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The Hunter's Burden

Page 3

by Jamie McKinven



  The players begin filtering into the dressing room from the door at STAGE LEFT. The mood is a mix of emotions: Sadness, disappointment and anger. The Brahmas just lost again and many of the members of the team are at wit’s end.

  TRENT and LANCE enter first SLAMMING their equipment into their stalls and removing their upper gear.


  You’ve got to be kidding me!


  I’m sick of this.

  MIKKO enters the room after Trent and Lance and is cursing in Finnish while KICKING his stall and SLAMMING his trapper and blocker down.

  DRAKE enters just behind MIKKO and is uncertain how to act. He is attentively mimicking the actions of those around him as to fit in and not look out of place. He doesn’t carry the emotions felt by the others as he hasn’t been through the season that they have been through together.

  After Drake, MOOSE enters in a fit of rage with STICKSY and CHARLIE trying to restrain him. Moose is being dragged into the room by Sticksy and Charlie as he screams at the referees in the hallway. His face is covered in blood, which has coated most of his jersey as well.


  You’re gutless, you pricks! That’s why you are refs. Couldn’t play the game so you find other ways to get involved and mess it up. I’ll be waiting by your cars after we get out of here you gutless pricks!


  Relax Moose. Come on man. Don’t give them the option.

  Moose begins to calm down after Charlie talks to him.


  Mags, can you believe that?


  I know Moosey, it’s garbage. Don’t give them any more satisfaction by giving them a reason to suspend you.

  Sticksy gives Moose a towel to put over his face.

  JACK enters the room and kicks over the table holding the Gatorade container in the middle of the room, spilling its contents everywhere.


  Everybody sit down!

  The players all scurry to their stalls and sit quietly.


  What the hell was that? Huh? Can anyone tell me what just happened? You know what, don’t even bother. I’ll tell you what that was. It was a good old fashioned mail in. Pure and simple. You guys just packed it up and mailed it in. Makes me sick.

  Jack Norton turns to Trent.


  Huxley. I’ve never seen a guy who spends more time trying to avoid getting hit. If you spent as much time getting involved in the game as you do in front of the mirror, you’d be quarterbacking an NHL powerplay. All that talent wasted, worrying about getting hurt.

  Jack turns to Lance.


  And his partner in crime, Lance Romance. Michaels, if you weren’t so worried about Holly Hotpants in the third row and chasing the tail, you might actually be serviceable. You guys just don’t get that you’re letting the best career in the world slip through your fingers. How many dates do you think you’re going to fetch when you’re working at Denny’s?

  Jack turns to Charlie.


  Mags. You’re supposed to be the leader of this team and you take a undisciplined slashing penalty like that late in the third? Like you haven’t been around long enough to know that type of stuff kills teams in big games. Maybe that’s why you’re still down here counting small bills.

  Jack turns to Mikko.


  Mikko, you’re not in the Finnish Elite league anymore. Over here you’re going to get bumped. Get used to it. There’s a reason you’re the only first round pick playing at this level right now. The more you flop and cry to refs and get off your game, the longer you’re going to be here in Birmingham, sleeping on buses and eating pulled pork sandwiches for pre-game meals.

  Jack turns to Moose who has his face buried in a blood soaked towel.


  Moose. Let me see your face.

  Moose removes the towel to reveal his wounds.


  You see fellas, this is what laying it on the line means. This is the difference. I don’t mean that you have to fight. It’s about going into every situation, even if you know you can’t win, and laying it all on the line. Walking away with no regrets.

  Jack looks around and shakes his head.


  Come ready to work tomorrow morning.

  Jack heads into his office and SLAMS the door.

  After Jack’s post-game speech, everyone sits quietly for a few moments letting it sink in.

  After a stretch of awkward silence and moping, Charlie speaks up.


  Well boys. We’ve been here before. We know what to do. Learn from tonight and we’ll get to work tomorrow. Coach is right. We have to start playing with more urgency. Playing like we have more to lose than just a game. We’ve got 3 weeks left in the season and plenty of time to make a good run at it. We’re all capable in here. We’ve got the team to make it happen. Let’s put this debacle behind us and start a new season right now. We’ve got 3 weeks to make up the distance between us and . We’ll chip away one game at a time. We’ve mourned that loss, now let’s pick up our heads up and get focused for the next one.

  Charlie gets up and throws a ball of tape into a garbage can, sits back down and starts to get undressed. The others start following suit.

  Moose heads over to Sticksy’s trainers table and lays down. Sticksy starts administering stitches.


  Chuckie’s right boys. We’ve got lots of time to get it going. We just have to commit fully, starting now.


  Let’s turn the tide boys!

  Mikko gets up, goes over and gives Moose a pat.


  Thanks, Moosey.

  Charlie goes over to DRAKE who seems unsure of how to act, not having been with the team long enough to know when it’s OK to show that you’re over a loss.


  Hey kid. Good job tonight. You played a great game. Don’t let the losses get to you. You gotta have a short memory as a pro. Learn and get better. That’s what it’s all about.


  Thanks Charlie.

  Charlie pats Drake on the back and heads back to his stall and begins to untie his skates.


  How did it feel tonight kid?


  Good. Different for sure. A lot faster and more physical.


  The first game is always the biggest eye opener. It gets a lot easier once you adjust.


  I thought you were going to be done after getting cannonballed by Jenner.


  That guy hits like a truck! I didn’t even see him coming.


  Ya, he’s a pest for sure.


  Built like a running back. I played with him in Fort Worth a couple years back. The guy’s an absolute animal.


  The worst part is that he runs around like that knowing that he has Iron Head to back it all up.


  That Iron Head guy is crazy. Is it true that he spent time in jail for manslaughter?


  No, he went to court but they decided it was inconclusive as to what actually caused the brain hemorrhage. Because he died a few weeks later they said it could have been because of a number of hits to the head.


  He is banned from playing games in Russia though. While he was playing in the KHL over there, he made extra money working as muscle for the mob guy who owned the team. I guess he crippled some guy at a nightclub and had to flee the country.


  He’s the scariest guy I’ve ever seen.


  Easily the toughest guy in hockey.


  Why isn’t he in the NHL?


  Insurance issues. The league insurance policy has him deemed as too much of a risk.


  That’s insane.


  That’s why you gotta tip your cap to Moosey for going toe to toe with an animal like that.


  Ya Moose. Good job.

  Trent heads back into the shower area.


  Good job Moosey. Just one tip for next time. You are allowed to duck every once in a while, you know.

  Everyone laughs.


  You’re such a pansy Lance. Never been in a scrap in your life, giving me tips.


  I’m just saying Moosey. You know. A little bob and weave maybe?

  Everyone laughs.


  Sticksy you about done? I need to go lay a beating on Lance.


  Hold still ya big buffoon.


  By the time Sticksy’s done zipping your face back together, you won’t be able to see me.


  I can still smell your cheap cologne.

  Everyone laughs.

  Just then, LANCE (Who is standing in front of a vanity mirror in the corner of the room) goes to turn on a hair dryer pointed at his head. When he turns on the hair dryer, baby powder blasts out all over his wet hair and head, making him look like one big powdered donut.

  Everyone laughs.


  Hey Moose. Squeeze his head and see if raspberry jelly comes out.



  Lance goes running back into the shower area looking for Trent. As Lance runs in, Trent pops out from the shower area looking sneaky.


  Did it work?


  Oh ya, it was classic.

  Trent reaches for another towel from the pile of neatly folded towel to wipe his head with. As he wipes his head and shoulders, he is caked in shaving cream.

  Everyone laughs.


  Anybody got a cherry?

  More laughter.



  Trent goes running back into the shower area, looking for Lance.

  There is a distinct KNOCK at the door. Sticksy walks over to the door and disappears STAGE LEFT.


  Here come the vultures.


  God I hate them.


  Goddamn parasites. Hey kid, have you had to deal with the media much?


  A little bit back in junior. It was mainly local news.


  Let me give you a few pointers about dealing with the media as a professional. When you’re in junior, they almost have a conscience. Well at least a bit more when they know they are dealing with sixteen to twenty year olds. Up here, they will sell their newborn infant to get some dirt on you to write a slander piece.


  You gotta watch everything you say. And keep your emotions in check.


  Here are a few examples. Moose, I’ll be the weasel reporter and you be the player.

  Moose chuckles giddily.


  Hi Moose, great game. You played phenomenal tonight but your team just couldn’t get the win. Why is that?


  It was a hard fought game. Sometimes the bounces just don’t go your way. We’ll be back to work tomorrow night, looking for a win.


  Good answer. Never throw the boys under the bus.


  Moose, Trent Huxley just got called up. You have more points than him and didn’t get the call. How do you feel about this?


  I’m very happy for Trent. He’s worked hard and earned the promotion. If I keep working hard good things will happen for me.


  Very diplomatic. Classy.


  Here’s another one kid. Moose, you’re usually one of the key penalty killers. At the end of the game, Coach didn’t put you on the ice and they scored the winner. How do you feel about that?


  Coach made the right decision. We just had a bad bounce end up in our net. Coach has been a pro longer than anyone I know and we all believe in his plan.


  Always preach the positive.


  It makes for boring answers, but ultimately, boring keeps you off the blacklists and out of the doghouses.


  When you’re trying to get a foothold in this game kid, you gotta make sure you tread lightly around the vultures.


  Sounds good. Thanks guys.


  And whatever you do, no matter how hot they are...

  Moose cuts Charlie off.


  ... Never date a vulture. Eh Lance?


  OK, OK, I don’t need to relive that do I?


  What happened?


  Last year, Lance Romance ended up dating a new reporter for the Gazette. She got clingy and Lance did what Lance does.


  Break hearts and make enemies.


  Ya, she was none too pleased. Took to social media the next day and plastered a hate letter about him all over facebook and twitter.


  It was messy.

  Sticksy emerges through the STAGE LEFT door.


  Alright fellas. Cover up, and make nice, the flock is swooping in.

  Sticksy walks back to the trainer’s table and starts working on Charlie’s shoulder as he lies face down.

  Gerry Hamlin, senior sports editor for the Birmingham Gazette, walks in and casually greets players as he walks by. The players icily greet Gerry. Gerry knocks on Jack Norton’s office door and enters after being summoned from beyond the door.

  Behind Gerry Hamlin, Veronica Stevens, a reporter for CBLC Birmingham, enters the dressing room to a chorus of cat calls from Trent and Lance.


  Ronny! Why don’t you ever return my calls?


  Because you are an egotistical child.


  She’s got a good point there, Hux.

  Veronica walks past the gawking infantile maniacs and approaches Charlie who is laying on his stomach, grunting through a shoulder treatment session by Sticksy.


  (To Trent)

  Did you hook up with her?

  Trent shrugs his shoulders and grimaces.


  No, but it hasn’t been for a lack of trying.


  She’s just playing hard to get. She digs me big time. You can tell, eh.


  Ya, she’s just about to cave in.


  She’s so hot.


  Ya, I guess. If you like those types of girls.

  Lance chuckles and walks away.


  Hi Charlie. Do you mind answering a few questions for me?


  Hi Veronica. No problem, fire away.

  Veronica readies her microphone and begins the interview.


  I’m here with Birmingham Brahmas captain Charlie Magill. Charlie, it was another tough loss tonight for the Brahmas. What do you think is the cause of this recent, yet seemingly endless tailspin?


  There are a number of reasons that come to mind right now, Veronica. Not that I am making excuses for us. We just came off a long, gruelling road trip and we’ve had a bad stretch of injuries. Also, it hurt when Johnny got called up. That definitely took some wind out of our sails. But, we’re a good team and we’ve been through this before. We’ll refocus now and get things back
on track.


  Is there any truth to the rumours going around about owner Gloria Sturdivant looking to sell the team and clean house in the process?


  To be honest, I don’t listen to the rumours and can’t comment on that topic.


  One last question. Is this going to be your last season?


  I’d like to play a couple more. I still have fire in my belly and I feel I have a lot left in the tank.


  Thank you, Charlie. Always a pleasure.


  (While riding a stationary bike)

  Hey Veronica. If you can hang on for a couple extra minutes, I’ll finish up here and shower up quick and meet you out back for our date.

  Veronica shakes her head while stifling back a smile.


  Or we could just meet down at the Velvet Duck for drinks. Whatever works better for you, my love.

  The players are laughing while shaking their heads.

  Veronica walks over to Drake who is standing nervously at his stall in a towel.


  Drake. Can I get a few comments from you on your pro debut?


  (To Moose)

  Oh boy, this is going to be hilarious.


  Um… Sure.



  (Readies her microphone)

  I’m here with rookie Drake Carmody who dazzled in his professional debut tonight, scoring the game’s opening goal. Drake tell us about the rush of scoring your first professional goal in your first professional game.


  Um... It is a great feeling. Um... I just wanted to make sure I took a good shot and, um... I was fortunate that it went in.

  Lance and Moose are snickering at Drake’s bumbling responses.


  That’s great Drake. Tell me, is it a bit disappointing coming into a situation where the team is struggling? After winning a Memorial Cup last season, this must be a bit of a letdown.



  (To Moose)

  Oh boy, here we go.

  Drake’s eyes widen and he looks to Charlie who smiles and nods at him.


  It was a hard fought game. Sometimes the bounces just don’t go your way. We’ll be back to work tomorrow night, looking for a win.

  Veronica’s expression turns to annoyed disappointment.


  OK, thanks Drake.

  Moose goes over to Drake and slaps him on the back.


  Atta boy! That was perfect for your first pro interview.

  Veronica is packing her equipment away, shaking her head.


  You guys are pathetic. Honestly.

  Veronica begins walking out of the dressing room.


  So, I’ll pick you up at your place in 30 minutes?

  Veronica huffs at Trent and heads out of the room to a chorus of laughter by the rest of the players.


  Do you even know where she lives?


  Ya. She’s got a great big oak tree right near her bedroom window.

  Everyone starts laughing.

  Gerry Hamlin walks out of Jack Norton’s office and the room momentarily becomes silent. Some of the players nod awkwardly at Gerry as he walks through the room and out of the dressing room. After Gerry leaves, the buzz in the room returns.

  Charlie groans and winces as Sticksy massages his banged up shoulder.


  Ahhhhh! Jesus, Sticksy!


  Ahhh, quit your whining.


  What are ya? Edward Scissorhands? Take it easy.


  Such a baby.


  Last time I let Sticksy work on a bad shoulder, I ended up with a herniated disc and a pulled groin.


  Letting Sticksy give you treatment is like throwing yourself down the stairs.


  You guys are a bunch of pansies. I’ll tell ya, when I was over in Beijing, we used to get deep tissue massages by these girls who would jump around on your back.


  Sticksy, first off, it was Bangkok, not Beijing. Secondly, they were hookers, not therapists.

  Everyone starts laughing.

  GLORIA STURDIVANT, the owner of the Birmingham Brahmas walks into the room, entering from STAGE LEFT. The players immediately adjust their behavior.


  Mrs. Sturdivant, lovely to see you.

  Gloria nods and smiles at Trent.

  She smiles and waves at Charlie who half winces, half smiles as Sticksy works on his shoulder. She then knocks on Jack Norton’s door who informs her to come in.


  What the hell is she doing here?

  Everyone looks worried. There is a long pause where everyone is deep in thought.


  What’s the matter? She’s the owner isn’t she?


  Ya and the owner never comes down to the room. Especially not after games.


  He’s right. Something’s got to be up. What do you think it is Mags?


  I don’t know.

  The lights fade out on the dressing room part of the stage.


  The lights come up on Jack’s office, where Jack sits at his desk with Gloria pacing back and forth in front of his desk.


  That was one of the worst displays of mediocrity I have ever seen.


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