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When Love Sneaks In (The Montgomery Family & Friends Book 2)

Page 23

by Vikki Vaught

  Nausea rolled in her belly. The thought of what Bernard had said he would do sent waves of fear through her.

  Her breasts ached, her core pulsed, revulsion shot through her at her reaction to the drugged wine. Overwhelming desire pumped through her veins.

  Her heart thumped.

  Her palms itched.

  She’d never experienced sexual passion so keenly before, and it terrified her. The last thing she wanted was to be aroused while some strange man raped her.

  Oh, God, please let one of them be there tonight.

  Matthew could have discovered she’d been taken to London.

  Oh, she prayed her husband was in town.

  * * * *

  Matthew prepared for the evening. The auction would start at midnight, and they wanted to be there well before that. He still wanted to do the bidding, even though Sanderford was right. He prayed they got her back tonight unharmed. Once he finished dressing, he went downstairs to join the others.

  Both his brothers-in-law were already in the drawing room. They went into dinner, but even the superbly prepared food turned his stomach. He drank several glasses of wine, hoping to calm his rioting nerves.

  When dinner ended, it was still too early to leave, so they joined the ladies instead of lingering over port and cigars. Mary went to the pianoforte and began playing softly. It soothed his nerves even better than the wine. Finally, at ten, they departed for the brothel.

  Matthew had a hard time sitting still on the carriage ride over. His skin crawled as he kept tapping his dress shoes on the floor, earning a glare from Sanderford. His anxiety shot through the roof of the carriage as he agonized over how this would play out. The carriage slowed.

  At last, we’ve arrived.

  The same door attendant the duke had bribed let them in, and they walked into the main salon. Scantily dressed women sat everywhere. Matthew paid no attention to them, and neither did his brothers-in-law. Weston, Hayden, and Harrington had already arrived and had saved seats for them up front near the platform set up for the auction.

  Weston leaned forward and lowered his voice. “From what I gather, there will be four women auctioned tonight. The main attraction will be last, and that’s probably your…umm, sister. I’ve talked to several gentlemen who plan to bid and win the prize. No one is allowed to see any of the women until they’re on the platform. I hope you brought plenty of bank notes. I have a feeling you’ll need them.”

  While they engaged in conversation, several women approached, offering their favors. Weston and Harrington acted interested, and even allowed two of them to sit on their laps so they appeared less conspicuous.

  At midnight, the first woman came on stage. She was very young, at most sixteen. The girl had long, blonde hair, so light, it was almost white and large blue eyes. There was a childlike innocence, and it turned his stomach to think of her being used in such a degrading way. Was she here voluntarily or was she being forced?

  The young woman went to the couch in the center of the platform and stretched upon it. She must be under the influence of a powerful aphrodisiac because she was writhing and rubbing her breasts as she looked at the audience. Matthew noticed several men rubbing their cocks. It sickened him to realize that before Helen, he would have acted the same way. Shame washed over him.


  The Madame stepped onto the platform. “Thank you for coming. Tonight, you have an opportunity to bid on my new shining stars. I know you’ll find them delightfully sensuous and arousing. Allow me to introduce my first star in my gallery. Gentlemen, this is Simone. She comes from northern England and has been trained in the arts of pleasuring a gentleman. As you can see, she’s very passionate, and is dying for one of you fine gentlemen to give her what she craves. The bidding starts at fifty pounds. Who will open?”

  Several men started bidding and soon Viscount Wellford won his prize for two hundred pounds. After paying Madame, he grabbed the dazed girl’s hand and led her from the platform, then took her upstairs.

  The second young woman walked onto the platform. “Gentlemen. Meet Melissa from Kent. She will delight you in ways beyond your wildest imagination. The bidding will start at one hundred pounds.”

  The second young girl was also pretty with curly black hair and large, chocolate-brown eyes. She was slightly plump with voluptuous breasts, a well-rounded derriere, and a tiny waist. Soon the bidding went up to four hundred pounds. A merchant from Harford won the auction. He paid Madame, and Melissa led him upstairs.

  Matthew grew impatient, twisting in his seat and crossing and re-crossing his legs. He prayed the last one would be Helen, but they still had another one to go until it was the final star’s turn. The third woman slinked onto stage. This one was a little older than the first two, perhaps, in her early twenties and had long, light brown hair and pale green eyes.

  Again, Madame opened the bidding at one hundred pounds, and there were several men bidding for the pleasure of her company. The bidding for her went up to five hundred pounds, and an earl won her for the night. The man paid the Madame and led his prize off the platform and up the stairs. At last, it was Helen’s turn.

  Madame stepped onto the platform. “Our last star of the evening will dazzle you beyond what you could ever imagine, so be ready to open your pockets. The bidding for this rare gem will start at five hundred pounds. May I present Helena of Devonshire. She just arrived from the country, and while she isn’t a virgin, she’s still very innocent. She’s only had one man, but she’s more than ready to have one of you fine gentlemen train her for your pleasure.”

  When the last woman walked onto the platform, Matthew’s heart stopped.

  It was indeed his wife.

  Clearly, she’d been given a powerful aphrodisiac as well. Her brilliant blue eyes were glazed over. She went to the couch and started rubbing herself as she sat there. His Helen would never do such a bold thing.

  A man in the back of the room opened the bid. The duke upped the bid to six hundred, then another man bid seven. Sanderford held back and soon the bidding was up to a thousand pounds. There were quite a few bidders for Helen, but the man in the back kept raising his bid. Sanderford stood, looked around the room, and stared the other men down, then upped the bid to twelve hundred.

  All the rest of the men backed away. The fellow in the back did not. He raised his bid to fifteen hundred. Sanderford gave the man his best impression of an arrogant duke, and as he stared the man down, he bid two thousand. The man raised his bid to three thousand pounds. It looked like the man was determined to win at any cost.

  Sanderford turned around, looking directly at the man in back. Matthew gasped. It was the Earl of Bradshaw. The most lecherous rogue in London. He jerked out of his seat, prepared to rush to the stage.

  His brother-in-law pressed him down again. “There’s no way I’ll let him get his hands on my sister.”

  Matthew fisted his hands, but remained seated. What set his pulse pounding in his veins: the earl did not look intimidated. She watched as Sanderford took a pinch of snuff. What was he doing. Did he mean to give up?

  The duke straightened his cuff, then drawled, “Five…” he paused, “thousand…” he paused again, “pounds.” Lord Bradshaw shrugged his shoulders, bowed to Sanderford, and sat down.

  Sanderford won the bid.

  Helen looked so drugged she did not recognize her brother as he approached her. He gently led her from the platform and up the stairs. Madame Lucille accepted his voucher, then led them up the stairs and out of sight.

  Matthew took the opportunity afforded him and slipped upstairs, keeping out of the Madame’s view, yet close enough to hear what was said.

  The Madame smiled. “I’ve given you the best room in the house, Your Grace. I’m honored by your patronage, and I wish you a pleasure-filled evening. If there is anything I can do, let me know. I shall leave you alone with your delightful prize. Goodnight.”

  Sanderford must have seen him out of the corner of his eye b
ecause he detained the woman and said, “Some of your rooms have peepholes. If this is one of them, I want a different chamber. I demand privacy, and I will not be watched.”

  Madame curtsied. “Oh, no, Your Grace, I promise you will have complete privacy. You’re welcome to check, but you shan’t find anything.”

  Matthew crept to the door. Thank God, the woman was looking at Sanderford as he arrogantly walked around checking behind all the pictures. “I’m satisfied. You may leave us. I do not want to be disturbed for the rest of the night.”

  “Then I bid you a good night.” She fell into another deep curtsey. Matthew stepped into the shadows as the woman sashayed past him without a glance.

  Once the Madame was gone, he slipped inside the room as Sanderford pulled Helen into his arms. “You’re safe, sweetheart. I shall get you out of here soon. Why don’t you lie down and rest?”

  Helen looked dazed. She rubbed herself against him and moaned. He moved into the light, but his wife was so intent on her brother, she did not see him as Sanderford gently pushed her on the bed and pulled up the covers.

  Matthew tapped him on the shoulder. “I shall take it from here.”

  “I’m so hot,” she whined, sounding nothing like her usual self. “I don’t need any covers.” She pushed them away. At last, she noticed him, jumped off the bed and ran into his arms. “I’ve been so scared. They t-took my sons away and told me they were taking them to a…a baby farm. You must find them.”

  He held her close and gently rubbed her back. “They’re fine. I found them before they were taken there. The wet nurse is caring for them, and they’re thriving. I’ve been so worried. We’ve searched for weeks trying to find you. We even hired a Bow Street Runner to help us. Old Maude told us you’d been beaten, and she’d treated your wounds. Are you all right?”

  “Y-yes.” Her voice shook. “It was awful. A man named Louis abducted me. He grabbed me from my bed, and before I had a chance to scream, he knocked me out. I awoke, and my babies were gone. He gagged me and kept me tied up the entire trip. I didn’t know where he was taking me. My milk has dried up, and I can’t nurse our sons.” Helen buried her head against his chest and sobbed.

  Sanderford stopped Helen before she could finish her story. “I know you need to talk, sweetheart, but we need to get you out of here. Do you know a way out of this building, other than the front?”

  “We can use the back stairs and go out the servant’s entrance,” she told them. “That’s how they brought me in.”

  Sanderford nodded. “Excellent. Let me see if it’s clear.”

  As soon as her brother left, Helen rubbed against him, then grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast. “Please, Matthew, I need you so badly. My body’s on fire. Please make love to me.”

  He stroked her back. “I’ll give you relief soon, my love. Just bear with me a little longer.” Helen had started rubbing herself against him again.

  Sanderford returned and turned beet red. “Pardon me.” He cleared his throat. “We need to hurry. Follow me.” Then he moved into the corridor.

  After he grabbed Helen’s hand, he pulled her out of the room. Sanderford led them down the back stairs and tried the door.

  It was locked.

  Her brother pushed against the barrier, but to no avail. “We need to find something to pry it open. See if you can find anything. I’ll protect my sister.”

  Matthew searched the hall until he came to a closed door. He carefully opened it and discovered a storage closet. Rummaging around, he found a long metal pipe with a sharp point on the end, then hurried back. Before he turned the corner, someone grabbed him from behind.

  He swung the pipe, hitting the assailant on the side of his head. The blow took the man by surprise, and Matthew broke loose. He hit his attacker squarely on the jaw, and he fell to the floor.

  After he checked to make sure the man was unconscious, he returned to Sanderford and Helen. He went to work on the door. Once he had it open, they slipped into an alley beside the building and cautiously made their way toward the street.

  As they were getting ready to turn the corner, a man burst out of the door and ran toward them. He still had the pipe, so he swung it. This time the attacker was ready and blocked it. The man grabbed him by the neck and started choking him. Bringing his arms up between his biceps, Matthew broke the villain’s hold and punched him in the gut. His blow was answered by a solid punch to his jaw.

  He saw stars, but refused to give in to the darkness. He held on and took another swing. This time his fist connected with the man’s jaw. He heard it crack. The man fell down, and Matthew took off running.

  Sanderford already had Helen inside the carriage, so Matthew jumped in. Her brother tapped the roof, and the coach moved forward. “Wait! The others are still in there. I need to go back. That man isn’t going to stay down long. The Madame knows Peter and the others were with us and may try to detain them.”

  Sanderford told the coachman to stop once they turned the corner. “You can’t go back in such disarray. I’ll ask the door attendant to get him and the others for us. I gave him enough of a bribe. He’ll be more than willing to do it. Wait here, and I’ll take care of it. If anyone starts to come at you, tell the coachman to go on, and I’ll find my own way to Sanderford House.”

  After he exited the carriage, Matthew pulled her close and gently kissed her forehead. “Darling. I was so afraid you were lost to me forever. I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

  Lifting her face, he kissed her, and she returned it with equal fervor. Apparently, she could not get close enough. She was still rubbing against him at every opportunity. “Please, I need you so bad. My body aches.”

  He did his best to soothe her. He gently stroked her back and shoulders as he rained kisses over her face. “My love, we have to stop. Your brother will be back with the others any minute. We’ll be home soon. I’ll take care of you when we get there.”

  The door opened, and Peter climbed into the carriage as Helen’s brother told the coachman to take them to Sanderford House, then shut the door. The coach took off at a fast trot.

  Matthew held her in his arms. whispering softly in her ear, trying to calm her. Soon they arrived at the house. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to their rooms. As soon as he closed the door, Helen grabbed him and began tearing at his clothing.

  “Please, Matthew. I need you right now. Help me.” Picking her up, he carried her to his bed. He pushed up her skirts and found her dripping wet. Pulling her bottom to the edge of the bed, he surged home. It was the most indescribably wonderful feeling in the world. Helen writhed as he stroked in and out of her tight passage.

  And to think I almost lost her…

  He watched her face flush with passion as she came apart in his embrace. A husky sound rose in his throat as he filled her sweet passage with his seed. Falling to the side, he pulled her close as she sighed.

  Soon, she started writhing and twisting as passion took over again. Matthew loved her over and over again, until she finally fell into a deep sleep. He watched her as she slept and quietly prayed to God, thanking him for returning her to him, then fell into the most restful sleep he’d had since Helen had been taken.

  They slept until well past noon the following day. Matthew awoke first. Her beautiful face was covered with paint, but she’d never looked lovelier. She smiled sweetly in her sleep and snuggled close to him. Dread filled him. Once she awoke, he’d have to tell her he suspected Cecilia was behind her abduction, and he feared her reaction.

  After all…it was his fault she’d been taken.


  May 1821

  Matthew watched as Helen sighed and stretched. She met his gaze and smiled. “Oh, thank goodness. It wasn’t a dream. I’m safe.”

  He pulled her close. “You’re safe and sound, and I’m never letting you go again. I’m so sorry. I never should have left you and our sons alone.”

  “You had to go to your sister,�
� she cajoled, “I hope she’s all right. I assumed she must be, since Peter was with you last night. I’m sorry I acted the wanton, but I couldn’t stop myself. Madame put something in my wine.”

  “I wanted you as much as you wanted me. That must have been a powerful potion she gave you.” He touched her face. “The note was a forgery. Margaret isn’t, nor has she ever been, with child. They were shocked when I arrived and told them why I was there.”

  “I imagine they were. I’m so glad she’s well.” She scooted higher and settled against the pillows. “Tell me how you found our sons so quickly?”

  He sighed as contentment filled his soul. Having her next to him was pure bliss. “Wells contacted the magistrate as soon as they realized you and the babies were missing. Someone saw the two men with our sons. It was easy to pick up their trail, because they weren’t trying to cover their tracks at all, and we caught up with them just before Chard, in Somerset.”

  “Thank goodness you found them in time,” she replied. “I’ve been so worried. What happened when you confronted the men?”

  Helen snuggled close as he continued his story. “Peter and I overpowered them quickly. Truthfully, they didn’t put up much of a fight. One of them ran away, but I captured the other. He told me you were being taken to London, and the man who hired him planned to sell you to a brothel. That’s why we searched all of them in town.”

  Puzzlement flitted across her face. “I didn’t know the man who took me. He never told me why he had taken me. He alluded to someone else being behind it though. I still don’t know who wanted me abducted. Have you discovered who was behind this?”

  He lowered his head.

  Oh, God, I don’t want to tell her. “It was my fault. Please don’t hate me…I suspect Cecilia ordered your abduction. Only we think you were supposed to be killed—not taken.”


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