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Hunted: A Suspense Collection

Page 23

by J. L. Drake

  “I will. Drive safe.” I opened my door, slipped in, and started the engine. Erin waved as she drove off.



  I sat in the driver’s seat across from her car, gripping the steering wheel tightly and puffing on a cigar. I glanced down at the pictures of them on the seat. That piece of shit was touching her leg, and she was smiling. What the fuck does she see in him? Money? She has enough of it, so why should that matter?

  I placed my sweaty hands over my face and rubbed my sore head. The bottle of Jack that was wedged between my legs was almost empty. I chugged the rest of it and tossed the bottle in the back seat. I caught my expression in the rearview mirror. The lines that run around my eyes are the proof I’ve paid my debt with this fucked up life. Now it was time for me to get what’s mine. Her slim body snagged my attention.

  Emily and Erin walked over to their cars alone, without the horny assholes from the beach. They spoke and then parted. “Slut,” I muttered angrily to myself. I started the car and eased out of the parking lot, giving her a two car lead.



  I glanced down at my dash. It had only been five minutes into my drive when I noticed the bright orange gas light staring me in the face. “Shit,” I sighed as I clicked my blinker on and eased over to the far right lane, taking the nearest exit. Luckily, there was a gas station right at the bottom of the ramp.

  I got out and started the pump. The place seemed quiet, and it wasn’t even that late yet. I heard a car drive up and a door shut. A few of the lights were burnt out above me, so it wasn’t the best lighting. The place was giving me the creeps.

  Then everything happened at lightning speed. Someone pushed me from behind. My forehead bounced off the roof of my car, and my neck jerked back. I was stunned for a moment as my brain tried to catch up. I fell to my knees.

  I turned to see who had attacked me, but my eyes were blurry from the impact. The man pulled his hand back, making a fist, but at the last moment he changed his mind, opened his fingers, and slapped me hard.

  My body was off balance, and my cheek met the cold steel car door with a loud thud. I could tell my lip was bleeding from the taste of tin in my mouth.

  Then the realization of what was happening caught up to me. I reached up to cover my face, screaming for help.

  “Shut up, bitch!” he barked at me. He kicked me in my ribs twice, making me gasp. I went silent instantly as pain shot through me. He bent down and grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him.

  He wore a dark blue wool ski mask. His eyes looked cold through the slits. He ran his finger down my cheek. “Shhh, you shouldn’t anger me like this, Emily,” he whispered. His breath smelled like a sweet apple cigar.

  I hit his hand away, but he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard.

  “Ouch!” I cried out. Where was everyone? Where was the gas station attendant? Surely someone could see what was happening to me.

  I didn’t have time to look around for help because his long, bony fingers brushed my hair off my neck. Oh God!

  “You’re so beautiful,” he sighed. “Now, did you think flirting with that boy on the beach would be okay with me?”

  My head was foggy. I could hear him, but it was hard to focus between the pain and the fear.

  “If you breathe a word of this to your cop buddies, next time they see you, you’ll be in bits and pieces. Then I’ll dice them up, too. Do you understand me?”

  I nodded, sobbing. He took a deep breath, putting his hand on my thigh. I cringed at his touch. Then I felt my braver side come out. She was pissed and ready to fight.

  “You’re sick!” I spat out. Blood sprayed on his mask, and I instantly regretted my outburst.

  A long, dragged-out smile spread across the pale lips partially hidden by material. “Darlin’, you have no idea.” Then he grabbed onto my thigh hard, pulling himself closer.

  “No!” I shouted. I started kicking and flailing my fists at him. He pulled up my cover-up, ripping a piece off.

  It took all my strength, but I rolled my weight on my hip and kicked him in the crotch. He fell to the side, holding himself. I scrambled back away from him on my hands. He stood up faster than I expected he would. He held the piece of fabric from my cover-up to his nose, inhaling deeply.

  “Mmm…strawberries.” He seemed to shudder with pleasure as he took a step toward me.

  I put my hands up. “No, please!” I begged.

  A diesel engine roared toward us. The lights of the big rig shone on me, giving me a moment of hope. The man’s face whipped toward the truck and then back to me. He squinted as if he were weighing his options.

  “I’ll be back for you,” he hissed. Backing up, he moved swiftly to his car. Then he disappeared into the darkness.

  The trucker hopped out, whistling while his dog leaned up on the steering wheel, watching him carefully. He suddenly paused and looked at me, stunned, his mouth still shaped like an O. His face dropped, and he ran over to my side. “Are you all right, miss?”

  I looked at him, shaking. He bent down and pulled me to my feet. “Oh my God, miss, I’ll call the police!” he said, horrified.

  “No! Please, my car,” I managed to choke out.

  “You need help. You can’t drive in your condition! Who did this to you?” He was panicking, and all I wanted was to get home.

  “Please, my car. My father’s a cop,” I lied. He hesitated and then helped me sit in the driver’s seat of my car.

  “One sec.” He left to remove the pump for me. Then he picked my purse off the ground, tucking the receipt inside. “Please let me call someone for you,” he said again. “What’s your father’s phone number?”

  “Thank you.” I snatched my purse from him, pausing as I tried to force my mind to form a rational thought. “Thank you for helping me.” I started the car. He stepped back out of my way, his face still white with horror. I looked away and peeled out of the gas station.

  I could feel my body starting to go into hysterics as I turned down my driveway and stopped my car. I gripped the steering wheel and let myself go. I cried so hard I could barely breathe. My body shook uncontrollably. Everything went numb.



  I pulled up to the Motel 6, grabbing a large paper bag out of the back seat. My boots echoed off the walls as I climbed the stairs to Room 18. The air was filled with the odors of smoke and rotting trash from the bins below. Cars sped by. The local teenagers were trying to sell cocaine to anyone willing to stop. At least I wouldn’t have to go far to get my next fix. My neighbor’s door opened. A large woman squeezed into a size small, orange, stained dress grinned at me. She had jet black hair.

  “You’re home early.” She arched her back, leaning against her door. “Long day?” She put a Virginia Slim to her way-too-red lips. She inhaled deeply and then pushed the smoke out her nose like a bull about to charge.

  I studied the massive piece of human waste in front of me, thinking of the many ways I could kill her. However, the mere idea of my skin touching hers made the bile rise in my throat. I was sure it was only a matter of time before she’d be found dead in a ditch somewhere, anyway, no doubt offed by her pimp.

  I moved my blank stare off her and shoved the dirty brass key into the door, kicking it open. I heard the woman call me a name as I locked the deadbolt behind me. My fingers ran along the wall and flicked on the lamp that sat on the side table. The sound of the cockroaches disappearing into the walls was a pleasant sound for me. They were my entertainment when I got restless. I would practice torturing them, seeing how long I could make them last. It was usually a long time. Cockroaches were strong.

  Although I lived currently in a dump, I had some luxuries. My Mac was fully charged and waiting for me to upload my daily pictures of Emily from my Samsung NX300 and my Panasonic Lumix ZS30.

  I kicked off my boots and opened a can of pork and beans. I licked the old yogurt off the closest spoon and started eating right out
of the can. When I was finished, I opened a bottle of whiskey and ran the water for a bath. I couldn’t find the plug so I tore a piece of my t-shirt off and shoved it into the drain as a makeshift seal.

  The water felt good. At least it was hot tonight. I closed my eyes, tuning out the sirens and squealing tires.

  I couldn’t believe I had gotten so close to her and she had gotten away. I wanted her so badly I could taste her.

  The corners of my mouth went up at that thought. I often wondered what she tasted like, or how her skin would feel against my tongue. I imagined her tied to my bed, panting with fear as I had my way with her and then rested my cheek on her chest, listening to her wild heartbeat.

  Of course I knew she was on birth control. I’d seen her pick up her monthly prescription. I hated wearing a rubber, but I had to make sure there was no chance she could get pregnant. I didn’t believe in reproducing. I was a selfish man.

  I took two large swigs of the whiskey and knew I’d have to lay low for a couple of days and wait for the phone call that everything was all clear.

  “Adler!” I yelled. “You wanna go to the cabin?”



  I grabbed a handful of popcorn, tossing one in my mouth at a time. “After all these years, this movie is still great.”

  “Of course, it’s Die Hard.” Garrett shifted off the couch to open a window. “Who doesn’t want to be John MacLean? He’s...” His voice trailed off.

  “He’s badass,” I finished for him. Garrett moved swiftly to the door and stopped dead in his tracks.

  “What the—?” I watched as my partner disappeared outside, and I heard him run down the stairs. “Seth! Come here now!” Garrett shouted.

  I jumped to my feet, sending the popcorn flying across the room. When I got to the top of the stairs, my heart almost stopped. Emily was hunched over in the driver’s seat of her car. She looked like she was crying. Hard.

  I raced down the steps, skipping the last three, and flew to her car. Garrett was madly trying to get her door open. I put my face to the window. “Emily?” Panic chased the goose bumps that were racing across my body. “Come on, baby, look at me. Open the door!”

  She frantically shook her head.

  “Jesus, what the hell happened to her face?” Garrett yelled.

  I couldn’t think. I looked around desperately and spotted a rock. Garrett jumped back out of the way as I smashed the back driver’s side window.

  Emily started to scream. Her hands shook as she covered her ears. I reached over and unlocked her door.

  I took in her bloody hands, torn cover-up, and dirty legs. What the…I slowly bent down, trying not to frighten her. “Emily, baby, look at me.”

  I reached for her arm, but she flinched, sobbing harder. I got a little closer and put my hands over hers, squeezing them a little. Her hair was in her face, so I couldn’t see her properly, but she lowered her head and her breathing seemed to slow down. Her knees were locked together and her skin felt cold.

  “It’s okay. I’m here.” I heard her breathe out hard. Then she turned her bloody, bruised face toward me, and our eyes locked. I felt the blood drain from my body, my fingertips went numb, and my mouth went dry.

  “Garrett,” I whispered, trying to remain calm. “Get my keys.” Garrett darted up the stairs and into the house.

  Emily started panicking again. “No-no-no!” I grabbed for her flailing hands and brought them to my cheek. I pressed her hand to my face.

  “You need to be checked out, Em. You could have a concussion.” She shook her head, but I could tell it wasn’t in response to my words. She wasn’t listening. My eyes fell on her torn cover-up. “Did he…” I fought back the nausea, not sure if I wanted the answer or not. “Did he…force himself on you?”

  Her head whipped up, meeting my gaze. “N-no, I f-f-ought h-him,” she said through her sobs. I took in an unsteady breath of relief.

  Garrett came running out and jumped into my car, moving it closer to Emily. He hopped out, opening the back passenger door. “Oh God,” he whispered when he got a good look at her face.

  “Okay, baby, time to move.” I reached over, putting one hand under her legs and one behind her back. I carefully lifted her out of the driver’s seat, and tensed as she cried out. Then she went limp and leaned her head against my chest, whimpering.

  “It’s okay, baby, I’ve got you,” I whispered, placing her in the back seat and closing the door carefully. I opened the trunk, pulled out a fleece blanket, and slid in next to her. Garrett hopped in the driver’s seat and watched us carefully. I draped the blanket over her trembling body and shifted closer, bringing her into my arms. “Let’s go, Garrett.” I nodded at him in the rearview mirror.

  I couldn’t turn my thoughts off. I had so many questions, but I knew she wasn’t ready to answer any of them. She seemed so small in my arms, so fragile. How could anyone hurt her? When I found whoever had done this, I was going to personally make sure they would never walk again.

  Every bump in the road brought me back to the present. Emily’s cries pierced through me, fueling my anger. I gently kissed her forehead and whispered that everything was going to be all right.

  She started to calm down. Her sobs were quieter, but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing because I could tell she was going into shock. Her eyes were fixed on the seat in front of us, and her body was stiff as a board.

  “I’ll pull up and let you guys out. Then I’ll go park,” Garrett said, his voice strained with barely suppressed anger and fear.

  I lifted Emily out of the back seat and carried her into the ER.

  The place wasn’t overly busy, thank God. I quickly made my way to the front desk. A nurse met me there with a wheelchair. “Please, she’s been attacked,” I said, trying hard to remain calm for Em’s sake. It wasn’t working.

  “Okay, let’s get her in,” the male nurse said briskly as if attack cases came in every day. Probably they did. The nurse helped me place Emily in the wheelchair and whisked her into a private room with me close behind. When the nurse went to help Emily onto the bed, she started crying again, refusing the man’s hand and pulling away.

  “Let me,” I said. Moving the guy out of the way, I reached down, gently scooped Emily up, and placed her on the table. She had a handful of my t-shirt, and she wasn’t letting go. The nurse moved over to her side, and her grip got tighter. I looked down at him. “Nothing against you, man, but do you think that she could be examined by a female?”

  We locked eyes. The nurse nodded once and called over his radio for a female nurse. A few moments later an older lady came in wearing orange scrubs with little pumpkins all over. She flashed a kind smile. Perfect, I thought. She had a grandmotherly look to her that I liked.

  She took one look at Emily and closed the door behind her. “Hello, I’m Nurse Jean, and you must be Emily.” She slowly moved next to me, noticing Emily’s death grip on my shirt. “Can you tell me what happened to you tonight, dear?”

  Emily didn’t move other than her trembling. She still had a blank look, but she finally whispered a single word. “Okay…”

  “You were the one who found her?” Nurse Jean asked, looking up at me.

  “Yes, my partner and I found her outside her house in her car.” I ran my fingertips along Em’s back, trying to soothe her.

  “Has she said anything to you?”

  “I asked if he forced himself on her, and she said no.” I felt a flicker of pride pass through me. I had spent a day teaching her how to throw a punch and how to kick properly. I was very thankful for that now.

  “Okay.” Nurse Jean moved her hand and carefully felt Emily’s face. Emily flinched but let the nurse continue. “That’s a pretty good size goose egg, sweetheart. Do you have a headache?”

  Emily squeezed her eyes shut as more tears fell.

  “Em, please answer her,” I encouraged. “They need to know.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, but didn’t move.

“Okay, any ringing in your ears?”


  “Blurred vision?”


  Nurse Jean felt down the side of her neck, checked her eyes, her cheeks, and her shoulders. “Emily, besides your head, do you hurt anywhere else?”

  Emily lowered her free hand to her ribs and hesitantly showed the nurse where the pain was. My anger grew, and I clenched my teeth together.

  “I need you to change into a gown. We’ll take your clothes and hand them over to the police so they can look for trace evidence.” She looked at me. “I’ll need you to step out, please, sir.”

  “I’m not leaving.” I shook my head, not moving from Emily’s side.

  “Sir, I’m sorry, but we can’t have you in here, and you’re not her family, so—”

  “The hell I’m not!” I raised my voice.

  “Emily?” The nurse said, ignoring me. “Do you want him to stay?”

  “Yes,” she said, pulling me in closer.

  “Okay, fine.” She opened a cabinet and pulled out a gown, draping it over the table. “You’ll need to let go, Emily.” She nodded at her grip on my t-shirt. Emily paused a moment and then unclenched her fingers.

  The nurse carefully pulled off her cover-up and slipped it in a plastic evidence bag. I felt a punch to the gut when I saw her bruised ribs. She helped pull the gown in place, tying it firmly.

  “Okay, I’m going to undo your bikini top now.” Emily stiffened but let her do it. “You’re doing great, Emily. Now I need you to lean back.” I helped her swing her legs on the bed and eased her back. Calmly and gently, she removed Emily’s bikini bottoms as well. Emily moaned but didn’t fight her.

  The nurse smiled. “Good job. I’m going to get the doctor to come in and see you. He may want to get an X-ray or a CT scan of your head or your abdomen. I’ll be back shortly.” She looked at me. “Can I speak with you outside for a moment?”


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