Finding Scarlet

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Finding Scarlet Page 19

by Holly C. Webb

  “So, you have no idea where he is,” I stated. My mind was racing with everything I now needed to do.

  “No,” he replied. “I’m sorry Olly.”

  “Thanks for letting me know,” I said, not really knowing what else I should say. “I should get back; the family are waiting on me. Please keep me updated.”

  “I will,” he promised.

  The lieutenant said his goodbyes before I hung up and slipped the phone back into my pocket.

  I felt sick. How was I going to tell Scarlet that we didn’t know where Dean was? I had promised her it was almost over, now I had to tell her it wasn’t.

  I took a couple of minutes to compose myself and try to get things straight in my head what I was going to tell Scarlet. I walked back into the kitchen and my eyes instantly found hers. The moment she saw me, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears and I knew she already knew what I was about to tell her.

  “I don’t want you to worry,” I said as the tears broke free and trickled down her face. I hurried to her and kneeled down in front of her before I quickly wrapped her in my arms.

  “Oliver,” Mom said, and I could hear the fear in her voice. “What’s happened?”

  “They can’t find Dean,” I said without taking my eyes off Scarlet. I looked deep into her eyes and smiled at her reassuringly. “But they will find him.”

  “I can’t stay here,” she whispered as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “He is coming back for me, so I can’t stay here. Oliver, your family is here. Your mom and your sisters. I can’t put them in danger like this.”

  “Scarlet,” I sighed, smiling sadly. “Nothing is going to happen to you or my family. There are police posted outside the house. My dad and I are here to take care of you.”

  “I don’t want to take that chance,” she said, giving me a pleading look. “Please, Oliver. Surely there is a…a witness protection thing I could do. Somewhere for me to go, so you are all safe.”

  I stared at her, struggling to find the right words to say to her, something that would comfort her, but there was none. I knew she was scared, and she didn’t want anyone else hurt. I just didn’t want her to think, if I agreed with her that I was walking away from her. I didn’t know what to do.

  “Please, Oliver,” she repeated, moving closer to me. She reached up and softly touched my cheek. “Please.”

  “Okay,” I said with a deep sigh. “I have somewhere we can go, somewhere safe that only this family knew about. We can leave once you have a bag packed, but I am not letting you go alone. That is a deal breaker.”

  “Okay,” she smiled, and I could see the relief in her face, instantly.

  “Okay,” I repeated.

  Chapter 27


  As Oliver reversed his dad’s truck out of the driveway, my heart hammered rapidly in my chest. Tom insisted we take his truck because it was in the garage and I could remain out of sight until we were clear of the house. He also said Dean would recognise Oliver’s truck so we would be safer in his.

  Oliver had decided he would not tell anyone from the station what was going on until we were safely away. This meant the police officers posted outside the house were not aware we were leaving, and as we were taking Tom’s car, they didn’t follow us.

  Meg had tried to convince us to stay and it almost broke my heart. I could hear the fear in her voice. I knew she believed that us leaving was the wrong decision to make. She was afraid that being on our own, something bad was going to happen. If I was honest, I was afraid too, but staying in their family home wasn’t an option. I needed to know they were safe from harm.

  Oliver promised that no matter what, we would return in three days’ time for Thanksgiving. Ella and Caitlin helped me pack, while Oliver and his dad discussed which route would be the best to take to wherever it was, we were going. They discussed every possible thing that could go wrong, and if it did, the best way to handle it.

  Meg sat in a chair in the corner and looked like her heart was going to break. I felt awful. I considered just picking up my bag and leaving while Oliver and his father talked. They were so lost in their plans, I doubted either of them would have noticed.

  When we finally made our way out into the garage, the whole family followed us. It was as we were about to climb into the truck, Meg got upset. Oliver hugged her tightly and promised it would be okay. It was heart-breaking to see.

  Then she hugged me, and I couldn’t fight the tears any longer.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, and she held me tightly.

  “This is not your fault,” she replied through her tears. “So, you have nothing to be sorry for. I just want you both safe.”

  “I wish we didn’t have to leave,” I cried.

  “Promise me,” Meg said holding me at arm’s length. “Promise me you will stay safe.”

  “I promise,” I nodded, trying my best to smile.

  “Thank you,” she smiled and hugged me once again. With one last hug from Tom, I climbed into the passenger seat of the truck and crouched down on the floor. Tom gave me one last smile before he covered me with a blanket.

  As the truck slowly pulled away from the house, I could barely breathe. Hot salty tears burned my eyes, but I couldn’t cry. I was beyond terrified. I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer that we were doing the right thing.

  “We are clear,” Oliver finally said after what seemed like forever. “You can sit up now.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked as I peeked out from beneath the blanket.

  “I have circled back twice,” he replied. “I am pretty sure no one is following us.”

  I pushed back the blanket and looked up at Oliver. The frown on his face made me feel a little uneasy. I knew he was worried, but I was afraid he was angry he had to leave with me. Especially seeing how upset his mom was.

  I sat up in the seat and put on my seatbelt. I stared out of the window as we drove in the darkness. I watched the streetlights until they became fewer and further apart and I realised we were heading out of the city. Finally, we were surrounded by nothing but darkness and the road ahead.

  “We should be there in about an hour,” Oliver said, keeping his eyes on the road. “At this time of night, the roads are pretty empty.”

  I glanced over at him and nodded my response before I turned and looked out the window once again. I pressed my head against the cool glass and closed my eyes

  “Ugghhh,” I groaned as I slowly woke up. My head was banging with the headache from hell. As I cautiously opened my eyes, I was surprised to find it was already morning. I had to blink a couple of times to clear my vision. When I did, I found myself in the most picture-perfect bedroom, but had no idea how the hell I got here. I turned in the bed to look for Oliver, but the bed was empty.

  I closed my eyes and flopped back on the pillow, as the events of the day before came crashing into my mind and my heart sank. I sighed as I remembered how distant Oliver seemed the night before as we set out to wherever this was. Unshed tears quickly pooled in my eyes.

  Get yourself together, I mentally scolded myself. You need to stop being so weak and pathetic.

  I quickly brushed the tears from my eyes. I refused to give into tears anymore.

  I sat up in the bed and took in my surroundings. The room was beautifully decorated in soft creams and dark wood. The window was open ever so slightly and the light breeze that found its way in through the small gap, carried with it a scent that was simply gorgeous. On the chest of draws there were several framed photographs and I recognised Oliver and his family in the pictures. I realised that this house belonged to Oliver’s family.

  I heard Oliver’s voice come through from the far side of the door. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I knew he was on the phone as the conversation seemed to be one-sided. When he said goodbye, I could hear him walk towards the door.

  I quickly lay back down on the bed and closed my eyes. I wasn’t ready to face Oliver. I couldn’t bear to have him look at me
like he did the night before. I didn’t want him to be angry with me anymore.

  The door slowly creaked open and I could hear Oliver quietly walk into the room. He stood for a minute and I could sense he was watching me sleep. My heart raced as he moved closer to the bed, but still I kept my eyes shut.

  Again, he stopped, and I wasn’t sure, but I thought I could hear him laugh. Suddenly, the bed dipped, and I could feel Oliver moved closer to me. He leaned down over me and softly pressed his lips to mine.

  “Open your eyes, Scarlet,” he said with the sound of amusement in his voice. “I know you’re awake. You’re breathing through your mouth.”

  “I’m what?” I croaked as I opened my eyes slowly, feeling a little embarrassed that he knew I was faking it.

  “You are breathing through your mouth,” he said with a smile as my eyes met his.

  “As opposed to?” I asked not having the first clue what he was talking about.

  “When you sleep, you breathe through your nose,” he grinned. “I know you better than you think I do, don’t forget, I have known you a whole month longer than you have known me, well technically anyway. But my point is, I know when you’re asleep and I know when you are faking it, and you were faking it. Question is, why?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you were still mad at me,” I replied, unable to meet his gaze.

  “Still mad at you?” He replied in surprise. “When was I ever mad at you?”

  “Last night, in the car,” I said and the tiny quiver in my voice gave away my true emotions. “You seemed so angry and upset, I thought you may be angry because you had to come here with me?”

  “You’re right, I was angry,” Oliver confirmed, and my heart almost stopped. “But I wasn’t angry with you, I was angry with me. I’ve let you down, and I am so mad at myself.”

  I don’t understand,” I replied, feeling confused. “How did you let me down? I don’t know where I would be, or what would happen if I didn’t have you.”

  “I let him get close to you,” he replied. “And I let him get away. I knew it was him when he stood in my parent’s house and I let him walk right out.”

  “You haven’t let me down,” I said as I sat up in the bed. “You have been amazing. Why would you even think that?”

  “I just feel I have handled things completely wrong,” Oliver sighed as he too sat up in the bed. “I have missed things I really shouldn’t have. Things that should have been picked up on.”

  “And you also caught things everyone else missed,” I said with a smile as my heart brimmed with love for the man sitting in front of me. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Oliver.”

  “I wish I could see it that way,” Oliver sighed. “I just spoke to the Lieutenant. He is pissed because I took you away without telling anyone. He said it’s like Dean has vanished off the face of the earth. They have searched everywhere but have found no trace of him. They have his picture on TV, in newspapers but there hasn’t been one hit.”

  The worried look on his face made me uneasy, but I was determined to be strong and not give him more to worry about.

  “It will be okay,” I smiled. “You will get him. I know you will. And if you need to go back, I understand. You have to do what you have to do.”

  “I am not leaving you, Scarlet,” Oliver said. “No one knows about this place except those in my family and they will tell no one. I want you to have at least one day where you don’t have to be afraid.”

  He leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the lips.

  “I have your breakfast ready,” he said as he climbed up from the bed. “Let’s get you up and ready. After breakfast I will show you around.”

  “How did I end up in bed?” I asked as he helped me from the bed.

  “You passed out in the car as we drove up last night,” he explained. “I didn’t want to wake you. I just carried you in and put you to bed.”

  Oliver led me out of the bedroom, to the most beautiful open plan living space. It, like the bedroom, was decorated in creams and dark wood. The kitchen was modern and stunning, fully equipped for everything you might need. In the living area, there were two large cream sofas, one facing a big open fire, the second was at a ninety-degree angle next to it, facing double French doors that led out to what looked like a huge deck.

  This house was warm and welcoming, just like the family it belonged to.

  “I made bacon and eggs,” Oliver said as he walked towards the kitchen area.

  “Sounds great,” I replied as I took in my surroundings.

  “I was thinking we could eat out on the deck,” Oliver continued.

  “Great,” I replied as I turned my attention back to him. “So, where exactly are we?”

  “Lake Sammamish,” Oliver said as he finished off the breakfast. “We own about three acres of land. The house used to belong to my grandparents. It was left to my dad when Noni died about five years ago. Two years ago, Mom had the whole place redecorated.”

  “Noni?” I asked, not sure who he was referring to.

  “My grandmother,” Oliver explained. “She was my father’s mother. She would have loved you. There would be nothing you would have needed. She was the type of person who always helped someone in need.”

  I guess that’s where her grandson gets it,” I said as Oliver walked towards me with a tray full of delicious smelling food.

  “Maybe,” he said giving me a mischievous grin. “But not sure she would approve of the plans I have for you later.”

  I laughed as I opened the door for him and stood back to let him out. When I stepped out behind him, I stepped into what can only be described as a tiny piece of heaven.

  The single-story house was painted in an off white with a deck that seemed to wrap around as far as I could see. Three steps down off the deck took you onto a pathway that ran through a perfectly manicured garden. The pathway led down to a jetty beside the lake, where there was a small boat house, but the view was the thing that caught my breath. It was beautiful. The morning sun was dancing on the water, making the lake look like it was filled with a million sparkling diamonds.

  “Oh, Oliver,” I said, finally finding my voice. “It’s beautiful here.”

  “I am glad you like it,” he replied. “I used to love coming here as a child, but I haven’t been here in a while.”

  “Well, thank you for bringing me here,” I said giving him a grateful smile.

  “Now tuck in while your breakfast is still hot,” Oliver instructed me. “I have plans for you today, and I want you fully fuelled up before we head off.”

  “Okay,” I replied and gave him a big smile. For the first time since this whole nightmare began, I felt happy, and more importantly, I felt normal. I was no longer the girl that survived, I was just Scarlet.

  Chapter 28


  I sat on the deck and watched a small boat out on the lake. There were two people, what looked like to be a father and a son, sitting side by side on the boat, each holding a fishing rod. At this time of year, the lake was pretty quiet. It reminded me of all the thanksgivings I spent here as a child. I would spend hours out on the lake with Dad and my grandfather fishing.

  My grandfather was an imposing man but had a kind heart. He had run his own successful printing company, one of the biggest in Northwest America. He had hoped my dad, as his only child, would take over from him when he retired, but Dad had wanted to join the police force since he was a little boy.

  When it became obvious that I was going to follow in my dad’s footsteps, Gramps sold the company and retired a fairly wealthy man at the age of sixty-three. However, only eleven short months after he retired, he passed away in his sleep. The M.E. said it was an aneurism.

  Losing him, devastated Noni. Her heart was broken but she tried to keep going. For five years, Noni tried to be the woman she had been when Gramps was around, but there was always a sadness in her eyes. She could never get over losing the love of her life. On the day of what should have been their fif
tieth wedding anniversary, we all went out to dinner and she insisted she wanted to go home to her own house, which was odd as she spent most of her time at my folk’s house. Dad brought her home, even though he really didn’t want to.

  He decided he was going to spend the night, not wanting to leave her alone. He woke during the night, and something told him to check on her, but he was too late. She had passed away in her sleep. The M.E. said her heart just stopped beating, it stopped working. Her heart was truly broken.

  I smiled as I thought of Gramps and Noni. They would have loved Scarlet. Especially Noni, she would have fussed around her, making sure she had everything she needed. She would have hated to think of Scarlet without anyone in the world. To her, family was the most important thing.

  “I’m ready,” Scarlet said as she appeared in the doorway behind me. I turned and found her standing there, smiling at me. She was wearing a baggy cream jumper, skinny jeans and knee-high boots. Her hair was down in soft curls. She was simply beautiful.

  “You like?” She asked as she looked at me nervously. “They are Caitlin’s clothes.”

  “I love,” I said as I walked closer to her. I slipped my arms around her waist and drew her closer to me. “You are beautiful.”

  “And your mom got me skin coloured dressings,” she added, pushing her hair back from her face. “No more ugly white dressings.”

  “Much better,” I smiled. There was something about her here, something different. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something.

  “I need to grab my jacket,” she said as she stepped back and turned towards the house. “Then I want to see everything.”

  That’s when it hit me. She was happy, excited almost, but more than that, she wanted to leave the house. The couple of times she left the house since she was home, she was nervous, afraid even. Here she wasn’t. It was like she was free from everything that had happened.


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