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Nightworld Academy: Term Three

Page 8

by LJ Swallow

  Amelia sips her drink. "Tell Maeve why you really came."

  "Because I don’t believe this guy is Vincent."

  I blink. "We spoke about this, Jamie. Don’t cause trouble."

  "I hate to agree with Tobias on anything, but I’m suspicious."

  "Ash would know," I protest.

  "Ash wouldn’t admit to himself even if he did." Jamie watches Ash joking around with his brother. "He just wants his brother back."

  Amelia leans towards me. "Jamie wants to find something that belongs to Vincent. Something he had when he returned to the school that night."

  "He didn’t have anything, Jamie. I was with Ash when he left and all Vincent had was his clothes and a signet ring. His clothes were trashed, I doubt he’d keep them."

  Jamie grits his teeth. "Shit."

  "Well what did you expect to find?" I ask, confused. "Vincent was half-dead when they found him. He had no belongings. This is unfair of you."

  Jamie glances at the group. "Ash is my friend, and if somebody wants to hurt him, I don’t care how unfair I am."

  Amelia presses her fingers onto the back of Jamie’s hand. "Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m worried about trouble. That’s all."

  I’m more worried about the vision standing in the open doorway. Tobias brushes a hand across the top of his head where snow has settled on the way in. As the door closes behind him, a conversation between a group of shifters close by comes to an abrupt stop.

  Tobias looks like the one in my vision—not the professor, but the young guy who could be one of us. This is the first time I’ve seen him since the afternoon I imagined him in the middle of a fire. I’ve avoided him since our last encounter, because whenever he speaks down to or ignores me, it hurts, but I can't avoid talking to him about what I saw.

  Tobias spots us and walks over. The cold has put pink in his cheeks, and I hate how my heart thrums whenever he’s around me. Why was he in the fire in my vision? He brushes melting snow from his coat sleeve and unbuttons it before folding it over a chair as if he’s returning home.

  "What are you doing here?" asks Jamie.

  "Theodora wanted me to attend," Tobias looks down at Jamie. "I had to cut my evening short for this because she wanted at least one professor here."

  I stare ahead and the Coke glass cools my hands as I grip harder.

  "Are you here to spy?" whispers Jamie.

  Tobias gives him a sour look. "I’m here to keep an eye on drunk shifters."

  I laugh and I’m the one to receive a sour look from Tobias this time. "Is she asking you to spy on Vincent?" repeats Jamie.

  "Keep an eye on," he repeats then wrinkles his nose. "I don’t want to spend an evening with this many shifters. The place stinks of testosterone."

  I catch sight of Vincent striding across the room towards us. He frowns down at Tobias and squares his shoulders. "Why are you here?"

  Tobias scratches his nose with one finger, unintimidated by Vince’s aggressiveness and size difference. "I’m here on behalf of the other professors."

  "Ash?" Vincent calls over his shoulder. "Come here."

  A confused Ash breaks free of a group he’s with and when he sees Tobias, his expressions matches his brother’s. "You weren’t supposed to come here tonight. I told Theodora not to send professors," retorts Vince.

  Tobias jerks his chin up. "Theodora is in charge of the academy. If she requests I attend, I attend."

  "Yeah, but this is my party, and I don’t want vamps here."

  "Yet you allowed witches," continues Tobias.

  "Ash invited them. I’ll tolerate his little friends."

  I swallow the invisible lump in my throat. Hopefully the other shifters will tolerate us too.

  "Is Andrei with you?" Amelia asks Tobias.

  "I don’t take the boy everywhere with me," he retorts.

  Vincent crosses his arms, the muscles in his forearms bulging. "Why are you at my home?"

  "I am here to represent the staff." Tobias’s stiff formal speech confuses me sometimes, as it’s at odds with his age. "She believes you shouldn’t isolate yourself from the faculty. She’d like you to be ‘one of us’."

  "Yeah? Well, I’d prefer to stick with my own kind when I’m not working on academy business."

  I squirm again at the implications.

  "Perhaps Theodora has concerns over how impartial you’ll be when judging?"

  The edge between them sharpens, and I tense as Vincent jabs a finger at Tobias. "You teach mental magic, don’t you, Professor?"


  "Has she sent you to read my mind?"

  Tobias looks unblinkingly at him. "That’s a little paranoid, Vincent."

  "You think?" he sneers. "Excuse me that I don’t trust people."

  "I heard you’re struggling to access your memories. My door is always open if you’d like me to help." He rubs his chin. "I’m skilled at finding my way into people’s minds."

  "Is that a threat?" snaps Vincent.

  Ash touches his arm. "Vince. Calm down."

  Vincent ignores his brother and steps backwards, away from Tobias. "I’m working through this with my own kind, thank you."

  "Very well." Tobias nods.

  "We’re just happy you’re back," puts in Ash, and I give an encouraging smile at his desperate attempt to interrupt the head-butting. "I’m sure you’ll remember everything soon and then people can stop pointing fingers."

  Tobias nods. "I am happy that you returned, Vincent. Your death was a tragic event that hit the community hard."

  "I’m not fucking dead."

  "Clearly." Tobias’s serene smile hides the suspicion we all detect. "Hopefully once we unlock your mind, we can discover what we’re dealing with—the Dominion connection, I mean."

  Oh, hell. Why is Tobias deliberately provoking Vincent?

  Vincent looks to Ash. "You trust the vamp?"

  "Yeah. He’s a professor here, remember, Vince. Best you stay friendly if you want to stay, huh?"

  Vincent’s tips his chin at Tobias. "Keep away from me." He turns away and stalks back to his pack of friends.

  "The man needs to remember he’s part of academy staff. I’m not keen on his attitude." Tobias shakes his head with a rueful smile, but continues to stare after Vincent.

  "I’ll talk to him." Before anyone can respond, Ash joins his brother again and my spirits sink. Our introduction to his brother isn’t going well.

  Amelia clears her throat. "I don’t think you should’ve come, Tobias. Ash knows you don’t trust his brother, and Vincent obviously doesn’t trust you. This could cause problems."

  He rubs his chin and surveys the room, where the guests either stare in disgust at our group, or look straight through us. "I’m not staying after that welcome. I’ll tell Theodora I attended—she didn’t say how long I needed to remain here for."

  Is he frightened of spending time somewhere so many people dislike him?

  "I spoke to Theodora before," he says, looking between me and Jamie. "I believe you had a vision concerning me."

  "You were in it," I say.


  "Yeah, it was," puts in Jamie.

  With a tight smile, Tobias walks away. What the hell? Doesn’t he want to discuss what I saw?

  "Huh. Well that’s not suspicious." Jamie drains his bottle. "I need a drink. Amelia? Maeve?"

  I shake my head, confused that Tobias never asked for more information. Jamie hauls himself from his seat.

  "Don’t you want to leave too?" I ask.

  "I said, I want to watch Vincent."

  "This is a bad idea," I mutter.

  "Besides, I don't get out much, do I?" There’s a bitterness to his tone that stops me arguing.

  "I should talk to Tobias," I say to Amelia as Jamie wanders towards the kitchen. "I don't understand why he reacted like that to me."

  She jerks her head between the two of us. "He’s leaving."

  "I’ll go after him."

Uh. Maybe wait until tomorrow?" I make to stand and she curls her fingers around my arm. "Please. What if he tries to lure you into his room?"

  I splutter. "He wouldn’t do that."

  "He did before. I think Tobias is looking for an excuse to get his hands on you."

  "Shush! How many drinks have you had, Amelia?"

  She pouts. "One!"

  Vincent’s table grows louder as the group begins a drinking competition, loudly whooping as they egg each other on, each attempting to drink a glass quicker than the others.

  Amelia glances nervously at those around her. Nobody has spoken to her—or any of us—and my discomfort grows too. Her cheeks are flushed and eyes dulled by the alcohol. She gulps down the brown liquid in her glass and rubs her mouth. Lipstick smears across her face.

  "Did you drink before you came here tonight?" I ask. "Amelia…"

  "I was stressed about coming here," she mumbles. "Needed some Dutch courage."

  "That obviously hasn't worked. Did you want to leave?" I ask. "I can walk back with you."

  "Soon." She stares into her glass.

  "Is this drinking only about the party?"

  Her mouth turns down at the corners. "No. It’s Matt."

  I avoid speaking about Matt with Amelia, because I’m always worried that I’ll say the wrong thing and make her feel worse. "How is he?"

  "In Ravenhold. How do you think?" She squeezes her eyes closed. "Sorry. That was rude. He’s not coping there."

  "Have you spoken to him recently?"

  "A couple of times. It’s bloody unfair nobody can visit residents. Doesn't that worry you—what the hell do they do to people there?" Amelia’s eyes glisten.

  I chew my lip. Somebody knows the answer to that—Tobias. He opens the door and steps out. Do I follow him, or stay with my distressed friend?

  There’s only one correct choice.

  "I’m sorry, Amelia."

  She stares into her glass. "Did you know that I do more than talk to him on the phone?"

  I nod. She’s told me before about their psychic connection—a ‘witchbond’ gives them an unusual and intense connection. I’ve heard her accidentally mumbling their conversations but never clearly enough to catch the words.

  "Matt tries to hide how he feels when we connect, but I share his pain, Maeve. He refuses to tell me anything, but I’m scared he’ll react badly inside Ravenhold. Hurt or be hurt."

  "Matt’s strong, Amelia."

  "Is he? How do you know? You never met him."

  "Jamie told me he’s the sort of person who’d cope. That he’d shut down and follow the routine."

  Amelia snorts. "Matt wouldn’t toe the line if he felt threatened. He’s too proud."

  "But at least the magic won’t have a hold on him anymore, now he’s in rehabilitation."

  "I’m going to get Matt out of Ravenhold." Her voice slurs and she punctuates her sentence with a long drink.

  "That’s not possible, Amelia."

  "Anything’s possible if you know the right people." She blinks at the door Tobias walked through. "Like a certain professor."

  I lower my voice. "You think Tobias could get Matt out of Ravenhold? That’s mad."

  "Why? He got out. Maybe he knows how to help Matt."

  My heart splinters for Amelia, guilty how I become so caught up in myself I miss the unhappiness she hides.

  The pair have a bond I don’t understand—one that won’t break easily. One day, that bond needs to break. Matt could be held at Ravenhold for one year—or ten. Nobody knows, and Amelia can’t wait forever.

  "I will talk to Tobias," she mumbles and slumps back in her seat. .

  Would Tobias help? He doesn’t seem the type to assist people unless it benefits him in some way. Amelia could hope he has compassion for Matt’s situation, but I’m unsure that’s likely either.

  "You can always ask," I say and hope to sound encouraging.

  "Yeah, I will." She turns tear-filled eyes to mine. "I’ll free Matt. I have to. The place will kill him."

  Jamie appears from the kitchen with more drinks, and I beckon him over as she rests her head back on the sofa and closes her eyes.

  As he approaches, I stand. "I think one of us should take Amelia back to the dorm," I whisper.

  "But I wanted to—"

  "Jamie. She’s a mess. I don’t know what’s happening with Matt, but she’s not coping. Forget about Vincent for tonight. You can investigate him later."

  "What about you?" he asks doubtfully.

  "I’ll follow. I need to say goodbye to Ash first."

  Jamie perks up. "Good plan. You can check out Vincent. Try and read him."

  "Jamie," I say with a sigh.

  "No. Listen. You’re the only one of us who can get close to him without seeming weird, because you’re with Ash."

  "And do what? He’d know if I tried to use mental magic on him."

  Jamie rubs his lips together and sets the fresh drinks onto a nearby table. "Yeah, but you might sense something if you’re close enough. Try to touch him."

  "I don't think he’ll want to touch me, and I don't want him freaking out if I put my hands on him. Have you seen the way the guy looks at us?"

  "He wouldn't hurt you." But Jamie’s not entirely convinced—and neither am I.

  I chew on a nail and look down at the pink-cheeked, teary-eyed Amelia. "If you promise to stay with Amelia when you get back to Walcott, I’ll stay here and talk to Vincent."

  Jamie breaks into a relieved smile. "I’ll take care of Amelia. Then we can take care of Vincent."

  I attempt to smile back, but my stomach is in knots. What if I upset him? Vincent might ‘take care’ of me—of all my friends.

  I’m buying into Jamie’s theories about Vincent, but because I agree, or because I resent him and wish he’d leave Ash alone?

  Chapter Seventeen


  After Jamie and Amelia leave, I’m as uncomfortable as if I stood naked in the place. I’m only alone for moments as I clutch my cold glass and scoot over to Ash. Vincent isn't around, but he must be back soon.

  Ash slings an arm around my shoulder and continues listening to his brother’s friend’s story, which includes graphic detail about his latest sexual conquest. He eyes me a couple of times, waiting to see if I’m embarrassed. I turn my back. The plan to get close to Vincent isn’t one I’m comfortable with. I’d rather get away from the group.

  "Ash?" I whisper and pull at his hand.

  He blinks down at me and I reach out to touch his face. "Come and talk to me."

  His eyes light up. "‘Talk’?"

  "Talk. Jamie and Amelia left, and I’m not keen on hearing any more of that guy’s story."

  "Des? Ignore him. He’s probably making up half of the story."

  I close my eyes. "I know I don’t have the right to be offended, but I can't listen to any more."

  Ash strokes my hair from my face. "Understood. Come on."

  We move towards a quieter corner, and I’m filled with relief when Ash wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead. "Sorry, I’ve been distracted."

  "I understand. This is a special night for your brother, and you want to be involved."

  "I’m glad you’ve met Vincent now."

  "I don’t think he likes me."

  Ash rubs his palm across his mouth. "He’s just a gruff guy. Vince is a soft-hearted underneath."

  "Mmm." I hug Ash closer. "Perhaps if I spend more time around him. Vincent will get used to me. And us."

  "I hope so."

  He looks around. "Why did Jamie and Amelia leave?"

  "Amelia was drunk."


  "She’s not coping too well. About Matt."

  He sighs. "I wish she’d accept Matt has gone for good."

  "Amelia talked to me about going to him."

  "What?" Ash drags a hand through his hair. "How? Bloody hell, I hope she’s not thinking about landing herself in there."

  My stomach twis
ts. I hadn’t considered this option. "She wouldn’t. Amelia isn’t that stupid."

  "I hope so."

  Shit. I need to ask Tobias to talk to Amelia and explain what a hellhole Ravenhold is.

  Ash takes my glass and places it on a nearby table. He holds my face in both hands and runs his thumbs across my cheeks.

  "Let’s not worry about her." He places his lips on mine and I wrap my fingers around his as I kiss him back.

  How can I doubt Ash when he’s prepared to kiss me in front of a room full of shifters—including his brother?

  The gentle kiss starts a familiar fluttering in my stomach and I move my hands to run them over his broad back instead, pulling him closer. His mouth moves softly over mine, teasingly light, and I drop my head back, luxuriating in his attention.

  Ash pulls away and rubs his lips together. "You always taste so sweet."

  My heart speeds further as I tiptoe for another kiss.

  He brushes my cheek with his lips, but his words aren’t reassuring. A hope, not a certainty. "Do you want to leave?" I whisper.

  "Yes, but I shouldn’t really." He nudges my nose with his. "Stay longer. Maybe you could talk to Vince then. Realise he’s not as prejudiced as he makes out."

  I chew hard on my lip. Jamie wanted this, and so do I, but more than that, I ache for time alone with him.

  "Okay. Where’s the bathroom?"

  "Are you that frightened?" Ash laughs and squeezes my hand.

  "No. Three glasses of Coke," I say with a scowl.

  "Teasing!" he pokes me. "Hurry back."

  Making my way to the bathroom felt like walking across a field full of lions. Which might be true in some cases. I don’t want to make any more eye contact since not one person has returned my smiles tonight. I heard murmurs about the mind-reading witch.

  I’d lay bets that’s why they avoid me.

  Ash thinks he did the right thing bringing me here, and I love him for that, but I half-wish I’d left with Jamie and Amelia.

  As I make my way back into the lounge, I can’t find Ash at first and try to subtly look at everybody to find him. The group he was with remain tight, and louder, but Vincent is missing.


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