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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

Page 10

by Jennise K

  “I’m sorry, sir. I don’t remember any such thing. Please. Do you have a telephone here that could be spared for a minute or two?”

  I sounded different. I had come off as loud—almost a yell—but I didn’t care. Suddenly, I just wanted to dash out of here and be in my room, in my home, back in England.

  Why was it so hard to be selfless? Why did I keep on thinking about things that shouldn’t concern me? Why did he have to do a hundred eighty when I was finally all right about not pulling him into my life?

  Still standing in front of me, he tucked his fingers under my chin. I quickly blinked once, twice until the tears I didn’t know were welling up in my eyes, fell down to the stone floor.

  Romanov tilted my head up, and my eyes met his. He leaned forward. “You know I can still hear them hit the floor.”

  My vision blurred again with another round of tears, and I quickly pulled my face away from his fingers and turned to look at an empty spot in the wall. “May I use the tele—”

  “To hell with the telephone. Tell me why you’re behaving this way!” he demanded.

  I flinched at his angry tone, but his grip on my shoulder only tightened. Suddenly feeling weak again, I closed my eyes shut for a second before relaxing my whole body. My resolve was cracking. The worst part was that I didn’t even know why I was so affected.

  As if sensing the change in me, Romanov tilted my chin up again, and I braced myself for it.

  The golden eyes.

  Liquid golden met deep brown pools. I heard as my breath got hitched in my throat.

  “Those belong to Master Romanov’s future bride…”

  Because of this freedom, I had an obligation to answer to. Because of this second chance in life—which he gave, in a way—I had a debt to pay, which most definitely did not involve getting myself worked up about Romanov.

  My heart dropped a little, and in that second, the sparks in Romanov’s eyes dulled down. I stared at him, blank-faced, willing myself not to be attached.

  This was only doing him good.

  I owed him a life debt. And this hero worship, or whatever, I owed my life to him. And if he wanted freedom, I’d pretend to forget everything.

  Slowly, the golden in Romanov’s eyes darkened to pitch-black in front of my eyes, and I stared at him—at this strange phenomenon happening before me—wide-eyed.

  “Fine.” Roman suddenly snarled, dropping his hands and releasing me from his grip before he turned away, a stony expression on his face. “The telephone’s on the desk, right hand corner.”

  Fuming, he moved away and went to station himself by the window while I stayed rooted in my spot, staring at him.

  I felt a heavy pang of disappointment in my chest. Like I had wanted Rome to fight harder. I shook my head in disgust as realisation struck deep; I was being selfish again.

  I turned my attention back to the reason I was here and looked to where he stated the telephone was located, scanning the area around the table until my eyes settled on the wireless handset. Heart thumping in my chest, I moved towards it.

  Marsha picked up on the first ring.

  “Ello, how may I come of service to you, Master Romanov?” she asked, her voice tinged with benevolence.


  The sound of plates falling to the floor screeched into the phone, and I cringed. I was pretty sure Romanov cringed too.

  “Dear Lord! Child, I’m coming to get you!” Marsha said, her voice now filled with horror and dread. And then the line went dead.

  The air around the room suddenly felt heavy, and I slowly turned around to see Romanov—only to freeze. “The scar.”

  My eyes wide, I took in the thick silver scar on his back with shock. With my eyes, I traced the silver line that extended from the middle of his back to the junction of his back and left shoulder.

  Romanov’s eyes shot to mine and they hardened, the dark black iris flickering to gold every time he blinked. “Yes,” Romanov drawled, slowly strolling towards me, his eyes just on mine. Nowhere else.

  He came to a stop before me, and my breath hitched in my throat, the tip of his shoes touching the tip of mine. “Do you want to know how I got it, Miss Olivia?”

  “Master Romanov.”

  Someone knocked on the door twice before it was flung open by a worried-looking Marsha. She did not wait on Romanov’s permission and rushed in, looking around the room—her face displaying her fear—before her eyes landed on mine.

  And when she looked at Romanov, the fear crumpled her face—wide eyes, furrowed brows, deep, pronounced facial creases.

  “I apologize on behalf of the girl, Master Romanov! She won’t g—” Marsha rushed out quickly but stopped immediately when Romanov held a hand up.

  His eyes turned back to me. “Do you want to know how I got it?”

  I gulped. His eyes snapped to the movement in my neck and then to my eyes in a second.


  Romanov edged closer, and I cussed at my heart for beating so loudly. I was sure he could hear it right now. “I got it while saving a girl, Miss Olivia. From a car accident. Her car’s broken door fell on my back.”

  I flinched, instantly feeling guilty for being the cause of the scar. I looked down and could only say, “Oh.”

  Romanov’s reply came back strong, his voice echoing on the stone-cold walls.

  “Oh, please no ohs, Miss Olivia. She’s given me this scar, but I’ve given her something, too. Would you like to see, Miss Olivia?”

  I froze. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Marsha stiffen.

  My hands coiled around and gripped my dress, and I took in a sharp breath when he gently moved the wavy tumble of my hair away from my shoulder.

  His eyes met mine, and he leaned in. I felt my breath leave my throat when he pressed his lips on my scar—his mark.

  A gasp left my lips when a bolt of electricity shot through my chest. It was as if his mark was connected to my core. I felt my legs turn to jelly.

  Just then, Romanov’s arms slipped around my waist, steadying me, as he grazed his teeth over his mark. My hands trembled, still trying to helplessly hold onto my dress and not on Romanov.

  Slowly, he pressed another kiss over his mark before moving away. His eyes were still the same shade of molten gold. “Marsha, please take Miss Olivia to her room.”

  I stood still, confused and still reeling from the shock and the tingles still swirling inside me. Marsha walked towards me hesitantly, her eyes flicking to Romanov then to me.

  I frowned when I heard her murmurs of happiness, which she carefully masked with her poker face.

  How could she be happy when her engaged employer is kissing some other girl’s neck?

  How can you let him kiss yours?

  Taking my hand into hers, she slowly began leading me out towards the door. I followed, still lost in the sea of questions. The door came into touching distance, and I felt a sudden drop in my chest at the thought of being away from Ro—

  Shaking my head, I drove all the maddening thoughts away.

  “I’ll see you at dinner, Miss Olivia.”

  I stilled then cringed at Miss. He was obviously taunting me.

  Marsha tugged on my hand, and I looked at our hands linked together. I took another step forward.

  Maybe, Beasty. Maybe.

  Chapter 9

  Cowardice was something I was not accustomed to. It was something I was not well acquainted with, and neither did I ever plan to properly acquaint myself with it. And yet here it was.

  It was a whole new experience, a completely new feeling and sitting here going through it, I felt like a complete failure.

  It shamed me. I wanted to run. Away from Romanov. There’s nothing scarier than this dinner. If it had not been for the weird circumstances I was in, the old Olivia would have thirsted for the very experience the dinner tonight would bring.

  Strangely though, I’d realised that somehow when it came to Romanov, I was weaker than I usually was. In fac
t, I was very weak.

  I wasn’t stupid. I knew this bite—his bite—had an effect on me. Somehow it linked him and me together. I couldn’t find the logic to understand how, but then how was I supposed to know? I had kicked logic out the door the very night I had found out that the man who had saved me wasn’t human.

  There was no time to think with logic here. At least not in the manner logic was introduced to me.

  My fingers pressed on his mark, and I frowned again. Roman and I were linked, yes, but how exactly?

  And what of this fiancée of his?

  My frown deepened, and I slumped further against the floor.

  Does he even want to be linked to me?

  Another question came into my mind, and I froze.

  Does he regret saving me?

  The clock dinged in the far distance, and I instantly looked at my iPhone.

  6:00 pm

  I sighed, then moving onto the messages section, I sent out a text to Prue.

  To: Prue

  Pressing on ‘Send,’ I looked at my small bag beside me, which was already packed and ready.

  A tiny knock sounded around my silent room. Only a second later, the door twisted open, and in walked the small form of Sophia, looking tired, with a note in her hand.

  “Master Romanov gave this.” She signed as she placed the letter on the bed beside me.

  I looked at it tiredly before looking back at her. “Are you okay?” I signed, concerned, as the girl dropped down on the bed and silently sighed.

  “Yes. Just a tough day,” she replied.

  I nodded. “I understand.”

  My eyes found the paper again, and as if on impulse, I reached forward and grasped it, opening it in the next second.

  Only cowards run. –B

  My heart melted a little. B. For Beasty.

  Then I scoffed. “Only cowards run?” What irony.

  “What’s it say?” Sophia signed, working her hands quickly in her curiosity. I sighed. “Only cowards run.”

  Sophia smiled, then shook her head. “Guess Master doesn’t like you.”

  Shrugging, I closed the letter and tucked it into my tiny bag. “I suppose not.”

  Then getting up, I turned towards Sophia and gave her a tired smile. “Well then, looks like I have to get ready for dinner.”


  As I walked down the wide stairs, I imagined myself to be properly dressed in my white, knee-length dress and with my hair tumbling down. Definitely not too formal and not too casual. Just enough that I’d look presentable for the dinner that I’d be having with my host.

  Truth be told, I was scared. Scared beyond myself. Having dinner with Romanov was the last thing I wanted to do. I knew he could see right through me, though, and I knew that although he had agreed to indulge me, his patience would run thin. But not tonight.

  Turning around the corner, I felt my heart race wildly as the warm glows of the dining hall came into view.

  Seated on the master’s chair, Romanov looked regal as he looked at all the maids setting up the table before him. I noticed him mutter a “thank you” to each one of them.


  As I took a step closer, his eyes snapped and found mine. His lips thinned slightly and the gold in his eyes became more noticeable.

  “Have a seat, Miss Olivia,” he said with a flourish of his hand to a seat, which was conspicuously closest to his.

  My lips thinned, and I slowly moved toward the table and settled into the seat indicated.

  It was strange, but I despised it when he called me Miss. It was the sense of aloofness in the formality that made me angry—which was ridiculous because I initiated this whole thing.

  “How is your stay here so far? I apologize for not being here on your first night,” he said.

  I shook my head, slightly surprised at his attempt to strike up a conversation. “It’s all right. It’s been great so far. I’ve made friends and explored a lot. My project is coming along well, too,” I mumbled, blushing lightly when I noticed him staring hard on me.

  “By ‘friends,’ I hope you mean me?”

  I almost hit my head on the table when I heard Grayson speak from behind me. I turned towards him reluctantly and gritted my teeth when he moved to take a seat beside me, his smug grin ever present on his face.

  Suddenly, a warning growl emitted from somewhere near, and both Grayson and I stilled.

  “Tie your hair, Olivia.”

  My eyes widened at the oddity of this command. I turned towards Romanov, who gave the command, and saw anger written all over his face. His eyes snapped from Grayson’s to mine. “Tie your hair,” he repeated.

  Somehow, I knew that fighting Romanov on this would be a sour mistake to make. Moving my gaze from the livid Romanov to the startled Grayson, I quickly pulled my hair back into a casual ponytail.

  I turned around and watched as Grayson’s eyes widened. I looked at him in bewilderment. What was going on? Did I do something wrong with my ponytail? The staring business stopped when something hit the floor and made a crashing noise. Instantly, all three of us flinched and turned towards the commotion.

  I was startled when my eyes landed on a wide-eyed Sophia who had her eyes trained on my neck. Snapping her eyes towards Romanov, she instantly began to panic, tears welling, her lips quivering.

  “I’m sorry!” she signed crazily as she dropped down to pick at the ruined roasted duck on the marble floor. I rushed out of my seat and went towards the girl as soon as she dropped down to her knees to pick the ruined food. My hands found her stiff hands, and I tried to smile at her before beginning to help her pick the mess up.

  Soon, Rose and Janet came out and rushed towards us to help clear the mess. When we were done, I followed the girls into the kitchen.

  “Go on, now!” Marsha ushered me away as soon as I washed and wiped my hands. I was now confused with all the stares that were coming my way. Poor Sophia had to be sent home early.

  I sighed as I walked back to the dining hall again. A concerned-looking Romanov was still seated while Grayson sat opposite to where I was supposed to sit.

  “How is she?” Romanov asked, his black eyes on mine.

  “She’s fine. Marsha sent her home,” I mumbled back, seating myself on my chair.

  I looked up just in time to see Grayson roll his eyes. My blood boiled. This man needs to just disappear!

  Romanov, on the other hand, who seemed to have missed the tension between Greyson and I, nodded. “As long as the girl is well, let’s still have our dinner then.”

  His hand moved towards the dumplings then stopped. Looking back up, he motioned towards Grayson. “Oh, and Miss—”

  “Olivia. Just Olivia,” I mumbled quickly. I thought I saw pleasure flicker in Romanov’s eyes before it went blank again.

  “Olivia, meet Grayson. The Delta.”

  There was no hiding Grayson’s position, I noticed. Then again it wasn’t necessary since I knew about their world anyway.

  Romanov then turned towards Grayson. And I didn’t think it was possible, but his eyes darkened as he spoke out the next words.

  “And Grayson…she’s marked.”


  From: Prue

  A soft sigh left my lips as I moved towards the balcony door. I opened it, and I slipped out, breathing in the fresh late-night air.

  The phone rang two times then three before Prue finally picked up. My eyes on the orange stars scattered below me, I spoke first.


  “Olivia, sweetie, are you okay?” Prue blurted out, sounding extremely concerned, and I clutched the phone tighter against my ear.

  “I’m fine,” I mumbled back softly, a little calmed by the slow breeze caressing me comfortingly.

  “Okay, if you say so…” Prue drawled, then quickly added, “But are you sure?”

  I smiled. “I’m—”


  I froze. The slow whispers hung around as chilly as the night


  Again, the cold, breezy whisper.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I quickly swung towards the dimly lit room, completely forgetting about my call. Suddenly, the moonlight seemed brighter than the table lamps.


  Oh, God. Make it stop.

  “Soon, Oliiivvviaaa…”


  I just lost it. My cellphone fell to the floor, but I didn’t care; I just wanted to get out of here. Instantly, my feet bolted towards the large bedroom door.

  Its darkness enveloped me, and I felt myself sweat harder as I tried to reach the door.


  The voice was so near now, but nothing prepared me when two claws reached out and grabbed me from the side of my waist. Screaming and mentally praying, I ran harder, biting away the pain the claws digging in my skin made as I ripped myself away.

  Reaching the door, I grabbed the knob and flung it open, and the next moment, I was rushing out.

  Only to hit a hard chest.

  Instantly, a pair of protective arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer towards safety. I breathed in his cologne, and despite myself, I shuddered, crying, and held Romanov harder against me.

  I just needed to feel safe. And here in his arms was where I felt safest for a very long time.

  “What happened?” Roman growled, looking into my room, alert.

  I only clutched to him harder, hiding my face into the crook of his neck.


  Dark circles began filling up my eyes, and I blinked away the tears, trying to rid, first the pain and now, this haze. But it only got darker and spread further to completely blind me now.

  “I-In the room,” was the only thing I managed to whisper before the pain and panic won out, then everything went dark.


  Something cold touched my forehead, and I groaned, turning my head away from the repulsive freezing touch.

  “Hush, dear. You need it.”

  I sighed as the cold now left my forehead but instantly began to squirm away when it came back in contact with my skin.


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