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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

Page 14

by Jennise K

  To my surprise, Romanov narrowed his eyes as he looked at the bed, not me, and nodded. His now dark gaze settled on my lighter ones once again.

  It was his turn to speak. “I called. Last night. Your caretaker picked up.”

  I stilled.

  He called while I was…on a date with Edward.

  Heart thumping in my chest, which I was pretty sure he could hear, I quickly did the first thing I thought of. “Now your turn!”

  As if understanding that I had realized when he had called and that he knew why I wasn’t who picked up, Romanov smirked.

  We held each other’s gaze, and I almost gasped when Romanov brought both my hands above my head, keeping them there with his one hand while lazily caressing the side of my breast with the other.

  Suddenly, the sound of the bedroom door opening echoed around the room. Mortified, I turned towards the door to see a very shocked Rose and Sophia, a platter full of sandwiches and a glass of juice in Sophia’s hand.

  Romanov didn’t even turn; he still had his eyes on me, the same smirk glued on his face. My breath hitched in my throat with shock when, undeterred by the girls’ presence, Romanov leaned and brushed his nose against my cheeks. When he saw my reaction, his smirk widened in smug confidence of his control.

  “It’s a very simple concept, Olivia. This mark—” he brushed his lips against my jaw “—means you’re mine.”

  Another wave of pleasure coursed through me, but I tried my best not to show it on my face. Romanov smiled seeing me struggle with my emotions.

  “And that Monatelly is going to see his last day if he decides to come near you again. Business manager be damned.”

  I panicked, my mouth opening and closing like that of a fish. How come he knew about Edward? Is he serious? Even so, I felt my heart flutter with warmth at Romanov’s words. Did it mean that he liked me back just because he said that his mark made me his? Or was I just one of his girls?

  Finally managing a word, I almost smacked myself as soon as I blurted a dumb, “What?”

  Romanov eyes turned darker as he twirled a loose strand of hair on his finger. “You’re—” then he caressed another “—mine…”

  Time slowed down, and slowly, his expression turned a little bitter and he almost hissed out the last words in disdain.

  “Miss Olivia.”


  “Are you okay?”

  Holding a warm mug of hot chocolate in my hand, I looked up at a concerned-looking Sophia with a silent Rose beside her.

  I shuddered as the tingles that rushed over me every time I thought of Romanov’s fingers dancing across my skin. I nodded.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for this,” I assured Sophia, smiling dumbly as I gestured at the hot mug in my hands. Shaking her head, Sophia sat down on the edge of the bed, her bright blue eyes staring at mine.

  “Don’t worry about it. So, I guess Master Romanov doesn’t actually dislike you.”

  I shuddered again, recalling what happened earlier.

  One moment, Romanov had been on top of me and the next, he was strolling past the two girls, his right hand inside his pocket as if what he did was just normal.

  For the first time since Romanov had left the room, Rose spoke up, “Can we talk about something else please? Like how was your trip back home?”

  Strangely grateful for the change of topic, I quickly grasped the opportunity. “Well, it was great. So, what’s for dinner tonight?”

  Sophia silently chuckled, shaking her head. Rose, on the other hand, looked on the verge of visibly salivating. Her sad face, however, gave me mixed feelings.

  Curiosity began eating at me, and I moved closer to the two girls.

  “Well? What is it?” I urged, looking from one girl to the other.

  “Crab spaghetti with lemon gremolata.” Rose sighed sadly, a forlorn look on her face as she leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands.

  “We’re allergic to crabs,” Sophia signed and chuckled as she looked at a sad-looking Rose with amusement.

  Despite my preoccupation, I grinned. Sophia’s and Rose’s eyes widened with understanding, and chuckling, I told them, “I’m allergic to crabs, too,” which had us in fits of laughter afterwards.



  Growing up, it was a word I’d associated with my things—my books, my bed, my phone, my food—which wasn’t abnormal. After all, high school hadn’t been one of the best places for me while growing up.

  It was funny how people thought being pretty, even in the slightest, meant that a girl would enjoy her high school and college years. Little did people know that it doesn’t come with a lifetime guarantee of zero bullies.

  When I was in college, I went out with this guy who happened to be my biggest crush and one of the hottest computer nerds in our school. I later learned he only dated me for a bet with one of the girls who hated me. As if that wasn’t painful enough, he then dumped me because I wouldn’t sleep with him—in front of the whole cafeteria.

  Needless to say, I was humiliated. I kept thinking of all the secrets and fears I had thought were okay to share with Weston over the span of four months of being together; he was that good of an actor.

  Weston bragged about how he and Patricia orchestrated the whole thing, and when they made out in front of everyone, it was the cherry on top of their demeaning play. It was the last thing I needed, and I was only sixteen.

  During our brief relationship, Weston had never even associated me with the word mine. Not even when it was all fake.

  That had been the last time I had dated. Four years had rushed by from that period of my life, and suddenly, sitting here in this populated auditorium amongst all of my course mates in the middle of a lecture, I was struck with the realisation that…I didn’t know how to date anymore. How did people even kiss?

  And then there was my crush on Romanov, his explicit use of the word mine and him meaning it. The whole revelation of things crashed down on my chest, and suddenly, my throat closed up and I felt I couldn’t breathe.

  Minutes passed, and finally, the class came to an end. Around me, the rest of the class filed out of the room. One by one they left the auditorium, and I slumped down in my seat, numb, as the last one—a reluctant Jaydin who looked at me with pleading eyes—walked out.

  My eyes swept around the empty auditorium, and I let out a loud sigh. There was nothing but silence surrounding me, and strangely, it seemed soothing like a mother calming her child’s wild nerves.

  I let myself go in the silence—my every nerve, my every fear. My mind ran loose, and I let it.

  What was I going to do now?

  Skipping dinner last night and breakfast this morning, I managed to avoid Romanov for this long. I did like him, and he did call me his, but did I really want to be with him if I was just one of his many and not his only? And did he mean mine as in I was a person he liked and wanted around forever or mine as in an object he liked to collect?

  After Weston, I didn’t know. I no longer knew.

  This brought back the large aching question.

  What was I going to do now?

  Thinking about facing Romanov tonight, I decided against it. I couldn’t. Not until I figured out how I was going to deal with this even in the slightest bit. He was, after all, not entirely human.

  A loud groan released itself from my lips, and I dropped my head on my hands, pulling on my hair with frustration.

  “I think I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “Call him and tell him you’re staying at Prue’s tonight.”

  What the hell!

  My head snapped to the person who spoke, and my eyes widened in surprise as I found Abigail standing in front of me, her arms folded in front of her.


  “I’m a werewolf!” Abigail suddenly blurted out, throwing her hands up, effectively shutting me up.

  I blinked, my mouth now gaped open in complete surprise.

  Abigail sighed as she sunk into the
seat before me and faced me. “I’ve been wanting to tell you that.”

  Suddenly, every strange thing Abigail ever did made sense—making sure that she dropped me to places instead of letting me go alone, checking the windows were shut in the hospital, always being so perceptive and protective.

  “So…is Romanov your…” I stopped, then I slowly mumbled the word I had only read about in the author Edika’s book. “Alpha?”

  Abigail blinked. “Wait…you’re not angry?”

  Frowning, I shook my head. “I wouldn’t bother telling my best friend I’m not human without actually taking my time, too. I can understand.”

  A small smile crept on Abigail’s lips, and she reached forward to pat my hand.

  “Romanov is not just an alpha. Romanov is king. Well, in a way he is, but he’s more like alpha king over Europe. Well, most of it. I’m from London, so that makes me under his cousin, King Alexander.”

  Romanov…King…Beast King…Alexander?…Europe…Ki—

  All this information was too much, and before I knew it, darkness filled my vision and I felt my body go limp. The last thing my conscious mind registered was Abigail’s alarmed face.


  I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw tiny dots of light filtering through my view. I groaned when I tried to move my body, the muscles aching with the small movements I made. I licked my dry, crackling lips and moved my hair, which was damp with sweat, back with my hand.

  Immediately, two hands found me and pulled me against a chest, one hand comfortingly caressing my hair.

  “Livy. Livy are you fine? You sure do faint a lot. Did you notice?”

  I groaned, nodding to both the questions. I did notice I fainted a lot. I’d been diagnosed an anaemic in my early teens. Then the last memory from before I fainted hit me again, and instantly, I snapped my eyes open.

  “Romanov is a king?” I blurted out, still a little disoriented.

  Abigail’s hand stopped caressing my head, and she leaned in front of me, smiling. From the walls that surrounded us, I realized we were still in the auditorium.

  “Yes. Wasn’t it obvious with the castle?” Abigail asked then chuckled at the stoned look on my face. “He’s a force to mess with. You’re lucky. He needs calm and warmth in his life.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to that. Stuck between crying away my confusion to Abigail and venting out because everything seemed like a messy blur, I decided to just do both.

  “He just told me that I’m his. I don’t get it! What does he mean by that? Am I someone he wants to keep around? Or am I his new shiny toy? Does it make sense? I just don’t get it, Aby. Who says that? And then there’s this Lady Edika who I think is real! I feel like I’m being watched all the time! I’m just so confused!”

  To my surprise, Abigail only smiled. Patting my hand with hers again, she took her time before she finally spoke up.

  “Since I’m not under his domain, I would have told you what he meant in English, but the Naight family only permit this word officially being spoken in their tongue—Greek—so here’s your answer, Olivia.”

  I froze, but my heart didn’t. Here was my answer. Finally.

  “There is no one else, Livy. Only you. You’re his adelfí psychí. His only adelfí psychí. Because the Naight family aren’t born with second chances.”

  Dear Olivia,

  I’m fine, well, in a way. Although mum is being a little fussier these days about moving out. Is there any way your real mum cannot like you? I think there is…Because mum hates me, Livia. It’s always and only Juliana for her. Papa is off to America this time, and we had a row. I was a little miffed because the whole situation is a rotter and it’s horrible because I’m stuck here too. It’s the breaks. But since you’ve extended an invite, I’ll be on a flight as soon as possible.

  I hope you’re well? I can’t wait to meet you Livia. We have so much to share. Give my hugs to Abigail. I miss her sarcasm, too.

  Lots of hugs and love,

  Isabelle Tide

  “That doesn’t seem like the Isabelle I know.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I narrowed my eyes at an amused-looking River.

  “What do you mean?” I asked suspiciously, then stopped and smacked the letter against my chest, away from River’s prying eyes. “Hey! You’re not supposed to read private mail!”

  River only rolled his eyes and shrugged as he walked around the sofa, a freshly bathed and fed Letty in his arms, and seated himself beside me.

  “She talks a lot in the letters, but in real life, she’s always quiet and timid.”

  This time, I rolled my eyes.

  “She’s had a lot going on through her childhood up till now. It’s what made her shy and insecure and timid. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to fight,” I proudly said. Surprise washed over River’s face, and I smirked.

  Ha. Nobody messes with my best friend. Not on my watch.

  As if feeling left out, Letty let out a slow purposeful coo, and I turned to her, her electric blue eyes sparkling at me with hope. Her mouth turned up into a smile, and I reciprocated. Putting the letter away, I leaned into River and took Letty from him, her tiny hands automatically pulling a strand of my hair.

  “She misses you,” River observed.

  I nodded, leaning down to place a small kiss on my baby’s forehead.

  “I miss her too. She looks just like Elizabeth, Riv,” I said, choking a little.

  River’s arms wrapped around me, and I exhaled slowly as I willed the tears not to fall.

  “Her eyes and nose are her dad’s though.” I chuckled sadly, watching the beautiful infant in my arms smile, obliviously happy in her tiny world right now.

  “She’ll grow up a happy baby, Olivia. That much I can promise you.”

  Rocking Lolette in my arms, I turned towards River and declared, “Yes, I’ll make sure she will.”

  “What will you do when Prue flies off to London for the meeting with those delegates? Three days is a long time.”

  Rolling my eyes, I let out another sigh. Letty was now almost asleep in my arms, her grip on my hair loosening.

  “I don’t really want to, but I’ll take her with me to the castle if Romanov allows it. Otherwise, I’ll just take three days away and make up for it in the next semester, or not at all.”


  A loud beeping sound cut River off, and turning towards the noise, we both groaned.

  “It’s mine. Can you reach for it please?” I asked River.

  Smiling, he nodded. “Sure!”

  His face, however, scrunched up into a confused expression when I watched him pick my iPhone. Letty’s weight pressing on my chest made me feel warm and motherly, and I smiled when her grip on my hair completely gave out and she snuggled in closer to me.

  “Who’s Beasty?” River asked curiously as he handed me my phone. I froze for a second before I chuckled nervously.

  “Romanov. I like to call him that in my mind—”

  “He’s scary?” River cut me off, an amused grin on his face.

  Chuckling, I nodded as I tapped on the message. “In a way.”

  From: Beasty

  Rolling my eyes, I texted back Romanov a reply before I could even think straight.

  To: Beasty

  From: Beasty

  Suddenly, everything that seemed to be in my control exploded—the confusion, regret, rejection, and longing that only made my anger grow. It seemed like I was the only one trying to understand this situation. Suddenly, I realized that just because Beasty saved my life, didn’t mean he was a good person, and just because he said I was his, didn’t mean he was automatically mine. For heaven’s sake, he could just be making up all those things.

  Suddenly, it dawned on me that there was another way of doing this assignment after all. I could take the alternate choice Professor gave us. My mind raced wildly. Maybe Romanov was just another Weston, but he just happened to be not human.

  My fingers worked fas
t, and I looked so determined that River removed Lolette from my arms so as not to disturb her sleep and placed her on the cradle beside the sofa. Silently sitting down beside me, he watched me type away.

  To: Beasty

  When minutes passed and no reply came, I sighed slowly and contemplated banging my head on the coffee table in front of me. The realization that maybe I’d been a little too much gnawed at me. Now all the work I had done for this assignment would have been for nothing. I could have at least tried to stay there—but away from Romanov—and complete my assignment. One day, my crush on him would disappear, but my education and the possibility of a failure would never. What did I just do?

  “No, but you sure are overreacting.”

  My head snapped towards River, and I felt myself slump down further. Okay, maybe he was right. Maybe I was overreacting. I was even thinking out loud already.

  Both our heads snapped towards the door when a loud screeching sound sounded from outside. In an instant, both of us rushed towards the door, and flinging it open, I almost screamed when I smacked myself against a hard chest.

  Outside, the day was at its end, and even the skies had become bland. The only light available in order for us to see was the garden lights and the light that streamed through the open doorway. The streetlights were too far away to be of any help. So, it surprised me when the person suddenly lifted me and flung me over his shoulder and began walking to the car already stationed in the driveway.

  “Alternate method, my arse!” the man grumbled, and I froze upon recognising who it was.


  He only ignored and stormed towards his car.

  “Stop it!” I continued, using all my might for him to put me down.

  Suddenly, a hand grabbed my arms and tried to pull me off from Romanov. I screamed at the sudden motion.

  “Let her go, or I’ll call the police officers!” River yelled. Romanov complied and let me down, which River took as an opportunity to pull me to his side. This will only make matters worse. I looked at Romanov, and he was black with anger.


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