Book Read Free

Praying for Time

Page 10

by Carlene Thompson

  ‘I don’t believe he worries about you leaving him. But he is a child who tries hard to be perfect.’

  ‘Kids shouldn’t have to be perfect to win their parents’ love. Anyway, I bring him here once a week because I don’t want him to think I’m ignoring him in favor of the restaurant.’

  ‘You never ignore Sammy and he knows why you bring him. He loves you dearly.’

  Derek grinned. ‘And you’re a dear for saying so.’ He tilted his head and kissed her on the cheek in spite of the staff hurrying around them with tablecloths and centerpieces. ‘As soon as Grace is well, I’d love to have dinner with you again.’

  ‘Sounds wonderful.’

  ‘And I’d love to have lunches and take long walks – sometimes without the children – and watch movies and … well, about a hundred things.’

  ‘A hundred?’ Audrey laughed. ‘Are you sure you can think up a hundred things for us to do around here?’

  ‘They don’t all have to be around here. There’s a whole world beyond Everly Cliffs, Audrey.’

  ‘So I’ve heard. I never thought I’d see it.’

  ‘I didn’t either. And I didn’t have any desire to.’ Derek looked at her, his slate gray gaze tender. ‘Not until the last few months. I do think you’ve brought me back to life, Audrey Willis.’

  A mixture of happiness and apprehension rippled through her. She’d loved once and been deserted. Since that time, she’d had occasional dates and three casual relationships, but her heart had never really been involved. Her love was reserved for Cara and she’d come to believe it would always be that way. Then she met Derek Sherwin. He was handsome and intelligent, kind and gentlemanly, but there was something else about him that had immediately drawn her to him. Maybe it was his sensitivity, his gentleness, his empathy for other people. His qualities seemed to develop an almost instant affinity to her own and after a couple of months of intense introspection, Audrey had finally decided to let Derek into her life and her deepest emotions. She had decided to try love again.

  She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake.

  ‘I don’t have anything to wear,’ Vanessa said.

  Audrey smiled. ‘In the closet in your room I saw a beautiful cocktail dress you left a couple of years ago. Did you forget about it?’

  Audrey went with Vanessa, opened the closet door and pushed a few items of clothing around on the rack and removed a dress from the closet. It was a bateau-necked forest-green crepe with ruching around the waist and long sleeves that ended with a delicate spray of sparkles above the wrists.

  ‘It’s perfect,’ Vanessa agreed. ‘I’d completely forgotten I’d left it here.’

  ‘Along with dark green high-heeled pumps.’

  ‘I wore the outfit to a party I attended with Grace two Christmases ago. I think it was her last party.’

  ‘Well, it’s a lovely dress and I don’t think you should associate it with anything sad. I’ll bet Grace had a good time that night.’

  Vanessa laughed. ‘She did. She drank too much champagne and sang ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’ by the Beatles. Loudly. She was the hit of the evening!’

  ‘You’ll have fun tonight.’

  ‘I should stay here with Grace.’

  ‘The best thing you can do for Grace is to make her happy and you going to the party will make her happy.’

  ‘I wish you could go, Audrey. I feel guilty.’

  ‘Don’t. There will be other parties for me. Tonight I’ll enjoy Grace and the kids.’

  At eight thirty sharp Max rang the bell and when Vanessa answered, his eyes widened. ‘Well, I know who’ll get all the attention this evening. You look beautiful.’

  ‘And you look quite handsome in your white dinner jacket.’

  When they were in the car, Vanessa added, ‘I feel like I was forced on you. I’m sorry.’

  ‘If I didn’t want to go with you, I wouldn’t have said my girlfriend and I broke up two weeks ago. It was months ago. I was trying to get sympathy to persuade you to go with me. If you’re embarrassed, you shouldn’t be. You’re giving Grace a great vicarious experience and me a night I’ll never forget.’

  ‘Gosh you’re nice!’ Vanessa exclaimed, laughing. ‘You know what to say to make a person feel good.’

  ‘I’m a natural charmer, no matter what my mother thought. I couldn’t say or do anything to please that woman.’

  ‘That’s a shame, but I understand. I had the same relationship with my mother.’

  ‘Well, here we are.’ Max turned into the crowded parking lot of Nia’s, the largest and most elegant restaurant in town. Lights shone at every window and had been strung in the evergreens – large and small – surrounding the restaurant and lining the entrance, with its red carpet and awning.

  Vanessa wore her diamond and emerald birthstone ring and Grace had loaned her a narrow diamond necklace, small diamond earrings, and a black faux-sable coat. Even when she was young, Grace had refused to wear real fur. Vanessa pulled the coat around her and stepped from the car when Max opened the door.

  ‘I feel like trumpets should be sounding,’ he said. ‘Queen Na’dya has arrived.’

  ‘I’m undercover tonight, acting like one of the common people,’ Vanessa returned, already enjoying herself. Max was an entertaining companion.

  Inside, the restaurant’s three chandeliers glowed over the dark-gold and ivory furnishings. Candelabras held white candles flickering with flame, exquisite pots brimmed with crimson poinsettias, and a Christmas tree decorated in white and gold towered in a corner.

  ‘It’s gorgeous!’ Vanessa exclaimed as she slid out of her coat.

  ‘I’m so glad you think so.’ Derek Sherwin stood behind her dressed in a tuxedo. She thought he looked even more handsome than when he’d stood at the door of Everly House. ‘I didn’t know you were coming tonight.’

  ‘I didn’t either. My grandmother shamed poor Max into bringing me.’

  ‘As if any man would have to be shamed into bringing Vanessa Everly to a Christmas party,’ Max intervened. ‘I’ll be telling my grandchildren about this.’

  ‘Speaking of children, is Sam behaving himself?’ Derek asked.

  ‘Perfectly. He picked out the blue guestroom upstairs. Cara sleeps on the first floor with her mother. When I left, he and Cara were playing with my dog Queenie.’

  ‘I’ve heard about her.’ Derek looked at Max. ‘The two of you need a drink. Champagne?’

  ‘Sounds great. We’re headed for the bar, aren’t we, Vanessa?’

  ‘Yes. The party looks wonderful, Derek.’

  ‘Thank you. I hope you have a nice evening.’

  Derek moved on to other guests while Vanessa and Max walked slowly to the long, mirrored bar. ‘Champagne isn’t usually my drink, but it seems appropriate for Christmas.’

  ‘It isn’t mine either, Max, but if I have several rich eggnogs I’ll pop right out of this dress.’

  ‘Every man here would consider that the highlight of the evening,’ Max laughed.

  No sooner had they each taken their first sip of champagne than Vanessa heard, ‘Nessa! Nessa! Over here!’

  Vanessa looked blankly at a woman with thick blonde hair, her dress a blaze of glaring fuschia pink sequins and cut to reveal impressive cleavage. After a beat, she realized it was Jane Drake. She and Max slowly made their way over to Jane, who was waving and squealing.

  ‘Nessa! Oh, how nice of Max to bring you since you’re all alone. You remember Daddy, don’t you?’

  Vanessa’s gaze moved to the man sitting with studied sophisticated ease. She knew Simon was in his mid-sixties, but his hair was jet black without a trace of gray, even at the temples, and slicked down with absolute perfection. His teeth were extremely white and his forehead was so tight the skin shone. He was tanned even though it was December and he wore a navy-blue jacket with a blue and gold silk ascot. Vanessa had only seen a man wearing an ascot in old movies.

  ‘How very nice to see you, Vanessa,’ he said smoothly. ‘You�
��re more beautiful than ever. It’s been far too long. Your father’s funeral, wasn’t it?’

  Vanessa managed a smile. ‘Yes. And I was sorry to hear about your wife’s death.’

  ‘We received your flowers. She died quickly like your father. I think she, too, had been drinking.’

  Jane chirped, ‘Isn’t this great? Daddy’s my date.’ She rubbed a hand affectionately back and forth over her father’s shoulders. ‘Wade couldn’t come. He has important official business.’

  Looking for Brody Montgomery, Vanessa thought, and hoped Jane didn’t know about Brody. ‘I’m sure Wade would like to be here, Jane.’

  ‘He’s certainly not a social butterfly but I can change him after we’re married.’ She smiled pertly. ‘Oh, sit down, Nessa. You too, Max.’ Jane wore heavy blue eyeshadow over deep blue eyes that used to be pale gray. Colored contacts obviously. She kept flipping her long, thick blonde hair over her shoulders. ‘So, how is Grace? I’ve heard she’s not doing too well.’

  ‘It takes a long time for a broken hip to heal,’ Vanessa said. ‘She’ll be fine.’

  ‘At her age? I don’t know. And you, you poor thing. To get banged on the head like you did last night! How awful! Did they catch the man?’


  ‘Well, you look fine. You can hardly see the bruises on your face.’

  Vanessa’s legs were crossed beneath the table and her foot was beginning to jitter with annoyance. Still, she managed a calm, ‘Thank you. The wonders of make-up.’

  ‘I don’t see any bruises,’ Simon announced, ‘but Janey knows all about the magic of make-up. Make-up and a few surgical tweaks and some fake hair have done wonders for her.’ He flipped a lock of Jane’s golden hair and flashed Vanessa a smarmy smile.

  Jane’s face fell and Vanessa said quickly, ‘On the show, I wear extensions, too. My hair isn’t nearly as long and thick as the queen’s.’

  ‘I wouldn’t know. I don’t watch your show,’ Jane snapped.

  ‘I’ve seen it. Some people think it’s quite entertaining,’ Simon offered in a bored voice. ‘Tell me, how is Roxanne faring?’

  Vanessa stiffened. ‘She needs rest and fluids. She’s doing well.’

  ‘Where has she been all of this time?’

  ‘She doesn’t remember.’

  ‘Doesn’t remember?’ Simon exclaimed. ‘How can you forget eight years?’

  ‘I don’t know. I’m not a doctor.’

  ‘Will her memory return? Oh, you wouldn’t know that, either. Well, I’m sure she hasn’t forgotten a thing, but she won’t tell the truth until she feels like it.’ Indignation rushed through Vanessa but before she could verbally slap back, he raised his glass and announced, ‘I need another drink.’

  ‘No, you don’t, Daddy.’ Jane looked earnestly at Vanessa and Max. ‘Daddy has type one diabetes. That’s serious. He must be very careful. His diet is strict and his alcohol intake is minimal. Or, it’s supposed to be minimal. Daddy doesn’t always follow the doctor’s orders. I’m his watchdog tonight.’

  Simon’s entire face went red and feral. He looked as if he’d like to bite Jane. Vanessa knew he wanted to seem young and virile but Jane had made him sound old and ill. She wasn’t certain if Jane had done it deliberately.

  ‘I’m sorry, Simon,’ Max said. ‘My mother was diabetic. What a bummer. I didn’t know you’re sick, too.’

  ‘I am not sick. It’s a condition that I manage quite well on my own.’

  ‘When you’re careful about your insulin dosage,’ Jane said. ‘You’re not always careful.’ She leaned toward Vanessa and Max. ‘And he has heart problems. His daily schedule is atrocious. He goes to bed at one or two in the morning and he doesn’t get up until after ten, usually too late for me to come by his house and check on him before I go to work. If he’d let me live with him—’

  ‘Isn’t that Nia Sherwin, Derek’s wife?’ Simon asked, cutting off Jane.

  She peered. ‘She’s Derek’s ex-wife.’

  It took all of Vanessa’s control not to whip around to see her. She’d thought Nia had left Everly Cliffs after the divorce and never cared to return. Why was she here now?

  ‘Well, that’s surprising,’ Jane said, looking unhappy. ‘She’s got some nerve after treating poor Derek the way she did. They aren’t getting back together, are they?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t think so. Why would she come back here?’ Simon asked everyone. ‘She’s living the high life with a producer in Los Angeles. Perhaps you know him, Vanessa?’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘Probably not. He’s a very successful and famous movie producer.’

  Max quickly turned his head. ‘I see a friend over there I want to say hello to. Vanessa, can I introduce you to him?’


  ‘So nice seeing the two of you,’ Max muttered to Simon and Jane as he and Vanessa escaped. On their way across the room, he whispered, ‘That was excruciating.’

  ‘For you, too? I can’t imagine Wade engaged to Jane. He’s so nice.’

  Max laughed. ‘I think he’s trying to please his mother who’s sick and harassed him into proposing. She wants grandchildren and Jane doesn’t have a lot of offers. But Wade is a sensible man. I’ll have to see a marriage happen before I believe it.’

  ‘Oh. Maybe that explains a few things. Where is this friend of yours?’

  ‘Nowhere. I couldn’t stand sitting with them anymore.’

  ‘Neither could I. I never liked Simon and Jane is … well … weird.’

  Max smiled and touched a passing man on his forearm. ‘Mr Hardwicke, nice seeing you. Do you know Vanessa Everly?’

  For the next hour, Vanessa and Max mingled. Once she looked up and saw Derek Sherwin talking to Nia, who strongly resembled Sammy. The woman was frowning and Derek looked strained. Finally he strode away from her and she hurried after him.

  ‘Something wrong?’ Max asked.

  ‘I was watching Derek Sherwin and his ex-wife.’

  Max smiled ruefully. ‘She took off with a wealthy man twenty-five years older than she is and, as far as I know, she hasn’t been back in Everly Cliffs since the divorce, even to visit her son. Maybe she’s here to get Sammy back, even if the guy in California hasn’t married her.’

  ‘You certainly are a fountain of knowledge about the local folks, Max,’ Vanessa teased. ‘I thought you only came home a couple of years ago.’

  ‘My mother’s mission in life was collecting Everly Cliffs gossip. Before she died, she passed her vast collection of data on to me. I try to forget it – I really do – but it’s been burned into my brain.’

  ‘Well, you’re handy to have around at a party where I know next to no one.’

  ‘I think everyone here knows you. At least they know of you. How many times have you been asked for an autograph? I lost count.’

  ‘Eleven times.’

  ‘And now it looks like Nia Sherwin is being asked for her autograph by none other than Simon Drake.’

  ‘What?’ Vanessa’s gaze shot around the room until she saw Simon, his super-white teeth gleaming against his overly tanned skin as Nia wrote something on a card and handed it back to him, smiling. ‘Well, well. Is Simon picking up young women here at the party?’

  ‘It’s what playboys do, Vanessa,’ Max said with mock solemnity. ‘But I think Jane is going to break up their little tête-à-tête.’

  Jane had appeared beside her father, her fuschia pink-sequined dress looking garish compared to Nia’s elegant ivory gown. Jane clung to her father’s arm possessively.

  ‘Oh dear. If Simon had plans on following up with Nia tonight, I’m afraid he’s out of luck. His sparkling watchdog has appeared.’ Vanessa laughed.

  Another woman approached Vanessa, praising Kingdom of Corinna and asking for an autograph. After she’d left, Vanessa told Max, ‘That makes twelve.’

  ‘If you’re annoyed, you don’t show it. You’re very gracious to everyone.’

  ‘I’m very pleased peopl
e like the show.’

  ‘Nevertheless, I know it’s draining. I don’t mean this as an insult, Vanessa, but you’re looking a little tired. Would you like to leave?’

  ‘It’s not an insult at all, Max. I’m very tired and in spite of my charming companion, I would like to go home. My head is starting to hurt from that crack on the forehead I got last night.’

  As they stepped out of the brightly lit restaurant into the night, Vanessa shivered and pulled her coat closer around her. ‘You stay here under the awning and I’ll bring the car around,’ Max said.

  As soon as he’d left, a curly-haired man in a down jacket rushed up to her. ‘Vanessa?’ he asked as if in disbelief.

  ‘Yes.’ She looked at him closely. ‘Zane?’

  ‘Sure. And this is Libby.’ He pulled a slender young woman with long, straight brown hair closer. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Well, it’s a party—’

  ‘A party!’ Zane sounded as if she’d said orgy. ‘Why are you at a party?’

  ‘I was invited. My grandmother wanted me to come …’ Annoyance washed over her. ‘Why shouldn’t I be at a party?’

  ‘Because Christian is out looking everywhere for Brody. Libby and I are looking everywhere we can think of since we don’t know the town. I thought, well, we thought that you—’

  ‘Would be helping to search for Brody?’

  ‘You think he’s come here after your sister. I’d think you’d want to find him.’

  ‘Zane, the sheriff, the police, and apparently you and Christian are looking for Brody. Why would I be running all over town in the middle of the night looking for him, too?’

  Zane opened his mouth but Libby took his hand. ‘Zane, please calm down.’ Her voice was soft and young. ‘You can’t expect Vanessa to be out on a manhunt.’

  ‘Why not? You are.’

  ‘I’m with you. And I’m Brody’s friend.’

  ‘She used to be Brody’s friend,’ Zane fumed. ‘She used to be in love with Christian.’

  ‘What’s going on?’ Vanessa had not seen Max pull up and get out of the car. ‘Zane, is that you?’

  ‘You know Zane Felder?’ Vanessa asked.


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