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A Man Caught in Time: A Dark Tale of Fantasy

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by Wayne C. Hannis

A Man Caught in Time

  'A Dark Tale of Fantasy'

  Wayne C. Hannis

  Copyright 2015 Wayne C. Hannis

  Cover art by Ryan Hannis (Pradius-

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or publisher.

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  Dedicated to:

  All those who are seeking a way out of our current paradigm.


  This written work has not been edited by a professional Editor.


  A Man Caught in Time

  'A Dark Tale of Fantasy'

  An anthology of magic and mayhem.

  Set in a world of Dark Sorcery, where sacrificed life brings forth the vilest of magic.

  And Creatures of Chaos, bent on destruction, subvert the morals of good.

  In the end, when evil things happen to good people, there never is a happy ending.


  It may be the first time I've written these words or it may be the hundredth time, I can't be sure. The occurrences I'm about to detail are truth, I don't intend to lie or extrapolate. I have seen my final moment but it was not to be my last. I know when its coming and the horror of it is too great, I can't bear the pain. I was thrown into the past, knowing the future, I can't go through it again. A man should not live a day twice. If he does, his reason will fracture and he shall live as two. No longer will he be whole. One will be oblivious to what is to come. The other will hopelessly watch, trying desperately in vain to warn himself. Insanity will come to both and madness will intensify until that event that cleaved him in two comes once again. Many times I have seen that moment, or I haven't seen it yet. I can't be sure. I know I will not die, although I no longer live. Trapped, I can't go through it again. The pain is too much for me to bear. I came to that moment and I saw myself in time. In that instant my path splintered and every possible alternative lay before me. Time continued expanding and I was left behind. The future denied to me.


  I woke up suddenly as the rumbling subsided and the shaking of my bed stopped. My consciousness slowly returned as I came out the dark oblivion. I wondered if it was just a dream and for a moment, I wondered who I was. A flash of disjointed memories assailed me, faded visions of childhood. I couldn't remember the faces of my parents. Memories lost in the mist of time and things forgotten long ago. My mind began to race with events that faded into the ethereal past. Thoughts of who I am remained distant, I couldn't quite remember. It made me feel as if I was somewhere I didn't want to be. The dream was gone, only images of what it could have been remained and I had a strong feeling that I was suppose to do something today but I couldn't recall what.

  The tight grip in my chest increased when I started to notice my surroundings. The morning sun was forcing its way through the only window in my room, brightening everything. A row of books on my self had slumped over and the picture of Taured Mountain had fallen from the wall. Sitting up right on my desk, the frame and glass were shattered. The nail it was hanging from came rolling to a rest next to it. Dogs barking in the distance was the only thing breaking the silence. Echoing each others call, I listened to each distinctive bark as they relayed the message. Something was wrong. Apprehensively, I stumbled out of bed and hurried to the window. The cold, wood floor shocked my bare feet for a moment.

  Pulling open the curtains revealed the row of red brick, three floor townhouses across the narrow, cobbled street. The sun had just risen above the roofs to my left. Its acute light shined through open windows from behind, while the front was still in shadows. A throbbing began behind my left eye as I tried to look around the bright object. A halo of colour surrounded it in a blue sky. The morning was getting late, I had slept in. The whole street was deserted of people, I couldn't hear anything and the dogs had gone silent.

  At that moment, I caught it out of the corner of my eye, back in an obscured part of the building still hidden from the sun, the effigy danced like a candle reflecting on water. Flashing in and out of existence, shards of rainbow, coloured light rebounded from it. The more I tried to focus, the more insubstantial it became. The form was human but it was morphing, twisting around in a jerking motion. The terrifying image seemed very familiar to me, although it was the first time I had seen it. I shivered when it advance towards me.

  Within the silence, a deep rumbling demanded my attention. When I turned my eyes away from the figure it vanished from sight, like a harbinger of doom. Seeming to be moving closer, the intensity of the rising dissonance increased in the west, when suddenly it hit me like a physical force. At the same moment the floor heaved, lashing out. I was thrown against the wall, as more waves came in sequence. The structure began to sway in rhythm as dust rained down. I stumbled to my knees, I couldn't stay on my feet. Another picture crashed to the floor and my shelf was rocking violently. Books were falling all around. I huddled down holding my head, the sound was unbearable. It felt like the whole place was about to collapse.


  Communicating through time, so I might see clearly what is to come. The flashes within my mind only created more confusion. I saw it all at that moment but I couldn't understand. I must warn myself of what is to come. I've been through it many times or it hasn't happened yet, I can't be sure. I know I've tried in vain but I couldn't remember. How could I have known the disaster that was about to occur. I can't go through it again, the pain is too much for me to bear.


  The shaking abruptly stopped as quickly as it had begun and the heavy silence returned. I could only hear the ringing in my ears. The dust was still settling as I looked out over the windowsill. The image was gone. Had I only imaged some optical illusion of light, a spark in my vision. It had seemed so real- beautiful in its array of colour but frightening to see. A few people were starting to venture from their homes in apprehension. I watched them cautiously look out their windows and front door. It made the scene seem surreal. A sharp stab struck me behind my left eye again and the pain in my head increased. I felt ill as I started to develop a cold sweet. Then, out of the still- as if to remind me of where I was, I heard a baby crying on the other side of my door. My ears twitched towards the sound of someone else rush down the hall towards the cry. Hesitant to move, I quickly got dressed and testing the foundation of my resolve, opened the door. I heard a name and wondered if it was mine. Entering the hall, I turned to the sound of my sister's voice. She stood at the entrance to the next room holding my young nephew. Tears stained his cheeks and he was gasping, trying to calm down. He forced his head into his mother's arm when he saw me. Fear reflected in my sister's eyes when she asked if it was an earthquake. I nodded saying, “I think its over”, trying to make her feel better. I knew it wasn't though, deep inside I knew the earth would shake again. I had to rub my eyes as the ache behind them became more pronounced.

  Absently, I heard my sister mention our neighbour. My sister was often worried about the old lady at the corner, she was frail and lived alone. It occurred to me, I was suppose to help her with something tod
ay, although it felt like I had already done it, but I knew I hadn't. She said her name but it meant nothing to me. Strange that I can't remember names, even my own. The conversation was extremely familiar. As I watched and listened to my sister, the more it seemed like a memory. I couldn't understand how that could be. The pounding in my head increased and I was finding it hard to focus. Only random thoughts came to me. I had the strong impression that the little, old lady needed my help now. I nodded and agreed with my sister that I would go.

  I struggled to open the front door for a moment. I didn't want to leave the house. The bright light immediately assailed me when I took the two steps down into the front yard and I had to shield my eyes. The sun was warm and the sharpness of it made my head ache more. I couldn't think through the pain. It was high in a blue sky- much higher than I thought it should be for this time of day, it didn't seem like that much time had past. The air was absolutely still, feeling oppressive, like a cold day in the middle of winter. Muted cries in the distance was all I could hear. The old man across the street was sitting on his front step, he tried to yell something at me but I only heard the word earthquake. I waved and smiled, not knowing what to say. As I turned right on the sidewalk, a woman stumbled by me with blood streaming down her face. She began to ask me a question although I couldn't understand. I couldn't help her, I couldn't help any of them. An eerie thought came over me and it felt like we were already cast into a sea of oblivion. Far in the distance, rising above the city, Taured Mountain loomed- its snowy peaks glistened in the bright sun.

  Urgently, I made my way down the block as I suddenly sensed a chill in the air. Chunks of stone and concrete were scattered haphazardly around. Visible cracks had formed within the paved street. The townhouse at the avenue had taken the worse damage. The corner of the building had collapsed and rubble was scattered onto the road. The front door stood open on a broken frame as the whole wall leaned precariously inward. I felt anxious about entering, somehow I knew what I was going to find. But I was compelled, like I was just repeating myself.

  Stepping over fallen concrete, I cautiously entered. Immediately to my right I saw her pinned under the cabinet that was once attached to the wall. It had come loose some time ago and I remember- I should have repaired it but never found the time. Blood pooled around the frail, old body. It coursed around the stained wood of the cabinet covering the floor. It was my fault. I should have fixed it. I could have prevented her death. Somehow, I knew I couldn't prevent anyone else from dying. Shuddering, I began to feel like running, I needed to escape. The room to my left was completely gone. The outside wall had fallen on to the street, bringing the roof down with it. Wide fissures ran up the wall and along the ceiling, large pieces of plaster were missing, exposing the wood frame underneath. It was all twisted and broken. Debris was scattered everywhere on the floor. Looking at the once cozy home, it now resembled a dilapidated shack.

  Tripping over the threshold, I stumbled back onto the street. Huddled in corners and sitting on front steps, people gathered in confusion. I knew them all, they were my neighbours but I couldn't recall their names. They were all to be forgotten. The pain behind my eye intensified, as it became unbearable. I felt like I didn't belong. Memories of things I had forgotten flashed before my eyes. My mind raced with events that hadn't happened yet. Abruptly, with a spark of pain, I saw the the spectre out of the corner of my eye. Following my path, it moved towards me. The articulated movements left images behind, like ripples on a pond cascading into each other. In the distance, a deep resonance reverberated from the ground, rising in magnitude. It seemed to be coming from Taured Mountain. I held my head as a sharp stab assailed me. The ghostly image began to rush towards me, like a demon spawned from some abysmal pit.

  I was hit by an invisible wall of sound and the earth heaved violently under my feet, knocking me to the ground. Landing hard on my hip, the excruciating pain startled me. Helpless, I couldn't move. The street surged and the buildings swayed to the rhythm of the shaking earth. Large blocks of concrete and stone crashed down as the walls began to crumble. The sound was deafening, reverberating through the rock, making my skin crawl. I watched, as people were thrown down like rag dolls. Others were crushed beneath falling concrete when the buildings began to collapse. Looking up, I saw the blinding sun visibly arc its way above me. It was as if it was hastening towards a specific place along its path, rushing towards a particular point in time. Seeing the destination, Taured Mountain dominated everything. Large columns of gas and ash particles began to rise from its towering peaks.


  My perception of time slowed as I watched the sun on its eternal course. It seemed like I was outside the familiar pattern. At that moment, I realized, I was the one rushing towards that specific moment in time. It felt like I didn't belong. The anguish in my head made it impossible to think. I knew what was going to happen. It was a memory, not a premonition. I have lived this day before but I don't know what to do. I can't go through it again, the pain is too great for me to bear.


  The violent shaking continued for a few moments. With each passing second it increased in intensity and felt like it would never end. Then, with one final shrug, it stopped. The pressure in the air became heavy and it was oppressively silent. My head pounded as the sun beat down. It persisted on its course for a second then it too stopped. I began to have the impression that the whole city was contained within a globe. Sharp light glistened off tiny particles floating in the air.

  Breaking the silence, a crash echoed. Jerking around, I saw the tall, structured dome of the church up the hill collapse in on itself. Large clouds of dust and smoke rose high, billowing upward at remarkable speed, than slowed, spreading over the city. Taured Mountain grew in dominance above the haze as it continued expelling thick plumbs of dark vapour.

  Struggling to stand, I couldn't put any weight on my right leg. Spinning in confusion, screams of pain and agony rent the silent air. Amidst the dying bodies, blood ran every where. I stood expressionless, I didn't know what to do. This had all happened before and I knew everyone was going to die. But I had to do something, I had to try. Frantically, I began yelling at everyone to run, to escape the mountain. I pleaded with every person I saw- they needed to escaped. Some listened as they started to run east, I didn't know how far they would get. Most just looked dumbfounded when I came up to them, they couldn't comprehend the danger. Then, as if some corner of my mind was resurrected, I thought of my sister. She would still be at home, alone and scared. It couldn't be the way I remembered, maybe I could still save them. I needed to get to them quickly. Although this has all happened before, it hasn't happened yet. I have to try. I can't let them die again.

  The front door was open and I race in. Covering the floor, debris was scattered everywhere. Walls were heavily damaged and the roof was about to cave in. Cautiously, I made my way through the apartment. Approaching the kitchen, I knew what I was about to find. Stepping over the large beam that had fallen across my sister's chest, I saw her holding my nephew, who was trapped under it. They were both covered in fresh blood. Just like before, it was happening again. In a daze, she turned her head and looked at me. She tried to speak but only blood bubbled from her mouth. Our eyes met as she faded away. I scream. I can't go through this again.


  I write these words hastily, in hope that one day, perhaps, someone will find them and know my plight. Trapped in an endless cycle that won't end, I won't be the only one who remembers what has happened or is about to happen, I can't be sure. One day doomed to repeat itself. I'm a man caught in time, the cause of all this suffering. They die but I am condemned to this never ending cataclysm. My final moment is approaching, but I won't die, although I no longer live. I've tried to change things, but how can I stop the earth from rotating or bring the sun to the end of its eternal path around the galaxy. How can I stop time? When will this nightmare end? I'm the only one who see, the only one who knows of the terrifying events.
I'm living in a memory that I always forget. The events are moving too fast, I can't hold on. The pain is too great, I can't go through it again.


  I ran as fast as I could out of the house. I had to escape, I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't save anyone. I needed to get away from Taured Mountain. Heading east, I hurried faster and faster, keeping the mountain at my back. Racing down streets and alleyways, I tried desperately to evade it. When I stopped to catch my breath, I looked up and saw Taured Mountain towering above me in the distance. It was too late, there was no escape.

  The sun began to accelerate across the sky again, speeding towards its unknown destination. Within the earth, a familiar rumble started. And then I saw out of the corner of my eye, as if summon for an evil purpose, the apparition appeared but it was moving ahead of me this time, not behind. The dissonance increased as the sun charged across the sky. When it had finally reached its target, it ceased to move any further. I tensed all my muscles and cringed in anticipation of the loud concussion that nearly knocked me off my feet. A fraction of a second later, the whole top of Taured Mountain erupted. Hot ash immediately billowed into the sky. Electrical charges began to ignite within towering columns reaching higher and higher. Burning stones were flung into the air at tremendous speed and melted rock bubbled its way to the surface. The ground shook vehemently as it ripped the stone street apart. In dismay, I watched as the south side of the mountain collapse in upon itself. Another deafening vibration shattered the air as hot detritus was hurtled out with incredible force to the south. The sun became obscured and complete darkness fell over everything.

  My perception of time began to slow as I watch the fervid gas rise higher. Great arcs of electricity cut its way through the thick particles. It was all exaggerated in my sight. The lightning extended itself forward and grew in magnitude as it radiated around the clouds. Reaching, as if searching for a point of contact. It was like a living entity, hunting for my life. Abruptly, as if the anger of the mountain wasn't satisfied, the west side- facing the city, slumped down. Growing and expanding, a giant wall of super heated debris raced towards the city incinerating everything in its path. The lightning continued its relentless search, extending through the gloom. Powerful bolts struck all around. It had found what it was looking for.


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