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Unexpected Love

Page 6

by Davenport, Fiona

  She set her hands on her hips and gave me a murderous glare. “So I’ve been told. Want to explain what the fuck you think you are doing having all of my sister’s stuff moved into your house?”

  My expression hardened, and I stared her down with steely determination. “After leaving Penelope in the situation you did last month, I don’t think I owe you any kind of explanation. However, since Penelope cares what you think, I’ll lay it all out for you.”

  Mallory gasped with outrage, but I saw the guilt that flashed in her eyes. “I didn’t mean…that won’t happen again. I can protect my sister.”

  “That may be true, but now you won’t have to worry about proving it.” She opened her mouth, but I raised my voice and kept talking. “Whatever you think you know about your sister, I assure you, you’re wrong.”

  “And you think you know her?” she spat.

  “Yes.” That seemed to shock her into silence for a moment, so I continued. “Penelope’s hopes and dreams are for her to share, but I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to make sure every single one of them come true. She belongs with me, and from now on, that’s where she will be.”

  “I’m not going to let her—”

  “She’s eighteen, Mallory.” About fucking time. “You don’t get to ‘let’ her do anything.”

  “But what if she doesn’t—”

  “She does,” I interrupted firmly. Despite my anger, I knew Mallory genuinely cared for her sister, so I gave her more than I’d originally intended. “I love her, Mallory. And I promise that I will make her happy.”

  We stared each other down for a few minutes before she finally glanced away with a huff. “Fine. Penelope is eighteen. So I’m going to let her decide whether to have you arrested or committed. But I’ll be here for her if she decides to do either of those things.” She pointed a finger at me and snarled, “If you hurt her, Carrington, I swear to all that is holy, I will put my foot so far up your ass, you’ll choke on the red soles of my sharpest Louboutins. Is that clear?”

  I nodded. That was fair. “Crystal.” Mallory huffed before spinning around and marching out of the townhouse.

  Glad to have that over, I glanced at my watch to check the time. I had just over two hours until Penelope arrived.

  “Sir?” One of the movers stood in front of me, holding out a clipboard. “That’s everything you indicated should be moved. Sign here, and you’re all set.”

  I scrawled my signature and gave him a hefty tip, then got out of their way while they cleared out. After they were gone, I filled up the spaces I’d emptied with Penelope’s belongings. Then I grabbed a quick shower and started heating up the dinner I’d had delivered from a small bistro that she loved.

  * * *

  “Jonah?” This time, the sound of my name being called out from the entryway had lust pulsing through my body.

  I pushed myself off the wall next to the bay window in the living room, where I’d been watching in the shadows for her arrival. She peeked her head through the arched doorway just as I was taking the remaining steps across the room, bringing us face to face. “Hello, angel,” I murmured as my eyes soaked in the sight of her. She was wearing a fitted white summer dress that had yellow flowers all over it, was held up by two tiny straps on each shoulder, and hung to just above her knees. Her silky auburn curls floated around her makeup-free face, and her yellow-tipped feet were encased in strappy white sandals. She looked fresh and young, and at the same time, she was the sexiest woman I’d ever seen.

  The freedom from holding myself back left me wide open to all the emotions and desires I felt for her, and when I spoke again, I didn’t bother to hide any of it. “Happy birthday, Penelope.” There was a wealth of meaning in those words, and even though she didn’t yet know what they conveyed about this night and the changes about to happen, she seemed to feel the thickness in the air. She looked at me curiously for a moment, then shuffled nervously before she smiled shyly and dropped her gaze to the floor. Those sweet pink spots that I loved appeared, and I swallowed hard as blood pooled in my groin.

  “Thank you.” When she lifted her head, she seemed to suddenly notice that I was taking up all her personal space, and she took a step back. My hand snaked around her waist, and I hauled her up against me. I was done with the distance between us. She gasped, and I almost swallowed the sound with my mouth but stopped myself at the last second, knowing we needed to talk before my hunger for her consumed me.

  I reluctantly released her body but laced our fingers together and led her over to a loveseat where I gestured for her to sit down. I planted myself next to her and debated settling her on my lap but decided against it. It would only make it harder to keep my hands off her for the time being. “It’s time to make some changes.” I didn’t bother easing into anything. I’d waited long enough.

  Penelope’s expression turned wary, and she bit her lip for a moment before asking, “You don’t need me anymore?”

  I almost snorted at how completely wrong she was, but I didn’t want her to think I was laughing at her. “The complete opposite, angel. I need all of you.”

  Her blue eyes brightened, and a smile curved her pretty lips. “You want me here full-time?”

  I nodded. “More than that. You’re moving in.” I probably should have phrased it as a question. Except it wasn’t up for debate, so why pretend?

  Her eyebrows shot up, and I waited for her to object—my mind already running through everything I could think of to convince her to stay without being forced to resort to chaining her to our bed. Instead of arguing, however, her smile widened, and she nodded. “Okay.” I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. Was it really going to be this easy?

  “I can move this weekend if you’d like me to start right away.”

  “Your things are already here and put away, angel.” I smirked and winked at her, completely unapologetic for my actions. “You’ll be staying here tonight.”

  Penelope’s gaze fell to her lap, and her blush intensified while her free hand fidgeted with her hair. “What room will—um—where will I be sleeping?”

  I gently squeezed her hand before standing up and tugging her onto her feet beside me. Now seemed as good a time as ever... “Come with me.” I mentally grinned, knowing that would not be the last time I uttered those words tonight. We made our way up to the second floor, and I guided her to the room I’d had redone for her.

  I set her hand on the doorknob and finally let it go. She nodded and gave me a tremulous smile. “This is great. I’ll be close to Tucker.” The morose tone in her voice confused me until I caught the almost imperceptible look of longing she tossed to the room across the hall. I suppressed a triumphant smile and placed my hand atop hers to help her twist the knob so the door swung open.

  Penelope’s face registered shock as her eyes swept over the room, taking it all in. The walls were a soft gray with white molding and a delicate pink border on the top. A large, rectangular window on the back wall was framed with frilly pink curtains that matched the ones surrounding a bassinet made of dark gray wood. The rest of the furniture was also darker gray while the stuff on the walls and the things placed around the room were a mixture of white and pink, with some other pastel colors thrown in.

  “Do you like it?” I inquired softly.

  Silently, she entered the room, and once she stood in the middle, she did a complete turn. “It’s amazing,” she breathed with an expression of awe. When she finished her rotation and faced me again, she cocked her head to the side. “Are you planning on having another baby?”

  I nodded. “I want a baby girl who looks just like her beautiful mother, and Tucker needs a little sister to protect.” I almost grinned at the tightening of her lips and narrowing of her eyes. She looked...jealous.

  “Will the mother of your child be moving in, too?” she snapped. I didn’t hold back my grin this time when I nodded again. Penelope huffed, clearly annoyed with my cagey response, and marched from the room. I turned s
lightly but didn’t move out of the doorway, forcing her to slide her body along mine as she went by.

  A small groan escaped at the feel of her soft curves pressed against me. She halted at the sound but didn’t turn back. I closed the space between us in two steps and pulled her back to my chest with one hand on her hip and the other splayed, palm open on her belly. Burying my nose in her hair, I didn’t bother to hide my deep inhale or the hard ridge of my cock pressing into her ass. She smelled so fucking sweet, and my mouth watered in anticipation. I was nearing the end of my rope, and the little shiver that raced through her body was like adding kindling to fire already burning for her. “How about I show you where your new room is, angel?” I mumbled.

  Penelope swallowed audibly, and her head bumped against my nose when she nodded. “Oops,” she whispered adorably, making me chuckle before placing a kiss on top of her head. Without changing positions, I urged her forward and walked her to the entrance of the master suite.

  “This is your room,” I informed her as I removed my hand from her hip and swept her hair away from her shoulder so I could place my lips on her neck.

  “But—this is your room…” Penelope murmured before gasping when I nipped at her delicate skin.

  “Our room, angel.” Without warning, I swept her into my arms and stalked over to the bed. Fuck dinner and all my other plans, I thought. It was time to claim my angel. “And this is the bed where you’ll be sleeping from now on.” I couldn’t help the growl my words ended with. I laid her on the covers and planted my hands on either side of her as I bent over, my face inches from hers. “This is where I’m going to take your innocent little body, pop your cherry, and mark you as mine.” I moved one hand between her legs and cupped her over the fabric of her skirt. The heat emanating from her pussy felt as though it was burning my skin. “Where I’m going to prove who you belong to by making you scream my name. And where you’re going to make me a daddy again and give me a beautiful baby girl who looks just like you.”

  I didn’t wait for her reaction before I slammed my mouth down on hers. My fingers pressed into her heat, and her head dropped back as her lips parted. Slipping my tongue inside, a deep growl rumbled in my chest when her taste filled my senses. Blood rushed to my already bursting cock at the thought of how much more potent her flavor would be in her pussy.

  I told myself that I needed to go slow—ease her into her first time and not scare her—but lust and hunger had taken over so quickly that I was barely hanging on to any rational thought. All I could think about was driving my cock into her teenage pussy and making her a woman. My woman. Then her hands tentatively slipped under my shirt and came to rest on my abs. Electricity sparked and shot straight to my dick, causing it to leak as I tried to hold back my orgasm.

  Climbing onto the bed, I tore my lips away and straddled Penelope, watching her intently. The pads of my fingers traced her jaw, down her neck, along her collarbones, and just below the top of her dress. “I’m too fucking old for you, angel, but I don’t care. You’re mine. Do you understand?” Penelope nodded, and her blue pools danced with desire as her hands clenched around my sides. Impatient to drive my point home, I grasped the center of her bodice and ripped it down the center. Her tits spilled free, and she moaned, making my cock jump, trying to break out of my pants to get to her. I gave her a dark glare. “I warned you about not wearing a bra, angel.”

  Penelope licked her lips and swallowed hard. “It’s built in,” she explained shyly.

  I shook my head and grabbed her wrists, placing them above her head before I cupped each heavy globe. “These big tits belong to me, angel. I don’t care what excuse you give me. You disobeyed my instructions.” There was something in her expression that I couldn’t quite read, but it had my eyes narrowing in suspicion. Her lower body shifted restlessly, and her eyes drifted downward while her skin flushed pink. My attention was momentarily distracted by the sight of her blush going all the way down to her stomach and disappearing at her waistband. But when she attempted to close her legs, my mind snapped back.

  Suddenly, her previous expression began to make sense if my hunch was correct. I rose onto my knees and pushed her legs apart so I could move to kneel between them. With my eyes glued to hers, I slowly inched up the fabric of her skirt. “Did you break my other rule, angel?” I growled. She bit her lip and stared at my chest. My fingertips reached the tops of her thighs, and my jaw clenched at the feel of naked skin.

  “Penelope!” I snapped. Her eyes flew up to mine, and her blush deepened. She looked guilty, but there was also a note of defiance that was sexy as fuck. “Did you forget to put on underwear today, or were you hoping for someone to notice?” My steely tone and angry glare were a warning that she should answer very carefully.

  “I thought maybe…” she trailed off and took a deep breath. “I guess I was hoping you…”

  She didn’t finish the sentence, but I’d heard enough. A wicked smile stole across my face. “Were you going to try to seduce me, angel?”

  Penelope stared at my chest and shrugged. But in the next second, she squared her shoulders and looked me in the eye as she gave me a firm nod. Her sexy confidence was as appealing as her adorable shyness. There was nothing I didn’t love about my girl.

  I watched her with a hot stare for a moment, enjoying how it made her squirm and clench her hands into fists. “As much as the thought of you seducing me turns me on, angel, I’m still going to punish you for defying me.”

  Her eyes heated, and she nodded. I was so tempted to get right to it, but it was going to have to wait. “Not tonight, angel. Your virgin pussy is going to be sore enough after I take you. We have the rest of our lives to get to everything else.”

  “The rest of our lives?” Penelope’s voice was so low, I would have missed it if I hadn’t been studying her face. Her eyes were filled with hope, and it made me realize what a fucking idiot I’d been.

  “Yes, angel. When I said you were mine, I meant it. Your body, your heart. All of you.” I hesitated for a moment, torn by indecision. This wasn’t how I’d intended tonight to go, but the moment seemed right. I quickly left the bed and stalked into my closet where I’d stashed a small blue box. Grasping it tightly in my hand, I returned to my previous position. “I’m so fucking in love with you that I can barely see straight when you’re near. I feel as though I’ve waited a lifetime for you. Now that I have you, I’m never letting go.” I opened the box and took out the four-carat emerald-cut diamond ring. “I’m going to marry you, angel,” I told her as I slipped the ring onto her finger. Then I cradled her face in my hands and stared at her tenderly. “You’re going to be my wife, the mother of our children, my everything.”

  A tear escaped the corner of each eye, and I frowned as I wiped them away with my thumbs. “Why are you crying, angel?”

  Penelope shook her head and gave me a watery smile as she laid her hands on top of mine. “I love you too, Jonah. I can’t wait to marry you. To be your wife and Tucker’s mom.”

  I grinned and winked at her. “What about all the other babies I’m going to fuck into your ripe little body?”

  Penelope beamed at me, and I took that as a yes. I sealed my mouth over hers and spent the next few minutes pouring out my love through a deep, soul-binding kiss. Eventually, the pent-up sexual frustration from the past four months broke through, and I shook with the effort it took to hold back.

  “Speaking of babies…” I mumbled against her lips. After one last nibble, I sat back on my heels and surveyed the goddess who belonged to me. I was the luckiest son of a bitch on Earth, and I was about to get a whole fucking lot luckier.

  Since I’d already ruined her dress, I grabbed the gaping sides and ripped all the way down until it fell away from her completely. My breath caught in my throat as I drank in the sight of such utter perfection. After a thorough sweep from head to toe, my gaze zeroed in on the smooth skin at the juncture of her thighs. Her pussy lips were shiny with her arousal, and I loved that there wa
s nothing there to obscure my view or touch. I drew one digit down her slit, and my dick jerked angrily at the sound of Penelope’s sweet moan. “Did you do this for me, angel?” I rasped.

  “Yes,” she gasped. Her hips bucked up when my finger retraced its journey before circling the hard, swollen nub at the top.

  “Have you been thinking about what it would be like for me to fuck you?”

  “Yes!” she cried out as I pinched her clit.

  Knowing she’d been dreaming of me was hot as hell, and the desperation I’d been feeling for so long consumed me. I was barely conscious of my actions when I stripped bare and removed Penelope’s shoes and ruined dress. My focus only sharpened when I felt the incredible sensation of her naked body plastered against mine. “Fuck, yes,” I hissed. Penelope moaned, and her arms circled my torso while her legs locked around mine. As much as I wanted to stay like that and savor the moment, my cock was swollen to the point of almost excruciating pain. It was resting between her drenched folds, and it would have been so easy to simply shift a little and plunge into Penelope’s hot pussy. But the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, which was the only thing that kept me from giving in to temptation.

  Shoring up any and all strength, I went to work on her body, readying her to take me. There wasn’t a centimeter of skin that I didn’t kiss, lick, or bite. She was incredibly responsive, and I almost busted a nut when she had a small orgasm just from my mouth and fingers on her nipples. She was already soaking wet and dripping down her thighs when I settled with my shoulders between her legs. I used my thumbs to open her up and lapped up every drop of her juices. I plunged my tongue into her pussy hole and had to grind my hips into the bed when she cried out and grasped my head, holding me in place while she rode my face. I palmed her ass and lifted her hips, eating her until she shattered with my name whispered on her lips. It was a start, but I was determined to hear her scream.


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