Book Read Free

Praying for Time

Page 23

by Carlene Thompson

  ‘Didn’t you like the scene, Aunt Roxanne?’ Cara asked.

  She suddenly smiled. ‘I sure did! I was so caught up in it, I forgot I was watching my sister!’ Roxanne looked at Vanessa. ‘You were wonderful.’

  After the show ended, Audrey announced, ‘Bedtime!’

  The children groused for a couple of minutes although they knew their cause was hopeless. They stood and yawned and Cara began giving goodnight kisses to Vanessa and Roxanne.

  ‘Audrey, shall I take Sammy home since I’m here?’ Derek asked.

  ‘Not unless you particularly want to. You’d both have to get up earlier in the morning so you could bring him back.’

  ‘That’s right, Dad,’ Sammy said seriously. ‘You need your rest.’

  ‘It’s very considerate of you to think of me,’ Derek answered, straight-faced. He took Audrey’s hand and looked into her eyes. ‘Thank you for being so good to us.’

  ‘It’s my pleasure,’ she said and quickly looked away as if no one at Everly House was aware of the growing feelings between her and Derek.

  As Audrey walked Derek to his car, Vanessa leaned close to Christian. ‘I don’t suppose I could talk you into spending the night.’

  His straight brown eyebrows rose above his hazel eyes. ‘Here? Don’t you think anyone else would mind?’

  ‘Audrey wouldn’t. Cara and Sammy certainly wouldn’t. Not even Grace would care if she were here. She was very modern in her thinking.’

  ‘Then I’d be delighted to stay, but I didn’t bring my pajamas.’

  Vanessa winked at him. ‘You won’t need them.’

  ‘This room is beautiful.’ Christian’s gaze circled around Grace’s bedroom. ‘It’s worthy of Queen Na’dya.’

  ‘I am Queen Na’dya, in case you’ve forgotten. And tonight you’re King Dominick.’

  ‘Oh, but I’m ill!’

  ‘You’ve just had a miraculous recovery thanks to some herbs I picked in the castle garden.’

  ‘Are you sure they weren’t poisonous?’

  Vanessa frowned. ‘Golly, I don’t think so. How are you feeling?’


  ‘Then I must have picked the right ones.’

  He tapped on the wall. ‘Is the tower on the other side?’

  ‘Yes. But there’s no entrance from the house.’

  Christian smiled. ‘When Brody and I were young, we never believed that. We were certain there was a secret entrance.’

  ‘You never told me that when we dated.’

  ‘You were still a teenager. I didn’t think it was fair to make you give up family secrets in the name of love.’ He paused. ‘Are you sure it’s all right for me to stay tonight? Maybe Audrey won’t like it with Cara here.’

  ‘Oh, she won’t mind. Please, Chris.’ Vanessa’s eyes filled with tears. ‘After this awful day and what’s happened to Grace, I need you so much.’

  Christian hugged her. ‘Don’t cry. Of course I’ll stay.’

  Vanessa turned the television on low then pulled back the covers on the bed and piled thick down pillows against the headboard. ‘Lie down beside me. We can talk and no one will hear us.’

  ‘No one like who?’

  ‘Sammy, although he seemed out for the count when I checked on him. Roxanne might still be awake.’

  Christian took off his shoes, pulled off his wool sweater to reveal a white T-shirt, and slid under the covers. Vanessa scooted next to him and he smiled at her. ‘Your scene on the horse was especially great.’

  ‘That dress was so hot. I was wearing about ten pounds of hair extensions – at least it felt like it. And that crown! I swear it was heavy enough to have been real gold. We had to keep doing takes from different angles and the horse – Diablo – was getting restless. It took all day. When it was over, I was so dehydrated I had to be given water intravenously. But it was a good scene. I felt a little bit proud of it tonight.’

  ‘You should have felt tremendously proud. It felt almost unreal to be in the same room with the woman who was sitting on the horse delivering that speech.’ He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips, murmuring, ‘If your parents had seen it, they would have changed their minds about your acting.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t think so. They were intractable about certain things, which seems weird because neither of them was especially strong.’

  ‘Not your father?’

  ‘No. It’s the reason he fell apart when his father died. Grace helped him as much as she could but Mom couldn’t stand her and the constant friction made Dad worse. He started drinking. That’s why Grace went to France. She has relatives there, but you know that.’

  ‘And things got better after she left.’

  ‘The business did because Simon Drake came on the scene. But Dad couldn’t stand up to him. Simon was taking over. Finally, Grace got so worried about the situation she came back and insisted Dad assert himself more with Simon. I know Dad was trying. And then Roxanne was taken.’

  ‘Do you think there could have been any connection?’

  ‘You mean did Simon have Roxy kidnapped so Dad would be too demoralized to fight him?’ Christian nodded. ‘Well, I hadn’t thought of it and Simon is devious, but it seems kind of far-fetched. A lot of things could have gone wrong.’

  ‘Yes, like what would he do with her after she’d been kidnapped. Still …’ He sighed. ‘Tell me what happened with Roxanne today. Tell me everything.’

  ‘May I get into my pajamas first?’

  Christian looked at her quizzically.

  ‘Suddenly my clothes feel too tight and itchy. It’s nerves …’ she said.

  Christian said nothing and looked at the television while she quickly changed into a fresh pair of flannel pajamas and joined him in bed. ‘Now put your arm around me again.’ He did. She took a deep breath. ‘Here goes.’

  Vanessa told him about the house that had been left to Zane by his grandfather but Zane never used. ‘It was an old wreck. It should have been torn down years ago. The first floor was a dusty, creaking mess. I thought it was one of the worst places I’d ever seen. Then we went to the basement …’

  When she described the hideous basement room, Christian’s body stiffened. ‘It was a sado-masochistic chamber. Libby was appalled and declaring over and over that Zane couldn’t have known anything about it when Roxanne began talking in this strange, robotic voice about things that had been done to her in the room and then she vomited. I thought she might pass out, but we got her outside in the fresh air as fast as possible.’

  Christian was silent for a full minute. Then he said, ‘Roxanne vomited when she remembered the room?’

  ‘Yes. She remembered everything, right down to the smell of the incense. I smelled sandalwood and cedar. Roxy said the cedar was always the strongest.’


  ‘Yes. Why?’

  ‘Brody used to be allergic to cedar oil.’ Christian took a deep breath. ‘Go on.’

  ‘Well, we went to Brody’s building next. I know you already went there looking for him, but the police wanted to see it. Christian, his living quarters are beautiful.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘I mean, the simplicity, all of those framed prints of impressionist paintings. Libby told me that one time he said he wanted his home to be serene. She remembered the exact word. I simply could not reconcile it with the image of Zane with his neck slashed with Brody—’ Christian gasped. ‘Oh God, I’m sorry, Chris. I didn’t mean to say that!’

  ‘But you thought it.’

  ‘Well … yes. I don’t know much about schizophrenia, but to think that the person who wanted to live in that calm, beautiful room could also murder his best friend so horribly …’ She closed her eyes. ‘I wish I could take back everything I just said, but I can’t.’

  ‘Tell me more about Brody’s place.’

  ‘Well, it was a shock to see the immaculate living room and kitchen and then see the bedroom. You must have seen all the pictures of medieval scen
es scattered everywhere. In the bathroom, I found two blue-and-white capsules lying on the floor.’

  Christian’s interest quickened. ‘Do you have them?’

  ‘Yes. I stuck them in my bag.’ She got out of bed, picked up her tote bag she’d left on the floor, and fished out the capsules. ‘Here they are. I wrapped them in a tissue.’

  Christian took the tissue, opened it and looked at the capsules. Then he rewrapped them and tucked them in the pocket of his jeans. ‘I know what they are. Still, I’d like to have them tested.’


  ‘Just to be certain.’

  ‘OK.’ Vanessa sat on the side of the bed. ‘Did anything I told you mean anything special? Anything about that room—’

  ‘Maybe, but I want to find out more about it – more than what you just saw. I need to know about that house.’

  ‘Then we’ll find out, Christian. We’re in this together, even if we can’t clear Zane.’

  ‘If we clear Zane, we’ll clear Brody,’ he said. ‘I know it.’

  He pulled her toward him and kissed her. ‘I need you, Vanessa, not just because of this mess but because my life doesn’t have much meaning without you. That’s what I’ve learned over the last eight years. That nothing seems like it has any real color, any excitement, if you’re not in it. Do you feel the same way about me? Because if you don’t, please tell me now before we go any farther—’

  ‘I do feel the same way,’ Vanessa said passionately, ‘and we can go as far as possible as long as we do it together.’


  At six thirty the next morning, Vanessa and Christian lay twined together in bed. Vanessa’s cellphone rang. The sound barely registered, and she shook her head, as if she could shoo away the incessant tone. It rang again. This time she groaned and pulled slightly away from Christian. On the third ring, she fumbled on her night table until she found it and mumbled, ‘’Lo?’

  ‘Miss Everly? Miss Vanessa Everly?’

  ‘Yeah. I mean yes. This is Vanessa.’

  ‘This is Dr Citra Amir. I’m sorry to tell you that your grandmother passed away in the night.’

  ‘What? No!’ Vanessa sat up in bed. ‘Her prognosis was good. She was resting comfortably. What happened?’

  ‘We won’t know until we do an autopsy, but apparently your grandmother had a serious cardiac event in the night. Her heart probably just stopped, and she didn’t feel a thing.’

  ‘What is it?’ Christian asked.

  ‘Grace is dead. She’s dead!’

  Christian took the phone. ‘Citra? This is Christian Montgomery. Can you tell me what happened?’ He was silent for a minute. ‘All right. Vanessa and I will be at the hospital within half an hour.’

  After he got off the phone, Vanessa looked at him imploringly. ‘Please tell me it’s not true.’

  ‘I’m afraid it is. Grace had a cardiac arrest in the night. There were no guarantees, Nessa, even though Grace got through the initial incident. Dr Amir was right in assuming there would be another one. That’s why Citra was sending her to Portland for more sophisticated testing.’

  Vanessa put her head in her hands, but no tears came. She simply could not believe Grace was dead – beautiful, smart, strong, charming Grace whom Vanessa had idolized her whole life. Christian hugged her tightly, rocking her and making soothing noises, but Vanessa gently shook herself free.

  ‘I’m all right. For now at least. And I have things to do. I have to get to the hospital.’

  ‘I’m going with you. You’re not in this alone, Nessa.’

  They dressed quickly and Vanessa went to Roxanne’s room, knocking softly. After the second knock, a drowsy Roxanne opened the door. ‘What is it?’ she asked in a slurred voice. ‘Is something wrong?’

  ‘Roxy, I just got a call from the hospital. Grace died in the night.’

  ‘Died? Died?’ Roxanne looked like she was collapsing in on herself. ‘But I just got home! She can’t be dead. She just can’t!’

  Vanessa hugged her but Roxanne didn’t return the hug. She trembled, her shoulders slumped. ‘Go back to bed, honey. Maybe you can sleep.’

  ‘Sleep? After this?’

  ‘Well, just rest then. I’ll take care of everything.’

  ‘I should help. I know I should but I don’t know what to do.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it for now. I won’t make any arrangements without discussing them with you.’

  ‘Arrangements?’ Roxanne asked, appalled.

  ‘Well, there will be a funeral and—’

  Roxanne looked as if she was going to burst into tears.

  ‘We’ll talk about it later.’ Vanessa reached out to her sister, rubbing her arm. ‘Go back to bed.’

  Roxanne nodded and closed her door without meeting Vanessa’s eyes. She turned around and Christian stood behind her. ‘Roxanne’s not up to handling this,’ he said.

  ‘I know,’ Vanessa said. ‘I’ll handle everything I can myself, but I need to tell Audrey.’

  Vanessa went downstairs and knocked lightly on Audrey’s door. She was already awake and quickly opened the bedroom door. ‘Grace died in the night.’

  Audrey’s blue eyes widened. ‘Really? Oh no.’ Audrey pulled Vanessa into her arms. ‘Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.’

  ‘Me too. I still can’t believe it.’

  ‘What can I do?’

  ‘Nothing except look after the kids. Christian and I are going to the hospital. We’ll identify her and sign papers or whatever and then there are funeral arrangements. Roxanne won’t be much help. She seems completely devastated.’

  ‘That’s understandable.’ Audrey stepped back and looked at her earnestly. ‘You can count on me. I’ll help you with anything you need.’

  ‘I know.’ Finally tears began to run down Vanessa’s face. ‘I can always count on you, Audrey, and that means the world to me.’

  As they drove away from the hospital, Vanessa said, ‘I feel like I’m dreaming and I can’t wake up.’

  ‘Unfortunately, honey, you’re not dreaming. I wish you were,’ Christian responded.

  ‘She’s really dead. Gone. I can’t imagine a world without Grace.’

  Christian took her hand as he drove. ‘I know you can’t. Even during the years when she was in France, you communicated with her constantly. She was really more of a mother to you than your own mother was.’

  ‘Yes, she was. She loved me. Ellen didn’t.’

  ‘I didn’t mean Ellen didn’t love you.’

  ‘But she didn’t. I was too much like Grace. It’s all right, Christian. I came to terms with my relationship with Ellen years ago. And it didn’t hurt me. If I’m really honest, I don’t think I cared any more for her than she did for me. I suppose that makes me a terrible person.’

  ‘Not at all. I was lucky – I had great relationships with both of my parents and my brother. But just because you’re related to someone, doesn’t mean you have to love them. That probably sounds cold, but it’s how I feel.’

  ‘I suppose I do too, if I’m honest.’ She looked at Christian and smiled. ‘We have a lot in common, Dr Montgomery.’

  He smiled back warmly. ‘We always have, Vanessa. Always.’

  Audrey ended up going to the funeral home with Vanessa to make arrangements for Grace. Christian had work and Roxanne said she wouldn’t be any help. ‘I feel like I stopped maturing when I was fifteen,’ she told Vanessa. ‘I’m sorry to be so useless.’

  ‘You’re not useless. I’m going to ask Pete to come to the house and the two of you can look after the children. That’s a lot more challenging than making funeral arrangements.’

  Secretly Vanessa was relieved that Audrey was going with her instead of Roxanne. Audrey was always calm in an emergency and she’d known Grace better than Roxy did. At the funeral home, she gave Vanessa support and made a few suggestions without trying to take control.

  On the way home, they’d avoided the subject of Grace. Audrey had asked some questions about what they’d found
in Zane’s home but kept her reaction mild, saying, ‘Remember that was Zane’s house, not Brody’s.’

  ‘But they were partners. Before, they were friends when Brody probably stole Roxanne.’

  ‘I thought maybe you didn’t believe that anymore, Vanessa. You don’t seem to hold anything against Christian now.’

  ‘Eight years ago I believed he was backing his father’s lie about Brody being at home when Roxy was taken. Now, even if Gerald was lying, I don’t think Christian knew it. And I’m not sure Gerald was lying. Maybe Brody really was at home.’

  Audrey was quiet for a moment before she asked, ‘Then who took Roxanne?’

  When Vanessa and Audrey got home, the children were playing in the yard with Queenie. Pete stood in the living room, looking worried. ‘Miss Roxanne tried being sociable with the kids, but she was upset and they knew it. They’re the ones who suggested going outside. I said it was OK as long as they stayed where I could see them. Then Miss Roxanne went back up to her room.’

  ‘So the kids didn’t wear you out, Pete?’

  He grinned. ‘They’re full of energy but they are two polite children. You’ve done an excellent job raising Cara, Miss Audrey, and Mr Sherwin’s doin’ great with Sammy.’ His grin disappeared. ‘I just hope that ex-wife of his doesn’t get hold of Sammy.’

  ‘She won’t,’ Audrey said firmly. ‘She walked away three years ago to live with a man old enough to be her father. He hasn’t married her, and she’s made no attempt until now to even see Sammy, much less get custody of him.’

  ‘I know I just got up four hours ago but I feel worn out,’ Vanessa said. ‘If everything’s under control here, I think I’ll go lie down for a while.’

  ‘You need to rest. Can I bring you anything?’ Audrey asked.

  Vanessa smiled sadly. ‘Just some peace of mind.’

  An hour later, Vanessa lay sleepless in Grace’s bed, thinking. She thought of Brody’s beautiful loft. She thought of Zane Felder seated at the grand piano with his throat slashed. Most of all she thought of the sado-masochistic room in Zane’s tumbling-down house with upper floors that looked as if they hadn’t been touched by a human hand for decades. Whose sick minds had planned that room? Whose sick minds had compelled them to keep her sister a prisoner there? Had it been only Zane and Brody? Roxy said there had been several men. Who else was involved?


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