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Rise of a Legion

Page 9

by Trey Deibel

  “If that’s to be believed, that somebody must have been a pushover so as not to push her buttons,” Valiic added.

  “Or be more stubborn than she is,” I retorted.

  “That is a scary thought,” Shadow-Walker concluded. “Oh… James, didn’t you have to be--”

  “Right.” I got up. “Kalvin wants to see me.”

  Ben jumped up. “Bring it in before you leave.” He pulled me in for a quick bro-hug before I headed toward Kalvin’s quarters.

  I ducked through the entrance of Kalvin’s fancy black tent. Candles inside designer glasses flickered inside the tent. Various decorative, old century items gave off an antique shop flair. Opposite his bed, Kalvin sat at an ebony wood table, writing in a notebook.

  “How did an asshole like you manage to obtain stellar living quarters such as this?” I asked him.

  “Being the Director of the Order of Aegis has its benefits.” He closed his notebook and stood up to face me. “By the way, James, I admire the beard. Brings out your inner gruffness.” Kalvin referred to my short yet thick beard.

  I pointed to the candles. “A bit old school, don’t you think?”

  “A firm reminder of how far our species has evolved. Can you believe mere decades ago, humans still believed they were the single intelligent life forms in the universe? It is no phenomenon we struggled to contend with diseases as insignificant as cancer and AIDS. In the last twenty years, the Order of Aegis has doubled the average human lifespan, constructed slip space technology, cured all human illnesses with nano-immunal technology, and the list extends on. Due to our contributions, the ARW military eventually awarded us with the responsibility of being their lead weapons and technology supplier. Of course, we extend our gratitude to the qwayks for their intelligence. Regardless, past decades motivate me to continue to mold our universe into a superior state.”

  “That’s fine and all,” I said, uninterested, “but I’m sure you didn’t call for me for a chatter-up on our history.”

  “Fair enough. Those documents you witnessed in my hands when you rescued me were the documented findings of countless autopsies performed on our adversaries. The Order of Aegis discovered an anomaly that was overlooked for years. Inside both the lycargans and dytircs’ brains are unknown nano-bugs connected to their amygdala - the section of the brain that processes emotions. Furthermore, my scientist managed to discover a faint energy emitting from the nano-bugs… a type of energy never before examined. Thought-provoking right?”

  “I don’t follow. What’s interesting about it? You hardly know anything about this bug.”

  “Precisely that, we cannot yet comprehend this technology. Yet it is inside every… single one of the adversaries. Back when our alliance first encountered the lycargans and dytircs in 2098, they had already formed the Wersillian Legion. Our ideologies clashed head on with theirs instantaneously. The ARW believed that clash would lead to war, and we began to prepare. From what many comprehend about the lycargans, we gathered that this war was started because of their own religious ideologies. Lycargans are thought to believe in a living superior force, and they follow that force even through the most extreme of circumstances. Nevertheless, they are a cruel, cunning species who adore instigating physical and emotion distress to others in the name of faith. Then there is the biggest threat: The dytircs. They are persistent, aggressive savages focused on asserting themselves. Everything we understand about them suggested dytircs were separated among tribes… until they were brought together by the lycargans to form their legion. It makes sense that the lycargans would use them for their own motivations. The dytircs occupy nineteen planets and six moons in the largest star system in the galaxy - the Draynought System. Their numbers alone are four times more than all four of our allied species combined. What is curious is this new technology discovered. It forces me to question everything we understand about our adversaries. I have an inkling that there is more to this war than what was originally perceived.”

  “All this theorizing makes no difference. To me, it’s simple. The lycargans and dytircs are enemies. My job is to eliminate those enemies and kick their teeth down their throats until we win.”

  “Your simplistic mind is insulting! Your potential far outreaches a mere soldier, so do not pretend to be the part!”

  Out of rage, I walked straight up to his face and spat out the next few sentences. “Any special future I could have had was stripped away years ago. And you can thank yourself for that. Now I just do what I can for this alliance and my family. You… no one else… put me through hell countless times over. Now you stand here… acting as an ally. Your soul is no better than the dytircs’. If I wouldn’t be discharged for it, I would’ve left you at that research center.” At this point, my blood was boiling.

  Kalvin looked down, covering his eyes for a second. When he looked back up at me, he didn’t seem scared. Instead, he had a hint of sadness in his wary brown eyes. “Sacrifices are a necessity in the pursuit of knowledge. In order to understand what DNA markers made you so exceptional, research had to be conducted, and with certain research… follows pain. One day, I hope you will come to understand this.”

  “Don’t expect me to. Your research cost me more than just my life, and that isn’t a metaphor. You tortured me behind closed doors – and for what?” I yelled.

  “It is understandable that you would not know.”

  “Know what?”

  “We discovered the markers in your DNA were triggered by the 2nd Big Bang from the year 2036. Furthermore, we discovered that every living intelligent being we have examined contains those same markers. At the time when the 2nd Big Bang hit, nobody understood what it meant… not even the qwayks. What was perceived as an anomaly now has some explanation to it. To this day, this discovery is recognized as amongst the greatest.”

  “So you’re telling me everybody is an ace?”

  “Not technically. These markers are indeed encoded inside every intelligent being’s DNA. However, they rarely activate as yours did. As far as my calculations go, the probability of becoming an ace is one in two billion. And every attempt to manually activate those markers failed, ending with the loss of the subjects’ lives.”

  “So even more innocent beings bit the pill and died over me?”

  “As I said, sacrifices are a necessity for the betterment of our alliance.” He spoke as if he’d done the right thing.

  “You’re despicable. I’m glad I escaped your hellhole when I did.” I smirked, a bit calmer now.

  “You mean your astonishingly effortless escape?”

  “What are you on about now?”

  “Your escape, access to an individual willing to forge a medical sheet, enlistment in the legionnaire program. Even you must acknowledge it was all too convenient.”

  “Jesus. You truly are an asshole.”

  “I personally anticipated you would end up in the military, applying your abilities for the ARW’s well-being. In the future, I challenge you to accept that you are not a mere soldier. You contain far superior potential.”

  My blood boiled yet again. I wanted nothing more than to strangle him until he turned blue. However, I decided I should leave. I held myself back and, as calmly as I could, asked, “Is that all?”

  “There is one more matter to discuss. Our spies have received word that a warlord is believed to be leading an invasion on Juster in under a week. This news is troubling. I have already relayed this intelligence to Commander Sizar, and he is preparing to counter.”

  “Which warlord?” I was now intrigued. I dropped my previous rage toward him.

  “That information has yet to be revealed. All we know is that there were eight warlords commanding the entirety of the Wersillian Legion, and now there are six. We defeated a dytirc warlord named Cralo and a lycargan warlord named Eruvir Varzaac. Unfortunately, some reports have us believing that two more have stepped up to take the place of the two fallen. Nonetheless, none of the existing warlords is unidentified to us.
You must understand... it is a rarity to witness them in battle and live.”

  “That’s not much to go on.” I was suspicious of his plan.

  “Precisely why we must act. We must attain more information. I have a suspicion that somehow, those nano-bugs are connected to the warlords.”

  “Why tell me all of this?”

  “Is it not obvious? There is more to this war than what was originally perceived. This could be proof of my theory.”

  “Whatever… if that’s all, then I’m leaving.” Without saying another word, I left his quarters and headed back toward my friends.

  Around dinnertime that same day, Commander Sizar summoned me and Captain Landis to a command meeting. Commander Sizar had just landed at the outpost from an escort ship. This was the first time I’d seen him in person. He was a qwayk male, particularly tall, with gray skin and teal eyes. His vantors had a strange lemon tint to it. He waited, with his arms crossed, near a hologram table wide enough for nearly a hundred individuals to stand around. There was a camera drone aimed at Sizar meaning many more were tuned in for this meeting. Small chatter continued until everyone he summoned had gathered around the table.

  Holograms projected from the table, and he spoke. “I have summoned all of you here to go over the plan my officers and I have come up with over the last few hours. Our intelligence suggests that in less than a week, the Wersillian Legion is planning an invasion, led by a warlord, on the planet Juster.” Everyone in the room whispered amongst themselves for a moment. “Yes, you heard correctly, a warlord. All present in this meeting are captains and first lieutenants. It will be your responsibilities to discuss with the rest of your squad the specific orders I’m about to give each of you. For the next hour, we will hand each of you your orders inside these envelopes.” He held one up for everyone to see. After putting it down, he continued. “When your name is read, come forward and grab your envelope. Once you have it, you may leave the room and read it with your squad. This next part is crucial, so do not forget: Burn the instructions after you read them. Now, one of my first mates will begin reading names.”

  Twenty minutes passed before Captain Landis’ name was called, then mine right after hers. We got our envelopes and left.

  On our way toward our squad, she said, “I’ve never seen them take this much precaution before. Does the command not trust its own soldiers?”

  “Maybe it has something to do with a possible warlord stepping out of the shadows. They must simply want to make sure the ARW has the best chance possible to take said warlord down and stop the invasion.”

  “You’re probably right. I’ve never been on an operation involving one of them.” She finished as we pushed through our squads quarters.

  She and I tore open our envelopes and made sure our orders were the same. Once confirming they were, she began. “Alright, 1070, listen up. I’m going to read our orders out loud.” She cleared her throat before beginning. “1070 Legionnaires, you’ll be working with the Bruising Brothers and Benjamin Cross, of the 8990 Watchmen, to find the location of the warlord and kill him or her on sight.” I raised my eyebrows, stunned to hear Benjamin was accompanying us. I shook my head, figuring Kalvin had something to do with this. “We’ve paired you with the Bruising Brothers, Alabon and Geariic Zserin, because of their experience. They were the two who killed the dytirc warlord Cralo. Benjamin Cross was added last-minute to the squad at the request of Kalvin Keefe for his tracking and navigation skills.” I hit my head with my hand as my suspicions were confirmed. This made me wonder how he knew about Benjamin in the first place. “Your unit will be dropped near the location, where we believe the warlord to be… as soon as we obtain that information. Take note, Captain Landis will be in charge of this mission. Be ready in an hour for transportation onto the Tempest of Titans. Notice: Burn paper.”

  Landis and I both lit our papers and watched them as they burned away. “Everyone know the plan?” She asked the entire squad. We all nodded, and she continued. “Good to hear. Before we head out, I want to add some additional info. First, has anyone heard of the Bruising Brothers?”

  “We have.” Valiic signaled to him and Narrisa. “They’re maelkii twins, with activated markings in their DNA. They’re aces, like James.”

  Landis nodded. “Correct, they’re twin maelkii brothers, with skin made of metal. I worked with them two years ago on a mission. Just know they aren’t the most level-headed men. I want each of you to be prepared for them, because they can be hard to work with. As for Benjamin, he’ll follow orders without any problem. Nothing else special there. Everyone got that?”

  We all nodded, ready for the adventure to kick off.

  Chapter 8: Freak Show

  April 22, 2103

  Geariic Zserin

  In war, the Bruising Brothers, Alabon and Geariic, are freaks of nature on the battlefield, bowling through entire platoons like pins. Though once upon a time, they were different types of freaks altogether; freaks on a completely different medium. Many soldiers never knew that "Bruising Brothers" wasn't a name given to them in war. It was a name that traces much further back, all the way back to a freak show.

  The crowds roared at the previous act. Alabon and Geariic jittered behind the curtain. Both of these twins had practiced their act many times over, but this would be the first time they performed in front of a crowd. Geariic had knots twisting inside his stomach. The curtains opened, and he glanced over the sea of nameless faces. He was already beginning to despise this.

  “From the back alleys of the Georgia Territory, I welcome the Bruising Brothers, Geariic and Alabon, to the stage!” The announcer waved his hands in the air to generate more buzz and energy from the crowd.

  Geariic walked to one side of the stage, while his brother, Alabon, walked to the other side. Alabon picked up the prop flamethrower already placed for them to use.

  The announcer said, “Now watch in amazement as Geariic gets set on fire!”

  Geariic scanned the room before the hot flames ignited him. “Here I am… lost in the forest of despair without a compass,” Geariic mumbled to himself.

  Alabon let loose a series of bursts from the prop flamethrower at Geariic. As the streams of fire engulfed him, he held his breath, careful not to breathe in the smoke. He stood still as the fire burned at his metal plated skin. Hotter the fire around him became, almost to the point where his skin hit its melting point. That’s when Alabon stopped. They'd rehearsed this act so many times, he knew what Geariic’s breaking point was. As Geariic was revealed to the crowd, they cheered.

  The announcer thundered, “You haven’t seen anything yet! For Geariic and Alabon’s next act, they'll lift that five ton tank! A feat that would take three normal maelkii to do. Are you ready?” The crowd howled in enjoyment.

  Geariic and Alabon walked over to the prop tank and heaved. Slowly but surely, they prevailed. Alabon’s face strained, and Geariic felt his muscles stretch thin. The crowd roared at their accomplishment. He could see Alabon was fueled by the cheers. Alabon began to lift the tank higher. Geariic, despite not wanting to, supported his brother, and they managed to get the tank above their heads before dropping it.


  The dropped tank set off a miniature earthquake, and the crowd roared louder. Some gave standing ovations. Geariic waved and left his brother. He went back to their tent to get away from the crowd. Alabon joined him a minute later.

  “Geariic, what’s wrong?” Alabon pulled up a chair beside him.

  “You know damn well what. I hate the crowd… I hate their looks. We move from town to town so others can stare at us like freaks! It’s no way to live!” Geariic sneered.

  “It’s a lot better than where we were. Starving, roaming the alleys, scavenging for food… all that stuff. When our orphanage closed, we had nothing. We were lost in the system. This freak show gave us a chance… a paycheck. What more could you want?”

  “What more? For starters… how about a life… a purpose… some goal w
e can strive for? This shivf show has thrown us in a box we can’t escape from.”

  “Hey! The box is there for a reason. I like living inside of it. I feel safe in it.”

  “The box is hell to me! I want action in my life… glory. I wanna be known… to be great. Inside this box, I'll never get a taste of that.”

  “Geariic. Why do you wanna be something you aren’t? We're just two pieces of trash the system threw out. Nobody wanted us because they knew we would amount to nothing.”

  “Nobody wanted us because we were different. But someday… somebody will see our differences as qualities to be cherished. I wanna get the hell out of here, not today, but yesterday! I hate it here! It’s the only way we'll even have a shot at that somebody finding us. Alabon, I love you to death, but sometimes you have to take chances… have ambition. This crowd doesn’t cheer for you because your act is great. They cheer because of how freakish we are. Hell, this is a freak show… it’s what they came to see.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “It is, and the sooner we leave, the sooner we can find that someone who will celebrate our freakish qualities.”

  Alabon was about to retort when the showrunner walked in our tent. “I have some man here who would like to meet you.”

  Geariic grunted, “Who in Sam-Hell would want to see us? Fine, let the person in.”

  The showrunner left the tent, and in walked someone else. He was a black human male with a tall flat top haircut. He sported a fancy suit and one of the most welcoming smiles Geariic had ever seen. This man was the first person he'd met who didn’t immediately look at his metal skin. Instead, he comforted Geariic with a soft sparkle in his brown eyes.

  “Greetings, gentlemen. I had the pleasure of observing your show… quite entertaining. My name is Kalvin Keefe, and I am the Director of the Order of Aegis.”

  “Ooh, that sounds fancy,” Alabon shined.

  “And what does a suit like you want with us, Kalvin?” Geariic grumbled.


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