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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

Page 30

by Jennise K

  I scoffed, grasping his shirt and pulling him down until I could whisper into his ear too. “You over credit yourself.”

  “Err well…I’ll be going to my room now. I’ll see you all later.” Grayson cleared his throat as he waved awkwardly and began retreating from the embarrassing gathering of people now.

  “Rome, we need to check the documents out.” Matthew motioned towards the stairs, and I felt Romanov’s hand tightening in mine.

  I eyed him just in time to see him levelling his gaze with Matthew’s. Matthew rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in the air.

  “You’re being paranoid! They’re all just friends! Like us with Thi! You don’t see Alex kicking our ass, do you?”

  Romanov growled under his breath, his eyes still on Matthew’s.

  “I know you’re not Alex, but come on!”

  “Fine,” he said in a huff, finally listening to reason. His hold on my hand loosened as he took a step away. I tightened my grip on his hand and pulled him back. He turned his head back, surprised.

  Smiling, I ignored everyone else in the room as I let go of his hand and moved to wrap my arms around him. Tilting my head up, I beamed at him and pressed a peck on his chin. “Thank you!”

  Still beaming, I moved back, watching as Romanov stood there, blinking, before he shook his head. A whisper of a smile appeared on his lips as he turned around and joined Matthew, walking with him towards his office.


  I bit down a loud yelp as a pair of arms wrapped around me and twirled me around. I tried to hide my giggles as I grabbed hold of Jaydin’s now thicker arms.

  “You’ve grown stronger,” I commented as he finally put me down, beaming back at me with a large grin on his face.

  “Yeah! How do I look?” He wiggled his eyebrows as he flexed his biceps, turning and modelling.

  “Amazing!” I smiled as Dominic moved in to give me a hug.

  “How is she?” he whispered slowly, and I felt myself sigh.

  “How are you?” I whispered back. Dominic looked away, getting my answer. He looked back and shook his head.

  “I’m sorry. Jaydin and I were just going upstairs. You should rest.”

  I nodded, looking down with my hands loose on my sides. I understood both my friends. And that was the terrible thing. I understood them and what they wanted. But I could comfort neither of them in the way they wanted me to.

  As the boys made their way towards the flight of stairs, I turned towards Aunt Meryl who stood waiting, her arms wide open, her warm smile inviting me in to stay an extra minute in her embrace. She felt like family—which I suppose she was now. Her tight and warm embrace felt exactly like the ones my mum used to give me, the sort that Mum inherited from Grandma Liz.

  I smiled in the hug as I felt Aunt Meryl stroking my hair gently.

  “He’s tougher to deal with now, isn’t he?”

  I didn’t say anything, and I blushed against her shoulder when Aunt Meryl laughed knowingly.

  “Should I move your belongings to Master Romanov’s room then, Miss?” Marsha asked in a hushed tone as she moved forward. My eyes moved towards the tea in her hand and to the girls still standing behind her.

  I gave them a soft smile.

  “I suppose I’ll have to wait to clear that with him—”

  “Oh, he’ll definitely say yes to that, dear.” Aunt Meryl cut in, and I found myself blushing again.

  “I guess I’ll begin moving my things to his tomorrow then.”

  “That sounds like a fair plan. Why don’t you go and freshen up for tonight?” Aunt Meryl cupped my face with her hands as she smiled at me warmly, and I nodded, smiling back at the old woman.

  “I suppose I should.”


  As the first rush of hot water hit my back, I almost let myself melt down to the tiled floor.

  This room also welcomed me back with wide arms as I found myself walking into it and settled my handbag on the large bed I had only used once. There was also a new pair of clothes placed on the bed, and I quickly found myself rushing towards the bathroom, knowing I needed what the long hot bath could provide.

  It wasn’t long till the heavens fell on me, the hot drops of water melting and kneading my tensed muscles into pure calm and happiness.

  I sighed as I lathered myself up with soap and began slowly running the washing sponge on my shoulder, enjoying the feel of the sponge dragging along my almost numb skin.

  Once the whole deed was done, I took as much time as I could, dressing myself up. But my movements were sluggish; I couldn’t help but slowly give myself in to the tiredness of travelling from London to Berlin.

  I brushed my teeth then wiped my face dry, and finally, I deemed myself ready to hit the sack. When I made my way out the bathroom, with my hand on the door, a small smile spread on my lips for no reason.

  Moving towards the large bed, I quickly slipped under the quilt and tossed until I found a comfortable position. My hands reached for my bag, shuffling around until I felt the soft case of my iPhone.

  Turning the screen on, I moved towards the notification.

  1 message

  From: Prue

  I shook my head as I chuckled to myself, thanking the stars that I still had these people around me. A lot had been stolen from my life. But I was still thankful for everyone who were here, who got to stay.

  To: Prue

  To: Beasty

  Turning on my tummy, I let out a content sigh and sunk my face into the soapy smell of the fluffy pillow, my eyes automatically closing as the tiredness swept over me.

  There was another ping from my phone, and I reached out for it. I patted my hand over the bed until it touched my phone, and I lifted my head up to check what the notification was about.

  “Mmhmm.” I put my phone back and closed my eyes, snuggling into the bed. The low lights of the large room gave me enough darkness to just lay there and doze off.

  When coherent words turned into watercolour waves, when the dull light dimmed to pitch-black—I didn’t know—but soon Somnus found me, and I slowly surrendered into his arms, a temporary keep until my Beast came and took me.

  The beginning stirrings of consciousness had a strange tingling sense to me. I tossed to my other side and flinched as the tingling increased—slowly and steadily until I began feeling it for what it was.


  Everything was hot.

  Groaning against the uneasiness, my hand found my neck, and I noticed I was sweating. Immediately, my eyes snapped open.

  My heart sunk in my chest.



  The whole room was on fire!

  Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!

  Large orange flames crackled as it continued to eat away everything—dancing around the room like the devil, engulfing the curtains, the bed posts—while I sat frozen on the bed.

  In my panic, I began to hyperventilate. My head turned from left to right as I tried to think of how to get out. At least one way to get out of this fiery chamber.

  Phone! Phone!

  Looking frantically at my bed’s side for my phone, I froze when I saw a worn, black, leather book sitting on the bed while the rest of my stuff were nowhere to be found.

  I grasped the book and gasped when I read the name carved on the cover.

  Property of E. Leightmonshtein

  Just then a flaming post from the bed gave away, and I looked up just in time to watch it fall on me.


  Hot, searing pain took over me as I stayed paralysed under the fiery beam, and while I was there, I thought I heard a soft tumble of giggles while the flames grew brighter and my lifeline smaller.

  Chapter 24

  I’ve played with fire a lot lately, waltzing my fingers in the dancing candle flame. Daring to have ambitions are only for men.

  I’ve played with fire a lot lately—or maybe ever since I was born. My dreams have always been larger than the dowry my
father has saved.

  I’m young still. Only sixteen springs lived. I suppose I’ve played with fire each day.

  I wonder if that was what why I took it for granted—fire. Always imagining it to tickle, to bring discomfort. I had trusted myself to still persist in the end.

  But fire is not only that but so much more.

  Fire tickles—but only for so long—for soon, it comes to claw on your skin—ripping it, melting it until it’s dead.

  Real fire has touched me, and I have survived. The disfiguring on my leg, a scar I’ll carry till the last breath.

  This diary is only but a monument to symbolise my survival, the best my father could spare as a modest cobbler.

  I’ve danced with fire—a waltz of flames yellow and red. A blazing door to hell.

  I’ve danced with fire before—what a fascinating road to death.


  My hand kept its hold on the diary, which was stuck under the blazing beam, as I twisted in the bed, trying to move away from the pain, screaming in shock as the flames now clawed onto my skin.

  As the flames grew, the smoke also kept getting heavier and blacker. I choked as another round of darkness covered my eyes.

  I couldn’t think. I couldn’t scream without risking a cough; the smoke was too strong. I couldn’t breathe; it was too blazing hot and there was smoke everywhere!

  I’m dying! I’m dying. I’m dying…

  As the realisation sunk in, I felt my heart jolt in my chest as if in protest, knocking what scarce amount of air that was left in me and pulling me out of the hazy dream.

  I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!

  Letting go of the book, my hand grasped the bed quilt and pulled it off with all my might as the hellfire lapped at me. I felt like my skin was starting to melt under the beam.

  Push it off! Push it off!

  Closing my eyes, I twisted until my legs pressed against the beam, and placing my quilt-swaddled hand on the hot, burning wood, I pushed.


  Survive! Survive, please!

  The beam rolled off the bed, and I sprung up immediately, avoiding the niggling sense to glance at my badly marred hand. I quickly began covering myself with the quilt.

  Live, Olivia! Live! Live!

  My hand grabbed the journal, and I quickly brought my hand inside the quilt, looking around the room, which had now turned into an oven.


  His name came out like a whisper, and I knew it was a risk because I might inhale smoke, but that was a whisper that could bring me my lifeline. Inside, I was screaming, desperate for help.

  Spotting a path that was still free from the blaze, I quickly jumped off the bed, gritting my teeth as my burnt hand brushed against the texture of the quilt’s fabric.

  Tears prickled in my eyes as I tried to blink the biting smoke away while I covered my head with the quilt as best as possible. My sole focus was now on the door.

  I stumbled back when a flaming string of Christmas lights fell in front of my path.

  I couldn’t hold it in, tears ran down my cheeks as I thought of the weight of what was happening, as I thought of how I could no longer escape.

  I didn’t want to die. I still had so much to do. I had too much to live for.

  Life hadn’t been the brightest after I’d lost Mum and Dad. And then I had lost Liz too. Life hadn’t been the happiest.

  But deciding to study in Germany, taking care of Letty, meeting Romanov, I began to find a new dawn again. I’d begun to realise that even though I’d lost so much—almost everything I had cherished and everything that made up my heart—I still had people to hold on to.

  I still had people that loved me, that healed me, that I had to live on for.

  I just couldn’t die. I couldn’t let her win.

  I quickly wiped my tears away using the quilt on my shoulder and gathered it higher around me, forgetting my damaged hand completely. I grabbed the sheets and jumped over the wire which was only a step away from the door now.

  Turning towards the door, I let out a breath of relief when suddenly I began coughing. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and my legs gave away from under me and I fell against the door.

  Everything suddenly got blurry. It was like watching a movie that was completely out of focus. I couldn’t feel my skin, and yet I could feel almost every speck of pain I’d previously never thought possible.

  Wheezing under the quilt, I let my head rest against the door as I kept my eyes shut; the smoke was beginning sting despite my improvised cover.

  Can’t die. Can’t die. Don’t die, Olivia.

  Olivia…be brave. Be fearless.

  “Not.” I dragged in another long shaking breath under the quilt and brought my hand up to the door.


  The wood of the door burned against my palm, but I ignored it. Drawing my hand away a little from the heat, I brought it back in full force, banging on the door.

  My eyes opened and closed as something blurry rushed past me.

  I grit my teeth against the heat and the pain, and fisting my palm, I began to bang on the door harder, faster.

  “Today.” Bang. “Romanov!” Bang. “Rome! Rome! Beas—”

  I felt myself slump as the coughing took over again, my fist still banging on the door while the temperature increased in the room.

  My hand stopped moving, and a small smile slipped on my lips as I thought of this situation.

  My room was currently an oven. And I was well on my way to becoming Edika’s dinner.

  Baked Olivia. With ashes on the side. I had to laugh.

  I fisted my hand again, bringing it back before swinging it forward again, hitting hard against the solid door.

  This time, however, the door gave away, and I fell forward into the arms of Romanov as Dominic threw the large unhinged door on the side.

  Coughing against Romanov and taking in a lungful of fresh air, I pressed my head against his chest, feeling his thundering heart beating a dozen miles per second. Despite myself, I smiled in relief and completely slumped against him.

  He pushed me back a little, and his hands cupped my face.

  “Livia, you’re fine. You’re safe. I’m here. I’m here.”

  My eyes still blurry, I smiled, tilting my head up. “Hi.”

  Then the pain won.

  But I knew I was safe. Romanov was here. And so I let myself surrender to the raging heat that still bit at my skin.


  The first signs of consciousness brushed by with a sudden jolt. A scream ripped out of my lips as I launched forward, my eyes wide open, searching around the crowded room, searching for Romanov.

  My hands, however, stayed pinned at my sides, and I frowned as my head snapped down.

  “You’re safe, Your Majesty. If you could please lie still.”

  I looked at the person talking.

  Light brown hair. Dark grey waistcoat. Gloves.

  The gloved man worked meticulously on my left hand, and I quickly looked away as I caught a glance at the damaged skin. Feeling suddenly dizzy, I laid back down, and it wasn’t long before sleep took me in again.


  My eyes snapped up again, a rush of panic unearthing itself in my chest. “Rome!”

  No one answered.


  My gaze swept from a panic-stricken Aunt Meryl to a crying Marsha and to a worried Sophia. A troubled-looking Rose stood beside her awkwardly.

  I sighed. Rome didn’t seem—

  The large door to the room pushed forward, cutting my thoughts off. I watched as Romanov walked in with Dom, Matthew, and Grayson behind him.

  I frowned when Romanov walked towards the balcony door, not even glancing once in my direction.

  Dominic, on the other hand, turned towards Aunt Meryl. They looked at each other for a second or two before she slowly smiled and turned towards the other women.

  “Ladies, I think it’s best if we get back to cleaning up?
Come along! Marsha, I say, do you still have that leftover pie of yours?”

  “I’ll come help finish that, Aunt Meryl,” Matthew spoke as he awkwardly undid his neck button.

  I watched as the women spared me a parting glance, smiling at me encouragingly as they moved out of the room. Matthew also sent a warm smile my way before he followed behind, shutting the door behind him.

  A heavy silence hung around the room. The doctor continued to work on my hand, and I flinched at the occasional stings where his hand poked at the burns, where my nerves weren’t damaged. Other than that, my hand strangely felt numb.

  It didn’t exactly matter at that moment, though.

  My eyes stayed on Romanov’s back while he just stood in front of the balcony glass door, looking out at the view, away from me.


  He didn’t turn. I frowned, the awkward looks on Dominic’s and Grayson’s faces slightly getting to me.


  Again, he didn’t turn.

  The doctor cleared his throat under his breath.

  I suddenly felt panicked.


  He turned and began striding towards the bed, his steely eyes focused only on me.

  I shifted in the bed, suddenly nervous. He moved closer, and I quickly broke eye contact, looking at his chest instead.

  Then, so as not to make things awkward, what with people around us, I asked him, “Are y-you o—”

  Then he answered me by pressing his lips to mine, knocking the wind out of my lungs.

  His hands framed my face and his fingers slipped in my hair while he kissed me with yearning and relief so intense, I felt that I’d melt then and there.

  The doctor instantly stopped his work, and I snapped my eyes open out of shock. My wide eyes slowly closed again as Romanov’s mouth lured me back into the most pleasurable of sensations, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. The caress of his lips was so soft against mine, and I sighed into the kiss.

  Romanov’s kiss turned desperate and demanding like he wanted to assure me he was there or assure himself that I was fine, that I was still alive.


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