by Maymi Alicea
Chapter 20
It is the night of the talent show and everyone is a bundle of nerves. I walk around back stage to get a break from Hailey and Jessenia's constant bickering. All around me are student performers warming up and conducting last minute practices. I pass a group of what I believe to be method actors stretching and preparing their voices. "Wooohoooowww, woooohooow," one of them says as she sets herself in a standing bow pulling pose. I find Abby sitting in a corner by the staircase leading to the emergency exit tuning up her violin.
"Hey Abby how is it going?" I ask startling her. "I'm so sorry."
"Oh no it's fine. I'm just doing some final checks. How is it going for you?"
"Good just walking around trying to let go of the performance jitters," I say with a smile.
"I hear ya."
"Hey Abby you ready?" I hear Bash say behind me. I turn in shock. "Maddie, wow, you look amazing," Bash says as his eyes roam from my chest to legs.
"Hi, I didn't know you were performing tonight as well."
"Yea, Abby and I are in this acapella/study group together."
"I didn't know you sang," I say with a giggle.
"And what sweetness, do you find so funny?"
"Um, nothing," I can feel myself blushing. "I better check on the girls, um break a leg guys. Have a great show."
"You too Maddie," Abby says.
"Yes, I'll be watching," Bash says with promise. Well if I wasn't nervous before I am definitely nervous now. I make sure to saunter away so that Bash gets a good view of the back of my outfit. Vowing not to look back and maintain a straight posture and find my way to the group.
"Oh there you are, we've been so worried," Jessenia says with concern.
"I'm sorry I just needed a quick breather. Is everyone ready?" I ask.
"Quit badgering everyone Jessie, we are all going to do great!" We all gape at Hailey. She has never been the encouraging type. Silence descends in the auditorium as the host introduction music begins to play. The hosts are one male president from the fraternity Alpha Beta Chi, and a female president from Alpha Delta Chi. Everyone applauds as the hosts make their way to the stage. After some funny banter and information about the various school activities tonight's proceeds are going to help fund, they introduce the first act.
After a half hour Abby and Bash's group is called up to the stage. Their acapella group has opted to perform their rendition of Radioactive relying mostly on their voices. Abby wows the audience with her violin solo. Before the song comes to a complete end the crowd goes wild. I peek through the curtain and I see they are all on their feet. I glance over at the group and Bash and Abby are giving each other a congratulatory hug, and maintain their hold as they walk off stage. The pang of jealousy aching my heart was undeniable.
"Let it go Calderon. Bash is crazy about you, and he knows Abby is an opportunist," says Hailey from behind.
"Do you know her? I got the sense the other day when we were all hanging out that you knew something I should." I wasn't sure if I was looking for a reason to dislike her or if I too could tell she had a hidden agenda.
"More like I know her family. The positions they hold in the supe world are due to arranged marriages and not birth right. Don't get me wrong I'm all for marrying into a good family, but that can't be the only reason. Anyway as long as she doesn't try anything else with you, I don't care if she hangs out with us. Now on to more important topics, we are on after this act. We have to get ready, so get your mind off of everything else," Hailey states sternly.
"Yes, Ma'am!" I say with a salute, which makes her smile. I follow her to where the girls are nervously waiting. Hailey came up with a great idea to do a mashup of four different songs, and along with Jessenia created an awesome routine. We hear the roar of the crowd and we prepare to take the stage. As the hosts announces our group name we smile at each other and take a deep breath.
The music starts with the beat from Robin Schulz's Prayer in C and we saunter out in unison. Once we hit our mark on the stage the beat continues as Ariana Grande's Problem followed by a collection of other songs mesh in. The audience is giving off some great energy and before we know it, they are up on their feet clapping. Someone in the front row gets up and dances along with us. Before we know it the song is over and we are in our finale pose. We get a standing ovation and as I look out into the crowd I see my dad and Amelia in the center cheering. I beam at them both as we take our final bows and walk off stage. The girls and I look at each other and all together we jump up and down cheering.
"Maddie!" exclaims Bash as he runs toward me. I face him with all smiles and he scoops me up spinning me around. Finally putting me down we look into each other's eyes.
"Hey, my turn," says Lance from behind me. Bash reluctantly lets me go and Lance turns me into his waiting arms. I give him a strong hug but am feeling awkward as I notice the girls including Abby are staring. Backing away while maintaining a smile, I head toward Abby and give her a huge hug.
"Congrats Abby, you guys gave an amazing performance." She is beaming and for once genuine. Her glee increases as the rest of the group including Bash and Lance huddle closer for a congratulatory group hug. Keeping Hailey's words in the back of my mind I decide to take a peek into Abby's thoughts. Enjoy all this admiration while it lasts Princess! Either way one of your guys will be mine. I never considered the Prince of the Underworld as an option, but hmm what a yummy possibility.
I maintain my smile while sneering in my head. Hailey looks up glaring at me with an I told you so. In the end I don't think she means any real harm, so I decide not give it another thought. The supe world can be a challenge when you're in a position that is not given at birth. Marriages do not hold much value unless the union is between two people who already hold a high station. Hopefully her end game is to protect her family and nothing more. Right now I don't have the mindset to think about it. Seeing my father and Amelia tonight made me miss my mother that much more. Although I hope things between Amelia and my father continue to flourish I still want and need my mother.