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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

Page 40

by Jennise K

  I was still riding on my high when Romanov thrust in one last time, and he came with such force even he could not help but call out my name. I shivered as I felt him release inside me. My fingers loosened around him as I panted out in the aftermath. My eyes began closing, but I still held Romanov closer.

  I was spent.


  “Oh boy, you look like you haven’t slept all night,” Isabelle said as she watched me through her own camera.

  I groaned as I slapped a hand over my face to cover it. “I can’t feel my legs. Romanov just couldn’t get enough last night. I can’t feel my anywhere…well, except for—”


  My face turned warm, and I groaned aloud. “I’m sorry! I just needed to tell someone and get advice.”

  Isabelle’s eyebrows furrowed on my iPhone screen, and she moved in closer. “What advice?”

  I felt myself blush harder. “How do I get out of bed if I can’t feel my legs?”

  “You’re telling me you’ve been lying there since last night? Olivia! Get yourself into the bath, young miss!” Isabelle screeched scandalously, which I didn’t think was possible, but I felt my cheeks turn warmer.

  “Oh, shut up. He helped me bathe and changed the sheets last night,” I mumbled softly, trying to look anywhere other than the screen.

  “God, err…okay. Try to shuffle out of the bed, slowly,” Isabelle instructed, bringing a cup of steaming black tea up to her lips. Isabelle disliked coffee.

  “Okay.” I nodded, slowly beginning to get myself out of bed. I looked at my toes as my feet dangled from the bed, a clear gap between the floor and my feet. Slowly, I let my toes touch the floor, and as I increased the weight on my feet, the delicious discomfort between my legs was made piercingly clear.

  “Ah! It stings,” I grumbled, still leaning on the bed as I looked at my iPhone screen again.

  On the screen, Isabelle frowned as she once again moved closer to her screen. “What did he do to you all night?”

  Instantly, I looked down and I felt my heart jump in my chest. The maroon patches were roughly scattered along my upper chest. I could only imagine what he had done to my neck. He’d made them in my inner thighs as well.


  “It’s okay! You don’t need to tell me!” Isabelle quickly blurted out before I replied, and I couldn’t help but grin at the clearly flustered girl. Instead, slowly mustering up enough courage, I began taking steps towards the bathroom.

  “How are you by the way? Is Charles feeling all right now?”

  “He’s feeling a lot better than he did yesterday. I hardly talk to Mum and them anymore. Guess it was supposed to be like this. I’m just glad I have Charles. I really love the guy, Olli.”

  “I know. You should marry him.” I wiggled my eyebrows as I made it to the bathroom door, twisting the knob as I pulled it open.

  Immediately, Isabelle giggled, turning red. “Shut up.”

  “Say, when are you coming back to London?”

  I smiled. I’d wondered about that question as well. “During my birthday next year.”

  “Okay, cool. You let me know so that I’m ready, okay?”

  “Yeah, yes! I’ll let you know before I get there. I’ll probably come alone so we’ll have a lot of time together. I really miss you, to be honest.”

  “I miss you too, Ol—what was that?”

  I frowned. I’d heard that, too. “It sounded like a door banging shut or something.”

  “Hey, you told me about that curse or something, right? Don’t go outside!” Isabelle whispered as she shook her head desperately.

  “Do you expect me to stay in the washroom all day then?” I hissed back, but I quickly locked the door and took a step back into the large bathroom until my back touched the vanity.

  “Yes,” Isabelle hissed back immediately.

  I sighed.

  “Okay, I’ll stay here. “I should text Romanov or something.”

  “Olli? Are you in there?”

  Thank God! It was only Dominic!

  Immediately, I rushed forward—flinching every now and then as each step caused more ache—and unlocking the door, I swung it open.

  “Is that…”

  The relieved look on my face fell as I turned towards my phone’s screen.

  Oh no…Dominic…

  “Yeah.” I nodded sadly as I watched my best friend’s smile fade.

  “I need to go. I’ll text you,” Isabelle said, looking away from the screen now.

  “No, Issy, don—damn it.” I shook my head as I looked up at Dominic and pursed my lips.

  “You better get your shite together, mate,” I told him.

  “Are you all right?” he replied, frowning.

  “Honestly, why are you torturing yourself? You look like you’re about to pass out after the full moon last night. How are you even up and functioning?” I ignored Dominic’s question and just peppered him with my own.

  “And you look like you’ve been thoroughly done all night. Go take a bath,” Dominic snapped back before turning around and walking out of the same door he had come in from, slamming it shut.

  I blinked. Did he just say that? Are we ever going to go back to being comfortable like before?

  I sighed and walked back into the bathroom, locking the door behind me again. Maybe I really did need a bath. A bath might just solve all my life’s problems.

  Placing my phone aside, I picked up my toothbrush, and applying a big blob of toothpaste I probably didn’t need, I began brushing my teeth.


  I stilled.


  The hairs on the back of my neck began standing up as I felt a cold gust of wind graze my skin.

  I could feel her standing behind me. Close. Very close. I could almost feel her breath on me.

  I wanted to cry. My legs began to give away, and I quickly grabbed onto the vanity. My eyes snapped up to the mirror, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. A cold sweat broke on my forehead.

  She stood right behind me, almost an inch away. I saw her distorted face, her small black eyes that were looking right at me. Not at the mirror. I couldn’t stop shaking. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. I felt like my neck was blocked. So instead, I cried, silently letting the tears slip down my face as I stared at my death.

  This was it. I was about to die.

  Suddenly, Edika turned, her dead eyes finding mine on the mirror.


  Instantly, I turned around, moving closer to the vanity as I did so. My heart raged in my chest as I just stood there staring at an empty space where only a few breaths ago, Edika was standing.

  She was just there, beside me in the mirror. Where had she gone?

  I had been wrong…I had just been stupidly hopeful…

  Edika was real after all.

  Chapter 32

  I don’t want to die…

  I sprinted towards the door and flung it open, trying to rush out into the bedroom.

  I didn’t know anything except the fact that I didn’t want to die. Not yet. Not yet. A step into the bedroom and I felt my balance give away, my eyes widening as I watched—almost in slow motion—as the floor came closer and closer towards my face.

  “Umph!” My face smacked flat against the floor rugs, just as the first blow of pain hit my body in a wave.

  I’d tripped on something. I tried to collect myself as I turned back, scared but curious.

  The old, battered black journal lay before the bathroom door, wide open.

  E. L.

  Biting back my fear, I frowned as I reached for the journal, biting my lip just as a sharp pain shot through my right arm.

  Mirror. A side that holds reality, while the other holds its reflection.

  When reflection revolts, the other must disappear.

  My world,

  a despair.

  Voice. A tone that can be heard, while the other cannot.

When silence revolts, the other must turn dumb.

  My heart,

  filled with fear.

  I wish it was not as so. I wish it was not.

  But I see the reflection. It speaks to me.

  It says my name…

  Such bitter cussing,

  My voice, once heard has now turned mute.

  I’m afraid.

  I do not want to die.

  – EL

  I frowned.

  Edika didn’t want to die? Reflection? Voice? Cussing?

  Is…is she trying to tell me something?

  I sat on the floor of the room, my thoughts running wild as my mind ran through the chain of events again, with one question repeating itself in my mind:

  Why didn’t she kill me when she had the chance right now?

  In my hands, the pages of the journal flipped, opening to another page. The loud thud of the book smacking the floor sounded around the silent room as I watched the journal with wide, horror-filled eyes.

  The page just turned by itself! Pages don’t turn by themselves!

  The curse of Julius.

  I’d known before we had married.

  His curse. The moon.

  But this is not it…this is something far deeper, far more sinister.

  They say soulmates are forever, but how far can forever go for one?

  And what if one crosses the limits?

  Then there must be a price.

  Now the price must be paid.

  – EL

  “Another curse?” I whispered, frowning while I looked at the entry. My eyes halted on the spots that had tear stains. “What is the real story behind the curse?”

  Surely, there was something that wasn’t known to the world here—a truth that was far beyond what we already knew, something that I was supposed to figure out now. But what?

  “Are you trying to tell me something?” I asked out loud, sighing as I dropped both my hands to my lap in exhaustion. Then I froze.

  She was here. She was behind me. In fucking broad daylight for God’s sake! They weren’t supposed to come during broad daylight! This wasn’t the horror movie norm!

  “What are you trying to tell me?” I whispered, not even daring to think about moving, not even a little bit.

  I felt her move closer. She was whispering. But I couldn’t figure out what she was trying to say. It almost sounded inaudible like she was talking backwards.

  “I d-don’t understand what you’re saying.”

  She moved closer, causing more goose bumps to appear all over my body.

  “The onnneee heeeeard willll beeeee silencedddd.”

  I felt as her long fingers moved my hair back and slowly traced Romanov’s mark.


  “If you’re g-going to kil-kill me, j-just do it right now,” I stuttered as I clenched Romanov’s shirt in absolute terror. It was cold everywhere. In this moment, there was nothing but cold surrounding me.

  I didn’t know what to do, who to call, and who to run to. Where could I run when she was everywhere? This was it. This was it—it was the end. She had come to take her claim.

  I had always known this day would come. Agreeing to be with Romanov, I had secretly agreed to living like this. I knew it was selfish of me to just die. There was Letty to look after, the empire my grandpa and Mum had spent their lives working on. There were my friends. There was Romanov. It was selfish to be ready to surrender to death and not think of the people who I would leave behind.

  It was selfish to think only of myself—collecting as many memories of everyone, living as much as I could with Romanov, being loved by Romanov, and giving him as much love as I could—and just surrender everything to Edika in the end.

  It wasn’t like I wanted to die. To be ready to die didn’t mean that I wanted to die. I wanted to live with Romanov, Letty, and everyone. I wanted to wake up and feel the morning breeze on my skin. I wanted to smile, to love and be loved. I wanted to graduate and work and to see Letty grow. I wanted to grow old with Romanov. But still, with every moment that I already had of them, if death came and demanded my life, I’d be ready. If it spared Romanov, I was ready.

  Edika…I’m ready.


  My eyes snapped open, and I turned towards the source of the voice. Dominic stood outside the slightly opened door, his very concerned-looking face peeking in. Slowly, he opened the door a little wider and took a step in.

  “I, err, I came to apologise about earlier, but then I saw you sitting there alone like that. Are you all right? Are you sick somewhere?”


  Immediately, I turned to give the whole room an overview, my eyes jumping to every crook and cranny while I tried to find even a shadow of her presence.

  Why wasn’t Edika killing me? Could she…could she be helping me? Then…what is the curse? What is the real curse? Who wants to kill me?


  I blinked, my head snapping up to meet Dominic’s again. “Yeah?”

  “Are you all right?”

  I shook my head. This was all too much. I needed to clear my mind. I couldn’t go on like this. I needed to clear my mind to think.

  “Yeah.” I waved my hand dismissively, getting on my feet as I walked out of the bedroom. “I think I just need to get out of the castle and free my mind.”

  “Erm, Olli, are you sure you want to wear that out there?”

  “Huh?” I frowned, my eyes following his gaze until I saw what he was talking about—Romanov’s t-shirt. Understanding and embarrassment washed over me, and I stopped in my steps.

  “Err…yeah…I just need…where’s Rome?”

  “I’m here.”

  Instantly, I turned around and smiled when my eyes found his familiar black orbs. Pouting a little, I quickly padded my way towards him before grasping his shirt. I felt more exhausted than what I had been feeling a minute ago. The adrenaline from the ghost encounter was fading out, and instead, dread and tiredness stood in its place. I let my head drop against his chest.

  “I’m scared. Can you stand outside the door while I shower?”

  His hand found my hair, and he softly caressed them before letting his hand back down. “Let’s go.”

  “I’ll leave you guys here then. Call me if you need me, Ro,” Dominic said brightly from behind me, but I was too tired to turn around and wave at him properly so I just sighed and mumbled, “See ya.”

  “Laters, man,” Romanov’s deep voice drawled out the words emotionlessly, making me look up at him curiously.

  “Hey.” I nudged Romanov. “You okay?”

  Romanov sighed, averting my gaze. My eyes snapped to his hand as he held my hand loosely. “Yes.”

  I frowned. Another emotionless reply. “Are you mad at me?”

  This time, Romanov’s eyes met mine. I felt a chill sweep through me. “Yes. Now, let’s go.”

  As the large doors of our bedroom closed behind me, I turned around as my grip on his arm tightened.

  “What did I do?”

  “You should shower,” Romanov muttered, not seeming to be bothered by my question at all as he began walking towards shower again, dragging me behind him.

  “Wait! Ro—” I sighed. The bathroom’s door smacked close right in front of my face, and I frowned at the floor as I dropped towards it.

  What’s happened to Rome? What have I done? Wait…I haven’t done anything! So why is he so mad?

  Suddenly, Romanov being upset at me seemed more of a problem than knowing about another curse. Something also made me not want to tell Romanov about the experience. Another sigh left my lips as I finally turned away from the door and began walking towards the shower, removing my clothes, and dropping them on the floor one by one as I did so.

  “I don’t know why I don’t want to tell Rome,” I said to myself as I slipped under the warm tumble of water raining down from the showerhead. “But if I don’t tell Rome, then I’ll be another one of those idiot females from TV shows w
ho end up getting really hurt in the end.”

  I weighed the options. Telling Romanov meant I’d have him supporting me in this new turn of events. I’d have more security with me, and there’d be more than one person’s brain working on this new dilemma.

  Not telling Romanov meant that I’d have to talk to him even though he was mad at me for unknown reasons. Then Romanov would probably store me away in a safe house or something just to keep me safe, and I wouldn’t get into a bigger trouble if I told everyone about this now—especially Romanov.

  I shook my head under the shower, washing away the shampoo as I did so. “I’ll just tell Romanov and get over this! Then I can be free of any future guilt!”

  The feeling of finally being clean felt liberating as I walked out of the shower, a towel wrapped around me, fifteen minutes later. Drying my hair with another towel, I quickly brushed my teeth.

  Minutes later, having already brushed, washed my face, done my skincare routine, and changed to fresh clothes, I looked at the silver doorknob and contemplated. It was a very hard decision—to go out and face Romanov or not.

  A sigh slipped from between my lips, and I shook my head. I couldn’t live in the bathroom.

  “Hey, thanks for waiting,” I mumbled quietly as I eased my way out of the bathroom and slowly walked into the bedroom. My eyes stayed on a silent Romanov, who remained seated on the bed, looking down at the floor.

  “Can you tell me why you’re upset with me now?” I whispered as I reached him, my toes brushing with his.

  It was like he hadn’t heard me, like I hadn’t spoken a single word let alone two sentences. I looked down at our feet. The twisted towel on my head loosened a bit, but I ignored it as I stepped between his legs.


  I hadn’t seen it coming. One moment I was standing in front of him and the next, I was on the bed, below a very strong and deadly-looking Romanov.

  “Tell me,” he growled, ripping the large white t-shirt I had just worn a couple of minutes ago. Him removing the shred of cloth off me shocked me. Sure, he’d been ripping my clothes a lot, but this felt like he just hated me. He flicked it beside the bed.


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