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When Love Sneaks In (The Montgomery Family & Friends Book 2)

Page 9

by Vikki Vaught

  Although Margaret kept glancing at the young men, she did manage a reply. “Madame Bovary is well known for her designs. You should use her sometime if you’re ever in Bath.”

  She had managed to divert her attention away. “My former governess, Miss Tillman, teaches at your school. Do you have any classes with her?”

  While Margaret’s eyes drifted toward the young men, she managed an answer. “I have Miss Tillman for deportment, and she’s one of my favorite teachers. You were fortunate to have her as a governess.” She looked at her brother and his friends with envy in her eyes. “If I’d known Gregory was bringing friends home, I would have brought a few of mine.”

  Once everyone finished their refreshments, Gregory stood and announced they were going to the village. Margaret left to spend time with the twins. As Helen stood to leave, Matthew touched her arm. “Thank you for handling my sister. If you hadn’t intervened, she would have shown her temper.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

  Her pulse skipped at the brush of his lips as she replied, “It was my pleasure.”

  “I’m meeting with my steward in a few minutes, so I shall see you at dinner.” He smiled and strode from the room.

  Helen touched her cheek. He truly seemed to appreciate her efforts, and they were becoming closer. She enjoyed their morning rides and their evenings of conversation. She might be ready to consummate their marriage, but she was not sure how to let her husband know. She did not feel comfortable telling him outright. This was something she would need to ponder.

  The next morning, they received an invitation for a ball from the Marquess and Marchioness of Ralston which would be held in two weeks. Gooseflesh danced along her shoulders. The affair would be the first social gathering she would attend as a married woman. She’d never met the couple, but from what she’d heard, they were supposed to be pleasant, so she looked forward to the evening with great anticipation.

  Her sister-in-law had seen the invitation and was mad because she had not been included. After all, she was not out yet. Helen placated her by offering to take her to the village to buy a new bonnet.

  Salcombe was a quaint coastal town, and Helen had been there several times with Matthew. They went to the millinery and found Margaret a lovely bonnet in green with cream-colored ribbons that tied to the side. It was quite fetching on her and shopping put her sister-in-law in a jovial mood.

  Since it was such a beautiful day, they set out for a stroll along the boardwalk. The village was a small fishing port, and there were several boats tied to the pier. As they walked along, some of the men called out rude comments. Appalled, Helen rushed Margaret toward the gig. It was so different from what she was used to in her village. Strange, uncouth men would never have dared make comments of that nature in the presence of a lady.

  When they arrived at the gig, a woman came out of the dressmaker’s. Her cheeks grew flushed with what appeared to be anger, and it seemed to be directed at her. Helen could not imagine why this woman would be upset with her, since she’d never met her.

  The black-haired woman approached them. “Good day, Lady Margaret. I see you’re home for the summer. Who’s your friend? I don’t believe I’ve been introduced.”

  Margaret smiled politely. “Let me introduce you to my brother’s wife. This is the new Countess of Collingswood.”

  Mrs. Arlington’s violet eyes turned to ice. “Charmed, I’m sure. I had heard Lord Collingswood had taken a wife. We must chat some time. I’m sure we would find we have much in common. Well, I shall be off. I still have several other places I need to visit. I’m sure we shall meet again soon.”

  When they were inside the gig Helen turned to her sister-in-law. “Who was that woman? She looked at me with such disdain. Why would she react that way when we’ve never met before?”

  Margaret had taken out her new bonnet. “Oh, you need to overlook her. Her husband died four years ago, and she’s chased after my brother ever since. She just knew he would marry her. As far as I could tell, he only looked upon her as a friend. I would not worry if I were you. You’ll see her socially, because she’s invited everywhere.”

  Did this woman have a grudge against me for marrying Matthew?

  Could he have raised her expectations as the duke did with me?

  She could not hold him in esteem if he’d done that to a woman. She would watch how Matthew reacted when they were around Mrs. Arlington. Perhaps the woman would attend the Ralston’s ball.

  When she arrived home, she visited Christina and Catherine. She was slowly, but surely, winning their trust. It would be a good idea for them to take the girls on an outing of some kind together. A picnic would be just the thing. She would talk to Matthew about it tonight.

  Dinner was a raucous affair. Gregory’s friends were loud and ill-mannered. They were sons of aristocrats, although whomever had managed their upbringing failed miserably. Yet again, Margaret attempted to flirt with them—this time they returned her flirtation, especially Mr. Boling. Helen grew concerned she might take him seriously. Dinner ended, and they left the men to their port.

  When they entered the drawing room, they took a seat on the sofa. She wanted to talk to Margaret regarding her flirting, but she did not want to make the girl angry, so she would gently broach the subject after common pleasantries. “What an excellent meal. I must say, Cook’s fare has improved a great deal. Oh, by the way, you look lovely tonight. Your gown goes so nicely with your pretty hair. Did your maid arrange it differently?”

  Margaret preened. “She tried a new style.”

  Nothing ventured, nothing gained. “I watched you at dinner and noticed you flirting with your brother’s friends. Please be careful, and don’t take them seriously. I do not trust those young men. I wish he hadn’t brought them home. They’re only here for a few weeks, so try to stay away from them, and whatever you do, do not let one of them get you off by yourself. Will you do that for me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know how to handle them quite well. I have been around boys before. I’ll be cautious so don’t concern yourself.”

  “All right. Just know you can count on me if you need help. Now that I’ve married your brother, I want us to become close.” Matthew entered the room. “Ah, here’s your brother.”

  He joined them, taking a seat on the settee adjacent to theirs. “Gregory and his friends have gone to the village. Margaret, would you care to play cards?”

  “I shall pass and retire so I can read.” She stood. “I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.” Turning away, she pranced from the room.

  Matthew turned to her. “Do you want to play chess?”

  “That would be delightful. I used to play quite often with Henry.” Helen set the board up. Before long, she had taken his queen and was ready to take his king when Matthew sneaked in an unexpected move and won the game. They played another round, and he won again.

  While they put away the chessboard, she asked, “How would you feel about taking Christina and Catherine on an outing, possibly a picnic? It would help them accept me better if they saw us together.”

  “That’s an excellent idea. If the weather is fair tomorrow, we can do it then. I want to do my part in helping them feel more comfortable around you. I’ll have Cook prepare a basket. How did it go when you took Margaret into the village? Did she find a bonnet she liked?”

  They reached the bottom step. “She did, a very fetching one in fact. We had an excellent time until some very rude men made inappropriate comments. I hurried Margaret to the gig immediately.”

  “I should have warned you to stay away from the pier,” he replied. “Most of those fishermen are crude and do not act appropriately around a lady.”

  She hesitated. “I met a friend of yours…Mrs. Arlington. For some reason…she seemed to take me in dislike. I can’t imagine why.”

  “I would not say I’m friends with the woman, more acquaintances really. I’ve seen her at social gatherings for years.” His face did not give anything away
. She’d hoped for a reaction. “I can’t imagine why she would dislike you.” He stood and offered her his arm. “I think I shall retire. May I escort you to your chamber?”

  Since he appeared so casual and nonchalant, she could be imagining things. After all, she was cautious when it came to men because of the duke. She did not want to paint Matthew with the same brush, so to speak, just because the duke had turned out to be such a rogue.

  * * * *

  When they arrived at his wife’s door, Matthew wanted to distract her from her meeting with Cecilia, so he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He ran his tongue over her lips, and she immediately parted them, letting him slide home. Soon her breathing grew heavy, and she quivered in his arms. There was no doubt she returned his passion.

  Opening the door to their sitting room, he steered her inside, never breaking their kiss. He pushed the door closed behind them with his foot. Pulling her closer, he gently touched her breast and her nipple grew taut.

  Tongues entwined, hot fire rushed to every nerve. He slowly pulled her gown and chemise up, revealing her gorgeous red-gold curls. Brushing his finger across her core, her hot, moist heat almost drove him beyond his control. She whimpered. God, he hoped she would let him take her to his bed. He’d never wanted a woman as bad as he wanted her.

  Matthew was more than ready to explore her charms further, but the door to her bedchamber opened. When her maid saw them, she turned and fled. Of course, it gave Helen time to come to her senses, and she slipped from his arms.

  She met his gaze. “I’m still not ready, Matthew. Although I want you, I still need a little more time, all right?”

  Disappointment shot through him. “I’m sorry, darling. I just want you so much. I know I promised to wait…I’d hoped you’d changed your mind.” Not willing to let the moment go entirely, he reminded her, “You mentioned a few weeks, and we’ve been married for almost a month.” He could not help letting some of his frustration color his tone.

  He heard the hesitancy in her voice. “We did say a few weeks. If you will give me fifteen minutes, then I shall be ready to do my duty.” She drew in a shaky breath and smiled bravely at him.

  Her tone deflated him at once. He’d gone too far. While he wanted her badly, he wanted her willing, not because she felt it was her duty. “As much as I want to make love to you, I do not want you allowing it to please me. I didn’t mean to make you feel pushed.” He softly kissed her cheek and stepped back. Resigned to spending another lonely night, he stoically smiled. “Good night, my dear. I look forward to our picnic tomorrow with Christina and Catherine.”

  When he entered his room, he went to his sideboard and poured a glass of brandy, drinking it down in three gulps. His shaft throbbed with his unfulfilled desire. Then he remembered her asking about Cecilia, and that cooled his ardor. He was afraid that would happen. The woman planned to be difficult. He did not want Helen to find out he’d had an affair with her.

  She would never understand, especially after their conversation the other day. She’d made it crystal clear how she felt regarding adultery. Of course, he had not been unfaithful to her, nonetheless, she would not handle the news he’d had a mistress when they’d wed well. Helen had begun to trust him, and he did not want anything to change her mind about that.

  Matthew’s feelings grew stronger every day. He’d not planned to fall in love, but he had. He clenched his jaw. Why did her maid enter the sitting room when she did?

  Helen had been so close to losing control. If he’d had a few moments longer, she would have been so overcome by her passions, she would have allowed him to make love to her. Of course, he did not want her to do it out of duty. He wanted her to desire him as much as he wanted her.

  Devil’s teeth, I’ll go mad if I can’t have her soon.

  Although, it was no longer only physical release he wanted from his beautiful wife. He wanted her to return his love. He would need to remain patient. Since Helen had been so insistent over not having a love match, he needed to be careful. Matthew suspected she must have been hurt at some point in her past. That had to be why she was so wary regarding love.

  Perhaps a picnic with the twins was a way for them to draw closer to one another. Building a friendship was the way to go since his wife would see him in a positive light, and it would help her learn to trust him.


  How can I wait much longer?

  He wanted her in his bed now. He was tired of waking during the night, stiff as a rod of steel from erotic dreams of her. Pouring another glass of brandy, he sat in front of the fireplace and sipped it this time. Once he finished it, he stood and stretched. Glancing at his huge empty bed, he slouched to it and crawled beneath the covers. Another restless night lay before him.


  The next morning was perfect for a picnic. While Matthew retrieved the basket Cook had prepared, Helen went to the nursery for Christina and Catherine. When she told them where they were going, the little girls jumped around in a circle while clapping their hands.

  They ran to get their bathing costumes, so they could play in the water. Helen laughed as she watched them struggle into them and went over to help. Once they were ready, they went downstairs and found her husband wearing a huge grin and holding a big basket and a blanket.

  As they walked along, she listened to the twins’ merry chatter. Once they were down the narrow path, Helen spread the blanket and Matthew set the basket on it. The children ran to the water.

  Matthew followed them so they did not get into trouble. He stripped to his breeches, and soon he was frolicking with the girls. They squealed as he tossed each one of them into the air. When he returned them to the ground, they ran into the waves, and as they fell, he scooped them up, one in each arm.

  Helen enjoyed watching them play. It was the most interaction she’d seen him have with his daughters, and they clearly loved every moment of it. She slipped off her stockings and shoes, tucked her skirt into the waistband and went to join in. Although she tried to be careful, she still ended up soaking wet, but it was worth it.

  After thirty minutes of play, everyone stomped out of the water and went to the blanket to eat. The roasted chicken the cook had packed tasted delicious, and so did the cheese with bread, and fresh fruit. The jug of lemonade quenched their thirst. Christina and Catherine yawned, then curled up beside each other and fell asleep.

  As Helen sat beside her husband, she stretched her legs out and crossed them at her ankles. “That was so much fun. I’m not surprised the girls fell asleep. They had to be worn out after playing so hard with you. We need to do this more often.”

  Matthew wrapped his arms around his knees. “I enjoyed playing with them. It’s the first time I’ve brought them here. You made it easy, and I appreciate all you’re doing. I need to be a better father. I’ve always been so afraid I would do something to hurt them, I’ve avoided spending much time with them. Although I love my daughters, I haven’t done a good job showing it. That’s changing.”

  “You made a good start today.” She laughed. “The girls loved every minute of it. I’m so pleased you agreed to the picnic.”

  “We need to take advantage of this summer weather because before you know it, fall will be here, and we will not be able to bring them here. Let’s do this a couple of times a week.” He glanced at her. “You’re soaked, are you not? Slip your dress off, and lay it in the sun to dry. I promise to be a gentleman.”

  She glanced around, and seeing the coast deserted, she removed the soaked garment and draped it over a boulder nearby. Then she stretched out on the blanket. Matthew lay beside her and took her hand. Enjoying his hand holding hers, she drifted off to sleep. When she awoke, Matthew lay asleep, and she watched him. He was such a gorgeous man. In sleep, his face looked relaxed and more youthful. She craved his touch, wanted to lose control in his arms. She was tired of becoming aroused and calling a halt to his overtures. If she wanted children of her own, the only way to accomplish that wa
s for them to make love. When he awoke, she’d ask him to come to her tonight.

  Christina awoke first. She yawned and stretched, then a big grin flitted across her impish face. “Thank you for bringing us here. This is the funnest day ever.”

  She flung her arms around Helen’s neck and hugged her. Tears filled her eyes as she returned the child’s hug. Soon, Catherine stirred, and the girls wanted to play again. This time, she helped them build a sandcastle. Matthew awoke and joined in on the fun.

  She noticed their faces were turning a little red. “It’s time to return to the house.”

  The little girls crossed their arms across their narrow chests. “Do we have to?” they cried in unison.

  “We shall return in a couple of days, I promise.” Christina’s mouth turned down and Catherine poked out her bottom lip. After her husband gently yet firmly admonished them, the children gave in without further fuss. He grabbed the basket and blanket, and they trudged up the path, the girls chattering all the way to the nursery.

  Katie, the new nursemaid, took them, assuring Helen she would have them cleaned up and would feed them their evening meal. On the way to their rooms, she asked, “Will you meet me in our sitting room after we freshen up?” Her voice came out higher than usual.

  “As you wish. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.” As he walked to his door, he glanced over his shoulder, his eyes curious. Then he stepped inside out of sight.

  Matthew was already in the sitting room when she entered. Her nervous state had her twisting her hands and biting her lip. As she took her place on the sofa, she cleared her throat. “I’ve decided I want you to come to me tonight.” She lowered her eyes and stared at her tightly clasped hands. “I’m ready to become your wife.”

  He sat beside her and took her hands in his. “Nothing could make me happier. I promise you will have no reason to regret your decision.”


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