Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2) Page 45

by Jennise K

  “If not because I am right, then can you not show me face because I’m an elder? Please leave my grandchild alone!”

  “No!” Romanov shot back, heaving out in anger. Standing up with me still held in his arms, he turned towards King Alexander. “Take her out, Alex! I cannot hold much longer!”

  “Olivia!” Alexander turned towards me. My eyes widened.

  Okay! Okay!

  Immediately, I turned towards Romanov and began standing on my tiptoes. The view from my angle displayed his sharp teeth in the most terrifying manner, but I kept my eyes trained on his eyes. They were currently the only thing that kept me grounded to his human form. His golden eyes.

  “Rome,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him. “Look at me. Look at me.”

  Instantly, Romanov’s eyes snapped to mine, and I heard Grandma Liz give a small shriek.

  “Tell him to get away from my grandchild! He looks angry! What if he hurts her?”

  A loud growl rung around the large room, and I grasped onto Romanov’s dark fur as he snarled at Grandma Liz.

  “You’re making matters worse, Elizabeth,” King Alexander berated Grandma. “A curse sees no reason. Do you think that just by separating them, the curse will spare her? No! She has already been identified. She has already been marked. The only place she is most protected is with him. Do you think you humans can do a better job at protecting her?”

  “Then why did he mark her so soon?” Grandma Liz cried, tears now spilling down her cheeks. Another loud growl came from Romanov before he tightly wrapped his furry arms around me, pulling me as close as he could.

  I felt sad. Grandma Liz’s sadness and Romanov’s fury were mixing together well enough to depress me. I felt for Grandma Liz; she had seen me grow ever since I had been born. To suddenly know that there could be death hanging over my head with which she could do nothing about must be such a gut-wrenching feeling. And then for Romanov to know that whatever Grandma Liz had said was correct and not be able to argue and let go must have hurt him so much.

  I caressed my beast’s fur, sinking my fingers into his thick mop of hair.

  “Because I was dying. He met me when I was dying. It was the only way.” I sighed, turning towards my grandmother. “This life that I have been given…if it had not been because of him…with or without a curse, I would already be dead, Gran.”

  “Livia! Stop it!”

  I pursed my trembling lips together, forcing the tears that were already threatening to spill. I turned towards Romanov and smiled. “It’s the truth.”

  “Please, Elizabeth. For now, it’s best if you leave with us. Let the two have some time. Romanov needs to calm down. We can talk about this some other day.”

  “Olivia…think about it again, please!”

  “I have,” I mumbled. “I’m not giving up on anything, Gran. Please…have faith in me.”

  “I think you should give them some time, Grandma Liz. Right now, emotions are running high. Let’s give everyone some time to think about things further, and then we can all talk about this again,” Theia reasoned softly. Taking a step forward, she took Grandma Liz’s hands in hers.

  “Okay,” she said, surrendering.

  “Okay?” I asked, suddenly hopeful.

  Grandma Liz nodded. “Okay.”

  “Okay, good.” Alexander smiled and reached for Grandma. He then turned towards us. “We’re going to leave you two now, Rome.”

  Rome nodded.

  “Elizabeth, this way, if you please,” Alexander said, reminding Grandma when she started to sneak away from his presence.

  Grandma Liz nodded, her lips tight and eyes sad.

  I breathed out a sigh of relief.

  Within the next ten minutes, the living room was emptied except for a now human Romanov and me.

  “Want to go up to bed?” I asked, turning towards where he was seated on the couch.

  Romanov shrugged. “Do you want to go to bed with me?”

  “What do you mean by that?” I frowned.

  “I can’t even protect you,” Romanov said bitterly under his breath.

  “Why do you think that?” I gaped at Romanov.

  “The prank, the attack in that professor’s mansion, the fire.”

  I blinked. How long had he been feeling guilty over this? How long had this been eating him up?

  “How can you fight against something you can’t see, Romanov? How can anyone fight against something they can’t see? And as for the prank, no one had seen that coming!”


  Pursing my lips together, I shuffled myself towards him. “Shut up.”

  Romanov’s suddenly wild eyes snapped to mine. “What?”

  “I said shut up. Stop wallowing in self-pity. Stop trying to be selfless when I don’t want you to be. There is a time for that!”

  “What time would that be?”

  I shrugged. “If I get married with someone else.”


  “It’s just a speculation. I could have been married with someone else when you had found me. And you would have been selfless then.”


  “But I’m not. I love you. So be selfish because that’s just how I want you to be. Okay?”


  “Yes?” I smiled at the irritated-looking man in front of me.

  “Let’s go to bed.”



  I turned towards Romanov with a surprised look on my face. “What’s wrong?”

  Outside the car, university students carried on with their lives. A group of girls walked past our car with their tote bags slung over one shoulder. The boys behind them walked with their backpacks.

  “Nothing. I’m just happy you’re mine. Morning kiss?”

  “Are you serious?”

  Romanov frowned, nodding. “Hurry.”

  “You’re acting very differently today.” I giggled, shaking my head before I leaned forward and pecked Romanov on his lips.

  Romanov grinned, quickly leaning forward and stealing another kiss before he moved back and turned towards the steering wheel. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  I grinned back at Romanov equally floating in the high of happiness. “See you.”


  “Before you all leave, I would like to address an issue regarding the assignment I handed last semester. I have received only forty percent of the class’s assignments. The rest of you sixty percent? What is wrong, guys?” Professor Heirnzberg announced as he came to a stand in front of the lecture theatre. I sighed in relief at the fact that I was one of those who passed.

  “Please remember the due date of the assignment is in a week. I’ll only be able to give you extensions if I am aware of what legitimate problems you are facing. Please come meet me in my office during consultation hours,” he spoke while collecting his lecture materials. He then recited his consultation hours to remind those who needed it. “Please come see me in my office by Friday next week. Remember, I will not be giving you extensions till your final examination, since it takes a lengthy period to mark your assignments. Okay? Have a lovely day you all! Be safe! See you on Wednesday in class.”

  “Wow. Thank God I’m done with that assignment.” Jaydin sighed in relief as he shoved his textbook into his backpack.

  “I know right,” I said in equal relief.

  Between us, Abigail groaned, letting her head drop into her palms. “Kill me. I’m still stuck with the alternative essay he gave me!”

  “How tough is it?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow up at the amount of tension my best friend was oozing. “Want me to help?”

  Instantly, Abigail’s head snapped towards me, and she nodded. “Yes, please! It’s on some stupid legend I can’t be bothered with!”

  “What legend?” Jay frowned, getting up from his seat. On cue, both of us girls got up as well, hooking our bags onto our shoulders.

  “The legend of this Highland Lord who killed his brother and managed to
preserve his life-form. Legend has it that he still walks amongst us, maybe in his own body or in someone else’s, somewhere in some country maybe. I’m supposed to write an essay on his history and come up with possible theories on how he preserved his life-form,” Abigail groaned, walking beside me and Jaydin.

  “Is this supposed to be a class for Creative Writing or Mystics & Historical Legends?” I huffed, upset for my friend.

  “Maybe Professor likes the mystical side of the world?” Jaydin contemplated, shrugging in confusion.

  “Maybe he’s trying to find ways of preserving his own self by using you?” I looked at Abigail, wide-eyed.

  “Wicked!” she whispered wide-eyed, not even disagreeing.

  “Okay, ladies, cut it out! Let’s just go have lunch, okay? We should get this out of our system.” Jaydin rolled his eyes, throwing his right hand over Abigail’s shoulder and his left over mine. He began dragging us towards his car.

  “I’m sorry, guys. I can’t come along. I have something to do! Besides, I think you two should have some more date time. You two go!”

  “What? No, it’s okay! What do you have to do anyway?” Jaydin frowned, stopping in his steps.

  “I have to go return this book. It’s been way overdue!” I groaned, showing him the book The Hellion’s Fate.

  “That’ll just take a couple of minutes, right? We can wait.” Abigail smiled as she began turning us towards the direction of the library. I grasped Jay’s and Aby’s arms. “I also have to stay in and finish an assignment until Adyl and Fin arrive.”

  “Those guys are back on duty?” Jaydin spoke, surprised. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “They weren’t off duty per se. They just don’t need to be around me when I’m with Romanov. Besides, I’m more of a part-time responsibility for the two. They actually have really nice professions.”

  “What? Then why have they been working at Madam Crawfort’s?”

  “Protecting me and wasting their time honestly.” I shook my head, secretly embarrassed at being the cause of inconvenience in so many people’s lives.

  “Oh, come on, Olli. Don’t be that way. It’s an honour to protect their queen. I’d be honoured to protect mine, too,” Abigail assured me softly, putting her hand on mine and squeezing it comfortingly.

  “Speaking of queen, I heard Queen Theia’s in Germany! Have you met her?” Jaydin asked, wide-eyed with wonder.

  I grinned. “Yes, but that’s a story for another time! For now, you two should get along on that lunch date! You both have another class at two, don’t you?”


  As I watched Jaydin’s car drive away, I couldn’t help but smile at my best friends’ happiness. I was thankful Jaydin was alive. Even though he was now a werewolf and was probably still uncomfortable with the changes, I was still thankful.

  Sometimes, with life’s hustle and bustle, I forgot how lucky we all were that night, despite how inconsolable everything felt in those horrible minutes. But then something happened; the day ended, and Jaydin turned towards Abigail and smiled. Every day I was thankful that he was alive and happy with Aby.

  A loud ping brought me out from my thoughts, and I slipped my phone out of my pocket, already turning around and beginning to walk towards the library.

  From: Beasty

  A very unladylike bark of a laughter ripped out of my mouth at the sight of Will Ferrel, and I immediately put my hand over my lips, looking up at the shocked a group of passersby apologetically.

  “I’m sorry.” I smiled at them before turning back to my iPhone.

  To: Beasty

  I couldn’t help but beam as I put the phone into silent and slipped it into my pocket. A few more steps and I entered the library.

  Suddenly, I felt nervous. Would the librarian give me a telling off in front of a lot of people? I clutched the hem of my shirt as I began making my way towards the counter.

  An hour later, the telling off never came. However, a hefty fine did. Which I could not complain about anyway. It was my fault after all. I had forgotten all about the book with everything that happened. Now it was only acceptable that I bore the consequences. Now, an hour later, I was back in my nook, reading a new book as a refresher before I began working on the assignment.

  However, my attention faltered when a long, black-haired girl walked up and quietly settled herself in front of me. I remembered her name—Gardenia—the girl who had been given Abigail’s project manor. She seemed to not have noticed me, her attention completely on something else. Although I felt the need to reach out and ask her if she had any troubles, I couldn’t help but keep shut in case she told me to bugger off and mind my own.

  So, biting my tongue, I looked down, back to my book.

  “Hello, Olivia. It’s good to meet you again.”

  I looked up. The now smiling girl’s attention was now on me, and immediately, I found myself smiling back at her.

  “Hey, Gardenia! How have you been? I saw you looked a bit preoccupied, so I didn’t want to disturb.”

  “Oh! That! Ah yes…I apologise about that.” Gardenia chuckled, waving her hands in front of her dismissively.

  I frowned as I got a good look at the girl. Her dark hair fell on her shoulders perfectly—too perfectly. The dark circles under her eyes were very perfectly concealed. However, under the light in the library, no amount of concealer could cover the blues underneath. At first glance, Gardenia’s face looked beautiful, but if one looked closer, they would see the haunted gaze she had in her eyes. Her eyes spoke for her.

  “Gardenia, are you all right?”

  Gardenia’s eyes snapped to mine, and we looked at each other for a second or two, and her smile was no longer to be seen. Then she blinked, looking away, and her smile came back. She looked back up at me and said, “Of course. I’m great!”


  I nodded. “Okay.”

  My eyes snapped back to my book. There was nothing more I could do to make her tell me. No one could ever make someone tell them about something they didn’t want to talk about. Gardenia obviously did not want to speak about whatever it was that was upsetting her.

  What if it’s the manor?

  Immediately, my eyes looked up at Gardenia.


  “Do you live with ghosts, too? In that project castle?” the girl suddenly asked. There it was; the haunted look that I had seen was back in full view.

  “Is this about the project you got in exchange with Abigail?” I asked, trying my best to keep my voice down. I scooted closer to the girl when she nodded.

  “I think I’m living with a ghost,” she whispered. “At first it was okay. Nothing too unusual. I don’t live in the manor. I’m renting an apartment you see. But lately…lately, I think I can hear someone walking around outside my window at night. I see him in my dreams, asking me to burn that large portrait. I feel him watching me whenever I am in the manor.”

  I looked at her, too shocked to answer back anything.

  “I know I sound like an idiot, don’t I? I’m sorry. It’s just that I don’t know what to do!”

  I looked at the girl curiously. “Why don’t you sound scared when you talk about him?”

  Gardenia’s eyes found mine, and then she quickly looked away. “That’s a question I ask myself every day. Why can’t I find myself fearing him?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to harm you?” I spoke cautiously. “Not every being that are not human are inhumane.”

  “What do you mean?” Gardenia’s wide eyes peered deep into mine with wonder.

  I shrugged. “At this point, you have two options. Leave before matters get serious or stay and find out what’s going on.”

  “Well, that’s the thing. He doesn’t let me leave.” Gardenia sighed, dropping her head onto the table. “I tried running away on my first night in the manor. I thought I saw him move his hands. Then, the manor’s doors locked by themselves, even in front of the help. No one could open the doors or windows until dawn. So we wer
e all stuck there for a night.”

  I blinked, suddenly frightened for the girl. “What?”

  “This was on my first day inside the manor. Can you please ask your friend if she experienced all of this as well?”

  “Okay, I’ll ask her. We should exchange numbers if that’s the case. Please don’t be shy to contact me if things get dangerous, okay?” I said, handing the girl my phone as I took hers and entered my own number into it.

  “Thank you! I’m thankful you don’t think I’m an idiot,” Gardenia said happily as she took her own phone back and slipped it into her bag again.

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m living with my own gho—”

  “Olli! I’ve been looking all over the library for you! Jay said you’d be here!”

  Gardenia and I turned towards the hushed voice, and I smiled at River. “And why would you be looking for me?”

  “Erm, excuse me. I forgot I have a class to attend to now,” Gardenia said and hurried to get out of the library.

  River and I turned towards Gardenia. I smiled at the girl who suddenly looked flustered. “I’ll text you tonight then! Keep me updated, okay?”

  Her smile appeared as well. “Okay.”


  “You seem very happy. What’s going on?”

  “I have a date tonight!”

  “What?” I gaped, looking at the man walking beside me as we walked out of the library and towards the parking lot. Fin and Adyl had just texted me that they were already here, and River was also on his way to leave, so we decided to walk to the parking spot together.

  “Yes! Ah, she’s so beautiful, Olli! But her voice! Oh God, her voice is such a turn on! I’m taking her out for dinner tonight!”

  “Where did you meet her? What’s her name?”

  “Her name’s Yvette. Yvette Brookwyn. But I call her Eevy. We met outside a restaurant last week. I really like her, Olli!”

  I couldn’t help but giggle at River’s giddiness. “Well, make sure to introduce her to us! We also want to know who could take your breath away like this.”

  “Yes, Ma’am!”

  “Olivia!” Fin smiled, waving me over when he spotted me. He didn’t need to do so, though. I could tell where he and Adyl were judging by the small crowd of girls “passing by” or “just standing” around their car.


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