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Once Upon a Star

Page 24

by Anthea Sharp

  There had to be a way for her to enter the planet. She’d been seeking for as long as she could recall. After the first time she’d caught a glimpse of the strange world in her dreams.

  It didn’t help that each night the wolf stalked her nightly sojourns. In the beginning, it had taken her a long time to understand what a wolf was because they did not have such creatures where they were from. Predators did not exist. Their existence was one of peace. She had to do much searching through the vast records in the vaults to find the precise animal.

  True, the animal was to be feared, yet something was exciting about the wolf, with his sharp teeth and cold eyes. In all of the years, never a word passed between them; he’d always linger in the background, pacing, waiting. She knew the beast wanted to destroy her, she could see it in his eyes. Her heart raced just thinking about him.

  “Ruby, what are you doing? You should be tending to the garden.”

  Startled, Ruby snapped her eyes open and glanced over at her grandmother. “Yes, Grandma.”

  The words were sent telepathically; they did not speak through their mouths as the Earthlings did. Much was different between Ruby’s world and theirs.

  Ruby floated from her space out into the gardens. On Earth she supposed her kind would be known as fae—they tended to the grounds and also the households. There was pleasure in the acts, but for some reason, her soul longed for more. This could not be all there was to life.

  As she flitted around, her mind returned—as it often did—to the wolf creature. There was darkness in his being, he was not of the light. Why did this call to her so strongly? Maybe there was something wrong with her? The darkness inside of her that had been hidden away? Her pulse raced.

  Moving quickly, Ruby entered a nearby cavern. Somewhere she could hide without her grandmother finding her. Crossing her legs, Ruby hovered in the air in meditation. As she peered through her crystal, a strange image appeared, swirling red and gold. Mesmerized, Ruby leaned forward. No sooner did she make a move when she was sucked into the vortex of energy. Horrified, she attempted to grasp for something to hold onto but it was as though Ruby was being flung through space. It could have only been seconds or minutes, but it felt like an eternity before her body fell hard onto the ground.

  When she attempted to move, she was startled by how heavy her body felt; as if she were carrying around a large boulder within. Struggling, Ruby rose to her feet glancing around in a panic. Why couldn’t she fly? The density overwhelmed her. Sorrow washed over her. The emotion was so overwhelming she sank back to the ground, laying her body flat on the cold ground.

  What had she done? Where was she? Had she been sent to Earth?

  Dear spirits, how long had she dreamt of this very moment? Now she just wanted to return home, where she could breathe with ease and flit around as she pleased.

  A low growl caused her body to shift to sitting. The wolf had already found her. Turning, her breath caught as she saw the wolf so close she could reach out and touch him if she wanted. She did not.

  Struggling, Ruby opened and closed her mouth, attempting to form words, but nothing came out.

  Instead, she sent the words with her mind. “What do you want from me?”

  “Do not play coy with me, little red. You know very well my desire.”

  Placing one foot firmly on the ground, Ruby rose to stand. Her legs shook with the motion. She would not show him her fear or lack of use of this strange body.

  “How do you like it, little one? Now you are also imprisoned in these hideous forms. All of your precious gifts stripped from you. Your connection to source is no more.”

  Did he speak the truth? Ruby didn’t understand what’s going on. “How do I know you? How did I even get here?”

  It was not a dream, that much she knew. Never had she experienced the feelings that were coursing through her body now. She was on Earth.

  The wolf paced around her in a circle. “I want nothing more than to tear you to shreds, but that would be too easy. You are going to be stuck on this godforsaken planet like I am. You will die here, old and withered.”

  “Why do you hate me? What did I do to you?”

  “You cast me out.” When the wolf growled, the hair on the beast’s back stood on end.

  “What? How could I possibly do something like that? I have no powers to do such a thing.

  “Oh, but you did, long ago. I’m going to count to three, and then you should run. One …”

  Frantic, Ruby glanced around, searching for help. However, all she saw was trees.

  “Two …”

  Ruby lurched forward the movements incredibly awkward and cumbersome. There was no way she could outrun the animal, and he knew it.


  She didn’t even make it three steps before the wolf pounced on her back, knocking her to the ground.

  Struggling, she shifted her body to turn; the wolf’s arms were placed on the side of her head. She stared into gleaming white teeth.

  “Whatever you think I did, I’m sorry. I believe you have the wrong person. In my world, it’s the lowest wrung.

  “Sunta. Seta. Kia.”

  With his words, Ruby’s body jolted. A white light flashed in her head. A scene emerged—a tall, regal woman floated in the air, shimmering. Her hair was long, curly, and dark red. Her eyes were a startling green. Large double doors opened, and in walked a man. His feet touched the ground; his dark hair brushed his shoulders, and a long scar marred his otherwise perfect face. Blue eyes flashed. “You summoned me?”

  Ruby’s breath caught when the woman floated toward the man. She reached behind his head and grabbed his hair, yanking his head back. His body stilled.

  “Where have you returned from?”

  His eye twitched, but he didn’t answer.

  “She means this much to you, Cayden? That you are willing to risk the disapproval of your queen?”

  The man’s eyes hardened. “You will never understand what she means to me because you are incapable of feeling anything.”

  The woman released her hand from his hair. She moved closer to him. “You claim your undying love, and yet you cannot resist me.” Her hand landed on his chest. Beams of light flashed from her eyes. The man groaned before his lips crashed on to hers. Enthralled, Ruby could not look away from the scene. One minute the hatred was palatable, and the next they were embraced as lovers.

  Ruby’s eyes snapped open. “Who is she?”

  “She is you.” The wolf released her and stalked away. Ruby watched as he sunk to the ground, threw back his head, and howled as if in pain.

  “Me?” That woman was certainly not her. There had to be some sort of mistake.

  In a huff, Ruby stalked forward. Whatever was going on had to be settled once and for all.

  Surprising herself, Ruby dropped to the ground beside the wild beast. The howl stopped, but the animal would not look her way.

  “You’re wrong. I’m sorry you were cast out and lost your love, but I had nothing to do with it.”

  The trees rustling was the only response.

  “What can I do to prove it to you?”

  “There is nothing to prove. I know it’s you. Perhaps you did something that got you banished to a lower realm, but you are Katherine, and she is you. It seems you may have forgotten, but your essence, the scent is the same.” His nostrils flared.

  It was clear there was no changing his mind. “Can you tell me how to get back to my planet?”


  Annoyed, Ruby rose to her feet once again in the dense body that she was beginning to get used to. There had to be a way; she got here, she could return. Her head tilted toward the darkening sky. Closing her eyes, it startled her to find that her crystal eye was no longer there. All she saw was blackness. Panic began to rise.

  Heart racing, she trudged forward deeper into the woods. Perhaps if she talked to the fae, they could help her. She cast out her senses, but she only felt emptiness. This could not be happening.<
br />
  For hours she walked. The wolf eventually followed, but he kept a distance. Despite herself, Ruby felt safer knowing he was nearby. What if what he’d shown her was true? It just didn’t feel right. How could someone like her yield so much power? It was impossible. Wasn’t it?

  Up ahead, Ruby saw smoke billowing above the trees. Thank goodness. Her body was weary and famished. Never in her life had she felt so hungry. Why had she wished so badly to experience the Earth world? So far it was worse than her own existence. Way worse.

  Her steps began to increase in speed. Oh, how she wished she could just float ahead. Get used to it, Ruby scolded herself. Her desire was what brought her to this point.

  Ahead was a stone cottage. It was quite small and rustic, to the point it looked as if it were about to crumble. Once Ruby reached the doorway, she hesitated. She had no idea what she would find behind the door. Her stomach rumbled. Taking a deep breath, she rapped her knuckles on the door.

  A couple of minutes later it creaked open. Ruby sucked in a breath. “Grandmother?”

  How could this be? “Oh thank goodness.” Ruby threw her arms around the elderly woman.

  “Excuse me, dear? I welcome the embrace, but who are you?”

  “It’s me, Ruby, your granddaughter.” It dawned on Ruby she had no idea what she looked like. Maybe because she didn’t have access to her abilities and her body felt so different, she actually appeared different?

  “I have no grandchildren.” The woman began to close the door.

  Ruby reached out, stopping it before she could shut it. “I’m ravenous and have walked a long way. Could you spare some food, and then I will be on my way?”

  Her grandmother hesitated, but took a step back to allow Ruby through the doorway. “Thank you.”

  “Have a seat by the fire, I’ll bring you some soup. Where did you come from?”

  “Ve—” Ruby stopped herself. Nothing was what it seemed. “Far away. I was running away from a life I hated, but now I’d do anything to be back there.”

  “I see. A pretty little thing like you. Let me guess, your parents were going to marry you off to some old geezer and you made a run for it, eh?”

  “Something like that,” Ruby mumbled. If only that were the case.

  How strange it was to see her grandmother looking so similar, yet very different. Her hair was gray, wrinkles deeply lined her face, and her body stooped. The eyes were the same. Still warm. She handed her a bowl of soup.

  Ruby took a bite, finding it to be very tasty. “What is this? It’s so good.”

  “Rabbit stew.”

  Ruby stomach turned. “As in the fluffy animal that hops through the woods?”

  Her grandmother gave her a strange look. “One and the same.”

  On Venus, they did not eat meat. She knew it happened on Earth, but she never thought about what she would do if faced with the opportunity. Ruby set the bowl down and picked at the bread.

  Mind racing, Ruby had no idea what to do or say. It was clear that her grandmother didn’t recall her. How could this be real?

  “You didn’t happen to run into a big wolf in the woods, did you?”

  Ruby’s hand shook as she placed the bread on the table. “Why do you ask?”

  “That viscous wolf has been stalking these woods for years. Kills everything in sight. It’s a miracle I was even able to capture that rabbit for the stew.”

  Ruby’s head spun as she searched for the words to say. “There was a wolf, but he kept a safe distance from me.”

  The wrinkled hand shot to her chest. “Dear, you are lucky to have a heart beating in your chest. Many have ventured into these woods never to make it out.”

  “The wolf kills humans?”

  “Oh yes, many. You can stay the night here. The moon will be full tomorrow.”

  “What does the moon have anything to do with it?” Ruby asked.

  “The wolf receives special powers from the moon. It allows the wolves to shift in form.”

  “Shift in form?”

  “Legend has it that on the full moon, for three days, the wolf can shift into human form.”

  A loud howl startled them both. “Yes, I think staying the night would be a good idea,” Ruby agreed. Darkness had set in, and the last thing she wanted to be was lost in the woods on her own at night. Tomorrow she would figure something out. Maybe the answer would come to her in her dreams.

  Sleep eluded Ruby. Tossing and turning, Ruby couldn’t stop thinking of the wolf, and the scene he’d showed her kept replaying itself in her head. When she finally drifted off, Ruby found herself sitting near a pond. Glancing down, she realized her image appeared in the stillness of the water. It was the image of the queen from the vision. The woman reached down and cupped her hands, filling them with water and splashing the water on her face. She’d been crying.

  So much for her not having feelings, Ruby thought. What made a woman of such power, break down in tears?

  The queen rose to her feet and threw back her head. “I know you are here, one of my future selves.”

  Startled, Ruby replied, “So it’s true? We share the same lifestream?”

  “Oh, yes, it’s very true. I’m going to change my future through you. There is no way I am going to be cast out as queen.”

  Ruby gripped the blankets, needing to know for sure that she was dreaming. “How can your future change through me?”

  “I will have to change the very fabric of the timelines. My energy will merge with yours, two will become one.”

  Her words vibrated throughout Ruby’s body, and she sprung wide awake. That lady’s crazy.

  In the distance, she heard the wolf howl. What in Hades was going on? Not wanting to fall back to sleep, Ruby tiptoed out into the sitting room. It surprised her to see her grandmother rocking on the chair.

  “Couldn’t sleep, my dear?”

  “I had a bad dream,” Ruby muttered, making her way to sit in the chair in front of the fireplace. “I’m going to be leaving when the sun rises.”

  “Oh well, then I better make you something to bring with you to eat and drink. It will take you many hours to get through the woods.”

  “Thank you.” Ruby stared into the flames, trying to sort through the information buzzing in her mind. None of this should be able to be true, and yet she knew it was. The last thing she wanted was to become one with that woman. What would that even mean for Ruby? Would her body disappear? It was nearly comical that all of her life she’d wanted power and status, and this woman was offering her the highest of all—queen. Why do I feel such revulsion at the idea?

  Just as the sun was rising out of the sky, Ruby tossed the food her grandmother provided her into her bag. She also included a blanket in case Ruby got stuck in the woods. She was very grateful for this strange meeting with her grandmother, even if she was clueless about their connection.

  As Ruby hurried through the woods, she was astonished that hours passed with no sign of the wolf. Loneliness crept into her soul. Ruby wondered how long the wolf had been left here on this planet. Sympathy flooded her senses. Such feelings were so foreign to her being.

  Male voices caused Ruby to freeze up. Turning in a circle, she searched out where it was coming from.

  “My, my, what do we have here?” Ruby’s arm was grabbed, causing her to spin around. Her head shot up. Staring down at her was a filthy man with matted hair, a beard, and wild eyes. When he smiled, his teeth were yellow with one missing.

  Shocked, Ruby yanked back her arm, but he held tightly. He trailed a thick finger down her face. Ruby twisted, causing his friends to laugh.

  “Help me,” Ruby screamed mentally, hoping the wolf would hear.

  One of the other men came up behind her. His hands grabbed Ruby by the waist, pulling her into him.

  No. No. No. This could not happen.

  “You look good enough to eat,” the man behind her whispered in her ear. His breath reeked of something vile.

  “What the hell?” one
of the men called, out. Surprised, Ruby glanced to the side, and discovered one of them had fallen to the ground, dead. No sooner did that man get the words out then an arrow pierced his heart, causing him to drop to also.

  The man in front of Ruby stepped back, looking wildly around; the one behind her held onto Ruby tighter, throwing his arm across her chest.

  “Let her go.”

  Gratitude washed over her even though she couldn’t turn to see who spoke the words.

  “She’s mine,” the man retorted. His vice grip became even tighter.

  The first man threw his hands up. “She’s all yours, we were just messing around.” He continued to back away. When he turned to run, an arrow entered his back. Death did not come quickly; he cried out, crawling forward.

  The one holding her would not let go. Ruby could feel his body shake—he was terrified, but his ego would not allow him to walk away. Not that the marksman would have let him go. They all knew that man would not be leaving alive.

  “I said, release her. Ruby are you okay?”

  How did he know my name? Her head shot up and down.

  “Sunta, Seta, Kia.”

  The white light flashed throughout her body once again. The attacker was so surprised he released her. Not hesitating, Ruby ran forward. She found her body no longer felt heavy when it was fueled on fear.

  Tripping, Ruby fell to the ground just as the final arrow entered the assaulter’s heart.

  Gasping to catch her breath, Ruby cast her eyes around for the man who’d saved her. “Please, show yourself.”

  Ruby rose to her feet and brushed the leaves off her cloak, giving her hands something to do. Ruby backed away, wanting to put distance between herself and the dead men all around.

  “How do you know my name?”

  Out of the shadows came the man from her vision of the queen. The man she had kissed. The very same one who claimed to be the wolf. How could this be?

  “Cayden?” This world was getting more disorienting by the moment. “How are you … not a wolf?”


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