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Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17)

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by Katie Dowe


  He likes fuller figured women. She’s just his type…

  A sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Abigail Johnson is thrilled to be hired as a stylist for the most prestigious fashion line in the world!

  And her first client is none other than the handsome billionaire banker Edward Moore!

  Edward falls for Abby almost immediately.

  Sure, he’s handsome, laid back, and kind.

  But after coming out of an abusive relationship, Abby knows she’s going to need a little bit more time.

  After he pursues her, she eventually gives in, tired of denying her desire for him.

  And they end up in his office in a heated passion!

  But Abby is still confused about where their relationship will take them.

  And when her ex comes back to finish what he started, Abby’s life isn’t the only thing that’s at stake.

  Will Abby and Edward realize they’re made for each other before it’s too late?

  Find out in this thrilling yet sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sizzling hot sex scenes!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2017 to Katie Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Bonus Book – I've Got You

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


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  Chapter 1

  “It is a new department and it is my pet project. I promised Lorenzo that I would pay special attention to the details,” Monique said with her gentle smile. “We are going all out with the before and after pictures and targeting the businessmen with deep pockets.” She ended with a laugh. “With your special degree in high fashion I think we could make it work,” she said looking at Abigail with a smile. She had chosen the attractive plus sized woman out of a group of ten women who were eager to work at Romano’s and knew she had made the right decision. Abigail Johnson had explained that her size sixteen had made her venture into the world of fashion and she even sewed her own clothes. She was wearing bright orange pants and had teamed them with a chic purple jacket and on her it seemed to work. She was very pretty with thick black hair and warm dark brown eyes. Monique had seen the other women with their size two clothes looking immaculate and confident and had chosen Abigail even before the interview.

  “I am getting caught up in your excitement, Mrs. Romano,” Abby said with a laugh revealing very white teeth with a gap in the middle.

  “I should hope so. We are looking to expand by December and since this is August we have some time to play around.”

  “Do you already have the targeted market or do I have to go fishing?” Abby asked her with a smile. She had seen the beautifully chic woman on television and in the papers with her incredibly handsome husband and could not believe that she was sitting in front of her right now.

  “She has.” Both women swivelled to look at the tall and broodingly handsome man coming into the office. Lorenzo Romano could make any woman’s heart skip a beat and Abigail was no exception! He nodded to Abby and went to kiss his wife on the lips. Abby looked away at the clearly intimate moment and felt a stab of envy.

  “Darling, you are embarrassing my employee,” Monique murmured softly as she placed her hand on his jaw.

  “You already hired?” He looked down at her indulgently before looking over at Abigail. “That was fast.”

  “I have a deadline.”

  “I have soccer practice with our son and you have ballet with our daughter,” he reminded her.

  “I remember. Please behave this time.”

  “I am always well behaved.” He kissed her again.

  “Darling, this is Abigail Johnson, she will be joining Romano’s.”

  “Welcome, Ms. Johnson.” He nodded briefly and turned back to his wife. Abigail had a feeling he could not keep his hands off her for very long. “Dinner at my parents’ later.”

  “Okay, now shoo,” she said lovingly.

  She waited until he had left before she turned back to the woman in front of her. “Now where were we?”


  “You got the job?” her roommate Jenny asked her as soon as she came into their small apartment later that day.

  “I got the job!” Abigail kicked off her pumps and danced around the kitchen where Jenny had been on her laptop while cooking what smelled like pork. Jenny Richards was a blog writer and made a pretty decent living out of it. The girl was the complete opposite to Abby with her size two body and white skin, with blonde hair and blue eyes but they got along very well. “You are now looking at the newest employee at Romano’s, the hottest and most prestigious clothing line in the world and the compensation package is fantastic!” She went and peeped into the pot. “It smells heavenly.”

  “Something I am trying out.” Jenny clicked on her laptop and shut it down. “Tell me everything.”

  “Monique Romano is down to earth and her husband is gorgeous!”

  “You met Lorenzo?” Jenny turned off the fire from beneath the pot and looked at her friend wide eyed.

  “I met Lorenzo Romano.”

  Jenny sighed dramatically and plopped her chin on her hands. “How was he?”

  “As gorgeous as he looks in print and on television but I am afraid he is too wrapped up in his wife to ever notice you, girl,” Abby said with a grin. “I am all woman and he did not even know I was there. And get this: they kissed without even minding that I was in the room.”

  “To be kissed by Lorenzo,” Jenny sighed again. “That brooding Italian beauty of his. She is one lucky woman.”

  “Can you stop lusting after the woman’s husband long enough for me to tell you the rest?” Abigail demanded.

  “It’s very hard but I will try.”

  Abigail told her about the interview and what she will be doing.

  “I think that is an excellent idea. All those business people wearing the same old fuddy duddy clothes all the time. Dress for success is what I say.”

  “I have my first assignment next Monday. I will be spending the rest of the week familiarizing myself
with the ins and outs of the department.”

  “Who is your first client?” Jenny asked absently as she shared the meal.

  “Edward Moore,” Abigail said casually as she waited for the girl’s reaction which was soon forthcoming.

  Jenny turned around to face her, eyes wide. “The Edward Moore, the billionaire banker?”

  “The very same. I could not believe it myself.”

  “He is said to avoid the public’s eye at all costs. How on earth did you get him to agree to a makeover?”

  “He goes to the same club as Lorenzo and they are friends.”

  “Rubbing shoulders with the powerful and wealthy very soon you will not have time for the likes of me,” Jenny said with a theatrical sigh.

  “You got that right, sugar!” Abigail said with a grin.


  “My wife is pretty excited about the job at hand,” Lorenzo said as Edward joined him at the table. They were having a business lunch at the club and were sitting outside at one of the several open restaurants that dotted the huge grounds.

  “Your wife twisted my hands,” Edward said dryly as he sipped his martini. He was a fourth generation banker and was responsible for some of the largest banks all around the world. His father before him and his grandfather and his father had been members of the club and naturally he was also a member. Edward Moore was laid back and quiet but when it came to banking he knew it inside out. He had dark grey eyes and ash blonde hair. He was tall and slightly muscular even though his clothes hid the strong figure he had. He leaned more to old fashioned jackets and pants and could care less what people thought of them.

  “Monique uses gentle persuasion,” Lorenzo said with an indulgent smile, the same one he used when he spoke of his wife. Edward had seen the looks on several of his acquaintances and admitted that he was jealous. “She hired someone today so you will be getting a visit sometime soon.”

  “I guess it is too late for me to back out?” Edward said with a sigh.

  “Absolutely. Come on, man! It’s just clothes and clothes make the man.”

  “I am not you, Lorenzo, I prefer to remain obscure.”

  “No one does.” Lorenzo reached over to feel the fabric of his ancient jacket. “You are a Moore, Edward, and you should dress accordingly. I am going to advise the woman who comes over to make sure she burns everything in your pathetic wardrobe.”

  “That would be going too far.”


  The house was still and quiet as he let himself inside indicating that his housekeeper had gone for the night. Edward was an only child to much older parents and had been over indulged. His parents now resided in Hawaii where they were spending the rest of the time they had left enjoying the tropics. His father had handed him the reins gratefully five years ago and he had turned their banks into financial institutions to be reckoned with. He traveled a lot and rarely had time to entertain. He had been with two women in his entire life and that was it. He was not looking for a relationship right now because he wanted an exceptional one and the women he saw at functions were more interested in his money and position than anything else. He shrugged out of his jacket and went straight to the kitchen. His housekeeper had left dinner for him in the warmer and for the first time in a very long time he felt the loneliness assailing him. He had seen the way Lorenzo looked when he spoke of his wife and wished he had something like that. He knew he was passably attractive but never thought much of his looks. He was thirty years old and had never settled down. What on earth was he waiting for?


  Abby stood in front of the full length mirror she had picked up at a flea market a few months ago and frowned slightly. She had been very confused growing up and had longed to be a size two or even a size six but no amount of dieting and starving herself had accomplished that. Her mother, bless her soul, had sat her down and told her in her gentle voice: “Honey, look at me,” she had said softly and Abby had looked. “I am plus sized and your grandmother was as well. The Lord could not make everyone the same size and I happen to think you are an incredibly beautiful woman. Your complexion is so flawless that I find myself wondering how on earth God made it so perfect! Your eyes are unusual and when you smile - it’s unbelievable! You are a beautiful woman and I want you never to forget that!”

  So she had decided that she would live with it and love it. That was when she had decided to make clothes she wanted to see herself in. She had gently curving hips and fortunately a flat stomach. Her breasts were not very big and secretly she was happy about that. She turned and looked at her butt and shrugged. Mama was right! She was big and she was beautiful!


  Abigail looked at the pile of clothing she picked out. It was her first day on the job and she had been shown all around the huge building that was Romano’s. She had been so impressed and shell shocked that it had taken her a few minutes well to recover. She had been given a small office next to Monique’s. The woman had peeped into her office this morning and had told her that she would be out for the day. “I am sorry to leave you on your own, Abigail, but I have some meetings outside the office. I also promised my daughter that I would stop by to see her rehearsal for the summer play they are having at the center.”

  “Go right ahead,” Abigail had told her. “But could you please call me Abby? I kind of like it better.”

  “Of course and Monique is the name. They will send lunch up for you, just tell them what you need.”

  She had studied Edward and had read up on him and studied his pictures. He was a very attractive man but his clothes were horribly outdated! She pursed her lips and looked at the ties and socks she had picked out to go along with the jacket suits and casual wear as well. Romano’s were all about quality and she had looked at the price tags and cringed at the amount but she supposed it was well worth it. The material as well as the cut of each suit was extraordinarily beautiful. As the slogan says: “When you wear a Romano you are ensued you are wearing quality.”

  Her phone rang and she stared at it for a moment wondering who could be calling her. “This is Abigail.”

  “You even sound like one of them,” the voice drawled.

  Abigail stiffened slightly. “How did you get this number?”

  “I have my ways. I told you we were not done, Abby, and you did not believe me.”

  “Tyrone, I want you to lose this number. This is where I work and if you think I will not get a restraining order against you think again,” Abigail told him coldly. She had made the regrettable decision of going out with a brother from her old neighborhood and he had turned out to be a jerk as well as an abuser. They had gone out on a couple of dates when she had found out his true self.

  “You would play a brother like that?”

  “I would and trust me if you call this number again it is not going to be pretty. Leave me alone, Tyrone, and learn to take no for an answer. I don not hook up with men who think it is cool to beat up on women.” She slammed the phone down.

  “Problem?” The deep voice sounded at the doorway causing her to jump.

  “Mr. Romano! I am so sorry.”

  “No need to be.” He came into the office and suddenly the place had gotten smaller. She objectively admired his slate grey pants and teal blue shirt. “You okay?”

  “Yes - I mean I am sorry that –”

  “If you are having problems please let us know.” He looked around and nodded. “Those for Edward?”

  “Yes, sir.” She was still overwhelmed and embarrassed.

  “Please quit with the sir. I am not ancient.” His dark eyes took in her embarrassment and tried to put her at ease. “I want you to burn his clothes when you go to his place.”

  “Excuse me?” Abigail looked at him startled.

  “Edward can be stubborn and he will probably continue to wear the same things even when you bring these over. So burn them.”

  “I cannot do that, sir - I mean Mr. Romano.”

  He grinned and she stared at
him. “I told Edward we would. Just take the old stuff away and bring them here. I will burn them myself.”


  Edward looked up as his secretary of ten years came into his office. Moore’s Building towered upwards and had been a part of the fabric of the town for more than five decades. It had changed gradually over the years and now it was a beautiful chrome and white building with glass that reflected the sunlight. “You have lunch with the president in an hour,” Lisa Greene told him quietly. She was a happily married woman with two children and was highly compensated. She was very protective of Edward and not a lot got by her.

  “You think he wants me to run for office?” Edward joked as he looked up at her.

  “I am sure you would not do well in public office. You are too honest,” she said with a small smile as she took her seat opposite his large desk.

  “True,” he said with a twinkle in his dark grey eyes. “Let him know I will be there.”

  “You also have the charity function later this evening.” Her eyes wandered over his ancient jacket. “Do you have anything suitable to wear?” She was the only one who could take such liberties with him in his company.

  “Not you too,” he said with a groan. “I am being made over, remember?”

  “Ah yes. Her name is Abigail Johnson and she sounds like she knows what she is about. I put her down for next Monday at six. You have nothing for that day and she is going to need a lot of time to suit you up. I told her I cannot wait to see the miracle.”

  “I should go ahead and fire you,” he told her darkly.

  “And who would put up with you?” she chided as she went to pulled the shades down a little bit. “Your gardener is threatening to quit because you keep trying to prune the roses and not doing a very good job of it.”

  “He has been saying that for the past year or two.”

  “This time he means it. Leave the planting to people who knows what they are doing, Edward.”

  “I wanted to explore a hobby.”

  “Don’t you have enough to do?”

  “Apparently not. Okay, get out and let me do some work.”


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