Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2) Page 43

by Jennise K

  “Maybe we should leave the pair alone. He is her mate after all. I’m sure he wouldn’t hurt her,” Matthew whispered from somewhere around the room, and soon, I heard the shuffle of footsteps moving out of the room.


  “Theia!” Alexander’s warning whisper echoed around the room, and a second later, the living area was empty except the two of us.

  “I’m not scared of you. I’m just cold.” I sighed as I tried to ease out of Romanov’s grip.

  Still, he didn’t budge. “Do you think I would harm you?”

  My eyes snapped to his. Why was he asking me this?

  “No.” I shook my head. “Not unless you consider these blood clots harmful.”

  Romanov’s eyes narrowed into slits, and before I knew it, I was pressed against the sofa, my back touching the warm leather surface while my chest continued to remain crushed against Romanov’s own.

  “It isn’t me. I’d never hurt you. Trust—”

  “I do!” I blurted out, taking a deep breath in. I nodded and repeated myself, “I do. I do trust you. I just flinched because you’re literally burning up.”

  “I’m not.” Romanov narrowed his eyes as his gaze moved from me to his hands that were bracing in a fist beside my head.

  I sighed, realizing what just happened after putting two and two together.

  “You have a fever, Rome. What have you done to yourself these past two days?” I snapped suddenly, unable to control my frustration as I wrenched my hand from his grip only to hit him across his chest.

  Sighing as I felt my frustration seep out with the blow, I let myself relax underneath him. My fingers slowly found his dark hair, easing them back behind his ear.

  Romanov let out a shaky breath as he let his full weight drop on me. His nose automatically found its favourite place in the crook of my neck, and he sighed contentedly. “I did tell you I can’t sleep without you.”


  “Can you take off your coat? The buttons are digging into my skin,” I whispered to an asleep Romanov twenty minutes later, poking his shoulder to rouse him. His weight was beginning to get to me, and I tried for the hundredth time to shift underneath him in order to find a more comfortable position.


  “Do you want to sleep here all night?”

  Looking up, my eyes met an amused Aunt Meryl’s, and I looked away as I felt myself blush. When had she gotten here?

  Romanov nuzzled my neck, unbothered by Aunt Meryl. “Can you get naked?”

  “Let’s go upstairs, okay?” I whispered, beginning to get embarrassed at being so exposed to Aunt Meryl.


  A gasp slipped out of my lips when one minute I was on the couch underneath Romanov and in the next, I was being placed on our bed.

  “Can you get naked now?” Romanov mumbled sleepily as he got into the bed, just in his boxers. His fingers immediately found the buttons of my blouse, and I watched, amused, as a sleepy Romanov began undressing me until, like him, only my knickers remained.

  “Thank you.” Romanov’s lips found my cheek. “My beast feels more at ease, now.”


  “Rose is framing you.”

  My eyes snapped up towards Grayson.

  The next day found us seated in an Indian restaurant. The large table was able to accommodate the large number of people present for today’s meeting: Romanov, Dom, Gray, Aunt Meryl, the Wilhem family, and I.

  On the table was a variety of Indian cuisine—some weren’t even ordered. Apparently, Mr. Sharma, the owner, belonged to Romanov’s kingdom. I didn’t even have to ask why.

  I slouched further on the table as I listened to everyone discussing the current situation. When the day’s plans had been announced at the morning table today, I had been pretty sure everyone wanted to discuss my curse case away from the castle—and its prying ears.

  “Why do you say that?” Alexander tore a piece of his roti and scooped a little bit of curry with it. After which he proceeded to plop it into his mouth.

  Wow, impressive. I gaped as I tried to pull off the same actions with just as much finesse then failed.

  “Think about it: Sophia thought it was her blood, and she covered for Rose. That means Sophia must have seen her trying to get rid of the blood. Which means Rose must have been applying the blood and not trying to get rid of it when Sophia saw her. Which means Rose is trying to set Romanov up. Which means Rose is our culprit!”

  “What do you do again?”

  “I’m a nurse—well intern for now.” Grayson sipped on his lemon juice.

  I almost spit out mine. “What?”

  “Aww! Little Olli didn’t know?” Grayson teased but immediately shut up when Romanov let out a warning growl.

  “Don’t tease her.”

  I stuck a tongue out at Gray.

  “Your point of view does quite make sense, Gray,” Aunt Meryl mused thoughtfully, nodding to herself.

  I felt myself slouch further against the table. Any more and I’d be kissing it very soon. Yes, Gray’s point sounded solid, but I secretly didn’t want it to be right. Rose had been one of my sources of support when I arrived at the castle, and after all this time, I had considered her a good friend.

  To think that she had wanted to harm me behind those smiles. How could anyone ever know who to trust anymore? I shook my head in disappointment.

  “Yeah, even if I don’t want it to be real, you’re onto something here. But why try to frame Rome?” I mumbled. The familiar feeling of Romanov’s large hand found itself on my thigh, and I couldn’t help but smile a little when he squeezed my thigh softly, comforting me.

  “Yeah! And isn’t it too easy, though?” Theia questioned out loud, her eyebrows scrunched together in suspicion.

  “Maybe she likes Rome? And what do you mean, Thi?” Matthew brought his coffee to his lips.

  “Well, I know it has been established that Queen Edika does not exist and all this is the work of someone around us. But I mean, without the motive Queen Edika’s angle provides us, why? And isn’t it too easy that it’s Rose?”

  Queen Edika. The weight on my chest felt heavier. That’s right; Julius was a beast. He was also a king…and Edika was his wife. Edika was a luna.

  My mind fluttered back to Theia’s words, and I shuddered as I recollected the events a couple of days ago. No…there was one thing she thought wrong.

  “Edika is real.”

  I could feel Romanov tense beside me. His grip on my thigh tightened, and my own hand immediately covered his.

  “What do you mean?” Romanov’s quiet unreadable tone made the hairs on my back stand with warning.

  I turned my eyes to his already dark ones, and I gulped as I said, “Edika. She has…She spoke to me.”


  If someone had asked me a couple of months ago what I would be doing today, I’d never in my wildest dreams imagine that I’d be sitting here in the middle of a restaurant with a bunch of people who weren’t human (well, most of them) telling them that a ghost talked to me. But here I was, seated beside a beast I was in love with and in a table full of people and beasts who I had grown to love as well.

  Explaining the occurrences of Edika’s and my meeting to the group was strangely embarrassing. The constant biting of fear and doubt that they might not believe me and think I was going crazy—was always at the back of my head when I explained in detail what the ghost and diary had said.

  By the time I was finished, the whole table was filled with silence.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. When you heard me in the bathroom, I was actually talking about this,” I mumbled as I turned towards Romanov, still looking down to our hands as I did so.

  Romanov nodded, his grip on my thigh loosened, and instead, he grasped my hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

  “So, what you’re saying is that the story that we have grown up knowing and being told…is not what really happened? Edika wasn’t the one who put the
curse?” Alexander frowned at his cousin. When his gaze turned on me next, I couldn’t help but nod nervously in response. I knew he wasn’t looking at me for an answer. We were basically going to be related by law soon. But everything about this large man exuded power and demanded respect, I couldn’t help it.

  It was as if Alexander could see my inner dilemma. A big smile spread on the man’s face, and he nodded back teasingly. I felt my cheeks begin to heat profusely.

  “He’s very nice, isn’t he?”


  My breath hitched in my throat, and my eyes instantly snapped to the person who had whispered the question in my ears. Romanov’s black eyes blazed with jealousy as we looked at each other, the tips of our noses almost touching.

  “Don’t you think so, too?” I whispered again, realising that Romanov was actually jealous of his cousin right now. It was the truth, though; King Alexander seemed like a very nice man.

  Knowing he was caught in his own trap, Romanov only huffed and nodded moodily.

  The rest of the table grinned at each other as they heard our secret exchange. Suddenly, Matthew straightened in his seat. “What if Rose is really good in robotics?”

  “What?” My head turned towards him.

  Alexander seemed to see his point, and suddenly, he too was straightened up. “Ah! Like those things in Scooby Doo?”

  “What?” Romanov’s voice couldn’t hide his bewilderment with his cousin’s and best friend’s cartoon interests.

  “Bryce, you can’t really bring a cartoon in this situation,” Theia hissed as she nudged her husband. Theia looked very radiant beside him. I had noticed ever since we had properly been introduced how the beautiful woman always had her husband near her. Their skin was always touching just like now. Snow and Cole, on the other hand, were quite peacefully asleep in their twin strollers right beside her.

  “Sorry, Olivia. We’re fathers, so we have to watch cartoons a lot.” Alexander shrugged before turning to his wife with a warm grin. Theia smiled back as she nodded and then leaned forward to give him a kiss.

  “But it does make a bit of sense. What if this ghost we keep seeing isn’t really a ghost?” Matthew frowned.

  “She’s real.” I sighed, shaking my head. I knew she was real. She was. The chills that ran up my back told me so. Her see-through self told me so. Edika was real. But she wasn’t what we always thought she was.

  “What do we do now?” Dom asked.

  If only I knew, Dom. If only I knew.

  However, Romanov did.

  “Now we keep a lookout while we build a trap.”


  “I think I should go stay at Prue’s for a bit.”

  We were lying in bed. The day had already broken, and the sun shining proudly upon us.

  When the sun had risen hours ago, I had found myself strangely waking with it. A heavy arm draped around my middle, and warm breaths fanned my temple. I had tried anything to go back to sleep and enjoy the comfort it brought me for a little while longer but to no avail.

  I lay there, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. I waited until I could go back to sleep, but after almost half an hour of tossing and turning, I was still awake, as Somnus had disappeared once again.

  Reality sunk in quite quickly afterwards, and although it took me a bit, I had finally managed to extract myself from the bed, get showered, cleaned up, dressed, and went out of the room as soon as I could. Remaining in the room would only make Romanov wake up earlier. I wasn’t the subtlest person on the planet.

  But that had been hours ago, between the morning and now. I already had breakfast and finally finished and submitted the final draft of my assignment.

  I felt a little guilty. Along with the truth in my findings area, I had spilled in a whole lot of bullshit as well. I couldn’t write the whole truth, after all. To write about the curse and this castle would only leave everyone I cared about exposed to danger. I didn’t want that.

  “What do you mean?” Romanov’s deep, rough, just-woken-up voice sent a spark through my body, and I couldn’t help but secretly enjoy it when Romanov’s arms shot forward and dragged me until he almost engulfed me.

  “I mean, maybe I should stay at Prue’s or get an apartment or something, and you should come with me. If it’s someone from the castle, then they will get frustrated not seeing you here, and they’ll come find us.”

  “No. That’s too dangerous. You can’t put Prue, Grandma Liz, and Letty in that kind of danger just for us, can you?”

  I sighed, pulling Romanov’s hand underneath my shirt which was fondling my right boob. “Stop. That’s really distracting. I’ve talked to Prue. They’re planning to go on a vacation for two weeks. Besides, anything and everything is dangerous, Rome. It became dangerous from the moment you and I met. What difference does this make?”

  “It makes a lot of difference, Livia. I don’t want you hurt anymore. Ever since we’ve met, you’ve almost been killed four times!” he said then grasped my shoulder and quickly turned me around in bed.

  “I’m still alive right now, aren’t I?”

  “Stop fucking acting like that’s a joke, Livia,” Romanov hissed under his breath, completely removing his off me. I heaved out a tired breath as I grabbed hold of Romanov’s hand and dragged it back onto my boob.

  “I’m not.” I insisted, pouting at the suddenly golden-eyed Romanov.

  “This is not fair,” Romanov said, looking quite angry. However, his hand continued to cup my breast, his thumb rubbing slow circles on the soft skin.

  “Please.” I leaned forward and placed a long kiss on his cheeks. “It makes sense. It could work.”

  “Alright, but you’re not staying at Prue’s this time. We’re living at my house.”


  “But isn’t this your house already?” My eyes widened slightly, shocked. I was almost ready to either bolt out of the bed or jump on Romanov. Why couldn’t he see that this was not a bad idea?

  “No. This is the family home.” Romanov’s fingers left my chest and lazily trailed down to my stomach. “My house is just fifteen minutes from the university. That’s where Theia and her family have been staying over.”

  I frowned. I had known that they did not stay in the castle often. After all, it was haunted. No couple in their right minds would keep their children in this castle with the history it had—a history that still haunted these walls. But I hadn’t thought that they’d stay in Romanov’s house. I had thought King Alexander just had his own home here.

  “Oh,” I mumbled, trying to say something more but was embarrassingly at a loss of words.

  “Hmm.” Romanov pulled me closer. “I like this, just you being in my arms.”

  “Why can’t you be in my arms?” I teased, shuffling a little until I could tilt my head up to look at him.

  “Because I’m stronger physically and it’s my duty to protect you, my little soulmate.”

  My fingers toyed with the hairs on his arm. “What if I want to protect you?”

  Romanov remained quiet for a minute, thinking about what to reply, before he placed a kiss on my forehead, causing a smile to automatically spread on my lips.

  “I love you, Olivia.”

  My smile brightened, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment of just being in his arms and talking to him. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 34

  Ever since I had found myself being taught the art of social etiquette, I’d come to realise that I was quite tactless.

  I didn’t know what to do when people cried. I didn’t know how to go around talking to people when I wanted to hide something from them.

  The worst part was that when questioned directly, I was even worse at lying.

  That was how I found myself the next morning; I was in a very tight spot. Grandma Liz remained silent on the other side of the line, and I held my breath as I waited for her to react.

  Calling her was one of the first things I’d decided to do today. Grandma Liz was enigm
atic; I didn’t know when she’d show up here if she wanted to meet me. I didn’t even know if she’d come alone or with Letty. And that could be dangerous. The last thing I wanted was my niece on such dangerous grounds. She could be held captive for leverage. Anything was possible. So, telling Grans seemed like the only option. It was far better than having her arrive here without having any knowledge what she was walking into.

  “And where are you going to be staying again?” Grandma Liz questioned again, her voice quiet and contemplating.

  I gulped, knowing how this tone was never good news.

  “We’re staying over at Rome’s home.”

  “So…the castle? I already know that.”

  I sighed. “That’s his family home, Grans. He has a place of his own.”

  There was a small pause before she spoke again.

  “Where’s this mansion of his?”

  “It’s close to the university,” I replied.

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “What? Gran, but don’t you have to—”

  “So, you don’t want me to come visit for a day or two? Where are you really going, Olivia?”

  “Nowhere but—”

  “So, you don’t mind if I settle myself in for a few days?”

  Why are you behaving this way?

  Speechless and helpless, I turned towards Romanov awkwardly.

  “What do I do?” I whispered as I shifted on his lap. Romanov’ arm around me tightened, and he shrugged as he whispered back, “It can be dangerous.”

  “I’m coming.” Grandma Liz’s sharp voice cut our silent conversation off, and I jolted up in surprise. “Tell Romanov to pick me up when you both leave for the house.”

  I blinked. I couldn’t even begin to describe my confused helplessness.

  “Okay,” I mumbled, helplessly looking up at Romanov.

  “Great,” a satisfied Grandma Liz said from the other side of the line.

  From his spot beside me, Romanov sighed. “Great.”


  “Great! That’s everything,” Gran announced happily as she slid into the back seat and closed the Jeep’s door shut. Beside me, Romanov straightened in his seat, and I quickly grasped his hand.


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