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Fighting for His Princess

Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  The fact that she’s not fighting me more must mean that she’s not afraid of me. This only proves to me further that this girl needs someone to look after her. I mean, sure I just punched some guy and defended her but that doesn’t mean that I’m a good guy. Any guy who saw her body would be tempted to do more than just walk her back to her place. Luckily for her, I am a good guy and I would never take a woman against her will. I never want to hurt this girl and I would never do anything that she doesn’t want but there is one thing that I will never be able to do for her and that’s let her go.

  I tuck her further into my side as I lead her over to the passenger side of my truck. I open the door for her and that’s when she spins around to face me.

  “Listen! I’m fine. We’re all fine. Now, if you would just let me go, it’s been a long day and I really just want to head home.”

  “Sorry, Princess. It’s late at night and there’s no way that I’m going to let you wander around by yourself. I’m not letting you out of my sight until I know that you’re safe. Not get your sweet ass in the truck.”

  She glares at me, crossing her arms over her chest and pushing her tits up higher. I swallow back a moan as I look away, locking my eyes with hers. She searches my face for a minute before she lets out a growl and climbs into the truck. I smile to myself as I close the door after her and round the hood. I slide into the driver’s seat and start the truck, turning in my seat towards her. Her eyes flash at me once more and I smile.

  “God, you have the most gorgeous eyes.” I murmur and I watch those eyes widen in response.

  “I’m Kit by the way. Kit Rodgers.” I say.

  She gives me a snarky side-eye look and I can see the minute that she sees the Rodgers Boxing Club sign behind me. Her eyes widen slightly before they narrow back on me. She runs them over me quickly and I smile when I see her tongue dart out to lick her lips. She likes what she sees. I grin wider at her as she looks up at me and realizes that I caught her checking me out.

  She scowls at me as she sits up straighter in her seat and faces forward. She crosses her arms over her chest but not before I see her hard nipples poking through the thin material of her dress. I wonder if she’s wet between her thighs. I would give anything to lift her dress just a little higher and find out. My eyes scan down her body and I smile as I see her clench her thighs together.

  “Well?” She says, pointing towards the road.

  “What’s your name, Princess?” I ask.

  “Princess.” She says back sarcastically.

  “I don’t have a problem calling you that, Princess.”

  She sighs, shooting me another side-eyed glare. She sifts in her seat before she finally rolls her eyes and gives me what I want.

  “Stella.” She mumbles under her breath.

  “You got a last name, Stella?” I ask, rolling her name off of my tongue. I like the way it feels in my mouth.

  She just glares at me again and I smile, putting the truck into reverse.

  “That’s ok, Princess. It doesn’t matter what your last name is. It will be Rodgers soon enough.”

  I see her gape at me out of the corner of my eye and I smile as I hit my blinker, turning out onto the street and heading towards my house.

  Chapter Three


  Did this guy seriously just say that? He just met me, he can’t seriously be talking about marriage already.

  It must be the boobs. Although he didn’t comment on my boobs. He commented on my eyes. No guy has ever mentioned my eyes before and I wonder what Kit Rodgers deal is.

  I’ve had guys come on a little strong to me before but usually my snarky attitude is enough to get them to back off. Not this guy though. If anything, Kit seems to be amused by my behavior. Every time I sneer at him or take a swipe at him, he just smiles at me like I’m adorable and moves closer to me. Normally, showing guys my claws is enough to get them to back off. Normally, I’m happy when they leave me alone.

  Something about the way that Kit has been treating me though, draws me in. Maybe it’s because he saved me from that mugger, I don’t know, but there’s something about Kit that makes me feel safe. I just have a gut feeling that he would never hurt me.

  I replay the night's events and wonder how I ended up riding in this guy's truck at 2 am. I’m lucky that he had seen me and I know that he was right when he yelled at me for walking down that alley late at night. It stings to admit that to myself and there’s no way in hell that I would ever tell him that. I don’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t come along. I remember how he punched my attacker and knocked him down with one swing. My nipples tighten and I clench my legs together as I feel moisture pool between my legs.

  I remember the building he had been parked in front of. I had heard of Rodgers Boxing Club when it first opened. Some famous boxer, a local boy, had moved back here to Lindsborg and opened it once he retired. It was big news that he was coming back but I never paid much attention to it. I didn’t know the guy, didn’t follow boxing, and I had no use for a gym when I could barely afford the essentials.

  I look around, suddenly realizing that I never gave him my address. I was lost in my head and as I look around I realize that we’re on the other side of town, in a newer neighborhood.

  “Where are we? You were supposed to take me home!” I say, anger once again taking over.

  “I am taking you home. My home.” He says calmly, like he can’t feel my anger pulsing off of me in waves.

  “Hey, Asshole, I never said I wanted to go home with you and if you think that I am going to sleep with you, then you’re out of your mind!”

  Kit just smiles over at me before he hits a button on his visor and turns into a driveway. I look out the window to see a nice two-story Victorian-style house, but that’s all I see before he pulls his truck into the garage. It was too dark to make out the color of the house or much of anything else and I realize that his house is in the middle of nowhere. We have to be at least five miles outside of town and the houses here are spread out more.

  Kit hops out of the truck and comes around to my side, opening the door for me and offering me his hand to help me out.

  “I want to go home.” I say firmly, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Princess. It’s late and I know that you’re tired. You can spend the night here. I’ll take you anywhere that you want to go in the morning. Scouts honor.” He says, holding up three fingers that I’m pretty sure are not part of the Scouts signal.

  I don’t move. I know that I should probably be afraid, I mean, I’m alone in the middle of nowhere with this big guy that I don’t know. Despite the alley stunt earlier, I’m not stupid and I have pretty strong self-preservation instincts. Growing up on the streets and working in seedy bars and strip clubs has given me a tough streak and I know how to take care of myself. I know not to trust anyone.

  There’s something about Kit though that feels different to me. He’s not like any other guy that I’ve ever met. He feels… safe. I think it’s more than just him saving me. There’s a weird energy between the two of us. If I was into all that sappy, romance, BS, I would almost say that we were meant to be. Instead, I’m just going to blame it on my lack of sleep. I’ve had a long day, a long week, and I’m sure that’s why I’ve let my guard down with Kit.

  If I’m being honest with myself, I know that it’s more than that. If it were anyone else, I never would have even gotten in the truck. I would have turned and ran when his back was turned in the alley.


  I roll my eyes at the ridiculous nickname and try to squash the butterflies that take flight in my stomach every time he calls me that.

  “Princess, do you trust me?” He asks, bracing his hands on the doorframe of the truck.

  Do I trust him?

  “Yes.” I say, shocking myself.

  Kit smiles at me, a full-blown grin, and I swear my heart flips over in my chest at the sight.

  “That’s good, Prin
cess. Then come inside. Let me get you something to eat and a change of clothes. You can stay the night here, where you’ll be safe, and tomorrow I promise that I’ll take you anywhere that you want to go. Ok?”

  I think over what he said, weighing my options. I know that if I said no, if I demanded that he drive me home right now, that he would. Some small part of me wants to see where things go with Kit. In the end, I trust my gut. It hasn’t steered me wrong yet and I’m trusting it again right now. I want to find out what Kit will do next.

  “Ok.” I say, finally taking his hand and slipping out of the truck.

  My dress rides high on my thighs and I’m sure that Kit can see my panties as I hop out of the truck. When I look up though, his eyes are on my face.

  “You have the most beautiful eyes that I’ve ever seen.” He whispers as he brushes some loose hair away from my face.

  I gape at him.

  I’ve gotten compliments before but always about my boobs or body. I can feel heat spread on my cheeks and I freeze. I can’t remember the last time that I blushed.

  What is this guy doing to me?

  Kit picks my hand up in his, lacing our fingers together as he leads me over to the side door. I take a look around his garage, noting the neat tool bench and the various gym equipment in the corner. There’s a bike hanging on one wall and some shoes lined up outside of the door leading inside. He pauses to hit the garage door button before he leads me into the house.

  We walk out of the garage and right into the kitchen. I blink my eyes as Kit turns on the overhead lights. The kitchen is warm, with spotless counters, white cabinets, and gleaming appliances. Kit leads me over to the fridge and pulls the double doors open.

  “What are you hungry for, Princess?” He asks as he looks inside.

  “I’m not that hungry.” I try to tell him.

  “You have to eat something. You’re practically wasting away in front of me.”

  “Just a grilled cheese or whatever you have is fine.” I say, trying to look around the rest of the house.

  “I’ll give you a tour and then you can take a bath.” He says, taking my hand in his once again.

  He laces his fingers through mine and tugs me after him. He shows me the first floor first; the living room, home gym, and a little home office. He walks fast and I try to take in as much as I can. For the most part, the house seems empty, bare. I know he only moved back a couple of months ago but I still thought he would have more than he does. The walls are all painted a creamy beige color and they’re mostly empty, with just a flat-screen tv and a couple of boxing shots hanging up. The floors are all hardwood and I look around for some cozy rugs or something but come up empty. There’s the typical dark wood furniture and leather sectional in the living room and a desk and office chair in the other room. The desk is stacked high with some papers and I wonder what he was working on.

  Kit leads me up the stairs next and we walk down a long hallway, past a couple of closed doors, until we reach the end. He pauses outside of the last door and turns to face me.

  “Those other rooms are just guest rooms and the guest bathroom. You can stay in here.”

  He pushes open the door and I realize right away that this is his room. I can smell him as soon as I step inside, like leather and man. His room is much like the rest of the house in that it’s pretty bare. There’s a king-size bed in the center and a dresser along one wall. A door to the left leads to a short hallway and Kit leads me down it to the bathroom. We pass by the walk-in closet on our way and I look inside to see a few shirts and suits hung up on the racks. Everything is in its place and I realize that Kit is a neat freak.

  “You can take a bath in here while I make you something to eat, Princess.”

  He leads me into the bathroom and I look around at the double sink and the large walk-in shower. There’s a clawfoot bathtub tucked into the corner and I watch as Kit walks over to it and starts to fiddle with the faucets, running his hand under the water to check the temperature.

  “You don’t have to run me a bath. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can take care of yourself, but you don’t have to. You’re a princess and princesses deserve to be treated with care.”

  “I’m not a princess, Kit.” I say, feeling like a fraud.

  If he knew what my life had been like up to that point then there is no way that he would be calling me that nickname.

  “You’re my Princess and while you are here, you will let me take care of you and treat you like such. If anyone ever treats you with less than one hundred percent respect than you tell me and I’ll kick their ass. Is that clear?”

  “You want to take care of me?” I ask, shocked. “Why? You don’t even know me.”

  “You can’t feel this?” He asks, looking at me with confusion in his eyes.

  “Feel what?”

  “This?” He says, placing one hand over his heart and the other over mine. “My mama always said that I would be able to tell when I found my one. You’re my one. Our souls, they’re the same. We’re connected. Can’t you feel it?”

  Is that what I feel? I knew that there was something different about Kit but is it really that we’re meant for each other?

  Kit stares at me, his hands still resting over each of our hearts. I wonder if he can feel how fast my heart is beating. When I don’t answer him, he turns and checks the bathwater one more time.

  “I’ll let you take your bath. I’ll go make you something to eat.” He says.

  I stand in the middle of the bathroom, still trying to figure out what I’m feeling for Kit when he walks back over to me and stops in front of me. He brings his hand up to cup my chin, tilting my face up to meet his.

  “I know that you’re scared, but soon you’re going to figure out that what we have here is real and that I’m not going anywhere. You and me, Princess? We belong together. Catch up so we can start our happily ever after. Got it?” He asks me, his grip on my chin tightening slightly.

  I glare up at him, my usual reaction to being ordered around by a guy taking over. My eyes narrow as I look up at him and he smiles down at me. Before I can react, his lips come down and meet mine. The kiss is barely a whisper, there one second and gone the next. I force myself not to rise up on my tiptoes, to press my lips to his harder. I want to feel his mouth against mine, to push my tongue past his lips and find out what he tastes like. I wonder who would be in control then.

  With one last backward glance, Kit leaves me to take my bath. I sigh as I watch him go before I spin back around, kicking off my high heels and slipping my dress and panties off. I’ve always wanted to use a clawfoot tub. I test the water and of course, it’s the perfect temperature.

  I sigh with pleasure as I sink into the water, letting it ease the aches in my tired muscles. I stay in the tub until the water turns cold. I stand up, wrapping a fluffy towel around my body just as Kit walks back into the bathroom. The sight of him startles me and I slip in the water. Kit is by my side instantly, wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me out of the tub. He wraps one arm around my shoulders and the other under my knees, swinging me up in his arms and carrying me out of the bathroom.

  “Don’t worry, Princess. I’ve got you.”

  He smiles, shaking his head slightly as he carries me back into the bedroom and over to the bed. He pulls the covers back, laying me down on the mattress before he covers me back up. My grilled cheese sandwich and some cut-up fruit are sitting on the other side of the bed and he reaches over, setting it down in my lap.

  “You eat. I’ll take care of the bathroom and get you something to sleep in.” He says, leaning over and brushing a soft kiss on top of my forehead.

  I settle back against the pillows as I pick up my sandwich and bite in. I guess I was hungrier than I realized because I finish it in minutes, polishing off the fruit next. I’m popping the last strawberry in my mouth as Kit comes back out with a plain white t-shirt in his hands. He takes the plate from me,
passing me the shirt and I watch him disappear back downstairs as I toss the towel aside and pull the shirt over my head.

  I’m crawling back into bed when Kit comes through the door. He smiles at me as he strips off his clothes, throwing them in the hamper in the corner of his room before he turns the light off and I feel him slide into bed on the other side. The mattress dips as he scoots closer to me and I roll towards him with the movement.

  I’ve never slept with anyone before and I wonder what will happen next. Kit has a habit of just doing what he likes with me and I’m both nervous and excited to see what he’ll do next.

  It doesn’t take long and soon I’m being pulled back against a strong chest. Thick arms wrap around me and hold me against him. I try to relax in his hold but it’s hard when I can feel his warm breath as it fans over the back of my neck.

  I feel his lips there next, just a soft brush, but it sends my hormones racing. I’ve never had these kinds of feelings before and I don’t know what it is about Kit but every time he touches me, my hormones go out of control. I can feel wetness start to coat my thighs as I push my ass back against him and I hear him groan as it brushes against his stiff cock.

  “Ahh... Princess.” He moans into my ear.

  I rock back against him again, loving the way he feels pressed up against me. I’m always looking out for myself, needing to be in control all of the time to feel safe but when I’m wrapped up in his arms, that need disappears. I want to see what Kit can do to my body, what he can make me feel. A small part of me just wants to relax, to not be so worried all of the time, so I push back against him again and smile when I hear him moan.

  “Princess, I want to, trust me, but I know that you must be tired and I need you to know that I will always do whatever is best for you.”


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