The Arrival - The Madeline Calderon Trilogy: Book 1

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The Arrival - The Madeline Calderon Trilogy: Book 1 Page 21

by Maymi Alicea

  Chapter 21

  "Madeline, why? I don't understand. I am trying my best to make you happy here, and protect you. I know things have been difficult especially with your recent, um travels, but we can make this work. There is so much you can learn by being here and what about Bash and Lance, I thought you were going to give them another chance. Have you really thought this through?" My father finally stops rambling to catch his breath.

  "As I was attempting to say, would it be okay if I went to visit, and I place a strong emphasis on visit, Grams in Massachusetts for the weekend?" I say while smirking at him.

  "Oh, you just want to visit you say. Ah, I see. I thought?" his voice trails off and I can see the sadness in his eyes.

  "No dad, I have no intention or desire to move there, I just need to see her. She practically raised me and I know it's only been a few months, but talking on the phone isn't the same." I had decided on the way home from the talent show not to tell my dad or Amelia what I had learned from my purposeful vision. Instead I am playing the "I miss her" card. I really only need a day up there but I have to make this believable.

  "Of course you can go sweetheart. I'll make sure the plane is ready and a pilot is available," he kisses my forward and leaves the kitchen.

  Once he left the room Amelia turns and smirks at me. "So are you going to tell me what you are really up to?" I smile at her knowingly. I should have known I couldn't keep much from her. I decide to tell her about my vision and what I have discovered. Just as I feared it sparked worry in her eyes.

  "Please don't worry about me. Although I am certain my Grams has information in regards to my mother, I don't think she would ever let someone hurt me." Amelia nods in agreement but she can't hide the concerned look on her face. I walk around the island and give her hug. I turn and head up the stairs to prepare for my upcoming trip.

  I put my bag down and begin unpacking my supplies. Walking over to my altar I first work on sensing whether or not someone, as in Abby, has paid me a visit. I do not detect an essence, so I open my closet and reveal my altar. Placing the items back I glance over at the one-eyed book. Debating whether or not to tell it what I have learned I reach my hand up with the intention to grab it. And I pause, unsure of what my hesitation is about. My trust level is slowly but surely going down. Suddenly I hear someone behind me clearing their throat. I spin around and find Hailey standing at my doorway.

  "Hey I didn't mean to interrupt but my aunt said I could come up. And what's more I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your thoughts, but the only person you really need to learn to trust is yourself. Everyone else around you will fall in line, or not, eventually. You can't control them but you can control the way you react to them," Hailey says reminding me of a younger version of Amelia.

  "Thank you, and I know you are right. I put the last of my materials down and close my altar. Once my closet door is closed I turn to Hailey who is now sitting on my bed. I sit across from her and ask, "so what's up?"

  "Well my aunt told me about your trip. And I was wondering if you wanted to make it a girls' weekend. We'll go take in the sights while you talk to your Grams and then we can enjoy the rest of the time there together," Hailey says hopeful.

  "What has happened to the hard-ass, I don't need any friends, Hailey I met not too long ago? You going soft on me?" I chuckle.

  Hailey laughs before replying, "okay you've got me. The idea of this ya ya of the sisterhood trip makes me ill, but we can't really protect you from over 200 miles away." I laugh in turn and shake my head.

  "I guess the truth is I don't have a say in this decision either. So let's make the best of it."

  "Are you going to ask the guys to come too," Hailey asks tentatively.

  "No, let's keep this strictly girls." I have to admit a hotel room alone with Bash for the weekend sounds interesting. Interesting, I think to myself, my first thought is Bash and not Lance. Perhaps subconsciously I have already made my decision.

  "Great, I'll call the girls and we'll make arrangements for everyone to meet here and we can take the same car to the airport. May I ask what has brought up the need for this visit? I mean can't you just talk to your Grams on the phone."

  "Your aunt didn't tell you?" Hailey shakes her head in response. "I just really miss my grandmother. It's been a few months and I'm just not used to the separation yet." I felt terrible lying to her, but until I know the truth I can't divulge anything.

  "Right, you want to try telling me the truth so I don't have to waste my energy poking around in your more than willing head?" I realize in this moment that Hailey, just like her aunt Amelia, are two people I will never be able to lie to. Thinking it may serve my cause better to have her in the know, I divulge the details about my trip to the past as well as my plan to find my mother.

  Right before Hailey has a chance to comment, Amelia pops her head into the room.

  Hey, aunt Amelia. Maddie has consented to making the weekend a girls' weekend trip." It is obvious Amelia couldn't be happier.

  "Amelia, why don't you join us?" I ask.

  "Oh no you young girls have a good time," she smiles.

  The next day the girls and I are driven by my father's driver to Teterboro Airport. He pulls right onto the runway, where stairs leading up into the plane are waiting. Once our door is open he runs to the back of the SUV to unload our luggage.

  "This is going to be so cool. I've never been on a plane before!" says Jessenia with excitement. Just as I was about to make a comment, I look over at her and realize she is holding up her phone.

  "Are you taking a picture of the plane?" I ask.

  "No, I'm not that new, Maddie. I'm talking to Archie," Jessenia responds with a chuckle. "Say hi sweetie," and we all wave as she positions the phone in front of us. "Babe where are you? You look like you are in a spaceship or something," she says with a giggle. We can't hear his response but whatever he says makes her laugh uncontrollably.

  I start to miss the guys and wonder if the trip would have been better if we went as a large group. We make our way up the stairs with me taking the lead. Just as I step in I stop in shock. Sitting around one of the larger tables on the plane are Bash, Lance, Brandon, Carl, James, Neil, and Anthony. Archie pops out from a door leading to the cockpit. I turn behind me looking at the girls, "You ladies are not going to believe what we have here." I step aside so all the girls can enter. Jessenia runs and jumps into Archie's arms, Vanessa cheers and greets all the guys, and Hailey gives me this disappointed look.

  "This was not my doing," I immediately say defensively. She continues to stare down at me with a look that could kill. My eyes expand and my defenses go up as I prepare to take on whatever she dishes.

  "Gotcha! I know it wasn't your idea, because it was mine," she says with a chuckle. She walks past me to greet the guys as I stand shaking my head. This trip has turned into a lot more than I bargained for. I just hope having the whole group doesn't interfere with my mission. I have to speak to my grandmother alone and find out what information she's holding back. Don't worry, I already have a plan to keep everyone busy while you do your thing Nancy Drew," Hailey sends to me.

  "Stop listening to my thoughts already!" I feign annoyance.

  "Well stop making it so damn easy to listen." I sense an eye roll and give one right back.


  Thank you for taking the time to read my book. If you want to know what happens next in Maddie's quest to finding her mother and herself read the next installments. If you enjoyed it, or have suggestions (constructive criticism please), leave me a review at your favorite retailer.

  Thanks in advance for your support!


  About the Author

  Currently residing in the New Jersey/ New York area. I am married with one 11 year old son. In addition to reading and writing, I love to hike, watch sports, and attend wine tastings. Writing has been a dormant passion of mine, and I have be
en fortunate enough to finally have the time to put the stories in my mind to print.

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  The Madeline Calderon Trilogy

  The Ascension- Book II - In Progress

  The Ruling - Book III - TBW

  Confessions of A Commuter - In Progress


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