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Ruthless Alpha

Page 9

by Marcy Jacks

  “No. We’re staying right here.”

  Lisa held him back, crying against his chest.

  Jason let her, and he couldn’t believe everything that had happened in one night.

  Chapter Ten

  Lisa stayed up with him for a little while after that. She obviously wasn’t getting back to bed any time soon after what had happened.

  Jason directed Alistair to put on a bathrobe. He was pretty sure it was the only thing he owned that would fit the other man, but at least he wouldn’t be naked.

  Lisa didn’t seem to realize Alistair had been the wolf that had brought Jason up to her window.

  Or maybe she was pretending it wasn’t him. Or maybe it didn’t matter. So long as he wasn’t in his wolf form it didn’t seem to matter.

  Either way, she was calm, but she held on tightly to Jason after Mr. Forg and Mrs. Walker left.

  Alistair seemed amused by it. He kissed Lisa’s hand the first time they were properly introduced, and she seemed to enjoy that, giggling when Alistair treated her like a proper lady of ye old England.

  Jason shook his head.

  Yeah, Alistair was something else, all right. He could still hardly believe this powerful alpha male wanted him for his mate.

  It was…flattering. Jason felt himself blushing about it all over again. He tried to stop. He didn’t want Alistair thinking he really was the sort of guy that blushed about everything.

  Because he wasn’t.

  It was just where Alistair was concerned that this seemed to keep happening.

  Alistair seemed to understand what the TV was, though he was fascinated by how it worked.

  Jason put on a Disney movie for Lisa to watch and fall asleep to. She ended up impressing him by staying awake until almost one in the morning, but eventually, she nodded off, falling asleep against Jason’s chest.

  He brought her back to her room, hoping she wouldn’t wake up and wonder where he was.

  He could have handled that so much better. He’d scared the hell out of his own little sister. He was supposed to be taking care of her, and now all of this was happening and she was involved.

  Alistair put his hands to Jason’s shoulders and kissed his neck. “You did very well. I was impressed with your bravery.”

  “I was wondering when you were going to step out of the shadows.”

  “Only when you needed me,” he said. They both looked over Lisa’s bed.

  “When I realized the only two people in here were at risk of dropping from the heart shock, I knew you were safe. I only wanted to stay close to be sure they had no tricks to play. Is your paper safe?”

  Jason smiled at that. “Yes, my little paper is very safe. Thank you so much for your help with that. I know it’s probably weird to hear they were going to pay me for…what I was doing with you, but it wasn’t all like that. I was just…trying to take care of my sister.”

  “I understand that now. I can see her. I know why you would do such a thing. And I do believe you didn’t expect to be thrown into the cage with me.”

  Jason shivered. “You sure you’re not mad at me for…”


  Alistair leaned in, his mouth covering Jason’s.

  Warm and sweet. This wasn’t the claiming kiss he’d received in the elevator shaft. This was something much softer.

  The kiss of a man who could take his time and enjoy what belonged to him.

  And Jason wanted to belong to him.

  He turned in Alistair’s arms, pushing himself against the man’s chest, feeling his body through the small bathrobe, wanting him out of it.

  “Shit.” Jason pulled his mouth back. “We need to get out of here.”

  He wanted to take this further, and to do that he needed to get out of his sister’s room.

  Alistair seemed only too willing to agree. He took Jason’s hand, and they quietly exited Lisa’s room, softly shutting the door behind them.

  Jason brought Alistair to his bedroom.

  It wasn’t anything overly impressive or large, but he thought Alistair would prefer this place to the cold air of the basement.

  A bed to fuck on instead of a concrete floor would be much better for Jason’s knees, that was for sure.

  He grinned, and Jason really did feel alive as he brought Alistair to his bed, yanking him forward, pulling the bathrobe open as they went.

  Alistair’s mouth stayed quirked in a teasing smile as he allowed Jason to move him and manipulate his body.

  Jason opened Alistair’s bathrobe, pushing it off his shoulders, getting him naked again.

  “This won’t be over in just one night,” Alistair said, his voice still serious even as Jason took his prick in hand. “They might still come for you. I killed and injured too many of their men.”

  Jason nodded. “I know.”

  There would be no police involved. Jason knew that much. What was Mr. Forg going to say to them? That the people who had escaped the secret basement in his charity house had been too rough with their jailors?

  No. That wasn’t going to happen. But if Humanity Now really was connected to the hunters, and Jason believed it was at this point, then Forg could get more hunters, more shifters, to come here either tonight or sometime in the morning.

  Their time was limited, which meant Jason wasn’t going to be able to raise his sister in this house the way he’d hoped he would.

  “I am sorry.”

  Jason shook his head. “Don’t be.” He fell to his knees, stroking Alistair’s hard cock, as impressed with its girth now as he’d been the first time he’d seen and touched it.

  “I’m not sorry about anything. Because you’re here.”

  That was so cheesy that Jason had to take his and Alistair’s mind off the fact that he’d said it at all. He kissed the head then let his mouth sink down around the head.

  He was so new at this. He could only seem to take the head into his mouth before he couldn’t go any farther, but that wasn’t for lack of trying.

  Jason wanted to know what it was like to put his mouth all the way around the base of Alistair’s cock. He wanted to deep throat the man, to make him come like this. He wanted Alistair to moan his name while he bobbed his head back and forth.

  His own dick throbbed beneath his jeans.

  Even after getting home and kicking Mr. Forg and Mrs. Walker out of his house, he’d never gotten the chance to put a shirt on.

  Alistair groaned, his voice low as he started to thrust forward. Gently. He seemed aware that Jason could only go so far, so he kept his thrusts shallow, the touch of his fingers against Jason’s hair and back of his head teasingly rough.

  “Jason,” Alistair moaned, giving Jason exactly what he wanted. “You are perfect. Beautiful. Gods, that feels…”

  Jason didn’t stop. He wanted to make Alistair’s night. He wanted the other man to fuck into his mouth hard and fast, but since Jason knew he couldn’t do that with his mouth, he pulled back, leaving the head shiny with saliva.

  “Is there something I can get? For the rest?”

  Alistair nodded, his eyes red and predatory. “Yes. Find anything that I can use to slick you with. Do you have any oils?”

  Ever since Jason had become the caregiver of his sister, getting a date had been out of the question, so he didn’t have so much as a travel-sized bottle of lube anywhere in the house.

  He did have something from the bathroom.

  “One second.”

  He left Alistair there, ran down the hall, found what he needed and came back.

  “This should do it.”

  Alistair caught the bottle Jason tossed at him.

  “It’s moisturizer. Lisa gets dry skin in the winter.”

  And now he was going to have to buy her a new bottle, but he doubted she would miss it. She was still a little kid and more into video games and her dolls than she was with self-care.

  Alistair sniffed at the bottle. “This smells like something I’ve never smelled before.”

bsp; “Coconut?”

  “Is that what it is?”

  Alistair sniffed again then shrugged. “I like it.”

  Jason was glad for that because now he was starting to get jumpy again. He climbed onto the bed, shoving himself out of his jeans. His skin felt constricted with them on, and only when they were off did he feel like he could breathe.

  He was probably going to burn those jeans after what they had been through.

  The only reminder of tonight’s events that he wanted was the fact that Alistair was his mate.

  “Come here. Hurry.”

  He was starting to need it, to need Alistair’s cock inside him to the point where it hurt him to not have it. To not be filled with it.

  Alistair growled, spreading Jason’s thighs apart, settling between them. He opened the bottle, sniffed at it again, and then smiled down at Jason.

  “I am going to make your ass smell of coconut. I will never be able to think of anything else whenever I smell this now.”

  Jason tensed. He hadn’t thought of that. The idea that it would be a side effect.

  Shit. Now he didn’t think he would be able to see or smell coconut without thinking of being fucked.

  “Uh, maybe I should get something else.”

  “No.” Alistair pressed his slicked fingers to Jason’s asshole, his fingers swirling around his pucker.

  That sensation was enough to make Jason arch his back, to sigh with pleasure, to make his cock throb.

  Jason reached down, taking his cock in hand. He gripped the base, but only because he didn’t want the throb to distract him.

  He knew he was going to shoot off like a rocket the instant Alistair pushed his big dick inside him, but until then, Jason didn’t want to come until he was properly filled.

  This was going to be the third time he’d had the man inside him in a matter of hours, so he wasn’t sure why that was important to him.

  It just seemed like something that needed to be done.

  Alistair moved quickly. He growled. “I want to take my time and savor you.”

  Jason nodded, understanding. “I know.”

  “I can’t.”

  He nodded again. “I know.”

  He wasn’t going to hold it against the man either. The tease of those fingers fucking into him was already too much, and Jason found himself gripping at Alistair’s long hair, pulling him down.

  “Stop fucking around there. Fuck me hard. Like you did the first time.”

  The first time, even though it had been in that horrible place, had been the best time.

  Jason wanted that again. He wanted to recreate it.

  Because the pleasure had been so great? Or because he just wanted to have a better memory of that experience?

  He didn’t know and it didn’t seem to matter when Alistair finally pulled his slick, thick fingers out of Jason’s hole.

  He burned from that alone, but then he felt the wide head pressing against his pucker.

  Jason inhaled a deep breath, reminded of the pain he’d felt the first time they’d fucked. Even the second time.

  He braced himself for it, trying to relax so it wouldn’t be quite so sharp.

  Then Alistair was inside him. Jason’s body accepted the other man so much easier than he remembered the first two times in that cage when they had been so high on their lust that they couldn’t think of anything else.

  There was still the pain, but it was a pleasing burn in comparison to what it had been before.

  Jason moaned, smiling through it as inch by inch he was filled, fucked, and then Alistair started to move.

  Jason held his hand over his mouth, trying to hold back whatever noise he could. He couldn’t moan out loud here. Shit. He’d forgotten about that.

  That was the one thing that shitty basement level had that Jason couldn’t have here.

  He didn’t want to wake the other person in the house.

  Alistair grunted. He kept his sounds of pleasure low, but as he fucked hard into Jason, the bed moving with them, Jason worried it wouldn’t be enough and Lisa would wake.

  Then he stopped caring as he was swept up in the pleasure.

  Jason groaned, raising one leg up a little higher, trying to give Alistair more room, a better angle to fuck into him with.

  It worked. Jason moaned as he felt himself impaled deeper than before.

  And he couldn’t hold stop himself from stroking his cock while Alistair fucked into him.

  Jason did come. He came hard and fast. He knew he would, but he still wished he could have been able to hold it back. He wanted to make this last.

  But as Alistair growled, his hips jerking as he came deep inside of Jason’s body, Jason realized it didn’t matter.

  He was going to have years more of this. He was going to have so many more nights and days of this that they would be able to master this at some point in their lives.

  Alistair growled, his body spasming, the warmth inside Jason subsiding, and then his mate collapsed on top of him.

  And once again, Jason felt that heat, the exchange of energy between their naked skin, as he kissed Alistair’s chest.

  Right over his heart.

  He didn’t know where this wolf came from, but Jason was going to keep him.

  Alistair stroked Jason’s hair and shoulder, his mouth curling into a smile.

  Maybe Jason had spoken all that out loud, because Alistair responded.

  “I couldn’t agree more.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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