by Maymi Alicea
Chapter 19
I get home and bring my things straight upstairs. Walking over to my closet I put out feelers for any more visits from Abbey. Sensing the fading of her magical essence I open my closet and unveil my altar. After placing my things back where they belong I hide it once more and focus on the clothes. Opting for comfort I choose a pair of yoga pants and a racerback t-shirt, which I pair with neon blue sneakers. Checking the time I realize the girls will be arriving shortly, so I quickly change and head down to grab something light to eat.
As usual Amelia is in the kitchen, and she's prepping for the arrival of the girls. Laid out on the island is a veggie platter, fruit platter, and small cookie platter. She is putting together an ice bucket filled with bottled water and Gatorade as I enter.
"Hi, everything is ready for your practice, and your father has made space for you girls in the gym.
I look up in shock, "gym, what gym?" Amelia looks at me in surprise.
"I thought your father took you on a tour. I'm sorry I would have showed you around if I had known. Come, grab a tray and I'll show you the way."
Grabbing the ice bucket and a tray I follow Amelia as she opens a door to the right of the kitchen entrance. The door leads to carpeted stairs that wind down into a deep and expansive basement. "The outside of the house is very misleading. I would have never guessed it is this big."
Amelia smiles as she put the trays of food down. "Later if you're not too tired I'll give a proper tour." I put the bucket and tray down as well and walk around the dance studio.
"Wow, the basement is the length of the house. My father didn't build this just for us, did he?" I ask perplexed.
"You're father had this put in once we learned you were coming to live with us. As a child you loved to study and perform dance. He wasn't sure if it was something you continued with." Thinking back I remember the argument Grams and my mother had about the style of dance I should study. Grams insisted on ballet, whereas my mother saw me doing jazz and hip hop. As it turns out my mother was right. I gravitated towards hip hop and dabbled in a bit of jazz. I looked forward to every recital and could not wait till the end of the school day to get to my lessons.
"Yea, once my mother disappeared I lost the heart to perform," I said simply looking down at my fingers.
"Madie nothing can take away your heart or love for something. It is still living within you, but you have to decide when you are ready to embrace it again." I thought for a second about Amelia's words. The truth is I didn't really have the time back then. It was more important to learn to control my ever growing power. And it made me miss my mom that much more.
"Well I guess there's no time like the present. I'm sure with Vanessa's cheerleading and dance background she will have some difficult choreography for us to learn."
"Hmm I can't wait to see you girls perform, and I know your father is just as excited. It's been so long."
"You think my father will come?"
"Of course, why wouldn't he? When you girls decided to participate he had me mark his calendar with a reminder of the date of the show." Amelia stands by the foot of the stairs looking at me with shock. "Madie, I know the separation between you and your father has been difficult and long, but he's never stopped caring, loving, or worrying about you." Mentally I rolled my eyes and not because I didn't believe her, but because I wasn't sure if she was under his charm spell or not. And I don't mean a literal spell, but his personality. He's very good at manipulating people into doing what he wants, especially women. Although I could not imagine my mother falling for it, something kept them together. The sound of the doorbell takes me out of my thoughts. Surprisingly Amelia is by the stairs waiting for some response from me. I look up and try to relay a message of understanding but am met with a frown. Amelia walks up the stairs.
I start walking to the other end of the basement and find two doors. The first door on the left, led to a room with an in-ground pool complete with water slide. Whoa! I do love the smell of chlorine. I close the door and open the other, which is a movie room with theater seating facing a bare wall. Looking up I can see the screen holder which takes up the length of the room. Now this is how a movie night should be spent! Suddenly I hear the girls coming down the stairs, so I walk out and close the door behind me.
"Hey Maddie, are you ready to shake whatcha mama gave ya!!" Vanessa asks with glee.
"Bring it on!," I respond with a similar level of excitement.
"Oh lord, keep the bootie popping to a minimum please," Hailey says with disdain.
"Sour puss keep in mind you are our excited audience member," Jessenia chimes in.
"Hailey are you seriously not going to perform with us?" I glare at her.
"Yes, seriously. It's not my thing." I decide to hit her with the puppy dog face. Following suit Vanessa and Jessenia join in.
"Do you three really think that's going to work?" Hailey seems completely un-phased.
"Come on you are messing with the four musketeers dynamic."
"Pleeeeaaaassseeee!" We all sang.
"Okay, Okay! I'll do the routine with you guys if you just stop singing.
"Yay!" Vanessa beams. And we make a Hailey sandwich.
"Alright! I get the point," Hailey yells.
"Let's start with each of us sharing what performance experience we have. I'll start first." After Vanessa's long yet impressive resume, Jessenia talks about her time as Anita in West Side Story in high school as well as her time as head cheerleader. I share with the girls my years spent taking hip hop and jazz lessons and various recitals, and my role as Queen of the May Flowers. The girls get a kick out of it and start hysterically laughing hysterically at me.
"Hey, that was a lead role," I say defensively with a smile. That of course prompts more laughter. I can't help but join in as I think of how important the role seemed to me at the time. Once we compose ourselves all eyes turn to Hailey.
"Well," she begins nervously.
"It's okay if you don't have any experience. We'll teach you everything you need to know and I will keep the dance pretty basic," Vanessa says sweetly.
"Actually, I was the youngest dancer to attend Julliard's Summer Ballet Program. I performed the lead in the end of the summer recital every year I attended. And I danced for Britney Spears on her first tour." We all were staring and gaping at Hailey. Never in a million years would we have guessed she was a dancer let alone one that is so accomplished.
"Wow, well okay would you mind helping me work on the choreography?" Vanessa asks with a hint of pride. Hailey nods as she beams a big smile. It is the first time she has shown her softer side, well at least in this time frame. Vanessa walks over to the stereo system, docks her ipod and puts on a fast-paced dance song. She walks to the front of the room facing all of us.
"Come on ladies, let's warm up!" We all run to line up and space out in front of her and she takes us through a routine. "Woohoo, nothing like a little David Guetta to get the blood flowing. Move it ladies!" Vanessa continues on. Once the song is complete we are all panting. Vanessa then plays a soft melody perfect for yoga. She prompts us to perform some stretches and movements that forces us to engage our cores. After a long, yet necessary yoga session we are ready to learn the moves Vanessa came up with so far.
Four hours later we've put together and learned more than half of a routine, which Hailey tweaked here and there. We are all sweaty and exhausted. "Ugh, I don't think I can drive," said Jessenia.
"That was definitely a workout, but at least our bodies will be ready to complete the whole routine without passing out on stage. I nod in agreement, grabbing my water and towel. The girls walk over to the snack table and begin discussing outfits. Amelia comes down just as I pick up our things.
"Hello girls, Mr. Calderon would like to know if you will be needing this space until the show?
"Oh Amelia, we don't want to inconvenience him, we can l
ook for another space if he needs it," says Vanessa immediately.
"No, dear it's not a problem. There is gym at the station I can use. There's no need to look for another place," says my dad surprising all of us including Amelia.
"Thank you dad, we appreciate it," I say before Vanessa or anyone tries to insist any further. After Amelia's comment I want to make sure he knows I appreciate what he's doing. The girls pick up the rest of their things and we all head upstairs. Amelia offers the group dinner but they decline. Once I show them out. I go up the stairs to take a bath yelling, "I'm going to get cleaned up before dinner."
"Okay, dinner should be ready in an hour." Amelia responds. My defenses are up now knowing I have had an unwelcomed visitor. I enter while heightening my senses to detect any further intrusions. My room is all clear and the essence of Abby is gone. When I return to school tomorrow I will be sure to confront Lance and Abby. I don't care if something is going on between them, but they need to leave me out of it. Once out of the shower I dress in some sweats and t-shirt, prepare my clothes and book bag for tomorrow, and head downstairs for dinner. After a fun and "normal" meal with dad and Amelia, I head straight to bed. Between waking up extremely early and dance practice I am exhausted. It doesn't take me long to drift after placing my head on my pillow.
We are walking together down a busy main street. Stores and restaurants line either side of us. Lance releases my hand so he can snake his arm around me. He uses his left hand to grab my right. We smile at each other and I feel blissfully happy. Suddenly a loud screech captures our attention as well as the attention of everyone else around us. A hot red mustang pulls up next to us practically on the sidewalk. Luscious blonde curls and a curvaceous body saunter up to us. "I bet you're real happy, home-wrecker!" she yells at me. People stop and stare as they listen in on what is sure to be one hell of a girl fight.
"Abigail get over yourself. You never officially had him, nor has he chosen to be with you. We are getting married, and you'll need to get over it." I respond in a matter of fact tone. Trying to be understanding to her position I send out waves of comfort. And she summons a yellow fireball which she prepares to send my way. I use an incantation to make quick work of it and before Abigail releases the ball it disintegrates. "Lance can you please give us a moment." He looks down at me with uncertainty. I smile encouragingly and nod my head to tell him it is okay. He turns and walks a few steps away so that he cannot hear but not too far away that he can't step in. "Listen I get it, you both were betrothed, but we each have a choice and he has made his. Why don't you just let us be?"
"You don't get a damn thing. I was supposed to take the position of Queen not some sniveling little witch. You are a peasant in comparison to us. I don't understand why his family is allowing this. If you or your family had some political pull then I could see it, but this just doesn't make sense. Unless?"
Her voice trails off and I worry that she has figured out who I am.
"Nah, you couldn't be powerful enough to convince his whole family you are worthy of Lance," Abigail says with a chuckle. Whew! I think to myself. Grams would have a fit if my identity is released before the wedding/coronation. Lance seems to have grown impatient because he storms right over to me.
"Maddie we have to get out of here," he says with concern etched all over his face.
"Goodbye Abigail," I say as Lance grabs hold of me and steers me away from Abigail. She is left standing at the curb glaring at the two of us. I begin to wonder just how dangerous could she be? Up ahead I see four, dark, small cyclones forming from the sky. They land right in the middle of the street causing accidents left and right.
"Maddie this way," Lance says as he pulls me away from the chaos erupting before us. I pull back forcing him to tug harder on my arm.
"We need to help these people. Who knows what those cyclones are planning to do. How can you just walk away?" Seeing this side of Lance makes me question what kind of king he would make.
"Maddie I know for a fact the only person that is going to get hurt is you. They are after you." I am surprised by Lance's comment and wonder how he knew so much.
"Who are they?" I ask sternly. Lance looking exasperated bent down to pick me up from my legs. Anticipating his move, I jump back out of his reach. "I'm not going anywhere with you, until you tell me what's going on." But it was too late. Both of us distracted by each other's stubbornness failed to notice the cyclones had taken form. Standing behind me were four, tall, solid built Demons.
"Hello Princess. We have been sent by the elders to escort you to the reincarnation." I look into the eyes of all four creatures deciding which one to attack first. The one closest seems like the leader and might have more information.
"Why are you calling me Princess, and what is the reincarnation?" I say with doubt in my voice.
"We have no time for this. We know who you are, just as I am sure you know what we are capable of. I suggest you come with us quietly," the leader commands.
"She's not going anywhere!" Lance shouts as he pulls out a sword from God knows where and prepares to go head-to-heard with the Demon. "Run Maddie," Lance shouts.
"I'm not going anywhere!" I face the Demons and step into a defensive stance. The Demon pounds his fists together and everything and everyone freezes, except for me. I look over and Lance is a sword, yielding statue. "What have you done?"
"I need to buy some time if you expect an explanation before accompanying us. The elders need to speak with you about your future. You have made an uninformed decision. They want to educate you. It will take only a short time and no one will know you are missing." I think this over and am reluctant to go considering my mother nor grams have ever mentioned the reincarnation ritual. Sensing my apprehension the Demon continues, "Princess don't you want your memories back?" Now that sparks my interest. What memories am I missing? Mustering all the strength I have inside, I take the Demon's offered hand. I walk with him and his crew to the middle of the street. Just as they prepare to sweep me into the sky, a white shimmering light appears.
"She's not ready Ethos, I will tell the elders when it is time!" And with that my Grams sends a glowing orb their way sending them back up to the sky, releasing everyone from their frozen state. I look at my Grams with shock.
"Why is it so important to keep me in the dark. I'm not going to bother asking what this is all about, because I know you won't tell me!" I shout in frustration.
"Maddie, are you okay? What happened?" Lance says as he runs up to me. He follows my line of sight and bows down as he notices my grandmother.
"Let's get out of here," I say, grabbing his hand bringing him upwards. We continue down the block walking hand in hand.
"Do you want to forget about dinner and go home?" Lance asks caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.
"Can we just pick up something to go and head to the park? I really don't want to go home." I reach up on my tip toes and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Sure, let's get Chinese, the restaurant is right across from the park entrance." We walk holding each other discussing everything but the events that take place. Once our food order is placed we sit outside to wait. "So Maddie, when did your grandmother show up?"
"It's funny how in-tuned we are, I was just thinking about her. I guess when I'm in trouble she just knows. She stopped me from going with them. There is information the elders want to share with me. She yelled out that I was not ready, and that she would tell the elders when I was. I don't know what that even means."
"There is so much about our future they know that we can't. Any change in the way things are supposed to be can lead to major consequences." His words hit me hard, memories of me in past lives come tumbling through. "Maddie, hello, Earth to Maddie," Lance says as he waves his hand in my face.
"Oh sorry, I was just in deep thought. What were you saying?"
"Only that if your grandmot
her is keeping information from you then it is probably for the best."
"Yea, I know, you're right," I say in agreement. I look into the restaurant window and see the cashier waving at us. "Looks like our food is done." We chuckle as we look at the cashier, whose arms are flailing around like an air traffic controller. Lance walks in and grabs our food. We walk into the park and find a table available under a tree. We set up our food and drinks. Throughout dinner we continue to talk about what happened. I try my best to maintain a neutral face and not give anything away. Again I get lost in thought thinking about all the times I felt Lance and my love was missing something. I could never explain it. And now I remember, it all comes back to me in one rush. I need to get in touch with Bash, but how?
"Maddie, please try not to worry, I'm sure everything will be fine. Come on, I'll walk you home." I give Lance what I hope is a reassuring smile and we head toward my house.
Showered and ready for bed, I decide to pick up the phone to call Grams. Getting her voice mail I hang up. I'll try her again in the morning, right now I need to rest. After turning off the lights, I crawl under the covers and drift quickly to sleep.
I wake up with a gasp and immediately break down and begin to cry. All the feelings I have for Lance and the realization that the answer to my final decision was in my past hit me hard. I love both Lance and Bash, but in my previous lifetime it was Lance I was preparing to marry. But at what cost? I sit up in bed staring at the clock. I know it is time to get up and get dressed but I am just not ready to face Lance and Abby. Clearly her feelings for him has carried over into this lifetime, just as ours has. On a political standpoint a union between Bash and I and Abby and Lance make for an unstoppable force. Of course that depends on their acceptance of an alliance. Well look at me thinking like a Queen already. I think the best person to discuss this with is one who already knows power. I leap out of bed and head to the bathroom to get showered and dressed. Once I am done getting ready I head down stairs in search of my father. In the kitchen I find him sitting at the island chatting and laughing with Amelia over coffee.
"Good morning Father, Amelia," I say in a tone I can barely recognize. Both look at me curiously.
"Maddie you sound different. Did you sleep okay?" Amelia asks. My father puts his coffee cup down and stands. Staring into my eyes he takes a step back and bows.
"Good morning my little Princess." I smile at him and gesture for him to rise, and as he does I take a step closer and place a kiss on each of his cheeks. Amelia beams and walks around the island to pay me the same respect.
"It would seem someone has her memories back," Amelia says knowingly.
"Yes, Grams thought it best to restore them. I am still unsure about my marital situation, but for the first time I am not only considering my heart but what is best for the supernatural and non-supernatural community. Actually father, I want to talk out my thoughts with you. Get your opinion on a few things," I say while pouring some almond milk in my cereal. My father looks up at me with a mix of pride and disbelief.
"Of course sweetheart, I'd love to help in any way I can." I notice from the corner of my eye Amelia is smiling.
"First of all now that Grams has taken a position on the Elders counsel I will need an advisor. Amelia, would you consider taking the role?" I can see a pang of disappointment in my father's eyes and shock in Amelia's.
"Your Highness, I am not sure I am the right person for the position. Your father has excellent leadership skills and has ran the police force in this town for a long time. I think he would be better equipped."
"That is all true but at the end of the day he is my father. And he will always put that role first. I need someone who will be objective and not focus on what is best for me and my happiness, but what works for the common good," I look over at my father who is nodding in agreement.
"I understand, and am honored. Of course I will take the position," Amelia responds.
"Dad I would like you to be my first general and lead on security for both communities. I know this is a position typically held by the king, but I have other plans for whomever I marry." My father nods but says nothing. I take another bite and wait for both of them to absorb all that I have said. When I am half way done with my breakfast I turn to face my father completely. "My heart leads me toward Lance and Bash. They each possess qualities I would want in a husband and each take different approaches to how they deal with me. Honestly Lance is the one I would prefer, but I believe on a political standpoint, Bash is my best option. I care deeply for him and choosing him would not feel like settling but more of a win-win. I plan to talk to Abby and Lance today after classes. In our past life they were betrothed but our feelings for each other prevented them from being together. Just as in the past I believe in my soul they belong together. Not because I don't think our love is just as strong if not stronger. But because I want our worlds to be a stronger force. The O'Maloileoins is a coven that is close to my mother's family and they require a union that will strengthen them. I want to grant Lance a position in our court and thereby expanding the force we have to protect the two communities I will govern.
"Maddie, it sounds like you have already made your decision. And I think your plan is a great one. I hope that you and Bash will be happy together."
"It does, doesn't it? I am going to wait and see how my talk with Lance and Abby goes today. I am basing my thoughts right now on what I have learned from my past as well as from my future. I have yet to take the present into consideration, and the truth is Lance, Bash, and I are completely different people in all three eras. All three must consent to the plan for it to work. And I refuse to force anyone into anything."
"Wow, sweetie, if I had known restoring your memories would give you such clarity, I would have championed your grandmother to restore them a lot sooner."
"I have to admit it has helped in understanding who I am and where I am headed. Choosing which direction to take my life and with whom is somewhat easier when you are sure of yourself," I say sounding regal.
"That it does. Your mother and I had an advantage because we were completely sure of ourselves when we first met, and she did not have the weight of a crown on her head."
"Why does the position of Queen skip a generation?" I ask realizing my children will not be eligible to rule.
"Every other generation is bestowed a great amount of power. You are much stronger than your mother and further along in training for that matter. It makes more sense that you would rule in place of your mother. Why exactly the distribution of power occurs this way, I am not sure. That is a question for your Grams," father says passively. "I agree with your decision to gather more information on Abby, Lance, and Bash before setting anything in stone." And with that I nod and turn to finish my breakfast. Once done I thank my dad for his advice and company at breakfast. I thank Amelia as well and grab my things for school. I hop into my SUV, lay my bag and books on the passenger seat and head to school.
As I drive I think to myself everything around me looks brighter somehow. Besides the nerves I am feeling about confronting Lance and Abby, I am truly and wholeheartedly happy. I pull into the parking lot and spot Bash stepping out of his car. I drive into the spot next to him. He smiles as I wave, and he walks over to my door. Turning off the car, the doors automatically unlock and Bash opens my door.
"Morning Maddie," Bash says with a gleam in his eyes. Whoa! I think, has he always looked at me that way?
"Good morning," I say and without hesitation, I step up on my tip toes and place a quick kiss on Bash's lips. He stares at me in shock and awe.
"At the risk of pushing my good fortune, what did I do to deserve that?" He asks.
"You have been patient, courteous, and a gentlemen. You understand that I need my space to make what is probably going to be the hardest decision of my life, and most importantly you gave it to me."
"Does that mean y
ou've made a decision?" Bash asks wrapping his arms around my waist.
I make no move to step out of his embrace as I respond, "not quite." I see the disappointment in his face, but I don't let it affect me.
"Soon Bash, very very soon," I say with a smile. "Will you walk me to class?"
"Absolutely Princess," Bash replies as he offers me his arm. We walk arm and arm into the school. As soon as we enter the large wood doors I put feelers out for Abby and Lance. I sense they are together and are having a heated discussion. I have the ability to hear them, but choose to give them their privacy.
"Bash I actually need to speak to Lance and a friend of his. I was going to wait until after classes but there's so much time before class starts I better try it now."
"Okay my Princess." Bash wraps one arm around my waist pulling me closer. He gives me a sweet and inviting kiss. I open my mouth granting him entrance, but pull away as things heat up. "Until later." Once my head stops spinning and I can focus on Lance and Abby I find that they are on the opposite end of the building. I immediately set out to find them.
Along the way I find Hailey, Vanessa and Jessenia congregating by some lockers. As I approach they bow their heads in unison. "I see my father or Amelia has spoken to you already."
"No, your Highness you are beaming. We can tell it won't be long before it is time for your coronation," Jessenia responds.
"Guys please promise me I will always be Maddie to you," I implore. All three respond with a smile.
"So Maddie," Vanessa starts while putting her arm through mine. "Who's the lucky boy going to be?"
"All will be revealed in due time," I respond while gently butting heads with Vanessa. "Right now I have to catch up with Lance and Abby, but I'll see you guys in class."
The three look at each other completely at a loss. "You have your memories back don't you?" Hailey asks. I nod.
"So I guess you all knew they had been taken from me too?" They each look down unsure what to say. "Look it's fine. I just really need to speak to them before things go too far. It turns out my unwelcomed visitor was Abby. I need to make my intentions very clear."
"Oh it's about to get real," Jessenia snaps. We all look at her and giggle.
"Bye guys," I say and set out to find Lance and Abby. I make short work of getting to the other side. I don't see them and begin to think I have lost them, but I as I reach the middle of the hall the sense of anger, hurt and frustration becomes ever more intense. I realize they are held up in an empty classroom airing out their differences. I take a deep breath and turn the knob. Both look up at me in shock. I am on a roll today.
"Forgive the intrusion, but I would like to speak to the both of you. Hi Lance, Abby, how are you?"
"Yoouu know who I am?" She asks with a stutter. "I thought you said she didn't have her memories." Abby says to Lance.
"Yes, I do. And for future reference if you would like to pay me a visit please be sure to call first and ring the doorbell." Abby turning beet red gives me a high, I turn to Lance who is giving me a goofy smile.
"My Maddie is back," he says. We walk closer to each other and he grabs me in a strong embrace.
"Well I haven't decided if I'm going to be yours, but yes, I have regained my memories." I let go of Lance and look over at Abby. "I wanted to talk to the both of you. Abby I realize that you have strong feelings for Lance and that your family's position depends on you two forming a union. But I need to consider what is best for the two communities I will eventually rule over. She stares wide-eyed but nods seemingly in understanding.
"You know that's all I was after back then, I mean, I didn't want to hurt you. I just felt you weren't even taking other covens into consideration. Although your family is the most powerful they are not the only nobles. It was all about what Princess Madeline wanted. I can see now that I was wrong about you," Abby confesses.
"I don't know if you were entirely wrong. The truth is I love Lance and for the most part I was following my heart back then. Now I am going to think with both my head and heart."
"I guess that means you will be choosing Bash," says Lance as he sulks.
"I don't know what that means. But I have decided I am going to get to know the individuals you both are now and make an informed decision before the New Year."
"Are you setting a date for the coronation?" Abby asks.
"No, I am taking things one at a time. First I am starting with choosing my king and continuing my training." As well as finding my mother, I think to myself. "I just want to make my intentions are clear to the both of you. And again Abby I believe you will make an exceptional ally, but if you set foot in my home again without an invitation you will regret it." I give her an intense, cold look that says I mean business.
"Of course, I am sorry. I was just trying?"
"I don't want or need an explanation, just don't let it happen again. I want to be able to trust you. We need to work on that," I say in a stern yet friendly manner.
"Abby can I have a moment alone with Maddie?" Lance asks. Abby frowns, grabs her bag and heads out.
"Abby I really do hope we can become friends." She gives me a polite smile but the jealousy radiating off of her cannot go unnoticed. After she closes the door behind her, I walk over to the desk Lance is standing closest to and take a seat. "So, what would you like to say?"
"Only that I have been madly in love with you since as far back as I can remember. Do you remember how we met?" Lance's look of hope is endearing.
"The first time we saw each other was not actually the first time we spoke." Lance gasps, I look into his eyes and continue. "We first laid eyes on each other when we were young kids. It was at a ball held in honor of my great great great grandmother. It was the only occasion children were allowed to attend. You were running around with another boy trying to look up women's dresses. Just as you were about to go up my great aunt's dress you looked in my direction and our eyes locked. I smiled at you and you stuck your tongue out at me." We both laughed. "But the first time we spoke was shortly after you turned. We were teenagers and I was sitting in the backyard of my family's summer home painting a picture of the trees. You came out of an opening and stole my breath away. At that point I had already learned about other supes and how to detect them, so I knew what you were. I was terrified of you at first. You were the first Vampire whose emotions I could not detect. It was alarming until you were close enough for me to look into your eyes. Then, I knew your intentions were good, although I don't think you were so sure." I looked at Lance for confirmation, and he nodded in agreement. When you spoke my crush began and after two hours of talking I was in love."
"Well I beat you on that one, because as soon as I saw you from the entrance of the clearing, I was beyond in love with you." I blushed at his words and knew instantly why I cared for him so much. He is compassionate, brazen yet sensitive, strong, and vulnerable. He is the ideal balance of man. But something is missing and it has been missing for more than a dozen lifetimes.
"Do you think that this is one of our problems?" Lance looks at me quizzically. "That you loved me longer than I you. It sounds like it was instantaneous for you, but with me I had to get to know you."
"That my dear is because you over analyze everything," Lance says with a chuckle. "I am not surprised you had to assess me first. I bet it is the same with the Demon." I look down at my fingers as I recall my first meeting with him. "Isn't it?"
"Maybe, the more time we spend together the more I begin to feel something more than love. I'm not sure how to explain it." Lance looks hurt, and I am riddled with guilt.
"Your decision seems to be made Maddie, but what I don't understand is why are you fighting it?" He look at me waiting for an answer.
"Because I need someone who not only is an ideal match for me, but also an ideal leader. I want a partner to rule alongside me, not hold a position beneath me. There are certain qualiti
es I believe a king should possess, so I am going to organize more outings like orb ball. I want to see how the both of you lead and get a sense of how you each use your powers."
"Wow! You are going to make one hell of Queen Maddie. And whichever one of us you choose will be lucky to be by your side."
"Thank you Lance, for your understanding and support," I say as I get up from my seat. I give him a hug that lasts for a while. Lance raises my chin and kisses me with urgency. I give him access to my mouth and our kiss turns primal. He more than loves me and I more than love him too. The truth is I couldn't tell which one I love more, which means I have to rely on these leadership tests. He reluctantly releases me and we both are fighting to catch our breaths. "We better get to class."
"We can, or we can hang out here for a while longer," Lance says as he takes a step closer to me.
"Lance," I say with a warning as I wrap my arms around him. He smiles and rubs his nose against mine.
"Okay Maddie, I will give you the space you need to over analyze," he responds with sarcasm. I smile back and he reaches down to grab my bag. "I guess we better go learn something." Lance grabs his things and we head to class. We make it two minutes before class and the professor is writing notes on the board. I look up at my fellow classmates and spot Abby sitting alone in one corner, and Vanessa in the middle. Vanessa waves, and I wave back signaling her to join me in Abby's corner. Vanessa gathers her things and meets me, while Lance follows. Abby's eyes bulge out of her head as the three of us sit with her. Lance sits on her left, I take her right and Vanessa settles down next to me.
"Hey, how interesting is this class? It really makes you analyze the way you respond, doesn't it?" I ask Abby.
"Yea like you need any more of a reason to over analyze," Lance throws in with a chuckle.
"Hardee har har," I respond sticking my tongue out at him. Abby giggles and I join in. The professor closes the door, clears his throat signifying class has begun.
After class the four of us walk out together discussing the location of our next class. Hailey, Jessenia, and Archie meet up with us and I realize how far I have come in the short time I have been home. When I was young my powers were just starting to develop making it difficult to make and keep friends. Now, here I am with the makings of a great coven. Although I have no intention of allowing the group to form a legit coven, it is comforting to know I have friends who will always have my back. I feel really lucky and excited for the future, for the first time in my life. Watching everyone talk to each other so animatedly reminds me of a family gathering. I begin to wonder if I should let them all in on my plan to find my mother.
"Well I am already in the know," Hailey says to me mentally. I can feel her smile, which I return.
"Yes, I know supe twinee, I tend to leave my guard down with you. So does this mean you are in?"
"Honestly I think it's a foolish endeavor, but I can't imagine spending my life wondering what happened to my parents, so yes I'm with you."
"Thanks Hails, I really appreciate it," I beam.
"My name is not that long, don't shorten it again," Hailey snaps. I can sense a balance of seriousness and humor but I make a note never to call her Hails again.
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Alright people we are going to be late to our next class, let's go." Everyone laughs at her sternness but quickly complies. The rest of the day is typical and I am excited when my last class for the day has ended. Since I was able to catch up on my assignments I have nothing academically to worry about for the next couple of days, giving me time to practice the routine on my own. The girls and I have decided to hold another practice tonight and they have agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to allow Abby to join in. I see her in the parking lot and run to catch up to her.
"Hey Abby hold up!" I yell. She turns and waves as I approach.
"Hey Maddie, what's up?"
"I was wondering, well the girls and I were wondering if you were planning on entering the talent show?"
"Actually yes I have. My study group and I are doing acapella. What are you girls performing?"
"Acapella, wow," I say with admiration. Truth is if I had to pick one talent singing would be my all-time favorite. "We are doing a dance routine."
"That's great!" she replies with excitement. "Truth is I have two left feet, I would be a disaster." We both laugh.
"I hear ya, well I will see you around," I say and turn.
"Um Maddie," Abby says nervously. I turn back to face her. "If what you said this morning is true, then I think you should choose Lance. He would make an exceptional king and leader. Together you two will make some positive changes in both communities. And I agree decisions of this caliber should be made with both your heart and your mind."
"Thank you Abby. I am going to take into consideration how much you love him. And I can see he cares for you too. Bash would be equal to the task. It's not an easy decision to make, but thank you for your understanding." Abby nods and turns to walk away, and it is my turn to stop her.
"Abby, if it weren't for this situation I believe we would have been great friends. But there's no time like the present," I say with a smile. And with that we both turn to leave. Still not completely trusting her I take a quick dip into her mind.
"If it weren't for this situation I believe we would have been great friends, ya ya ya," I hear her mentally mocking me. Well Rome wasn't conquered overnight. She will either fall in line or be dealt with.
I head home to help Amelia prepare snacks and refreshments for another rehearsal with the girls. I have to figure out a way to thank my dad for allowing us to use his space. I am sure he will just say it is our space, but it can't be easy for him to hear the same song blaring over and over again. Amelia is probably the best person to ask for advice on this matter.