Finding Scarlet

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Finding Scarlet Page 20

by Holly C. Webb

  I smiled as I watched her, albeit a little slowly, walk across the room and grab her jacket. She turned back to me and smiled.

  “I’m ready,” she said as she walked back towards me. I took her hand and led her out the front door, pulling it closed behind me. We walked down the pathway and down onto the jetty.

  “We’re going on a boat?” She asked giving me a concerned look. “Is that wise?”

  “Why, what’s wrong?” I asked, not sure what she was concerned about. “Are you afraid of the water?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied. “I don’t know if I can swim or not.”

  “Oh,” I laughed. “Well, you don’t have to know how to swim to go on the boat. We have life jackets and I promise I am a very safe driver. So, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Okay,” she said and gave me another smile. I led her into the boat house, and she stalled for a moment, then looked from the boat to me. “That’s a big boat.”

  “What were you expecting?” I laughed. The boat belonged to my dad. It was a twenty-five-foot cruiser called Isabelle after my grandmother.

  “I don’t know,” she shrugged. “A rowing boat perhaps?”

  “No.” I laughed out loud. “This is definitely not a rowing boat.”

  I helped her on to the boat and before I did anything, I grabbed a life jacket from the storage box and helped Scarlet put it on, then grabbed a couple of the blankets from the cabin below and gave one to Scarlet. Once she was ready and seated, I untied the boat from the jetty and started the engine.

  “Are you ready?” I asked Scarlet before I launched the boat. She replied with a nod and a smile. I slowly eased the boat out of the boat house out and away from the jetty. “I will take this slowly.”

  “What kind of boat is this?” Scarlet asked as we made our way along the river. “It’s a Sea Ray 255 Sundancer. Dad bought it three years ago. Before that we had this ancient junker that belonged to Gramps.”

  She nodded and smiled again. “It’s a really lovely boat.”

  As we made our way along the river, we both sat in a comfortable silence. It was a rare sunny day for this time of the year, it was more like a spring afternoon, than the middle of November. I glanced over at Scarlet and she had a happy, contented look on her face. I didn’t think it was possible for her to be more beautiful, but I was wrong.

  As I watched her, she released a deep, contented sigh and I could feel myself becoming aroused. I wanted her, there and then. My mind filled with the memory of the last time we were together. Her skin was silky soft, and she smelled like apple blossoms. I remembered how she gasped as I entered her, and how she cried out as she came.

  And now you have a hard on, asshole! I thought to myself miserably. That was a bright idea!

  “Oliver,” Scarlet said, and the sudden sound of her voice startled me from my daydream. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I nodded as I shifted in my seat to adjust myself. As much as I would have loved to take her right there on the boat, I still had some things to show her. I wanted to take her mind off everything, while at the same time, fill it with memories, just like I promised I would.

  As we travelled, I pointed out some of the Seattle landmarks that were visible from the water. Finally, we pulled in next to a small dock and I switched off the engine.

  “Come on,” I said as I quickly moored the boat to the dock. “I want to show you something.”

  I climbed out of the boat, then turned back and helped Scarlet up on to the dock too.

  “Do you need your sticks?” I asked, knowing we had a short distance to walk. “I put them in the boat earlier, just in case.”

  “As long as we go slowly,” Scarlet replied and grinned. “I should be okay.”

  I nodded and quickly reached back into the boat and grabbed the backpack I had stored in there earlier, along with a couple of blankets. I quickly slipped it on my back and took hold of Scarlet’s hand.

  I led her from the dock to a small walking trail that ran between the trees ahead of us.

  “Where are we going?” She asked as she held my hand tightly.

  “It’s a surprise,” I replied with a grin. “It’s not that much further. I promise.”

  We walked about another hundred meters, until we came to a clearing in the middle of the woods. Then we stepped out into one of the most beautiful places, I have ever been.

  It was the butterfly field. Or at least that’s what Caitlin called it. It was a meadow full of wildflowers, and for some reason, in the summer it was always full of butterflies. However, even at this time of the year, it was full of the most beautiful flowers in every colour of the rainbow. It was like a picture taken from a book of fairy tales.

  Over the years, we planted some trees. There were apple and cherry blossoms. When Noni died, we planted an apple tree next to the one she planted for Gramps after he died. This place had become special to us, so dad bought it the summer after Noni died.

  “Oh my God,” Scarlet said as she stepped further into the clearing. “What is this place?”

  “It’s Caitlin’s butterfly field,” I answered as I watched her take in her surroundings with awe. “We found it one summer, when she was about six and it instantly became her favourite place in the world. We would have to come back every year, just so she could catch butterflies. She would take them back to Noni in this huge jar, then she and Noni would release them. It became like a tradition. You should see it in the summer. The field looks like it is almost breathing with all the beautiful butterflies.”

  “Oliver, this place is perfect, even now.” she said as she turned to me and gave me the biggest smile. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “Noni loved butterflies,” I continued. “She always said, butterflies were proof that something ugly can change into something beautiful.”

  “I never thought if it like that,” Scarlet said as she slowly walked further into the field.

  “That is why I brought you here,” I explained. “You had something dark and ugly happen to you, but it doesn’t mean your life can’t be beautiful. You can be the butterfly, Scarlet.”

  She turned back to me and I could see tears dancing in her eyes but still she smiled. Without saying a word, she walked back to me. When she reached me, her smile widened before she leaned up and kissed me softly.

  “If I am the butterfly,” she said with a quiver in her voice. “It’s only because you gave me wings. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her, softly at first, but then it grew deeper and more passionate. I wished that we could freeze that moment in time forever. I knew this was the moment I would remember for the rest of my life because this was the moment, I knew that I would spend the rest of my life with this girl.

  We spent the rest of the afternoon there. First, we had a picnic that I had packed and brought with us. Then we lay side by side on a blanket staring up at the clear blue, winter sky. I was glad I brought two blankets. Even though it was a sunny day, there was still a chill in the air, so we snuggled beneath the second blanket, keeping each other warm.

  “I want to come back here in the summer,” Scarlet said as she stared up at the sky with a look of complete contentment on her face. “I want to come and catch butterflies in a jar.”

  “You have a date,” I laughed.

  “I have always loved butterflies,” she added almost absentmindedly. “When I was little, I had a framed picture on my bedroom wall.”

  “You…you remember that,” I said, immediately sitting up and looking at her. I held my breath. I wanted her to remember. I wanted her to not have to feel so lost and vulnerable. However, I was also afraid, that if she did remember, she would go back to her old life and I would lose her.

  “I do,” she said sitting up and looking at me. Her face was full of uncertainty and fear. “I remember a yellow room, with a big window. On the wall, there was a picture of a beautiful white butterfly.”

  She stopped
and I knew she was trying to remember more. I sat quietly, giving her a chance. I knew pushing her would do no good.

  Finally, she looked at me and her eyes were filled with sadness.

  “It’s okay,” I said as I softly brushed her cheek.

  “I can’t…I can’t remember anything else,” she said and the disappointment in her voice was very clear. “I feel like all my memories are there, but I just can’t quite reach them. I can’t remember.”

  “But you will,” I reassured her. “Just relax and you will. You were so happy and peaceful lying there. For the first time you were not afraid, you were not worried. You were just you, and you remembered.

  “I did,” she replied and smiled a little nervously. “I remembered.”

  “Scarlet,” I said, suddenly feeling a little excited. “Your memory is coming back.”

  Chapter 29


  All I could think about was that damn yellow room and the picture of the butterfly. The journey back to the house was quiet. I was lost in thought and Oliver left me be. I knew he was giving me time to think, and for that I was grateful.

  I watched him as we travelled back in the boat. He too was lost in his own thoughts. At one point there was a look of sadness on his face and I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind.

  When we reached the house, Oliver insisted on running me a hot bath to warm me up. I had hoped that maybe he was planning to join me, but instead he just kissed me and left me alone to relax in the millions of bubbles he had in the bath.

  I lay in the bath, and as much as I tried not to think about the yellow room, it was all I could think about. I don’t know why, but I knew it was my room. It was familiar and the memory made me feel happy. I just wished I could remember more. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind, but it was hopeless.

  I felt tired. I needed to get out of the bath before I fell asleep in the water. I opened my eyes and found Oliver standing at the doorway with the biggest smile on his face.

  “I was beginning to think you had been sucked down through the plug hole,” Oliver said as he walked towards the bath and held out his hand to help me out. I took his hand and with one clean move, he pulled me to my feet.

  As I stepped from the bath, Oliver wrapped a big towel around me and held me close to him.

  “Are you feeling okay?” He asked then softly kissed my forehead. His eyes looked into mine, and I for some reason I felt truly naked in front of him. I felt as if he could see into my soul.

  “I’m good,” I replied, and I gave him a warm smile. “I’m just a little tired.”

  “Well we can have an early night,” he said and raised his eyebrows then gave me a cheeky grin. “But not before I feed you again.”

  “You have me spoiled,” I laughed but added a little less enthusiastically. “But first I need to replace my dressing.”

  I pulled back from Oliver, then after giving him one more smile, I turned to the sink and vanity mirror. I took one of the dressings from the shelf above the sink and ripped it open.

  “It’s almost healed,” Oliver said as he stood behind me and watched what I was doing. “It looks a lot better than I thought it would.”

  “I am going to have a scar,” I said sadly as I stared at the wound on the side of my forehead. “It will always be there, to remind me.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Oliver said, wrapping his arms around me from behind. “It doesn’t have to be a reminder of something bad, it can be a reminder of how brave and strong you are.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to remember,” I sighed as I turned back to Oliver. “I wish I didn’t have to look at this scar for the rest of my life.”

  “Then you don’t have to,” Oliver said, surprising me. “We can have it fixed.”

  “Fixed?” I repeated and laughed. “How?”

  “We will find the best doctor,” Oliver replied looking down into my eyes. “The very best money can buy, and we can have them make it like it never happened.”

  “Oliver,” I said, this time with half a laugh. “I think you have done enough. Besides, that would cost far too much and I don’t have a penny to my name, and the last I heard, police officers aren’t paid that much either.”

  “You let me worry about the money,” Oliver replied. “Gramps and Noni left us all with more than enough. If you want to have the scar removed, then that’s what we will do.”

  “Oliver…” I began to protest but he pressed his finger to my lips.

  “We can talk about it tomorrow,” he said with a mischievous grin. “Tonight, I have other plans.” He pulled my robe from the top of the laundry basket where I had left it before my bath and wrapped it around me.

  “I should get dressed…” I said as Oliver took my hand and led me from the bathroom. Before I could even finish what, I was saying I stopped mid-sentence, surprised by what was before me.

  Oliver had the room dimly lit as beautiful music filled the room. He had a blazing fire burning in the huge fireplace and there was the most delicious aroma in the air.

  “You are perfect as you are,” he said, giving me a smile that completely melted my heart. Still holding my hand, he led me to a perfectly set dinner table, complete with a crisp white tablecloth and flickering candles in the centre. “I hope you are hungry, I made Noni’s beef stroganoff. She taught me to cook it when I was still a teenager. I loved to cook here with Noni. Truth is, she taught me a lot more than how to cook as we worked here in the kitchen.”

  “I wish I could have met her,” I said honestly.

  “She would have loved you,” Oliver said with a smile as he pulled out a chair for me to sit down. I watched him as he walked around the table and took his seat. “Almost as much as I do.”

  “You miss her,” I said, seeing the sadness in his eyes.

  “Every day,” he replied with a sad smile.

  Oliver reached for the wine and poured us each a glass. It was comfortable sitting there with him as we ate our meal, even the silent moments. It was like there was no need for words, we knew what the other was thinking.

  Well, I thought I did until a sadness filled his face as he looked up at me from his dinner.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked instinctively.

  “What if there is someone else?” He asked and his question surprised me.

  “What do you mean?” I replied as I shifted uneasy in my chair. “You mean, what if there is someone out there looking for me?”

  “Yes,” he replied. I could almost see his heart race in his chest through his t-shirt.

  “Oliver, it’s been two nearly two months,” I sighed. “Two months and no one has come. Now, either there is no one out there, or if there is, they really don’t care a great deal about me. I don’t know what my past is, Oliver. And yes, that scares me. But I know what my future is, or at least what I want it to be. I want it to be with you. I love you.”

  “What if someone comes and wants to take you home,” he sighed. “I am so afraid I will lose you.”

  “I’m going nowhere,” I reassured him.

  “Good,” he smiled as he stood up. He walked around the table and reached out his hand for mine. “Dance with me.”

  “I would love to,” I said as I stood up and took his hand. He led me across the room and changed the disc that was playing. As he walked back to me a familiar song began to play.

  “I know this song,” I said unsure where I had heard it before.

  “It was the song that was playing in the car the night of our disastrous first date,” he explained as he slipped one arm around my waist and took my hand in his. Slowly we began to move in time with the music.

  “I liked it,” I nodded with a smile.

  “I remembered,” Oliver replied.

  I rested my head against his chest and listened to the words of the song and the beating of his heart. I thought about his question. What if there was someone else? If I was honest, I didn’t care if there was. Oliver was the one that
was there for me when I needed someone the most. Without him, I wouldn’t be alive, and not just because he saved me that night. The truth was, he has been saving me every day since. He was the reason I woke up in the morning. He was the reason I kept breathing. He was the only one I wanted.

  I stopped dancing, took a step back and looked up into his eyes.

  “Scarlet, what is it?” Oliver quickly asked. “What’s wrong?”

  I didn’t reply for a moment, instead just smiled. Then I stepped back towards him and pressed my lips to his.

  “Make love to me,” I whispered breathlessly against his lips before I kissed him again.

  Without missing a heartbeat, Oliver returned my kiss passionately, enveloping me in his arms, literally sweeping me up off my feet.

  Slowly he began to walk toward the thick, beautiful rug that was on the floor in front of the big, blazing fire and dropped to his knees. Gently he set me down on the rug, his lips never leaving mine.

  As he eased me back down on to the rug, his lips broke from mine, but his eyes never left my eyes. My heart raced and it felt like my stomach had taken flight. Yes, we had made love before, but this was the first time it was just Oliver and me. There was no one outside or down the hall. It was just me and him.

  He moved over me and slowly brought his lips down to meet mine. Instinctively I reached up and took his face in my hands and drew him closer to me. His kiss deepened as one of his hands slid up my side and sent shockwaves through my entire body.

  Finally, his lips broke from mine and I gasped for breath as Oliver began his journey down my body, kissing my skin again and again as he moved. His hands found the belt of my dressing gown and slowly he pulled it open. Sliding his fingertips up along the edge of the dressing gown, he pushed it back gently, revealing my naked body.

  “You are simply beautiful,” he breathed against the curve of my breast. He kissed me again, but this time he teased me with his lips, letting them softly touch my sensitive nipple, making it pucker beneath his touch.

  I cried out in pleasure, pinching my eyes shut as every nerve ending in my body seemed to come alive.


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