Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2) Page 56

by Jennise K

  During that time, I missed Sophia being saved by Alexander’s best friend.

  After I regained consciousness, Sophia was already being transported to the hospital. I was told that Derrek had actually caught her at the bottom just before she crashed onto the ground. It was well-known, although it was hardly discussed, how Derrek had also cracked his hands because of the impact of the fall.

  Derrek didn’t seem to care about his injuries, though. All he seemed to care for was Sophia.

  At first, I was confused.

  I thought, “How can someone behave this way to someone they’ve just met?”

  The next morning, Romanov and I visited the hospital and saw Derrek asleep beside Sophia’s bed. And it was then that I knew fate had brought the two together.

  “Today!” Sophia beams as she walks forward and hooks her arm into mine. Excited with today’s event, she continues to sign as she begins to pull me out of the room. “We should go down now.”

  As we walk towards the door, the bedroom door opens again, and Marsha peeks in. Her eyes stop at Sophia, and suddenly, she leaps towards the girl. “Oh, oh! My dear, have you been well? I’m so glad to see you again! Oh, bless you!”

  Sophia stills beside me, and I clench my hands, knowing exactly what is going to happen next.

  “I’m sorry. Did I know you before?”

  Marsha pauses this time, her wide eyes turn towards me in panic.

  When Sophia’s soul had finally entered her body back after having been gone for a long time, it had already been very damaged caused by Yvette burning its energy and not letting her soul enter her own body. So, when Sophia had finally entered her body again, despite not actually sustaining any damages from the fall, she was too damaged inside to get well right way.

  Yvette’s abuse only made things worse, and the chances of recovery were slim. She was still deteriorating. The doctors had given up hope. It had taken Derrek to marking her before she showed improvements. Although she looked physically well, when she woke up, she didn’t remember a single thing. Nothing. Her mind was also still weary. She was easily frightened and always quiet. It’s taken two months, and she’s finally begun to open up to some of us.

  “Sophia, this is Marsha. You both were very good friends. You used to work together.” I turned to Sophia with a smile. Her eyes run over Marsha slowly. For a second, a look of distrust flashes in her eyes then she smiles.

  “Hello, Marsha. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry. I had an accident, and I don’t seem to remember a thing.” Hesitantly, she lifts her free arm up and reaches it forward for a handshake.

  “Oh, don’t fret over it, dear! I’m just glad you’re well! Maybe we could have a cup of coffee someday,” Marsha suggests, glancing at both Sophia and me. I wait for Sophia to reply, to make her own decision.

  After she regained consciousness and finally started showing signs of improvement, I have made sure that everything she does is out of her own decision and whatever that makes her happy. Although I know that Derrek’s role in her life is more important, I’m glad that he never interferes when I insist Sophia to make her own decisions. I suppose he and I are on the same page there.

  Growing up, Sophia had no choice at all in her life. With this second chance, I suppose we both wished that she learns to live life on her own accord. It’s one of the best things we can do for her. I also suppose that is why Derrek behaves more like a friend with her than her soulmate. He’s waiting for her to choose him on her own will.

  I must admit, although I barely knew the man two months ago, I quite respect him now. Alpha King Derrek Mcgall is a very solid man. And beast.

  “Sure! But how about we all go down now?” Sophia beams again teasingly, seeming to know that both Marsha and I had temporarily forgotten about the dinner party downstairs.

  Oh crap!

  My mouth forms an ‘O’ at the sudden remembrance. “Yes, let’s go! Hurry! Everyone must have arrived already by now!”

  Walking down the stairs, I realise that I was right. Everyone has arrived.

  My eyes glide over the happy crowd talking together in small circles. Trays of appetisers and drinks are being rotated around on large trays by the help.

  On my further left, Romanov, Alexander, Matthew, Uncle Rulph, Alpha Lyam, and Derrek stand together, talking and laughing over something. As if sensing my presence, Romanov’s eyes snaps to mine, and he begins taking a step forward toward me. I shoot a hand forward, waving to say no.

  Enjoy! I’ll find you! I mouth at him from across the room. I know if Romanov can have it to himself, he’ll stick to me like glue all night.

  Immediately, he shakes his head and mouths, No!

  He then begins walking over to me, and I let out a breath of relief when Alexander’s hand wraps around his shoulder, stopping him. Romanov’s head snaps towards his cousin, and I chuckle when I see him glaring at the large man.

  It seems like Derrek has also sensed Sophia because his quiet eyes also find her in the crowd. It remains on her.

  “Ah, Excuse me. I need to use the loo. Could you please tell me where it is?” Sophia suddenly asks me, pulling my attention back to her. I can tell she’s realised that Derrek’s watching her. She’s frazzled.

  Smirking, I’m almost about to take her there myself when Marsha steps forward. “Oh, don’t you worry. Let me show her the washroom, dear.”

  Automatically, I turn towards Sophia. “Is that okay with you?”

  Sophia smiles, nodding happily. “Sure! Let’s go, Marsha.”

  I glance back at Derrek, and this time, he’s watching me. Slowly, he nods at me in approval, and I smile at him. We’ve also come to form quite some sort of friendship over Sophia’s well-being. Because of this, Romanov would sometimes tease me that I have a bigger network of powerful beasts than he does as a king, then I’d smack his arm.

  Derrek turns back to his group, and I turn back to the crowd. Just beside Romanov’s group stands Grayson, Fin, Dom, Michael, Jay, and Abigail. They all seem to be whispering about something and laughing. I watch as Jay puts an arm around Abigail and she blushes. Surprisingly blushing to myself at witnessing that, I quickly look away to the next group.

  Next to them, on a sofa, sits Theia, Aunt Meryl, Prue, Victor, Charlotte, Grandma Liz, Rose—I mean Viktoria—and Madame Crawfort. All of the ladies (and the one gent) look quite happy. I notice as Madame Crawfort removes a packet of bonbons from her bag and begins munching on them, which brings a smile on my face—and reminds me to tell someone to keep a lot of toilet paper in the washroom. I notice that both Snow and Cole are missing, then remember that Theia’s probably keeping them with the babysitters up in the baby’s room with Letty.

  Then I notice the man standing all alone in the corner of the room, a tall glass of what looks like chocolate milkshake in his hands. The large French window behind him lets in the moonlight to magically illuminate the room and him. From the spot where I’m standing, the perfectly sculpted man looks like something out of a painting. Frowning, I begin making my way towards him, taking a chocolate milkshake of my own on the way.

  “What’s wrong?” I whisper as I come to a stop beside him.

  His sharp greyish eyes snap towards mine, and I notice something I have never noticed in his eyes before. Guilt.

  “I have something to tell you, Olivia.”

  “What’s wrong? What is it?” I take a step closer to him, placing a hand over his arm in comfort.

  Adyl breathes, looking down at the hand I have on him. “I was the one who stood in front of your car that night.”


  I blink. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Adyl visibly sighs. His eyes refuse to meet mine, and my anxiety builds.

  How could he…no, it’s not possible. He didn’t even know me then.

  “Alpha, Beta, Delta, and a group of us protectors were supposed to be patrolling the areas around Berlin that night. I was in Alpha’s group…” He stops, and I move closer, my grip on his suit tighte
ns and I tug it.

  “So?” I hiss, my voice sounding foreign to my own ears, the urgency in it clear.

  He takes in a deep breath before he talks again. “We were patrolling near the highway you were driving on and…I had…a vision. The next time your father attempted to get rid of you, he would succeed. And you and Alpha would never meet. And I wanted to make sure you two would meet. So, I…”

  “So, you stood in front of my car to scare me into stopping?” I ask, trying to make sense of this.

  “Yes,” Adyl admits, nodding.

  “But I panicked, and the car went out of control…” I continue, suddenly placing the pieces together.

  “Yes,” Adyl whispers this time, looking clearly guilty.

  For a second, I feel anger and outrage bubble in me. How could he just play with my life that way? How could he take such a chance?

  “I almost died.” I point out.

  “I was at wrong. I admit. I’m willing to accept any punishment you give me.”

  I stop for a minute. My hand falls from his arm, and I turn towards the window. I try to relax. Breathe.

  Okay so, yes, Adyl had acted irrationally. I had almost died. I had almost lost everything in a second without knowing why. Adyl had acted irrationally, but Romanov had found me because of it. We were here because of it.

  I think back to what happened in the past few months—everything that I’ve gone through and learnt from, everything that I’ve regretted and vowed never to do so I’ll never regret again.

  I think back to everything I’ve realised these past few months. Like life is too short to push away people who’ve once made you happy for a few mistakes. Life is too short not to forgive.

  It’s also hard to forget that he did inconvenience himself so much just to protect me as well.

  “You acted very irrationally.” I point out again.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve already told Alpha yesterday.”

  My heart thuds in my chest. Immediately, I begin looking for injuries in Adyl.

  “Did he—”

  “No. He told me it was your decision to make.”

  Despite the situation, I want to smile. Romanov knows I will never physically punish anyone.

  “Fine. If it’s my punishment to give, I will give you a punishment.”

  “I’m ready to accept it, Luna.” Adyl begins to kneel, but I grip his arm before he can. I really don’t want him doing this, in public and private.

  “Stop. Just stand!” I hiss under my breath when I notice Jay’s group turn towards us. To cover things up, I quickly lock my arm around Adyl’s and turn us around.

  “I’m mad at you. I’m not going to lie. But I won’t be after you complete your punishment. After you’re done with it, we will forget about this and just be how we were before, okay?”

  Adyl’s eyes snap to mine, and I feel my breath hitch. What race is this guy again? His eyes are one of the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen, which is closely followed by Alpha Alexander’s.

  “Okay.” He nods finally.

  I nod as well before turning us around and beginning to walk towards Jay’s group.

  “Wipe all the windows in this house clean within a week.” I glance at Adyl with a smirk on my face just as we reach the group, not giving him a chance to object. I quickly turn towards everyone else. “Hey, guys! Take care of this loner here. I’m going to Rome for a bit. I’ll be back.”

  “Thanks for dragging him here.” Fin grins. “He usually is such a party pooper.”

  “Get your ass back quick.” Abigail winks.

  “Okay, okay.” I grin at the group of smiling people and a still bitter-looking Dominic before moving myself towards Romanov.

  As I reach the group of men, I realise Sophia is now standing behind Derrek with her hand gripping the sleeve of his long-sleeved shirt. I smile at this cute sight. Romanov turns towards me and grins as his own hands find mine. He pulls me to his side with a small tug.

  “I have something to show you,” he whispers into my ear, and my eyes snap up to his curiously.

  “What is it?” I whisper to him.

  “Yeah, Rome! What is it?” Matthew teases.

  I blush, and Romanov turns towards his friend with a glare. “Keep quiet!”

  Sophia slowly pokes her head out from behind Derrek, and Derrek gently tugs her until she steps forward.

  “Take her.” He motions Romanov towards the stairs.

  “Go on.” Alexander urges him.

  Suddenly, I’m very curious about what it is that he wants to show me. I turn up towards Romanov and cock an eyebrow up in question.

  “Amaleen will love it, son,” Uncle Rulph also adds to the encouragement, which only fuels my curiosity. “Go.”

  Romanov’s grip on my hand tightens, and he hesitantly begins walking towards the stairs.

  “Good luck!” There’s a group of loud yells behind us, and I glance back with wide eyes at the grinning men. They all send a thumbs up my way, and I instantly turn back around.

  “What’s up with everyone?” I whisper at Romanov, clearly not understanding what’s happening at all anymore.

  “Ignore them. The guys are idiots, and your uncle has been influenced.”

  I stare at my soulmate for a second, wondering whether I should keep digging or not. The stairs end, and I wonder how I ever managed to climb the stairs successfully when I wasn’t even paying attention. Still, I thank my lucky stars and let Romanov pull me farther along the hallway.

  Finally, we reach a large black door, and Romanov stops in front of it. I realise I’ve never entered this room after the decor had been done, and my grip on Romanov’s hand tightens with curiosity.

  Romanov, however, to my surprise, lets go of my hand and slowly steps back.

  “Open it.”

  I glance at him in curiosity. Romanov nods at me in encouragement.

  “Okay! Here I go!” I say as I close my fingers over the silver knob and slowly give it a twist. The door opens with a click, and for a second, I wonder if I’m ready to see what’s behind it. My heart is ready to depart from my chest by the time I finally push the black wooden door. The light from the hallway partially lights up the room, and I walk in when I see another set of steps in the room.

  The sound of the door closing behind me echoes in the suddenly dark room, and I let out a raspy breath as I clutch the hem of my dress. After that night with Yvette, I’ve never been fond of darkness. It makes me feel like she’s still out there somewhere, watching me patiently.

  Suddenly, the dark room is awash with light. But I hardly notice that. I don’t even take notice when Romanov nervously coughs behind me. Instead, I stare wide-eyed at all the paintings that are hanging on the walls. And everything else that are displayed all around the room. My feet seem to carry me down the two steps and further into the room as I try to get closer to a piece.

  In it, I’m in the university library, asleep in my usual corner. My memory jumps to the night I had bumped into Romanov for the first time after the accident.

  “I suppose looking while you’re walking isn’t something you usually do?”

  I smile. Looking back at it, Romanov’s stupid attempts to keep me away only make me laugh. What a failed plan.

  My eyes rise towards the painting hanging on the wall above it. My smile falls a little as I stare at a painting of a drenched girl standing in front of a car, in the pouring rain.

  “What are you doing outside? Are you stupid?”

  I was. I still am. I’m still stupid.

  My eyes snap down towards the next painting that catches my attention.

  I’m on my laptop in this one, seated on the couch Romanov has in his office.

  Seeing the one beside it is when the waterworks begin. I’m on the couch, looking down lovingly at the child in my arm. Letty is holding onto a strand of my hair, her tiny, beautiful eyes wide.

  Everywhere around this room are hanging paintings of me, of me and Letty, of me and Jay or Aby, of Riv, or
Gray and Dom. Everywhere around this room are paintings of me in moments I didn’t even know Romanov was observing me in.

  But I frown. There aren’t any paintings of me and him.

  Turning around, I realise he’s still standing beside the door.

  “Rome, there aren’t any of us,” I mumble, glancing around the room again.

  A soft smile appears on Romanov’s lips, and he begins walking forward. Reaching me, he extends a hand towards me, and I take it. I move behind him as he leads me to another corner that I haven’t paid too much attention to.

  There is also a painting there, which happens to be the largest one. I turn towards Romanov, curiosity bubbling in my chest. Romanov reaches forward and slowly pulls the silk sheet off it.

  There’s a park, trees, and benches with people seated on them. In this park, there is a boy wearing black, standing with his head looking back at the little girl standing behind him, holding him by his sleeve.

  “I’m Olli. What’s your name?”

  “You may call me Beasty.”

  “I don’t remember this,” I say, just looking at the painting. My eyes glance around the room at all the paintings.

  “It’s fine. I’ll remember that for the both of us.” Romanov smiles as he presses a kiss on my forehead.

  The same warmth I can only associate with Romanov flutters in my chest, and I turn towards the man standing beside me.


  “Stop,” Romanov mumbles, pressing his index finger on my lips. “You don’t have to say anything.”

  His arm slides around my waist, and he steps closer. “I realise I’m not always a good fiancé, a good soulmate. I get upset a lot for the smallest of things. Sometimes I can’t give you as much time as you should get. I get bossy too. But I want you to know that even though you deserve so much more than I can give, I really do love you, Livia.”

  Staring into his eyes, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should cry, jump on him or kiss him all over his face. I don’t know if I should laugh. Naturally, being me, I’ll do all three.


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