Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2) Page 44

by Jennise K

“What’s wrong? Is Romanov okay?”

  No, he’s just upset about you endangering yourself.

  “I’m fine, Liz. Just have a killer headache that’s all,” Romanov mumbled from beside me. The edge in his voice told me that his headache was definitely real. I sighed.

  He must be so worried for Grans.

  His car began rolling down the road, and I sighed, thankful for the distraction the passing homes provided me.

  “Oh dear! Then why are you galloping off on an early honeymoon? Shouldn’t you get well first?”

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry. As long as I have your granddaughter, I’ll be fine.”

  My heart jumped in my chest with the warmth I could only associate with Romanov. Slowly reaching out, I grasped his hand, hooking our fingers together. All the while my eyes remained on the passing homes.

  Romanov’s fingers squeezed mine in assurance. With that one touch, I knew what he wanted to tell me.

  I’m here. It’ll be all right.


  “What are you thinking about?”

  That I have no privacy nowadays. Even with my own thoughts.

  “Nothing, Gran.”

  “So, you’re telling me you’ve been sitting here thinking about nothing for the past two hours.” Grandma Liz frowned as she settled herself beside me, two mugs of cocoa in her hands.

  “I don’t feel so good,” I grumbled, getting up from the sofa.

  Staring at the exit for a second, I tentatively took a step towards it.

  “Olivia? Where are you going? I got you cocoa!”

  Despite Grandma Liz’s question, my feet didn’t stop. Instead, I increased my pace, feeling strangely moodier by the second. “I want Romanov.”

  I thought I heard Grandma Liz say, “Kids these days,” but I shrugged it off. I was almost on my way up the stairs anyway. I could have heard wrong.

  Climbing up the stairs, I slipped my phone out and tapped on Messages, thinking of the fastest way the get rid of the audience.

  A sigh slipped off my lips, and I shook my head. My bare feet tapped against the wood flooring with faster determination as I made my way towards where I knew Romanov would be. The tips of my fingers itched to touch him, and I almost whined with frustration. Hopefully, Grayson had done what I had asked. It was for their best, after all.

  I had been feeling this way a lot lately. It was irritating how I was visibly rattled whenever we were apart for more than a couple of hours. He was large, and I was small in stature. I liked being engulfed by him. It was my very own secret happy place. I liked the feeling of being protected by him.

  The light chalk grey painted wooden door came into view, and I twitched my nose as I found myself twisting the knob open and marching in, ignoring the surprised looks on Grayson’s and Dominic’s faces. Grayson should have evacuated the room when he had gotten my text.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled slowly, apologising in advance to everyone as I reached Romanov, who was seated at his desk. His large, black chair almost seemed like a large throne behind him. His surprised wide dark eyes remained on mine while I heaved out a breath of air and climbed on the chair, settling myself on his lap as I straddled him. The pads of my fingers slowly grazed over his shirt before clutching onto it, in case he decided to push me to stand up again. I wasn’t going to let go. I let myself go limp against him. The soft fabric of his shirt against my cheek, the familiar cologne that was a scent I only associated with his—this was home.

  Automatically, his large hands slipped around my back and tightened his hold on me.

  “Err…we’ll just…get on with this, Alpha!” Dominic’s voice spoke in the silence of the room. I noticed the surprise in his tone and blushed slightly. The door swung open and then shut moments later.

  “What’s wrong, Livia?” Romanov asked softly, tightening his hold around me. I felt his muscles move underneath my back as he stood up with me still in his arms. Immediately, my legs wrapped around him, and I sighed. “Nothing. I’m just being clingy. I’m sorry.”

  A humorous chuckle escaped Romanov’s throat, and I shivered at the deep, husky sound. “You being clingy—I like it.”

  I flinched, feeling the approval break another layer of shame from me. “You will regret saying that.”

  The sound of Romanov’s husky chuckle echoed around the room again. “Probably.”


  “Mean.” I pouted, smacking lightly on his chest.


  I titled my face up, black pools meeting my own. “Hmm?”

  “I miss you.”

  “But I’m right here.” I chuckled, snaking my arms tighter around his shoulder.

  My breath hitched when Romanov’s fingers slipped underneath my skirt and found my wetness.

  “Not close enough,” Romanov whispered. His warm breath blew into my skin, and I shivered as his fingers brushed against the lace of my knickers at the same time. Immediately, my hand found his, stopping him.

  “Stop. Someone might come in!” I said, feeling my face warm under the dark gaze of my soulmate.

  “Do you really want me to st—”

  The harsh sound of Romanov’s ringtone cut him off and disturbed the soft silence in the room.

  I nodded, urging him to receive the call. I resorted to turn my attention to his collar.

  “Hello, Romanov speaking.”


  “Oh hey, Spence. What’s going on?”

  Oh…her…I don’t like her.

  “Is something wrong?”

  My eyes snapped to Romanov’s face. What’s wrong?

  “What? Right now?”

  I frowned. Something must be really wrong for her to call him right now.

  “How did that happen? I thought the proposed amount was approved by their team?”

  Work problem? Could this really not wait?



  “How long will it take?”

  I don’t want him to go.


  Work, Romanov mouthed, waiting for my reaction, reading me.

  Quick! Smile!

  Go! Go! I mouthed back, smiled, and Romanov’s watchful face transformed into a relieved grin. It was strange; I didn’t feel secretly bad at all.

  “Okay, I’ll see you and the team at the office in an hour.”


  “Yes, tell Jarred to be there too.”


  “Okay, see you,” he said and ended the call.

  “Do you want to come?”

  I looked at him questioningly. “Hmm?”

  “Do you want to come with me? Stay in my office and watch me work?”

  I couldn’t help the amused smile that fluttered on my lips. It’s not like we had never done that before, but definitely not on a Saturday evening. I thought of me lazing on the couch in his office while they held a meeting. A chuckle slipped from my mouth, and I shook my head.

  Smiling cheekily at Romanov, I reached forward and smacked my lips onto his, pulling away before he could keep me there. Romanov’s wild grin made me blush, and I quickly looked away. “I think you should go, take care of everything, and hurry back home.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Am I sure?

  I smiled. “Yes.”


  “Am I asleep yet?”

  It was five hours after Romanov had left, almost eleven at night. And this was how I was—neither awake nor asleep.

  I felt like I was on a boat that kept bobbing on moving water.

  The boat moved slowly above the calm water without any help, and I sat, just enjoying the motion of the lake as my fingers dipped into the water.

  What was under the water, I was not completely aware of. Sometimes I would feel the calming breeze. Sometimes I would hear the traffic’s buzz. Sometimes I would feel as if I was touched. Sometimes I would feel as if I was being watched.

  Maybe, I thought, there was something in the water that watched me silently as
the tip of my fingers moved slowly with the boat.

  Above the water, the night was bright in the moonlight. The skies were clear, and the stars were out. The stars guided my boat towards the dreamlike deck on my right. Painted white, the deck shone brightly in the beautiful night.

  I smiled as it got closer. My fingers itched to reach out and grasp the wood. Would it feel rough under my touch?

  The deck got closer. White and pink water lilies decorated it on both sides. I smiled as I saw the silk pillow and blanket in the middle of the deck, awaiting my arrival. The deck got closer.

  And then I was pulled under.

  Something underwater grasped my outstretched hand and pulled me in. I toppled over the boat and into the water in a matter of seconds, my heart almost wrenching out from my chest.

  It was a whole different world underwater. I struggled to breathe, but before I knew, my eyes snapped open and I stared at the dimly lit room, the pale grey curtains swaying into the room with the night breeze.

  It looked like a normal night, but the hairs standing all over my body told me it was not. My eyes scanned the room, staring into the dark until I was sure no one stood there watching me.

  “Where are you?” I whispered, looking around the large room. A car’s tyres screeching somewhere filled the silent night.

  I sighed, lowering my eyes from the balcony. Maybe there was no one here. Another sigh left my lips as I snuggled in the bed, turning my head away from the room and up towards the ceili—aaahh!

  She was there! Above me. Looking at me while she just floated there. Her dead eyes stared into mine. Her lips were moving again, but I could not hear anything.

  My trembling hands clutched Romanov’s soft blanket and pulled it closer to my chest. Why couldn’t she just knock, sit on a table with some tea, and then talk to me!

  “I can’t hear you,” I whispered back. My eyes snapped towards the bedroom door, and I looked back at Edika. Immediately, her hand wrapped around my mouth as I screamed out in shock. She and I were now almost nose to nose.

  I could now see her rotten flesh in detail—her molars where the flesh had decayed, her shrivelling skin exposing her insides. Still, the faint smell of her perfume still lingered in the air. It smelt like wild Gardenias. How could I have not noticed that before?

  “W-what do you want to t-tell me?” I stuttered, not daring to break the eye contact with her blue orbs.

  “Mussssst kkeeepp ssaaaafee…sheeeeeeee coooooooomes…”

  “Who’s coming?” I asked desperately, not daring to move an inch.

  “Hissss sooullmaaateee…ssssshhheeeee coooooomes…”

  My breath hitched in my throat. Soulmate? What soulmate? I’m the soulmate, right?

  “Soulmate? Romanov’s soulmate?”

  Edika dropped closer, her dress blowing above us by an invisible breeze.

  “Hissss sooullmaaateee. Lor—”


  Both Edika and I turned towards the person who burst in through the door. A wide-eyed, frightened Grandma Liz stood by the door, clutching it to stay upright. She took a step into the room, and I felt Edika vanish above me.

  Instantly, the air around the room began to cool as the night breeze began entering the room. However, my attention remained on my traumatised grandma. I jolted up on the bed and ran to her. At the same time, as if seeing me move finally switched a button, she began running towards me.

  “Olivia! Olivia! Are you okay? Olivia! Are you? What was that? Olivia! Let’s get out of here! Let’s—it’ll come back! Olivia, let’s go! I know a person! She’ll help!”

  I sighed, letting Grandma Liz hold me while she checked for invisible bruises and cuts.

  “Calm down, Gran,” I mumbled softly, embracing her to comfort her. My right hand reached out to grab my phone, and I quickly unlocked it. “Let’s just call Romanov, okay?”

  “Okay, okay.”

  I held her while I dialled Romanov. Even I was shaken by what happened, but I couldn’t look frail in front of Gran. She needed me right now.


  It took Romanov fifteen minutes to arrive. Surprisingly, Theia and Alexander also arrived only a minute late after leaving their twins with Aunt Meryl who stayed over to help.

  Now, although the room was almost full of occupants, it remained as quiet as an empty one. Grandma Liz seemed to have grown tired of the silence because she spoke up first.

  “I need a bloody explanation!”

  Romanov heaved out a breath, slouching forward, his hand still on mine. “That was Edika. My step great grandmother.”

  “Well? What the hell was she doing out of her grave and dangling above my grandchild?”

  This time, Alex answered. “Well, you see, Ms. Elizabeth. She was just—”

  “I’m a lycanthrope, and Olivia is my soulmate.”

  The whole room sunk into silence. My heart sped in my chest. I turned towards Romanov with wide eyes.

  “So?” Grandma Liz questioned, shocking us all even more. “What does this have to do with the dangling dead great grandma?”

  Romanov’s grip on my hand tightened, and despite my shock at Gran’s reaction, I immediately felt like grabbing him and taking him away. He was hurting already for what was going to come. I knew it.

  “It’s—it’s a family curse. Edika was my great grandfather Julius’s second wife. In her jealousy and madness, she killed his daughter and almost his son. However, he survived, and she was caught. Before she could be punished, she burnt herself and put a curse over the next generations. She said she’d kill every soulmate that follows. She was…pregnant when she died.”

  “She was what?” Three exclamations rung around the suddenly cold room. I shuddered at the reminder. Edika was pregnant when she died, pregnant when she killed herself. Why would she kill herself? And kill her child?

  “Yes.” Romanov sighed, looking away from the group of people.

  A heavy silence settled around the room, hanging above our heads as we just sat there, speechless from the revelation.

  Suddenly, Grandma Liz spoke.

  “Olivia, go pack your bags.”

  The sharp intake of breaths around the room struck through my numb state.

  What did she mean “pack your bags?” Did she mean what I think she meant?

  “Grandma Li—”

  “Don’t try to change my mind, Mrs. Wilhem.” Grandma Liz cut Theia off, shaking her head. “Your parents may not have had an issue with Alexander. Maybe I would not also. However, I refuse to let my grandchild marry into a curse. I refuse to count days, fearing every time the sun sets it’d be her last day.”


  “Are you telling me you want to take Olivia away from me?” Romanov bit out bitterly.

  Grandma Liz nodded. “Yes.” Her eyes found mine, and instantly, I began shaking my head, refusing to follow what she’s asking me to.

  No…I don’t want this…I don’t want this…

  “How can you be so selfish, Olivia?” Grandma Liz gaped, shaking her head disappointingly. Her reproaching eyes met mine again. “Think about everything your mother lost her life for. The business. Your life itself! What about Letty? Think about Letty, Olivia. That young child’s life depends on you! You’re her legal custodian. Are you really going to risk your life just because you’ve found your soulmate?”

  I felt so guilty and ungrateful. My skin suddenly felt dirty. I shuddered as I thought about Grandma Liz’s words.

  I’ll will everything to Letty. I’ll give Letty’s custody to Aunt Prue. I can do it. Aunt Prue will handle everything until Letty becomes of age. It’ll be fine even if I die.

  “You can’t take me anyway, Gran,” I whispered, hanging my head low.

  “Why, Olivia? Why can’t I?” Grandma Liz asked, her voice tense and with desperate urgency like she was forcing herself to understand this, to understand me.

  “He can’t live without me as well.”

  “Oh, Olivia, but you can live witho
ut him, dear! It doesn’t affect us! Please, Olivia! I don’t want you to die! I’ve lost your mother and your sister. And I’m not losing you, too. Please!”

  I shook my head. “If I stay with him, I may die. But if I leave him…Gran, I will die.”

  “Olivia!” she screeched, her eyes wide in disbelief.

  I looked away. My grip on Romanov’s shirt didn’t loosen for a second.

  “You should go back to Prue’s. It’s safer there,” I spoke, looking down on the floor. Beside me, Romanov continued to glare at Gran while shifting as close as he could.

  “Oh, my child! How can I leave you here to decorate your own grave? Olivia, please have some mercy on your family! Don’t do this to us! Is he really more important than us? Is he?”


  “You’re pissing me off, Gran,” Romanov muttered suddenly, cutting me off.

  Again, the air in the room changed. This time, it began to warm until I could feel it bite into my skin. Everyone in the room except Romanov straightened in their seats.

  “Excuse me?” Grandma Liz blurted.

  “How could you think that I would let anyone—even a curse—take my soulmate away from me?”

  “Lie to me, son. Tell me my granddaughter has not been hurt by that thing before. By the look of how close it was to her, hanging over her like that, I’m pretty sure it has! And almost succeeded! If I had been even a second late tonight, your soulmate would have been dead! And where would you be? Nowhere near her, that’s what!”

  “I’ll die before I let anything happen to Olivia again,” Romanov gritted out. His fingers had begun to dig into my arm, and I flinched when I felt his nails begin to sharpen.

  “Words do not cost a thing, young man.” Grandma Liz sighed, shaking her head in disapproval.

  “I’ll redden the path you came on with blood if you try to take Livia from me, Grandma Liz.”

  “Again, words. Enough, young man, please find someone of your own kind, someone who can fight back against that dead woman.”

  Oh no…

  I tried to stop it, but before I could wrap my arms around Romanov, he had already changed. A wretched scream ripped out of Grandma Liz’s lips, and I felt my heartbeat skyrocket.

  This is not good! What to do? What can I do?

  “Olivia isn’t leaving me!”


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