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Finding Scarlet

Page 16

by Holly C. Webb

  “Guess I was wrong about a lot of things,” he said before he turned and walked out the door.

  “Seth,” I said, but he was long gone. I looked at the lieutenant, knowing what I needed to do. I hurried out after him, fully aware that every set of eyes in the squad room were on me.

  I pushed through the door of the squad room, but there was no sign of Seth anywhere.

  “Olly,” Dean said as he walked towards me. “Is everything alright? I’ve just saw Seth and he looks mad as hell.”

  “Where did he go?” I asked quickly.

  “He was heading towards the locker room,” he replied. “I don’t know what’s going on with him. He hasn’t seemed himself lately. He won’t talk to me.”

  “Leave it with me, Dean,” I said. “This is between Seth and me.”

  I hurried towards the locker room, hoping I wasn’t too late to stop Seth.

  When I walked in, I could hear the steel door of a locker slam a couple of rows in. There were a couple of officers in the locker room, but they left when they saw me enter, obviously realising I had come in after Seth, and no doubt had seen he was upset when he stormed in moments earlier.

  “Seth,” I said when I reached the row, I knew his locker was on. He was sitting on the wooden bench that was positioned between the lockers, just staring into space.

  “Go away, Olly,” he replied without even looking at me.

  “I need to explain,” I said, determined to make this right. “You’re right, I should have come to you. You’re my best friend and I should have trusted what I knew in my gut, and I know I have been distant since Clea, but you have been too. Since Karen lost the baby, you have changed, become more withdrawn.”

  “So that makes me a killer,” he said, finally looking up at me. “I can’t believe you would even think I could do that. That I am capable of what happened to that girl.”

  “Seth,” I said moving closer to him. “There were other things.”

  “Like what?” He asked, this time he was a little less forceful. “What did I do that made you think I did this?”

  “You fit the profile,” I explained sitting down next to him. “In every way, then there were the scratches.”

  “The scratches?” He asked, and I knew he was trying to understand.

  “The day after the previous murder, you had those scratches on your neck,” I explained. “Then the M.E. said, the girl probably scratched her attacker, as her fingernails had been cleaned. Then again after the latest murder, there was another scratch mark on your neck.”

  “Okay, I can see how that looked bad,” he sighed. “But Olly, it’s me. Why didn’t you just talk to me?”

  “And say what?” I asked. “Hey Seth, how’s things? How are you and Karen getting on? Oh, and are you the one killing girls and leaving them at the side of the road?”

  His eyes dropped to the ground at the mention of Karen’s name, and I knew he was holding something back.

  “Seth,” I said. “I know you didn’t do these horrendous crimes, but something is wrong. Talk to me.”

  “I…can’t,” he replied, his eyes now fixed on his hands.

  “You always said there was nothing you couldn’t tell me,” I pushed.

  “I can’t tell you this,” he said and the sadness in his voice told me whatever he was holding back, was something that was hurting him.

  “Is it Karen?” I asked and he tensed, so I knew I had hit a nerve. “She isn’t cheating on you, is she?”

  “No, no,” he shook his head vigorously. “Nothing like that.”

  “Then what, Seth?” I asked. “Something isn’t right between you. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”

  “Fine!” He exclaimed. “It’s Karen, since she lost the baby, things have been hard for her. She gets so mad sometimes. It’s like she just…it’s like nothing can get through to her, and she just gets angrier and angrier. Then she lashes out.”

  “Seth,” I said as I tried to get what he was telling me, straight in my head. “Is Karen hitting you?”

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds,” he said but I could see he was embarrassed. “She just lashes out. Then she is sorry and swears it will never happen again.”

  “But it does,” I say.

  “It does,” he nodded. “I know I sound like a pussy…”

  “No, you don’t,” I quickly stopped him. “You are a man living with domestic abuse. Just because it’s a woman hitting a man, doesn’t make it any less important.”

  “She is my wife,” he said as the tears danced in his eyes. “I love her more than anything else in this world, but I hate going home. I never know what is going to set her off. I just don’t know how much more I can’t take.”

  “Seth, I am so sorry,” I said, my heart going out to my best friend. “What can I do to help you?”

  “There is nothing you can do,” he shrugged. “I can’t leave her, where would I go?”

  “Here,” I stood up and reached into my pocket for my keys. “You can stay at my place. I am staying with my folks for now anyway.”

  “Oliver, I can’t…” he began to protest.

  “You can and you will,” I insisted. “Seth, you are not the only man that has gone through this. This is not your fault and it’s nothing you should be ashamed of.”

  “Oliver, I am a cop for God sake,” he said as he brushed away the tears that had just broken free. “How can this be happening?”

  “We will sort it together,” I assured him.

  “I love her,” Seth sighed. “I just want the old Karen back.”

  “We will get her help,” I promised. “We will get help for both of you.”

  “Thanks, Olly,” Seth said as he wiped his whole face.

  “Now, let’s go get your badge back,” I said, giving him a slap on the shoulder. He stood up and looked at me for a moment.

  “Can I ask you a question?” He asked as he closed his locker again.

  “Sure,” I replied.

  “How did you know it wasn’t me?” He asked as we walked slowly towards the door of the locker room.

  “Scarlet remembered something,” I began to explain but before I could continue, Dean appeared in the doorway.

  “Is everything okay?” He asked looking at Seth. He looked concerned, almost like he had seen a ghost. “What’s going on?”

  “A misunderstanding,” I said, giving Seth a brief look, hoping he would know not to say anything. I wasn’t sure what he thought I was asking but thankfully he followed my lead.

  “It’s all sorted now,” he added as he glanced at me again.

  “That’s a relief,” Dean replied with a tight smile as we all walked out of the locker room and out to the front hallway. “Hey Oliver, did I hear right? Has Scarlet’s memory returned?”

  “No,” I said quickly. I don’t know why I lied, but something told me I should say nothing. “She remembers nothing. At this stage I am not sure that she ever will.”

  “But there is a chance?” He said. I knew he was trying to appear only mildly curious. This unsettled me.

  “To be honest” I lied. “I think there was too much damage. I think it will never come back.”

  “I should go talk to the lieutenant,” Seth interjected. “Olly, I would be grateful if you could come with me.”

  “Sure” I replied but I kept my eyes on Dean.

  “I will meet you later,” Seth said to Dean before we both turned and walked towards the squad room. As we reached the door, I glanced back over my shoulder. Dean was still standing there, and the look on his face sent a shiver down my spine.

  I tried to tell I myself I was seeing things that wasn’t there. After all I had gotten it so wrong with Seth. Still, there was a tiny voice inside that told something was very wrong.

  Chapter 23


  I lay on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I was tired after my day in the hospital. Ben, my physiotherapist, said he was really pleased with my progress. He said h
e wanted me to try not use the walking sticks when I was in the house.

  After physio, I had my appointment with Doctor Bellamy. He sent me for a CT scan to make sure everything was okay after the seizure I had the night before. That came back all clear. So, after what seemed like forever, I left the hospital feeling happy and very relieved.

  Before I left the hospital, I bumped into Jaime and she promised she would come by for a visit very soon.

  On the way home, Meg took me into a small little diner for lunch. I got a couple of stares, but nothing like what had happened in the restaurant, so I tried my hardest to ignore it. She talked about Oliver when he was growing up, about how he always dreamt of following his dad into the police force. It was easy and comfortable, nothing like the uncomfortable situation I thought it would be, well once I got over the fact, she knew Oliver and I had sex in her house.

  By the time we got back to the house, the embarrassment I felt about the night before was completely gone.

  As I lay there, I thought about Oliver. He seemed distracted before he left for work. I assumed it may have been about the night before, but the more I thought about it, the more I realised there was something I was missing.

  I felt tired, but I couldn’t sleep. Oliver was on my mind. He was worried about something and it had me worried. I pushed myself up off the bed and tentatively walked to the door without the walking sticks.

  As I stepped out into the hallway, I stopped and wondered if I could make it down the stairs without my sticks. I decided to at least try, but suddenly, my eyes were drawn to Oliver’s bedroom door, and without thinking, I walked to the door, opened it and stepped inside.

  The room smelled of Oliver and it made me smile. I imagined him as a little boy in here, curled up in the bed. Or maybe sitting at the small desk in front of the window, doing his homework.

  The walls were covered with football flags and posters, it looked like it had been frozen in time. There was a shelf on the wall filled with trophies and medals. The room was exactly how I imagined his room would be.

  I walked over to the desk and sat in the chair. I ran my fingers along the worn edge of the desktop and smiled, thinking of how many memories it must hold.

  That’s when I spotted the photo frame that was lying face down on the desk. Instinctively I picked it up and turned it over. It was a picture of Oliver and Clea. I quickly put it back down, feeling like I was snooping into Oliver’s private past.

  Then the thought occurred to me. Why was it face down? Had Oliver been unable to look at it and left it that way? Did he see it and feel guilty, that maybe he had betrayed Clea’s memory by being with me? This thought made me feel sad.

  I reached for the picture again and picked it up. Holding it closer to me, I studied Oliver’s face. He looked happy, carefree even. It was a look I had never seen in him. He always looked so worried and concerned. Maybe it was me, maybe I didn’t make him happy.

  You are overthinking this way too much! I thought to myself. You need to stop being so insecure!

  I turned my attention to Clea. I had to admit she was beautiful. She had long golden hair that framed her beautiful, happy face. As she was smiling at Oliver, her pretty blue eyes sparkled. She too looked happy and so much in love. I sighed as I stared at the picture. I wondered if I could ever make Oliver as happy as she clearly did.

  “That was the night Oliver proposed to Clea,” Tom’s voice sounded suddenly from behind, startling me. I quickly turned to face him. “They were a pretty great couple. Everyone thought they were perfect together. At the time, I thought they were too young, but they were so determined. They made it work. But that is very typical of Oliver.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said putting the photo down and went to stand up. “I shouldn’t be in here.”

  “You’re fine, Scarlet,” Tom replied, smiling at me. I was surprised when he sat on the edge of the bed, so I sat back down too.

  “They made a really cute couple,” I said glancing back at the photo on the desk. “I am sure he misses her a lot.”

  “He does,” Tom nodded, as he looked at the photo too and smiled sadly. “And if I am honest. I never thought he would get over her. He changed when she died. Like part of him died too.”

  “I guess I can understand that,” I said trying not to show the sadness I was feeling. I was worried I could never truly make Oliver happy, and now Tom’s words just drove that worry home.

  “Scarlet, I was wrong,” he said. “On so many levels. When Oliver looks at you, I see the old Oliver. The one that believes that love is enough. The one that has hope. The one that’s happy.”

  “Thank you for saying that,” I said, grateful for the kind man’s words. “But I know I am not Clea. I know I will never replace her. I really don’t want to…”

  “No, you’re not Clea,” Tom stopped me. “You are very different than her in a lot of ways. But maybe that’s not a bad thing. All I know is, when Oliver looks at you, he is happy. You have given him something back that I thought he had lost with Clea. You have given him joy.”

  “Oliver means a great deal to me,” I said, grateful for the words Tom said but still I felt unsettled.

  “Scarlet,” he said as he leaned forward, sensing my reservations. “Olly loves you. If I am honest, I don’t think he was this taken with Clea. Maybe it’s because he is older now. Or maybe it’s because he never thought he would find someone else, all I know is that he is happy again, and I have you to thank for that.”

  “I love him too,” I replied honestly. “These last few weeks; I really don’t know what I would have done without him. I just don’t want you to think that’s the only reason I feel the way I do. I love Oliver for who he is. Even if I had a hundred people looking for me, I would still feel for Oliver the way I do.”

  “You’re a good girl, Scarlet,” Tom said as he stood up. “I don’t doubt that for a second.”

  “I am glad to hear that.” I replied with a smile.

  “I almost forgot,” Tom said as he stood back up. “There is a delivery downstairs for you. Someone has sent you flowers.”

  “For me?” I asked surprised, but then I remembered the flowers I got in the hospital from the family of one of the other girls. I also thought about the old woman I had met the night before and I figured maybe they were from her. I wondered how she was and if I would ever see her again.

  “Come on,” Tom said offering me his arm and winked. “I will make sure you are okay getting down the stairs. I don’t want my son saying I didn’t take care of you.”

  I smiled and linked his arm before he led me out of the room, down the hallway and then down the stairs. When we walked into the kitchen, I saw the most beautiful arrangements of white lilies on the centre of the table.

  “Aren’t they beautiful,” Meg said the moment I walked into the room. “They smell divine.”

  “They are gorgeous,” I said as I walked closer to the table and smelled their beautiful scent. “I wonder who sent them.”

  “It is surprising how many people care,” Meg smiled. “Your story has been all over the news, sometimes people feel they have to show support. I guess this is how this person did it.”

  “There’s a card,” I said as I pulled the small white envelope from the centre of the flowers and carefully opened the seal. I pulled the card from the envelope and my heart almost stopped as I read the words

  It’s almost over now.

  I thought I was going to be sick. My hands started to shake as the tears quickly pooled in my eyes.

  “Scarlet, what is it?” Tom asked realising something was very wrong. “What does it say?”

  I couldn’t answer, I could barely breathe. I closed my eyes and tried to take deep, calming breaths, but it was no good. Suddenly a sob came from deep inside me, without missing a beat Tom wrapped me in his arms and held me close.

  “It’s okay,” he cooed in a calming voice as he softly patted my back. “You’re okay. Just try to stay calm.”

pressed my face into his chest and let go of the card. I could hold back no longer as I began to sob. I just wanted Oliver.

  “It’s almost over now?” Meg said when she picked the card up from the floor and read it. “I don’t understand. What does that even mean?”

  “It…it’s what he said,” I cried as I lifted my head and looked at her. “Before he shot me, he said those words. They are from him. The f…f…flowers are from him.”

  “Oh God!” Meg exclaimed in complete shock.

  “Call Olly,” Tom quickly instructed her before he pulled me tighter to him. “It’s okay, Scarlet.”

  His voice was so full of concern, yet so caring at the same time, it just made me cry harder.

  “I promise,” he whispered. “As long as I am here, I will let no one hurt you. Oliver is going to get his asshole, and when he does, he is going to nail him to the wall.”

  “He is on his way,” Meg said as she hung up the phone. “I should get rid of these…”

  “NO!” Tom shouted, almost killing me with fright and stopping Meg in her tracks. “Don’t touch them, they are evidence.”

  “But…I already touched them,” Meg replied with a worried expression. “That’s bad, right?”

  “It’s not about fingerprints,” Tom replied. “I doubt he ever laid a hand on these, but they are still evidence. This could be the first mistake he’s made. Something has changed and it’s unsettled him.”

  “I remembered,” I said as it hit me. “That’s what’s changed. He knows I remembered something. Oh God, he knows. How…how could he know?”

  I could feel my whole body shake and my stomach heave. How did he know? Is he someone I knew? I could feel my legs finally give way.

  “SCARLET!” Tom exclaimed as he caught me before I hit the ground. “I’ve got you.”

  Meg pulled out a chair, as Tom set me down on it carefully. Then he quickly kneeled down in front of me and took my hands.

  “Everything is going to be fine,” he reassured me. “Just try to breathe. You’re going to be okay.”


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