopping himself from draining my energy? He could do that?

  He pulled back, our lips just barely grazing one another’s. “Most, if not all cubi, learn to control their energy regulation by the time they’re twenty-five, if not younger. They’re not allowed to leave Thoiriele unless they pass a test.”

  I just nodded. Made sense. Couldn’t have cubi running around draining people at the touch of a finger.

  “Anyway. I still think our partnership will be good for you.” He stared at his shoes. “And if… and if you wish, we can continue working together after the ten years is up. Your choice.”

  “How many people have you partnered with in the past?”

  “Several. You. Daniel, and many, many others a long time ago. No need to dwell on it. We’re in the here and now.”

  Maybe he was right about me seeing a therapist. It’d help with all these surges of emotions that threatened to knock me over and sweep me out to sea.

  Would I want to stay with Vincent past the ten years? There were so many people out there who wanted him, and by extension, me, dead. So many people who wanted him to suffer.

  “And you gave Daniel an out?”

  “He could have left at any time. But he chose to stay by my side, even though it ended in his death.” His voice was strained.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “Don’t be.”

  I buried my face into the fabric of his dress shirt, sobbing. All these rushes of emotion were horrible. They made me want to curl into a ball and die, but I couldn’t… Not when I’d just started a new chapter of my life.

  “I’d prefer it if you didn’t die either.”

  My sobs turned into laughter, and I stumbled away from him, wiping at my face. “Stop reading my mind.”

  “You’re an open book.” He gave me his trademark half-lidded smirk.

  I gently shoved at him. “Sometimes you drive me crazy.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “I get that a
lot, to be honest…”

  Daddy poked his head out the door. “What’s going on out there?”

  “Nothing,” I said. “We just needed to talk something out.”

  My chest felt less tight. Maybe I could get through this.

  The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Daddy and Esme eyed Vincent the entire day, with sticky notes and markers hidden up their sleeves, while Elliot and Momma were oblivious.

  Vincent divvied out his presents, and we all got at least three. Ugh. They were probably all horrifically expensive things, like a second car, or a house, or a Tiffany bracelet. Something that’d make me shove it back into his hands, my face red hot.

  But most of the boxes were fairly big. Maybe it was more clothing from Marie?

  They could be empty. Wouldn’t put it past him to prank us. Daddy would probably curb stomp him if he did, but…

  “Well, everyone, open your gifts,” he said, smiling.

  “If I’d known you were coming, Mr. Aldana, I would have gotten you something,” Momma said.

  “Just being able to see you so happy,” he said, giving Daddy a pointed glance, “is enough for me.”

  Now he was just laying it on. Great.

  I grabbed the first box from Vincent in my pile, a small square box, neatly wrapped in dark green and red wrapping paper, and shook it. Well, it wasn’t empty. Interesting. I slowly unwrapped it as Vincent gazed at me.

  A bracelet. It matched the one I had on my right wrist, but was blue instead of silver, and didn’t have a button.

  “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” I gave him a small smile, and he blushed.

  Wait. He blushed? I, a barely-a-witch, made Vincent Aldana, half-extra-dimensional, and demonic royalty, blush? Ha. Maybe I had more power here than I thought.

  Daddy gritted his teeth while he opened Vincent’s gifts. Mainly clothing from Marie. Dad sweaters and slacks.

  Mine and Momma’s were mainly jewelry, but he’d also gotten me a Nintendo Switch. Esme’s were perfume and books on witchcraft, and Elliot got some… illicit things. Heh. Daddy nearly burst a vein while Elliot marveled over his new vape pen.

  Later on, we all had dinner, with Momma, Daddy, and Esme on one side, and Vincent, Elliot, and I on the other. It was good, as per usual, but if your mom’s homemade cooking wasn’t good, you had a problem.

  We were just finishing up, with Esme, Elliot and I playing the Switch, while Daddy watched and Vincent helped my mother with the dishes, when someone banged on the door.

  Daddy answered it. “We don’t want any—Jesus Christ!”

  We all flocked to the door. Oh, just fucking great. I couldn’t have one good night without someone breathing down my neck?

  Anthony’s parents, and both the San Leandro and Rose Creek police departments were at my parents’ door. Why? Why on Christmas of all days? What the fuck?

  “May I help you?” Daddy asked, trembling.

  Vincent sighed. “I didn’t think this was going to happen so soon—”

  “You knew?” I hissed.

  “Well, I had a feeling. That’s part of the reason why I accompanied you.”

  A tall, dark skinned cop stepped forward and said, “We have an arrest warrant for Eliana C. Delacroix for the murder of Anthony P. Harrison.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “What?” I choked out. It was all I could say. They had no proof…

  I gave Vincent a pleading look, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

  When he reopened them, they were a bright shade of red, and he pushed past me. His black and red aura danced across his skin and swirled up towards the ceiling.

  “Good evening, officers,” he said, his voice smooth. “I think you have the wrong person.”

  So he was a lying liar who lies. Because of course he was. He said he couldn’t brainwash, but that looked pretty damn brainwash-y to me.

  It’s not brainwashing, Miss Delacroix. It’s just a nudge in the right direction.

  AKA, brainwashing.

  The cops’ eyes went dull, and they swayed in place—except for the one who served me my warrant. Her pale gray eyes narrowed, and she shook her head.

  “You too,” he said flatly. “Wait—”

  “No,” she said. “I’m not going to fall for that. I know what you truly are, and this is the first step to making this world pure—”

  Vincent and I groaned. Another one of Harriet’s lackeys? Was she even a cop? While it still made my stomach churn just to think about what happened at Monica’s ball, maybe he should have just killed her when he had the chance. Ugh.

  Fuck me. All right. Go with them and I’ll get you out later. Making a fuss will only get you killed. Don’t talk to them. If they talk to you, ask for a lawyer. Got it? You’re not going to be thrown under the jail.

  Got it.

  “I guess I’ll be taking my leave.” Vincent sighed and vanished in a shimmer of light.

  Double ugh. I sighed and stepped forward. “I’m Eliana Delacroix.” My heart raced as the mesmerizing Vincent did faded, and all the cops gave me shit eating grins.

  The dark skinned police officer pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “You have the right to remain silent, and…”

  I tuned her out. How embarrassing. Being arrested on Christmas.

  Momma gave me a horrified look, and my heart shattered. “A-Ana… Did you do it? Did you murder him?”

  I swallowed. “No. I didn’t do it. Vincent’s going to get me out, I promise.”

  At least that was the truth. I didn’t kill Tony. Even though I’d dreamed about it sometimes… It was Vincent who actually went all squirmy and ate him.

  She cuffed me, and they took me down to the San Leandro Police Department. I was booked, and fucking hell, it was humiliating. Anthony’s parents watched as they fingerprinted me, took my picture, and stripped me of all my belongings. Even the gun-bracelet. Now, I was a sitting duck. No magic, no magical gun, no nothing. I might as well have been a normal human.

  Then, I was unceremoniously tossed into a cell and left to rot. Great.

  * * *

  As I stared up at the ceiling, and counted the cracks for the twentieth time, about to die of boredom, the dark skinned police officer came over to me.

  “My name is Kara de la Fontaine. And I—”

  “Not talking to you. I want a lawyer. Now.”

  “Speaking of. He sent this man for you.” She shrugged. “He’s supposedly a lawyer, so…”

  Dominic followed behind her, wearing a snazzy three piece suit. “Hey. How have you been?”

  “Could be better,” I said, glancing at him. “Getting arrested because your abusive husband’s parents think you murdered him is a bit of a downer…”

  He cracked a weak smile, and Kara eyed him.

  “What kind of supernatural are you?” she asked.

  “Innocent.” He shrugged. “You’re a Shade, right?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “How did Vincent get you up here? Don’t you live in San Diego?”

  “Teleportation, duh.” His smile grew even bigger, and my heart finally slowed. I’d be okay. Dominic would save me. We could work within the system.

  “I thought you were still in law school.”

  “I aced the bar exam last July. I’m a lawyer, I promise.”

  “Oh, thank god. Well… Help?” My voice grew higher with every word.

  “That’s what I’m here for.” He leaned on the cell bars. “Officer de la Fontaine, I wish to speak to my client in private…”

  “Not happening.” She glanced at the camera, and it short-circuited. What the hell? Wasn’t she supposed to be a Shade? How did she do that?

  Dominic muttered something under his breath.

  “She’s not leaving this jail cell alive. Anyone who would ally with some extra-dimensional creature,” she said, scowling, “doesn’t deserve to live. She just squanders what these wonderful realms have to offer by being t
hat abomination’s slave.”

  I matched her scowl, but swallowed what I wanted to say. Oh, fuck off. He’s not an abomination, he’s just my boss and…

  I choked on my thoughts. Friend with benefits? Fuckbuddy? Our relationship, and our relationships with the others in my circle blurred the line more and more with each day, and I didn’t know if I could deal with that.

  Wait. Not important! What was actually important was getting out of this hellhole alive.

  Dominic glared at her. “I don’t think so.” His pale gray eyes faded to a nearly blinding white, and tendrils of dark energy crawled up his arms and torso. Had he always been wearing that much jewelry? Six bracelets, a necklace and choker, earrings and rings… all made out of the same shimmering energy that encircled his body.

  She took a step back, trembling.

  “Let’s not fight,” Dominic said. His voice was flat and nearly two toned, and he was shaking as well. “Not in a place like this. What if the humans saw?”

  She swore under her breath and glanced away from him. “He nearly killed her.”

  “Who?” Dominic asked.

  “Lady Albero,” she said. “He nearly killed her, just for telling the truth.”

  I swallowed. While she wasn’t wrong, the way she said it made me ill. Why was Vincent so Vincent-y?

  “Anyway,” she said. “You’re right. She lives. Tonight.”

  And she turned on her heel and left.

  Tonight. My throat went dry, and I let out a silent plea to anyone who’d hear me. Please let someone save me… please…

  Vincent’s voice echoed in my ears. I’m going to get you out. I’m laying low right now because I don’t want to go to jail, but I’m going to get you out. I still don’t know how they pulled that off. I made sure to cover my tracks, and…

  I nodded a bit, and closed my eyes. His presence swirled around me, his hands skimming over my face and neck, the muscles of his chest and stomach pressing against my back… My heart slowed, and I took a deep breath before opening my eyes.

  Dominic relaxed as well, the energy slipping back into his jewelry. “Great…”

  “I don’t want to die here,” I choked out. “It’s happened to too many people like me, to too many others, and—”


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